I'm not a racist thats whats so insane about this

I'm not a racist thats whats so insane about this

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Other urls found in this thread:


is this funny to watch or just make you feel bad

Its bad vibes for me. I saw it live when i was like 12 and cringed through the whole thing. Though there is still an underlying hint of comedy to it. Time to go watch it again.

stop laughing it's not funny

-Chinese Seinfeld

a lot... of... uhh trash talk

12? Damn nigga I was like 20 when this shit happened I’m old as fuck thanks for reminding me jackass!

>underlying hint of comedy to it
Stop laughing, it's not funny.

It's funny seeing how worried Jerry is about losing his syndication money

if it wasn't funny why were people laughing?

check mate, seinfeld!

Honestly that comedy set was way funnier than it gets credit for. It’s provably like his funniest work since UHF. Who honestly doesn’t laugh at his zingers like “that’s what happens when ya interrupt the white man!”



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i mean they're not even people, how can you be racist against them?


When I was a kid and saw the video I literally thought he meant they’d make him stand upside down and they’d place like a eating utensil fork inside his butt cheeks lol only years later I realized he was talking about lynching lol back then I was like I don’t see what’s see bad about that leave cosmo alone!

>im not a witch thats whats so insane about this
Poor naive man

Even when i was a kid i knew what i was hearing was bad fucking news for Kramer's career, even if i didn't fully understand it yet

Still holds up



I remember listening to the problem child dvd commentary and the director said Richards wasn’t convincing enough with his hatred of clowns so the director was like just imagine clowns are black guys and that’s when they realized yep this is it guys were making movie magic right here

That's not Irish

>not a witch
>calls blacks niggers

Burn the witch.

Pls be true

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it's not funny per se but the memes that were created from it are funny

I think the one thing we can all agree on was that the apes in the crowd were chimping out and deserved to be called niggers

>all these 12 year old comments

Like a window into the past

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hes a NIGGER

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Is this possibly the most cringe inducing broadcast ever made? The audience laughing while Jerry tells them to stop on a comedy show is so insanely bad.

a challenger appears

thats more funny than cringe

are you sure you want to go down that rabbit hole

actually, no

I'm asian and I'm racist towards mexicans.


Based roof koreans



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The "stop laughing its not funny" bit is hilarious but the rest of it is too cringe for me to watch.

>i’m not racist
that is literally the worst thing he could’ve said in his defense

What else could you possibly say?


And risk a curse on your village?

That's what everyone on Yea Forums claims when they're called out for being racist.

I'm Mexican and I'm racist towards blacks

Well no surprises there.

>When I was a kid
You must be 18 to post on Yea Forums.

Honestly he would have been fine if it had happened just 5 years prior and not all niggers had cell phone cameras


Not all that fond of your kind either.


I don't give a shit its Jews sat being fucking Jews talking about how it's bad to tell the truth about niggers. Fuck them

>say very racist things
>"i'm not a racist"
/pol/ incarnate

I had sex with a sideways pussy girl and now I squint all the time

What did he say that was "racist"? It's just comedy

Coons were just jealous of his absolutely flawless flow.


Witches were real

>I thought he looked Irish
>What's his last name?
>That's not Irish

Just imagine what the neighbourhood she lives in looks like

Racism isn't a real thing bruh

Wow what a racist old cunt

I'm glad ytmnd is still around

I heard he said some pretty nasty things to some Afro-Americans

see Your idea of comedy is racism. You're probably one of those /pol/cucks who reply "kek" at the mere mention of nigger.


"You're siding with the monkey? He started it."

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I think white chicks is funny too, it's just comedy bro

Admit it he said nothing wrong

that it was a part of the act about hecklers. going on a racist rant and then saying you are not racist doesn't make you look better in the slightest

what he said was factually right. those things would happen to those negro males many years ago. i miss the part where kramer says he would partake in those activities

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>tell the truth about niggers
Tell what truth? They were just hecklers and better comedian would have know how to handle them.


He did handle them though

every racist claims he's not a racist unless anonymously

Who the fuck isn't. You're not extraordinary, Chang.

everybody is racist

nah. just cowards.



I was waiting for him to say that democrats are the real racists.

>>"i'm not a racist"
When has /pol/ ever said they are not racist? We openly hate niggers

Why would Kramer say anything about democrats?

democrats are the real racists though but unironically

Magapedes always want to show off how tolerant they are of based black guys

based retard

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I thought he was funny, black people and sandniggers should relax.


Only conservatives and alt-lites say that. I'm an unrepentant fascist.

Not well though and just getting angry over hecklers.

>jews aren’t based
>he does this


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Those are both me and both of those are correct

It was only funny because he reacted so mad over hecklers.

I am unironically a pro-choice Dem voting racist

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why are stormfags so cringeworthy?

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/pol/ owns this board get used to it you smelly tranny nigger

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>stop laughing, it's not funny
yes it is Jerry

registering democrat tomorrow

hey man, i'm not a pearl-clutching /pol/tard who cries about "dey killen babees!"

take it up with your people

Retard we support killing nigger babies

*tink* *tink* *tink*

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>/pol/ owns this board
That is what /pol/ wants to believe but i see tons of people here liking old school rap and some black actors.

Because you're a cuck. All boards belong to /pol/ sweaty.

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there was a stickied thread celebrating alabama banning abortion

No, fuck you and FUCK NIGGERS

Richards was a crypto-goy, that's why they ended his career
If Jerry said the same things, it would not have made the news

>Career ruined because he said some racial slur
Not saying he should be rewarded, but that's just as insane

Uh, pretty sure President Trump would not appreciate this antisemitic symbol of hate.

Yeah white baby killing is bad but it makes up for it in black baby deaths. I'm 50/50 on abortion

He might be a kike puppet but he's the best option 3bh

Why do afro-americans get offended by such things?

Keep believing all you want but it is the truth. You can spam nigger hate threads all you want but it wont stop us using "nigga" or liking Wesley Snipes.

how large is the black population in alabama? Because it's about to get larger

Low intelligence meaning anything can make them go ballistic.

I don't know, african blacks are much more chill.

Whatever you say tourist, just know /pol/ owns this place and we hate niggers here

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oh no would they perhaps have to address the massive elephant in the room that niggers are subhumans who breed like rabbits and don't belong in western nations?

Yeah i don't know why Alabama of all states did that.

those are just some of /thegoodones/

Let us only hope that the niggers go for back alley abortions like the democrats always tell us are real. Republicans are the only non-racist party and refuse to kill nigger babies. Democrats are right about abortion.

they absolutely are not. Come work in africa, then say that.

If someone here is tourist it is you.

To be fair Westley snipes is a credit to his people and knows his place. Entertaining the white man by shucking and jiving on screen.

All oldfags are unironically racist, tranny tourist

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Well all the ones here in finland outside of somalis are pretty chill.

They actually are, thata the problem with them

Look, I'm not saying he's a racist but -HE'S A NIGGER, HE'S A NIGGER, HE'S A NIGGER, A NIGGER, LOOK THERE'S A NIGGER

So you are one of those newfags who think that just because in past Yea Forums has made jokes about blacks and other races it means Yea Forums hates those races even though old school rap has been popular here forever.

The ones in Italy, specifically the ones who hang out all night in front of the Porta Nuova Metro Station in Turin are not.

But that picture is the definition of ironically racist, you nigger.

user, you are on Yea Forums so you are subhuman as well.

>W-we were merely pretending
Congratulations you've outed yourself as tourists fucking leftist nigger tranny fags



Go away, tranny.

Dialate. This is /pol/s board.

Your butthole is /pol/'s board.

No YOU outed yourself as newfag for thinking Yea Forums actually hates blacks just because people use here nigger and makes jokes about them.

>r*ddit humour

black people's idea of comedy is racism, nothing else, ever

>this hasn't been scrubbed by the SJW youtube still

My mind is blown

Fuck you nigger tourist. We hate shitskins here. newfag.

>mentally ill discord trannies can't into gaslighting
>can't even organize their thoughts leading to contradiction
>derail each other constantly
its honestly comical watching you little bugchasers attempt anything

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This. Trannies are known to be confused, as a general thing.

you mean the russian spambots doing their best to turn every board into shitty propaganda central?

Do you actually get mad at when they make jokes about whites?


Mы вмeшивaeмcя в вaши выбopы. Бepни HИКOГДA нe пoбeдит.

Again with that word. YOU may hate blacks but i don't nor do a lot other people expect maybe hoodrats which makes sense.

No, it's WE. Only newfags are nigger lovers trying to change board culture into accepting shitskins as humans. Wont fall for your ruse you pathetic tranny. FUCK NIGGERS.

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What would i be attempting? I just said the truth.

ты тpaнcceкcyaл нeгp

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>No, it's WE
Well you can believe all you want.
>board culture
You don't even know what that means.

so whats richards up to these days

This is /pol/s board and you're just living in it. Tourist.

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A bit of both. It was cathartic to see him wig out like that, but I still think he's essentially a good man so I felt bad to see him grovel

>that pic
That is same level as some people were getting rage faces as tattoos back in 2011.

the spooky racists are never going away and no amount of /pol/ spam, strawmans, or gaslighting is going to help. You don't belong here bugman and its obvious.

It was a drunk Finnish poster from /int/ with a tattoo gun taking requests

Laugh all you want, user.

Thanks, i will

This. It's not even practical. As long as Canada and Australia are not range banned there will always be racists here fucking with the trannies.

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Dems are the real racists

When you were a kid? user you make me feel old

>yeah we used to hate gays and blacks but it was ironic
how to spot a newfag

>the spooky racists are never going away
I accept that years ago, stupid.
> bugman
But i am not asian.

imagine being this gullible

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That makes sense.

russians are legitimately vile


>we used to hate gays and blacks
Again making jokes and image macros about them doesn't mean Yea Forums hated them.

ery whpipo be racis

Ok but not Richard Pryor, Chris Rock, Patrice, Eddy Murphy, Dave Chappell....

"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."

"Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."

but you forgot this one
"A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."

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Yea Forums has been and still is largely liberal dude. Sorry you took it seriously. You shouldn't get your worldview and identity from a trolling website.

user it's not a witch hunt when the witch is on video casting spells on people while confessing to having very witch like impulses only to deny being a witch once u find out ur gonna be hanged. That's not a witch hunt. That's a witch trying to avoid a hanging.

Who are you trying to convince you retarded leftist nigger?

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That was just pathetic. Most people don't follow politics enough to have serious opinions on it and that moment just revealed how even the audience of a political commentator just laugh at things they feel they're supposed to be.

>I came out of the womb memeing

Who are YOU trying to convince? Just because person makes race jokes it doesn't mean they hate that race. In your logic Eddie Murphy hates whites because he made few jokes in his stand up.

They were never jokes. We hate pooskins, jews and trannies here boi.

No, Fuckyou niggerfaggot.

It wasn't for me. It was a spectacle for my friend who was a huge fan. I always saw through the cult of personality shit NBC stars tried to create and never thought highly of the actors.

Well (((they))) change what they wanna be called every few years. He picked one and stuck with it.

>saying nigger in any context makes you racist
What a sillygoose you are

I love how u clowns all meet him at his attempt to publicly apologize and ignore the part where it wasn't really a bit and he admitted to it on stage. How easily suggestable you are.

>They were never jokes
Well i let you believe that.

>meet him at his attempt to apologize
Nobody here is that stupid, except you, taking one event to characterize the whole

>it wasnt really a bit
He was trying to offend them

But what about jannies?

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The best part is he never even apologized and instead begged the audience to 'not ruin his career over it'.


black fragility

Do you actually believe that whole thing was a bit?

>ok he's racist but he's not cuz ur generalizing and that's wrong!

>nobody here is that stupid

I dunno man u sound pretty dumb.

I literally just said what i thought it was

>ok hes racist

You schizophrenic trannies need to take your meds

i'm racist towards white people with white guilt trying to solve everybody's problems by making them worse

>claim nobody is dumb enough to accept him at his apology
>also claim you believe hin

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume english is ur second language because ur incoherent as fuck.

user, it was clearly not a bit and was him getting frustrated by those two hecklers but i don't believe he is racist. He just said all those things because he was angry and he would have said same racist stuff if the hecklers were asians.

Rent free, also not /pol/ at all.

>inb4 a tweet about how much she loves hanukkah

I didnt claim i "believed him" i deny that hes a racist based solely on a tirade purposefully trying to offend

Hes probably just as much of a leftist faggot as you are

>it was clearly not a bit
No shit retard, i dont know why you keep bringing that up. You think when comedians insult hecklers its typically part of a bit?

>because he was angry
>would have said the same racist stuff
Yea, by going to the easiest guaranteed thing somebody would take offense to.

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You litetally just admitted in ur post u believe him. It's funny ur so into ur false dichotomies u can't admit u believe a "leftist faggot"

based gook

Was he really a nigger, Yea Forums? Who was in the wrong here?

Listening to old Stern shows, this was known at the time and he was mocked for it. In addition, Richards is a crazy person as per Sam Simon

>You think when comedians insult hecklers its typically part of a bit?

Yeah actually it is. They generally have ahit tons of material specifically for hecklers.

Imagine being so stupid you think a denial of an accusation is equivalent to "believing" somebody

I spelled it out so the dumbest people that manage to use this board could understand it but you exceeded even that

No his best was I will kill you I have a gun I'll do the time on the set of his sitcom after Seinfeld

>yeah it actually is
You are such a disingenuous faggot. That is beside the point

>nothing but ad hom and now blog posting


>all white americans
>not all americans
>not all people
fucking dumb cunt
t. Afghan

Yeah everything is beside the point with u because u have none.


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>You're probably one of those /pol/cucks who reply "kek" at the mere mention of nigger.
this is incredibly based and redpilled. Everyone who disagrees is cringe and bluepilled. Yes, I'm not being serious you fucking idiot I'm mocking those who say shit like "based" but still go on Yea Forums. If you wanted a measure of how many people like a post, go to reddit and upvote some posts you agree with.

yeah, blacks stay with blacks, asians with asians etc. there is no need to intermix, we'd loose all our special traits and our children won't look like us. the seed get's dirtied.

>nothing but ad hom
>you literally think i literally take into account his apology at all when denying that his rant makes him a de facto racist
You really deserve nothing but ad homs, ive been generous

Nope, shitskins are among you and you're replying "based" to their posts

>I swear I'm arguing really smart like me city man!
>ok I admit it im not

I bet you think you are in control lmao

My point was that its not a bit but its not automatically some genuine from the heart characterization of his beliefs

You just keep dancing around this and play semantics to be as big of a faggot as you can muster

you're fucking delusional and possibly mentally ill

No but it doesn't matter. Just because blacks are more fragile doesn't mean they get protected status.


>blacks are more fragile

Yeah prettt sure those suicide rates suggest otherwise

I knew it.

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>we'd loose all our special traits
By being friends with black guy?

>Just because blacks are more fragile
Some of them are but i know tons of who can laugh at black jokes and it is not like black comedians don't make fun of blacks too.

Its not blacks who are fragile so much as leftist faggots like the ones in this thread that get offended on their behalf

back to /pol/


Trannies go back


This is such overused word.

She deserves to be raped and killed by a pack of niggers

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Yes I agree as well. It's about time we all admitted to our racism and started being more open about it.

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