What's the most insane complaint you've seen about a Yea Forums product?

What's the most insane complaint you've seen about a Yea Forums product?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Stop caring about what mentally ill people don't like.
It's like if they went into a park and yelled "I don't like thing" at people, that's what social media is today.

>A thread about insane Yea Forums complaints
>"Why do you care so much about what mentally ill people are saying"

Reading is hard, isn't it, user.

That's not insane. Not sure if you're implying that with your pic at least, sorry if I just accused you if that wasn't your intention. I know exactly what they are going through with that. Just wanting to exist and be myself but constantly getting attacked for it. Being trans in 2019 America is a death sentence and it hurts me that I didn't choose to be this, I just am it but get punished for that anyway.

just end it, user

Is that bigot saying that Nurse Bazooka isn't a real woman?

If you're identity is mortally challenged by some throwaway character in a kids show from 25 years ago one should rather try and reflect on himself

That's a very good description Very weak bait

Help make that 40% into a 41.



Making a joke out of people suffering. Very mature.

Why are trannies so obsessed with cartoons?

Bunch of boring busybodies you are.

So you're admitting transitioning is suffering?

Nope. It's only suffering because you attack us for it.


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People who transition and don't grow up in an environment where they're accepted still have a good chance of killing themselves considering what they suffer from is also closely linked to depression.

Conning people who suffer from a real mental problem into horrible and expensive surgery is cruel. Just because it works for some people does not mean it should be the go-to solution for most like the way it's been presented.

>hiding behind all those words to try and make it seem like you're not an obvious transphobe


I'm sure someone who is terrified of conversation would consider a dialect as "someone hiding behind words".

Wait, are there really men who think they're women? I live in the Midwest so I don't see this weird crap up here.

twitter is genuinely one of the worst sites to ever exists, I don't know how anyone can actually put up with non stop awful opinions from the left and right, social media was a fucking mistake and should be scrubbed from the internet

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>more like is Isbest amirite?

Wait till they hear about Cow and Chickens Carpet Muncher biker gang

Social media wasn't that bad until people adding mechanics like reblogging and retweeting which basically meant you could share shit on popular people's pages and have it spread en masse.

Even though things like LiveJournal were still cancer, at least all you had to do was not follow a blog you hated and it'd be fine. Reblogs and retweets shove shit in your face.

today I will remind them

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Myspace and facebook were fine. Even Vampirefreaks in 2007-2010 was bareable. It's just Twitter that fucking sucks


There is no conversation. I'm a woman so I'm becoming one. That's the end of it. I don't know why it makes y'all so angry when I don't do anything bad.

you are not a woman. You are a mentally ill freak whose cause only detracts from the issues real women face.

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It makes us angry because we don't give a shit. Get your surgery and shut up about it. This isn't your blog, no one cares about what you're doing in your personal life.

Right there you just outted yourself as a transphobe. You pretend to have empathy but then call me a freak. It's so dishonest.

Some people look goofy, can't stop them from making goofy cartoon characters that look like them. What about all the fat slobs that look like Bubble Bass?

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I didn't watch the episode but how is that transphobic? shouldn't trannies be ok with a character not being traditionally female as long as he considers himself one?

I don't have empathy for you, and I do not fear you, you just disgust me.

>My childhood is ruined because there's a tranny in my cartoon, this is offensive

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If you're a woman already, what do you mean by becoming one? I've got no problem with transgender people living however makes them happy, but the definition of woman people are using now is confusing to me.


No one pretends to have empathy. And go back to sneedposting fuck nut there's no tranny faggots on /tv


It means he can't just be a normal faggot and wants to be a sideshow act.

Good point, hadn't thought about that.


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nothing to see here, goyim, this is totally organic

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Wow. Just wow. What did I ever do to you? I'm literally just minding my own business in every facet of my life, I just want my body to be what I am on the inside. This doesn't threaten you in any way at all.
You already know what I meant by that stop acting like you don't know.
You added nothing to this.

my dad has written dozens of letters to warner bros because he is angry that Dick never won any races. he seems legit pissed about it because Dick had the fastest car and such, and therefore SHOULD have won. My dad can't seem to grasp that this is a fiction and therefore, meant to entertain. His main 3 complaints are

>His (my dad) is also called Dick, and hates the show making him get bullied as a kid (he had chest hair from a young age so the other kids would pull it and say 'DICK SQUASHED MUTLEY' and other things)
>He's angry that the cavemen know how to drive because it isn't realistic, this is something he mentions in every letter
>angry we never see Penelope showing after a race

he's only been doing this since the brain cancer though

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shut up freak. end your miserable little freak life

Oh no, a single giant corporation didn't crawl at my feet, my existence is ruined

Why are you so hateful?

Do they just not know what a chromosome is or something how is this even real

It's obviously bait. You acting so angry over it is just sad. Unironically have sex.

Why is it always the old and ugly roasties that mostly bitch about these stuffs?


It's usually ugly roasties that bitch about anything

>Wacky Races
Real nigga shit

You're even worse than them for thinking my life is bait of any kind. You have nothing to add to the discussion so you need to pretend it's not real in order to justify why you have nothing to contribute.


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I hear xa, being a pedosexual is exactly the same, shunned, opressed, marginalised for just trying too exist.

I push my dildo into my wound...
It's the only thing that slowly stops the heal
but it's made of all the dick I had to take
Jesus, it never ends, it stretch it's way inside
If the pain goes on

I have screeched until my vagoo elapsed
I had waited as my mind collapsed
Now all I do is live with so much denial
I've screeched at this, I've bitched at that
I've left behind this little fact
You cannot change the genes from wich you came
I've gotta say what I've gotta say
And then I swear I'll go away
But I can't promise you'll enjoy the facts
I guess I'll save the best for last
My future seems like not to last
You fooled me cause you've got jews to please

I push my dildo into my wound
It's the only thing that slowly stops the heal
If the pain goes on
I'm not gonna make it

Put my dick together
Or sew together scrotum and balls
Trow away all the pieces, then you can leave me alone
Tell me that delusion, is better than the real
But I found out the hard way
I am just what I seem

I push my dildo into my wound...
It's the only thing that slowly stops the heal
but it's made of all the dick I had to take
Jesus, it never ends, it stretch it's way inside
If the pain goes on
I'm not gonna make it

Where i go... Where I go is suicide
Where i go... Where I go is suicide
Where i go... Where I go is suicide
Where i go... Where I go is suicide

I push my dildo into my wound...
It's the only thing that slowly stops the heal
but it's made of all the dick I had to take
Jesus, it never ends, it stretch it's way inside
If the pain goes on
I'm not gonna make it

I just saw there is a non vocal version of this. Think I'm gonna sing a little.

It's ok, you can stop now.

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>I just want my body to be what I am on the inside.
you mean you just want your dick to be on the inside right dumbass?

Shut the fuck up

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hollow out your dick loser, have fun with your fake vagina and fake life lol

all humor derives from misfortune in one way or another

>whiteknights for trannies online
>not coping
oh no no no no

they're the ones whose kids you brainwash, freak sack of shit.

rent free

Excuse me sir, but I think you should seppuku yourself already.

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fuck trannies
the real question is if squidward is gay


based autistic dad

Imagine if you were still you, exactly the way you are right now but were in the body of a woman instead? I didn't choose to be in the wrong body. I'm correcting the mistake. It's not my fault. You're just angry.

Squidward is a blackpilled mentalcel.

I only said that because roasties were the ones that influenced motorsports to ban grid girls.


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>Imagine if you were still you, exactly the way you are right now but were in the body of a woman instead?
That'd be cool, I think I'd make an alright woman, had I been born one. You gotta take the lemons life gives you, and not cut your dick off.

>Imagine if you were still you, exactly the way you are right now but were in the body of a woman instead
I'd love that honestly.

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Do you watch porn?

>imagine you're retarded and mentally ill

You're lying. You would hate it because it's not you.
See above.

I don't understand. It seems fun being a girl.

>You're lying
Compelling argument dude.

Yes. Everyone does.
The point of my post is that I'm not, and you wouldn't be either in that scenario. It's not my fault for ending up this way so I'm fixing it.

If I was born a woman, I'd be a fucking woman. I'd still hate you fucking freaks. Also stay the fuck out of my hypothetical bathrooms you sick fuck.

>The point of my post is that I'm not
no you're definitely mentally ill

Your dad is right, since Dick can always get past everyone to set traps, it is only logical that he could win some races eventually.

I would masturbate first, take money from betas second, and don't go around asking people to call me what I want then to.

And no, there's no such shit as "female or male soul", as souls itself are not but an anti scientific concept. Either you are normal, or you are fucking mentally ill.

What about it seems fun to you? I'm not even judging you for thinking this way I just have trouble imagining you'd be fine being exactly like you are now but in the wrong body.

What straight dude wouldn't love to lezz out, and do it easily too?

>fixing it
Chromosomes too? Where's the womb and ovaries coming from? Shit man you must have some sci-fi tech available to you in order to rewrite all your DNA, share that shit my dude.

Based. This user speaks the truth.

Interesting how all the people who are against me for transitioning are the ones that instantly jump straight to sexual things if the opportunity presented itself. The reason why you fear and hate me is because you're projecting your sexual desires onto me.

I just don't see any problem with having boobs or a vagina. The type of work I do doesn't require tons of physical effort, not much would change to make my life more difficult. It would be a fun change of pace.


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>projecting your sexual desires onto me.
It's so juicy and delicious I must bite it

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But you're still a man. You wouldn't be you.

While you're not wrong, the old roasties are actually correct in this situation.

Betas treating you nicely and stuff, and people caring about your feelings instead of telling you to man up. No wonder most women act like spoiled kids, I would be as well if I was treated like that.

The only downsides are menstruation, pregnancy, and cramps, but it is not like you will experience that shit as well, since you will never be a woman.

What's your sexual orientation?
What are your porn watching habits? Frenquency? Categories?
How has your love and sex life been before transitioning?



So are you dude

I'm a man because my body is male, nothing more than that. If my body were female, I'd be a woman.

If you have the body of a female, with the chromosomes of a female, you are a female. Acting more manly is just a personality trait.

Cute outfits, getting to hang out with girls as friends without them thinking you want in their pants, people pampering you, etc

>I'm a man because my body is male, nothing more than that. If my body were female, I'd be a woman.

what about telling you to stay out of the wrong bathrooms is sexual? leave it to a mentally ill freak to turn pissing and shitting into something sexual.

>you're projecting your sexual desires onto me
Nobody is projecting nothing sexual onto you, degenerate.

Also, you are not a men who turned into a woman, you are a disgusting faggot freak larping as a woman. Learn the difference.

First off, I'm pretty sure someone calling you a freak is not pretending to have empathy for you.

Second, the point is still valid. You suffer from mental illness, and just REEEE-ing back with "TRANSPHOBE!" doesn't change anything.

"Gender swapping" exists only in the imagination of the person acting it out. Sex reassignment surgery is simply extreme self-mutilation. It doesn't actually change your genetic makeup. If you were born male, having your dick sliced into a fake vagina doesn't make you a female.

Every psychologist and plastic surgeon selling this idea to patients should be ashamed. Pushing people toward this highly-expensive farce is the equivalent of telling a person with schizophrenia that they should do whatever the voices in their head tell them to do to silence the voices.

Telling mentally ill people that mutilating themselves will not cure their mental illness is actual empathy.

>oh man if I was a woman I'd instantly have so much sex
>oh this guy wants to transition he must be exactly like me and want sex
>I'm too afraid to do it myself so I'm going to attack him for it
You're a joke. All of you that are like this.
I am a woman.
That's too personal to tell if you're just going to make fun of me.

How do you figure, sportsfan?

>sample size is a couple dozen people

>Imagine if you were still you, exactly the way you are right now but were in the body of a woman instead
i would be the dykiest of dykes, it would be great

Also where are the anons from /jazz/ threads when we need them? please educate this individual on the horrors of the teratoma child

Because I'm a woman. End of the story.

What's a woman?

I actually feel bad for this dude. The tranny agenda will brainwash and kill a lot of mentally unstable people before society realizes the experiment has failed.

Another anti trans person who is a disgusting sexual deviant. How shocking.

Wow, that's transphobic, nowhere is it stated transsexuals can't have muscles and a beard.

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>That's too personal to tell if you're just going to make fun of me
I won't make fun of you. I just want to analyze a little bit.
I never get the chance to speak to trans people.

what is dilation

Read the thread retard.
See above.

>I'm too afraid to do it myself
Why do you think dumb what ifs mean anything? Sometimes I think what it would be like as a bird, doesn't mean I'm going to travel to Taiwan to have a doctor graft wings from my thigh skin and glue a beak on my lips.


Dude, you're the only person talking about sex.
How do you figure? Your genes say otherwise, your penis says otherwise, everything says otherwise. Besides, if you were already a woman then what would there be to "correct"?
Just be comfortable being who you are, a man. If you like some feminine shit that's cool, if you're attracted to other guys fine go do that then, but mutilation and hormonal disruption?
That's sick.

No you are not a woman, you are a deluded homosexual who believes himself to be a woman. You are as much as a woman as the hobo I know is a rich banker.

Right, actually. Learn something, faggot: Everytime we say "man", or "woman", we are talking about sex, not gender. Gender is an useless concept. You are and forever will be a man, from the moment you were formed in your mother's womb to the moment your bones are still not pure dust. Anything beyond that is delusion.

>thinks lesbians are sexual deviants
misogynists in charge of solidarity everyone

Lmao holy fuck thanks user I lost my shit

After mutilating their genitals, they have to keep stabbing the open wound with various sized dildos to keep it from healing over.

>Lesbians are disgusting sexual deviants
Jesus man, reign in that homophobia already.

factually inaccurate. what you are is mentally ill

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Lesbians aren't that. What I'm saying is that for you the second you're in another body you jump right into wanting to have sex. It tells a lot about you.

You are actually a guy, and no amount of lying to yourself will change that fact.

Looks like a wizard from some distant land

Might as well try the new parts out, right?

i never said anything about sex per se, i just said i would be the dykiest of dykes
>it tells a lot about you
thanks jung

Are you trying to say you're not going to take your new gaping wound out for a test-drive?
I mean, otherwise what are you gonna do with it, other than forcibly keep it from healing as nature intends?

Straight, a couple hours every day. Amateur couples and solo stuff.

The fake vagina is nothing more than an open wound crafted together to resemble a vagina, if you don't stretch it constantly, it will attempt to heal and close. Dilation is the process of inserting a dildo inside it daily to stop it from closing.

Got some nice webms and pics, but can't post then in an SFW oard. Ask on Yea Forums, /pol/, or /gif/. It's disgusting as fuck.

No. I want a long term relationship based on love and trust. I don't see putting my body back to the way it should be as a joke.

>Amateur couples
My man, so-called "pro" porn is revolting.

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this. though trannies are a little annoying with how loud they are about everything.

Not judging there, but a couple hours every day seems like a lot to me. I don't know the average.

sample size = 20

>fearing the ban hammer
post it already man, jazz threads got away with it all the time

if a cartoon causes your self worth to plummet you probably didn't think highly of yourself to begin with trannies. that's no ones fault but your own. take the leadpill

wow, you're gayer than the OP's twitter pic. dilate

I think it's a lot too. I don't have anything else to do and it's a good escape for me. I don't have an active social life, hence why I stay in anonymous places like here.

>No. I want a long term relationship based on love and trust.
Those often include sex my man.

Stop pretending to be a woman you faggot... nobody is buying the act

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I promise I won't make fun of you, it would just be interesting to see if your porn preferences prior to transitioning had any role in that.

>he doesnt know
the lesbian couples one had over a 1000 and was basically the same shit

Well whaddya know, this deleterious condition is heritable. Shouldn't we consider it child abuse to bring up children in a way we know will substantially increase their likelihood of disease, mental illness, and suicide?

>That's too personal to tell if you're just going to make fun of me.
Oh I'll make fun of you, alright

agreed, i also hate how twitterfags actually effect real life

Yeah so unrealistic...

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>masturbate hours a day
>mentally ill faggot
I hope you get into the 40% as soon as possible.

girl here. I fucking hate trannies, they're creepy cross dressing homos and nobody ever views them as real women.

I have not posted in this thread before. Good luck and have a happy life but I very much believe you have been duped.

I don't think porn is evil or anything, but you'd probably feel happier if you did something else with those 2 hours each day. 2 hours a day is enough to exercise, develop a skill, learn a language, etc. I'm thinking about this for myself as well, I need to get better at using my time.

Of course it includes sex. But it's sex with love and for the purpose of bringing eachother even closer. Those other guys see being trans as instantly fucking everyone they can.

Are you attracted to men exclusively?

After all, shitposting here is a huge timesink too

I'm not even trying to mock him, I'm just sad a man can get so low that he seriously starts to believe he's not a man anymore.

i luv u bby post pusy nd bob cum 2 india

not him, but i don't care if you call me a transphobe, you're not a woman, you're mentally ill. it's not on us to make you feel better about that. no one cares what you do to your body, don't tell us we have to like it/you though. shut the fuck up and go back to tumblr if you don't like it.

My grandparents turned A Quiet Place off after 15 minutes because "there wasn't enough talking."
They didn't rent the movie, either, they full-ass bought the movie on digital

No, you read the thread freak, clearly you're not accepted nor welcomed on this board. Much like everywhere else

Why do you have against crossdressing homos?

You think you can actually be a real woman... your taking on biology in a battle you cant win, your situation is funny

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I will admit, I don't want to because the people here will make fun of me even more but the actual logistics of transitioning scare me so much. I know I'm female though so I have to, right?
I don't have any interests really. I should look for something else.
Yeah. I'm only into girls if she's with a guy as well. I like watching couples that actually feel something for eachother.

This thought experiment really goes to show that gender dysphoria is a mental illness. Normal people would accept the body they are in.

Do you laugh at transmen too, or is there situation less funny to you because adding testosterone and its effects is easier than taking it away?

Imagine going into a women's convention and the place being filled with faggots rocking a long hair. If I were a woman, I would be pissed.

Based and redpilled.

Enjoy it, the only times I call women based in Yea Forums, is when they hate trannies.

Dude, the question was "will you try out your new parts", not "will you let a football team run a train through it before leaving the hospital".
This question was in response to you pretending that guys curious about sex in your hypothetical scenario of them being suddenly women was in any way strange.
You sad, dumb little man.

>you look nothing like a real woman
>that surgery vagina is disgusting
These are not attacks, its just an objective opinion..

I'm honestly curious. What do you mean when you say "I'm female?" What does female mean to you?

your dad sounds based as fuck

How's your relationship with your family?

tits or gtfo

And I forever will.

Commit suicide, you fucking aberration. You freaks disgust me and shouldn't walk in public.

Nope. If you're just going to insult me I won't respond to you anymore.
Being feminine. It comes naturally.
I'm not close to anyone. It isn't specificity my parents just everyone in my life. I'm very distant and a shut in and hide away from a lot of things.

Nice trips, but you've got some issues user. You sound like a psycho right now.



But there are feminine men too. Are feminine men less than 100% men in your eyes?

>but the actual logistics of transitioning scare me so much
Yeah, it should. It's self-mutilation. You can't ever get it back once it's gone, though there's every chance you'll break from your delusion before harming your body permanently with the proper help and counseling.

You gotta love yourself man, testicles and all. Find your roots as a man and embrace it instead of trying to pretend "transitioning" is anything other than a barbaric mutilation.

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mentalcel is a new one, care to explain?

This fucker actually believes women WANT to be men

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searched it for you, quick rundown
"A mentalcel is someone whose inceldom can be attributed to some psychological reason."

quad erat demonstrandum

I agree, like the practical stuff would suck and take time adapting (getting preggers, periods etc.) but otherwise I wouldn't mutilate my body or force people to call me different names.

>There is no conversation. I'm a woman so I'm becoming one. That's the end of it.
Then you should see my side: There is no conversation, i will never see you as a woman, dressing up like one is not becoming one, Thats the end of it

There's a big difference between a feminine man and a woman.

Fuck the women who got rid of grid girls, feminists are the biggest hypocrites and it bothers me so much

Yeah I was about to ask this
Folks here only care about transwomen, I've absolutely never seen anyone cause any shit over a transman
maybe it's because folks here have narrow worldviews

A few do

You had no logical 'out' from the statement I made and gave up. Lazy prick.

You better be honest with those men your trans or else you're committing rape

What is that difference? Is it the degree of femininity, or something else?

looky there. A delusional faggot being delusional

One is a man and one is a woman. Idk how else to explain that?

>he wasn't around for the FtM surgeries spam
newniggers pls go

I bet you around 25% of the people who post on here are mentally ill. And Im lowballing it.



>it's white genocide because it stars black people
the lack of self-awareness on this board is something

Phobe implys fear of something, i have no fear of Transexuals, i simply disagree with the statement that you are women..

Based ignorant user
>I learned things in school but I never thought about them beyond that. I'm so fucking smart

>202 replies

You disagree because you're afraid. It's easy to see that.
How would you explain it?

The morphology is the difference obviously.

The new, progressive definition of man and woman is nebulous, so that's understandable. I really prefer we just use biological sex for the definition, it simplifies things and doesn't imply men are less than 100% male if they aren't masculine enough.

if an adult wants to cut off their weiner thats fine

my issue is when kids are told they should hack off their tits because liking sports proves they are a boy.
my issue is when bogus science (like sex not existing) is pushed through schools
my issue is when people say 'lol you are a woman if you say you are'

these are the only conditions where trannies should be murdered

What would be the first thing you'd do if you woke up as a girl, anonymous?
I'd finger myself and weigh it up next to wanking

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>I think the sun is green
>"Uhhh I don't think so"
>you're just a green-sunphobe, it's clear you're afraid

That's the sensible way of defining it in my mind, but I want to understand how they would define man vs woman.

Thank god I'm not a tranny

Elementary school tier reply.

I dont want your hair gorilla looking Trannys in my bathrooms, im a real women, you freaks look nothing like us and you smell bad.. douche your crotch wound

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Same, always been curious as to the difference in sensory input between the genders' genitalia, or what it felt like on the other side to be more accurate.

You look at us like cartoon villains. I don't think anything you just said actually happens?

How many sexual partners have you had?

How can we agree that you're a woman if we can't agree on what a woman is?

Should be easy to refute then.


Yknow, you can call a pig a dog but at the end of the day its still a pig

>I'd finger myself and weigh it up next to wanking
That and I'll see whether there's any physiological differences in strength between the sexes. I'll start by repping 90% of my 1RM of my S/B/D and see whether I still could perform them with my new body.
>90% because I want to be safe
>will be using RPE to test them too

No i disagree because its very easy to tell a real woman from a dude cosplaying as one, if i can tell them apart, they are not thr same thing...

Why would you care about the opinion of others.(because those are the attacks right). Their opinion is of inferior worth to your own.

A woman is a person BORN with a vagina. Working vagina or not. Case closed, happy to help

Doug's dog is named Porkchop

Thank you Autisticus!

>Conning people who suffer from a real mental problem into horrible and expensive surgery is cruel. Just because it works for some people does not mean it should be the go-to solution for most like the way it's been presented.
I wish progressives would realize much of the transgender movement is just a giant right wing conspiracy by huge corporations to con people into expensive medical procedures.

You're welcome.

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i would find a big dicked blue eyed chad to bleach me

based, but you know the rules


>Image is implying the baby would come out of the butt




You wouldn't be able to tell with me and I haven't even done any surgery. It's like it was meant to be already.
That's not true.

>Being trans in 2019 America is a death sentence
well hurry up about it then

Why? Do you reject sex?

>this deleterious condition is heritable.
I doubt it. More likely than not they are brainwashing and preassuring the child into this crap. I don't undrstand why it's illegal to sell alcohol and cigarets to a minor, illegal to have sex with a minor, illegal to sell crtain forms of entertainment to a minor but it's totally a-ok to pump it with hormones and inflict irrevercible bodily harm on him

The big enchilada is that the transgender movement is motivated by people wanting to push and experiment with body modification.

>Do you laugh at transmen too
Yes... we do, never seen a Chaz Bono tread before?

Wow. Physical AND mental disability. Bless 'Merica.

Yeah I have, but they rile people up less in general

Already sorta answered it itt. I'm a shut in and not experienced socially. It's why I like this place.

You're a woman so your first step should be to get off this right wing shitshow of a website and transition. Find an informed consent clinic or buy the meds off the internet if you have to. Everyone here will just dogpile you and try to convince you to either kill yourself or repress but they're just transphobic shitheads who give zero shots about you and your well being.

I transitioned nearly a decade ago and I'm a lot better off for it. Have a gf now and will be getting married soon. I've been through a lot of shit but not once did I ever regret transitioning. Just do it and stop looking for answers with these clowns.

I'm not impressing you or anyone when I point out that you are deeply unhappy. I'm sure you'd say so yourself.
So have courage and entertain a possibility for a minute. Maybe your body deserves love and not hate. Maybe it's not your body that's wrong, but something that needs to be identified elsewhere.
Don't rush into rash decisions that can't be taken back. Many people regret hormone therapy and many people regret surgery. Your fear is telling you something very rational.

Based and nazi pilled

Attached: gaydolf6.jpg (773x721, 150K)

Hahaha the drawn avatar.

Also isn't it weird that a child can't vote, can't give concent but apparently is more than capable to decide that he wants to chop his dick off. Why is no one asking these questions?

>You wouldn't be able to tell with me
It's funny you think this, but sad you've never been able to grow a beard. Your dad should have played with you more, maybe you would have become comfortable in your own skin instead of....this.

ITT tranny enablers

Stop giving undeserved attention to people with gender dysphoria. You are legitimizing, in their head, the delusion. Transsexualism is an escape mechanism from their self-hatred. Those people are extremely uncomfortable in their own head and as a result, partly subconsciously, they seek to annihilate their existence by replacing it by a polar opposite version. It is an extremely vicious rabbit hole.
They think the attention they receive validates their change when in reality, does nothing but put them further down their escapist fantasy. Transexuals need serious professional help. They need to understand that the "choices" they have made, will not fix the relationship with their sense of self. They have deeply rooted issues that need to be addressed outside of their delusions to build back their compass of reality.

>physiological differences
You think you should test your intelligence too while you're at it?

I don't have any problem with them transitioning if it'll make them happy. I'm just trying to understand what people mean when they say they're really a woman. Regardless of how you define it, if transitioning helps you go for it.

I'd try parallel parking

>Just ignore them. Yes, these people are changing Western Civilisation, but just ignore it and they'll stop :)

Unless you're a hermaphrodite you're not trans. They're actually people borning with both male and female sex reproduction organs and people like you are making it harder for them to be accepted into society because the average person just assumes they're just some mentally ill faggot, in short get help.

>Maybe it's not your body that's wrong, but something that needs to be identified elsewhere.
The mind is a complex thing, and problems with it are far harder to identify at a glance, though injuries to it are just as real as physical injuries.

Attached: this.jpg (340x480, 88K)

>You wouldn't be able to tell with me and I haven't even done any surgery. It's like it was meant to be already.
Do trannys really belive this bullshit they tell themself? Dude we can tell, your sweat smells like male locker room and your voice is like nails on chalk, no tranny can pass in real life..

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I like your message about love but I can't love my body if it's not even mine. I appreciate you talking to me like I'm a human being though. I really do.

I like you.

Attached: babyes.jpg (500x332, 42K)

I'm a guy and I can't parallel park

thanks user

listen, i'm sorry for being mean, and shit posting. if this isn't bait, i don't want to contribute to you're suffering. but we all suffer, some people have things they can't change about themselves. i'm half pajeet but no amount of skin bleaching is ever going to make me a pure aryan, it just won't because i'm not. do whatever makes you happy, if you feel like a woman and feel compelled to transition, do it. i personally don't think chopping up bits and pieces of yourself is going to accomplish anything but making permanent physical changes, that you may regret. it's also telling that you don't have interests, i'm a pretty big fuck up but there's lot that interests me. i would do some soul searching before doing any surgeries. just because the mainstream media is feeding into your narrative right now, doesn't mean either of you are right. unironically good luck.

I didn't learn to drive until I was really old, so I never really mastered it


>but I can't love my body if it's not even mine
It is yours, you're in it right now. That's you dude, love it or hate it that's what you got to work with.
So stop hating it and start loving it.
Pic unrelated

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Scandinavian country?

Then claim it as your own.

California, I just could never get my parents to take me out and give me lessons. They'd always give excuses for not wanting to do it with me.

/jazz/ opened my eyes to this degeneracy 2bh
It's probably a insane fetish

It's all about gender performance and how you feel comfortable.
It isn't black and white "oh they act feminine, they must be a girl" etc it's a spectrum
One can 100% feel fine in one's own body but also have "feminine" mannerisms, "masculine" mannerisms or any combination possible.



Just to add to this post, I've been manlet-sized my whole life. After a certain point you just accept your body for what it is, flaws and all. That's life.

I know some Scandinavian bros who can't drive in their twenties because of how good the public transits are, so they find it as an excuse not to learn.

So you are a shut in virgin who's not close to anyone in his life and watches porn for 2 hours a day. Meditate on that.
Those are not female traits, but traits of a maladjusted socially failed man.
Transitioning won't fix your life.
It's okay if you like men, but you should try to sort yourself out before hopping on meds thay will irreversibly fuck up your endocrine system and render you unable to ever have an erection again.
I'm just saying, exhaust all options before transitioning. Try to get a job, join a club, make friends, work out.

Run outside and test my social powers, especially on men. See if I get lots of random acts of kindness, compliments, propositions, conversations.

Is a masculine woman less female, or less of a woman, than a feminine woman? I'm all for the message of people should be able to act as feminine or masculine as they like and do what makes them comfortable. But it feels like this is more about what makes you comfortable rather than being a man vs being a woman.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-03 tv - Looks like the rumors were true, Based Disney - Television Film - 4chan.p (1325x374, 139K)

Yeah, it's common in big cities too. I've known people from New York who never learned because of that.

Curious, what attracts you to this right wing shit hole of a website?

It just means they're a woman or man or whatever they say they are. What does it matter to you what people call themselves? If you don't believe them (you don't) or you're low-key grossed out by them you can just fuck off, they shouldn't have to justify themselves for you or anyone else.


holy fucking kek, good one

I'm attracted to men because I'm a woman. If I wasn't a woman I'd just be a gay man and I know I'm not that.


It doesn't matter what they call themselves, language is just a tool. But concepts are real. If you mean something different than I do when you say woman or man, then it's difficult to talk about this. I have no problem with people using she or her pronouns, that's just words.

I'd say though it it's just whatever they say they are, man vs woman becomes pretty meaningless.

I never implied any of that
Getting into whether one is "man enough" or "woman enough" shows one still holds their beliefs too closes to the traditional binary gender roles society pushes.


The gender spectrum seemed to imply it.

That's a strange way to cope with your desire.

Longer, slow building orgasms but somewhat less intensive.

based hypocrisy exposer

So is yours.

>not even a blue checkmark
post yfw you realize op follows this faggot just to be mad

Read the rest of my post.
By the way, how old are you?

How do you mean??

I think that was the joke.

>That's not true.
please see




If you don't believe them (you don't) or you're low-key grossed out by them you can just fuck off, they shouldn't have to justify themselves for you or anyone else.
That's where you're wrong. Like that south park episode said, we have to tolerate you, we can be privately grossed out as much as we want though.

I knew you wouldn't be able to prove anything. All your information comes from posts you read on Yea Forums. You do no deeper research.

I think you're a faggot.

I mean you're a dude who likes dudes, but you'd rather be a woman who likes dudes even though that's physically impossible.
Just be a dude who likes dudes, it's significantly less weird since at least it doesn't involve denying patently clear reality.

I wish I could find The Shining pic

Then I apologize


"I'm just trying to exist"
That's the issue I'm afraid, nobody else wants you to exist in your sick, mentally ill faggot state. Either change or die.


Am I the only one who hates that the blue boards are 4channel now?

No problem, it's a difficult subject to talk about and easy to be misconstrued. It's hard to articulate things and people get emotional about it on all sides of the discussion.

You're not even done developing Jesus Christ, at least get to 25 first. You have no idea how much can change between now and thirty and it'd be a tragedy to make a life-altering mistake now that you can never take back.

You sure are, partner! We love it here on 4channel!

Attached: nupepe.png (575x651, 100K)

My existence proves that men are men and women are women. Your existence only proves we need to bring back electro-shock therapy and/or public executions when you inevitably harm a child.


Irreverent apolitical shitposting, bane memes, the rare discussion of actual movies, etc. Mostly old habit. I've started coming here a lot less often now that the board is diet /pol/.

Threads like these are just an annoying distraction with the thinly veiled purpose of radicalizing impressionable boys into neo-fascist reactionary politics. Moral outrage bait with a lot of confirmation bias circlejerking. I will say I find the obsession with trans women very peculiar, lots of sexual insecurities laced into these threads.

Yeah, hiro doing that so he could sell out to obnoxious porn ads was an egregious error.

moderately based, but bluepilled

I hate that word.

Why do you think I would harm a child?

I disagree with your opinion. Pretty sure that makes me a Nazi now.

You sound more likely to harm a child desu considering how quickly you devolve into violent fantasies yourself


Give me your honest opinion on Sneed. This is important.

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Okay, now this is based and redpilled

Not that dude but I hate it.


I don't even see any porn ads! This site is not a earner, he should just accept that and let us all loose.

Because it's what you freaks are known for, pic related

Attached: lobotomies please.jpg (2290x1322, 299K)



You're alright

Attached: Moe.png (155x222, 61K)

You are young, try to get your shit together. There'a still time.
Make friends, build relationships, cultivate your mind and your body, achieve.
Isolation has rotten your brain, it's way more common than you think.
Develop yourself as a human being. If after doing that you still feel like transitioning, okay.
But don't jump transition before even finding out what being a human being feels like.

There's nothing wrong with being reactionary, since it 100% depends on what you're reacting against.

Ever heard of treating someone as an individual? I'm not like that so again why punish me for something I didn't do?

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I have Adblock on my desktop, so I only see those revolting porn ads when mobile. It's disgusting watching such contrived ludicrous scenarios turning into passionless pounding in fast sped-up motion.
I hate "pro" porn so fucking much, it's just prostitution with a camera in the room.

I respect sneed posters for their sheer tenacity. The meme isn't that funny though, but I don't get butt hurt from it.

t.not the tranny

Calling for executions of pedophiles is violent? Fuck you faggots are soft.

This, only in regards to the people you disagree with.

Some individuals need to be beaten the fuck out of.

based, i hate pro porn too. it's going to sound stupid but i miss coming to Yea Forums, since i rarely go to /pol/ anymore, i really never go to nsfw boards, feels like 4channel cheapens it. maybe i'm just autistic




I apologise for triggering you.

user, if you identify as a Nazi I'll take your word for it. Your identity as a national socialist is valid.

Reasonable take. The tenacity and bluntness of the meme makes it hilarious to me. By itself it isn't that amusing maybe, but the whole phenomenon is funny.

Apology accepted. Don't do it again.

Attached: 1514887725546.jpg (637x902, 171K)

being a nazi is something you choose, if your identity comes from your political affiliation, then i feel sorry for you.

I don't think you understand what I was saying. I'm just a regular person I don't know why you want to hurt me.

That's a transvestite, not a tranny. He's literally called HIM.



Not my favorite meme but it occasionally gets a chuckle out of me. It's kinda ruined Simpsons threads tho desu

Yeah. I can't remember the last time a Simpsons thread was made that wasn't just intended as Sneedbait though. I guess it's impossible to know the difference now.

Attached: hey sneedposter.png (312x410, 125K)


My political affiliation involves UFO, Space Elves and flying tentacle monsters so fuck you and your insensitive piece of shit nigger

Imagine being a woman and despising all the things society wants you to do to impress men. Hating having to put on make up everyday, acting submissive or stupid in order to not intimidate, getting hit on by creeps and losers, and being seen in society as only being a hole to fuck. So you become a feminist and fight to not have to put up with this anymore and to be treated like any man would and when your so close to your goal an army of freak men chop off their penis and demand you accept them as women.

Not only that but they exhibit the worst stereotypes you go out of your way to avoid. Ridiculous gaudy make up, flower dresses, and a submissive act in order to try to get fucked by some lonely sap who thinks its their only chance to get laid. I honestly feel bad for feminists they didn't deserve this retarded fate

Attached: We_Can_Do_It!.jpg (250x324, 29K)

I do like the brute force of sneedposters, when there's several simposns bait threads, i'll go into each one and post something like 'fuck and suck'. it's fun.

I don't care that it ruined simpsons threads, i understand people probably want to talk about the show, but forcing the meme is funnier, and it beats the shit out of steamed hams.



Attached: sneed do it.jpg (1024x769, 447K)

No it isn't lol. Typing in all caps doesn't make your opinion any less wrong or needlessly reactionary.

>user, if you identify as a Nazi I'll take your word for it
I don't, but it's the first thing people label me as when they happen to disagree on something. I hate it, makes discussion between people who disagree virtually impossible, since who would discuss anything with a nazi?
It's just lazy debating. Even pointing that out often nets replies such as
>"Oh? You want to discuss killing all the jews? Fuck off nazi!"
when all we were talking about was something innocuous.

I was working with this broad, and she was real pain in the ass. I let a lot slide because she was hot. One day she fucks up too badly to ignore, so I have to call her out on it. She immediately gives me the "you wouldn't talk to me like this if I were a man" and the truth is, it wouldn't have taken me as long to treat her like she was my equal if she were a man. Had to then apologize like a faggot cuck. I love women, but at the same time I can't help but hate them a little.

>Being feminine. It comes naturally.
I thought gender roles were a social construct

>No it isn't lol

I kinda like steamed hams. A little overdone but it's alright.

>tricking mentally ill boys into transitioning
vile, devilish and evil


>You want to discuss killing all the jews?
you don't?

I honestly love Jews.

based capsposter

His opinion is right though. And the capslock is sexy.

I'm posting ironically, I like jews too.

Be more funny Yea Forums, it's 2am and this thread has slowed down too much

i love their woman, every aryan man is entitled to big askhenazi milkers

5am here. I'm tired but this thread is interesting, even though I find the idea of trans repellent and outright contradictory to basic observable facts.
The idea of this young man ruining his future this way just fills me with a profound sadness. That's someone's son. God I wish this society weren't so ready to just go along with the delusions they have.
After all, nobody ever tells a schizophrenic that the voices in their heads are real, we try to help them get back to a stable mental state. Wish we treated dysphoria the same instead of letting people hurt themselves this way and declaring it progress.

mmm, jew tits, sounds great right now.

people got too invested in the bait and it turned into a reddit hug fest, maybe the tranny is beating off with his 'vagina'


That's our user!
Goodnight everybody!

*formerly Chuck's

One thing I've learned from being a trans woman is that you just have to sometimes get over how others perceive you. I may think that you're a Nazi (though I honestly don't and never did say you were) and you probably think that I'm a man but I don't think either of us will come out of this exchange feeling differently about our identities or the core values we hold as human beans.

Lmao look at this piece of shit responding to the thread topic in earnest instead of feeding into the /pol/ circlejerk

Um excuse me, I prefer the term girltinlkler. Or ladyboner.

>I'm a man
It's MA'AM, Mr. Woman-Man the Boy Girl

Don't flatter me too much, user

Sometimes it ticks me off to see mentally ill people like this have more money than I do. Being third worlder is suffering.