>the homophobe isn't a latent homosexual himself that the protagonist eventually fucks
The homophobe isn't a latent homosexual himself that the protagonist eventually fucks
just wait for my biopic lmao ;)
How come people always think those that hate gays must be secretly gay?
because its true
>i hate working for my boss that means i secretly love working for my boss
Because Hitler was a tranny
Because irrational hate comes from inner conflicts and insecurities
>you had this saved on your computer because you're that insecure about your clearly burning desire to suck dicks
jeez dude
yes i want to fuck spider(s)
but gays are usually pedophiles, statistically.
Nothing irrational about “homophobia”
this trope is only good with hot girls.
>hate gays
>redpill people about gays and molestation statistics
>think fag marriage was a mistake
>used to wear dresses and anally masturbate when I was in high school
>watched a lot of sissy hypno porn a couple years ago and still feel the effects
>have to ride out episodes of cocklust every week
>I'm mainly attracted to women but sometimes I want to be violently fucked
>have uninstalled grindr 100 times and still haven't been with a man... yet
nice larp
Gays can be pretty swell people actually. You should get out more, maybe you'd actually interact with some more people and begin to understand the world a little better
What are some flicks that does this?
Link those statistics or else you're making shit up to mask your latent homosexuality
>he can't defend his argument so he resort to ad hom
The thing is that it's not irrational hate. See trannies here and how they ruin everything and are dangerous in real life (they get mad easily and can kill you with a awl full of aids).
I wish it was a larp
most gays fuck kids and carry more STD's than the average person
>thinks his meme image actually undercut the well established psychological phenomenon of projection
It’s not really irrational desu
Reminder that gay urges are whisperings from Satan
It’s alright to have them but not to act on them
It’s ok user, as long as you understand the problem
>well established
pseud and gay
I don't see this as a reason to hate gay people, only gay pedophiles. There are plenty of straight pedophiles too, I don't hate other straight men for that
That's not true
I was never threatened by a trans, in fact I almost never see them irl
If you look deep inside you'll see you're only fooling yourself about sexuality
I hate all pedos, but almost all gays fuck kids, thats how they pass down their faggotry, its their form of reproduction.
>well established psychological phenomenon of projection
>labeling random anonymous on the internet is """science"""
Yeah here's your last (You), retard.
That's not a study/statistic, as I thought
Found the closet homo, boys
>complain about "ad hom"
>one post later you're reduced to basic ad hom
utterly BTFO
Kikeology is a pseudoscience. Give it a century and it will be viewed same as we now do stuff like phrenology and dowsing
hating gays is natural and has nothing to do with projection
>I don't see this as a reason to hate gay people
What about now?
yo why did the prune the moot thread it was just getting good
>thinking pedos care what hole they violate
you don't understand what you're reading
This is you
Okay pedo :)
do you think you're talking to the same person or something?
thats pretty cringe and newfag bro
>tradioninaction.com sponsored article
>valid source
try again retard
do you literally believe everything you read online?
>these people are more likely to contract a deadly disease
that makes me sympathize with them, not hate them. But then, I'm not autistic.
I'm not gay
And unlike you I'm confident about it
Only with a certain type of man. Doesn't happen with women or with men younger than about 40.
>>one post later you're reduced to basic ad hom
Reading comprehension.
I just don’t think men should stick their dicks into each other, as I feel people that want to fuck dogs and cats are also in the wrong.
faggots are maggots
What utopia do you come from? In my train connection to my job, there are always two jews which smell like piss and shit. I stabbed both of them as a warning then they tried to attack me.
T. Abdul Machmud from Goymany
Hmm that's interesting, I wonder if heterosexual men have ever been exposed as sex predators or perverts
>disease spreading pedos makes you empathetic
found the disease spreading pedo
>I just don’t think men should stick their dicks into each other
Their kink is spreading diseases to more fags lmao
>I hate faggots, but I also fuck faggots.
Do you also go to nursing homes and yell at people suffering from alzheimer's?
Not as prevalent when you compare the general population of hetero and homosexuals.
being a pedo isn't like alzheimers, fucking kids should be met with a bullet, gay or not. it just happens that most gays fuck kids
Alzheimer isn’t a contagious disease you dumb libcuck
and that has what to do with AIDS exactly? Do you even think about what you say before you say it?
>that projection
>saving all those images
The state of nu-males :)
>its okay when straight people do it
fuck off you disgusting falseflagging cunnyseur
disease spreaders are a public health hazard, especially when they make up the majority of kiddy diddlers
Life is too short not to enjoy yourself user
Get out there and try it out before life passes you by
Sorry friends, but I know a few gay guys, and I really enjoy their company. They are very nice people, have great taste, aren't flamboyant stereotypes, and actually do things for their community like give back to charity. You can throw statistics at me all day, but you'll still be reducing a varied group of people (many of whom are honestly probably far better people than any of you) to a homo (lmao) genous stereotype. It's illogical, and it helps nothing
Go outside for once, maybe you'll meet some people ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You're right, it's actually far more prevalent with heterosexuals. The vast majority of sexual abuse is committed by men towards women, this is common knowledge if you aren't a closeted homo basement dweller
Who are you quoting?
>this defensive
you are definitely a gay pedo yourself dude, no straight man would be this insecure
You just know that the people in this thread against gay people would instantly drop their moral standings if they met a gay person in real life who wasn't an obvious flamer. It's frustrating that you use this site as a way to rant about shit you'd never have the willpower to express in real life.
It's bullshit, and you know it is, and It's wasting threads everyday with this shit.
i really had no idea that the 99.9% of people who have ever lived, who would find homosexuality primordially disgusting, were actually huge gays themselves. i bet if i went back in time and tried to blow dwight eisenhower, he probably would be all grossed out, so i guess i just proved scientifically that eisenhower was a huge queen.
except they don't, like at all
you posting on Yea Forums
stop projecting gaylord
the vast majority of kid fuckers are gay, its science
>instantly drop their moral standings
I’m not a christcuck sorry
Or women. I personally know at least one woman who is most likely a paedo, plus two more who might be.
We can just add that to the list of things you're wrong about I suppose. 3 years into a relationship with my current girlfriend.
Usually we combat the disease rather than the people who have unfortunately contracted it, but I can understand you not understanding that since you are clearly both a sociopath and a complete retard which is quite a combination and I'd have better luck trying to communicate with a plank of wood
>imagine getting btfo so hard on a thai noodle making forum that he needs to tell us about his life story
>a board filled with cunnylovers gets upset over pedophilia
you're not counting prison rape
>The vast majority of
That's a useless statement to make without proper context.
source: your ass
>all these gaylords defending their pedo STD spreading faggotry
jeeeez, insecure much guys? just stop fucking children, its not a hard concept.
I would assume that the people saying this aren't the same as those people.
>be hetero
>get called gay or tranny
>think nothing of it and carry on since i'm neither
>be /pol/ "hetero"
>get called closet homosex
>angrily posts entire 100gb folder of news article headlines and meme comics trying to justify his bias in an attempt to fool himself into thinking he's straight
Really makes you think
they're probably had sex with underaged boys just so you are aware, gays are the most opportunistic and amoral sexual predators you will ever encounter
the context has already been established, what are you retarded?
>anyone who hates me must be me
bad logic, that HIV must be affecting your mental capacities
So... you're a literal faggot then who got emotionally BTFO
My cousin is gay and it didn’t change my opinion at all. I feel bad for his parents and other family. I know they were devastated over such terrible news at the time.
I'm not gay though
Who are you quoting?
>hah this faggot is trying to relate with human experiences rather than just shitposting every hour of every day of his miserable existence. What a weirdo!
You literally have no idea what kind of agenda the cunnyfags are leading. Their main purpose is to redirect pedophilia accusations over to the fags so they can get away.
Are you sure? You seem confused yourself just like those /pol/fags.
>if they met a gay person in real life who wasn't an obvious flamer
My cousin is a 30 year old dyke and I routinely tell her I dont want to go to her faggot dyke wedding and that I dont want to support her degeneracy and she's cool with it.
Since you have no actual argument to make, perhaps you should stop posting.
I mean you kinda proved you are in this thread
time to come out little guy
So you agree that faggots are more dangerous than the average person?
The irony of this post....
Seriously, go outside. Meet some people. Take a breath of fresh air. It will do you a world of good, I swear.
Obvious response, honestly.
There are a lot of female paedo teachers, they're just better at not getting caught than the men.
Not that guy but if you have seething irrational hatred for people who have zero effect on your life in any way, ever, it begs the question why you have taken such a fucking interest
>but I care about protecting the children of complete strangers
No you fucking don't, stop lying
>gets BTFO
>n-no argument I-I only fucked 15 year old boys your honor we gays are truly the orientation of peace!
Yeah, like I said I have no problem with gays and if I were one I'd gladly say so
Why did you reply to me in the first place? Indentify with my post in any way? You seem defensive
That is certainly possible.
>doesn't understand how irony works
if only saying "BTFO" was the same as actually doing it
Live in an area with a big gay presence and you'll see why they're hated in about 3 months. I can't get a fucking cup of coffee without some kind of prolonged screech emanating from a nearby dick plunger over shoes or drapes.
Seriously it's like living in a hellish landscape infested with botched clones of Ethyl Merman
oh well you just talked me into it
you keep using that word but its not true and never has been
I already posted multiple studies on the fact that the vast majority of hetero men have a negative visceral reaction to seeing homosexuals, its science.
Literally all the faggots I have ever met irl have been insufferable retards so I don't understand why you think you're a wholesome "person" for wanting to shove cocks up your ass.
I don't think you do sweetie :)
because it's their only way to express their natural latent disgust/disapproval with homosexuals while also keeping up the facade that they're accepting at all.
>33 poster /pol/ circle jerking
Pedophiles are just sick people that need professional help. They deserve your sympathy not hatred.
Since that's objectively untrue, no I don't.
>this assblasted discord tranny subhuman is still going at it
Just delete this thread mods.
There are literal homosexuals in this very thread pushing their sick perverted sodomy and pathologising anyone who disagrees with them
>going outside at the early hours
Sorry but there are niggers out there and I don't want to get rob.
Do trannies that hate straight cis people mean they are secretly straight and cis themselves?
I live in an area with a big gay presence (it's called Seattle) and you're completely full of shit
And how is it untrue? I thought proper context had been established?
I've yet to hear your argument. All you've done is continued repeating blatantly and provably false claims about there being a connection between homosexuality and pedophilia that does not exist. That and your poo-flinging ad hominem which I've just been ignoring.
>faggots absolutely ass blasted in the thread
Reminder the new generation is growing less tolerant of you. One generation away from beheadings!
I don't give a shit about your biased studies from alt-right dot com and the only reason why you would take the time to collect them is if you are gay and have deep-seated resentment about it, next
You're a very angry person, that's obvious. You're angry I'd wager because there are issues with your life. You are unhappy. Most people here are. You understandably need a way to express your negative emotions. All I'm suggesting is that you fix the root of the problem by making improvements to your life, rather than continue this pointless cycle of hate, which isn't going to do anything for you. Go outside.
It does considering how there's a high rate of ending HRT and with multiple HRT former patients going on record to say that the meds made them feel awful and hateful towards normal hetero people.
how do they do it bros?
being less than 10% of the population while still being over 40% of all pedophiles?
and having a statistical disproportion among all mental illnesses
You confuse disgust, disappointment, disapproval, and shame for hate. I hate mosquitoes, I despise the childish, self serving attitudes of gays, I am deeply saddened by the fact that they are gay. Hate is an excuse for faggots to ignore otherwise valid opinions and genuine concerns
get christchurched you sandnigger
holy r*ddit
I've met quite a few gay people and I'd much rather have a conversation with any them than you insufferable /pol/fags
Reminder there's nothing wrong with being gay.
Maybe they're born with it.
gays are the most pushy self-righteous banshees on the planet earth, who will hound everyone in the world until they coerce some concession out of you. and yet the thing they say about themselves most is 'we just want to be left alone and normal'. oh really, is that why a national campaign gets organized every time some bakery in bumfuck nowhere doesn't want to cater your pretend wedding.
>I don't give a shit about your biased studies from alt-right dot com
so you're sticking your head in the ground, and they're peer reviewed and on major news sites, stop being a dishonest little pedogay
that's not very halal of you
Pretty islamophobic of you, sure you aren’t secretly Muslim?
How do you know you're a gay
The proper context of my statement had been established, which is the context of our ongoing ridiculous discussion about the supposed degeneracy of homosexuals. It has nothing to do with me accidentally admitting you were right or whatever incredibly retarded nonsense you are attempting to veil as some kind of gotcha moment when it's really just more bullshit.
>look at me, Im a cocksucking faggot who wants to play psychologist now, look stop hating us faggots you're angry at life
I'm in college having the best years of my life with a well paying job and good grades. If I have a disdain for faggots it's because I've seen the worst in faggots firsthand. You're not Sigmund Freud, you're just an assblasted faggot trying to convince everyone here that they're angry when they're simply disgusted with your lifestyle and the current faggot agenda being forced down everyone's throats.
The word you use to describe what you are doing is irrelevant, it's the attribution of things which do not apply to the entire group (i.e child rape) to the entire group (i.e stereotyping) which is the illogical part. The language you use to describe this behaviour is largely semantic and irrelevant.
>he thinks we're from /pol/
>he hates people who are different from him
Are you a secret /pol/fag yourself?
>I know a few gays so it's cool mkay
I know a few guys who do more coke in a week than I've seen in my entire like, and they're really cool. I don't support the fiend community because that's some retarded shit to do because 'they're really nice'.
Then go suck their dick, you flaming homosexual. You think I care?
The new generation is far more tolerant of homosexuals actually, what they can't stand is homophobia and bigotry. And that scares the everloving shit out of you which is why you crap your pants every time there's forced diversity in a comic book movie. You're losing this battle and you know it.
>stop being dishonest
you first
you Btfo yourself
/closetpol/ test
If you watch this webm and feel disgust you're insecure and in denial about your own nature
ah the classic, 'all of our opponents will be dead of old age soon so i don't need to convince anyone of anything'. and yet you're in a thread with presumably a bunch of young people who hate your guts.
Haha nah, I don't know anything about psychology. I don't think you don't have to be Sigmund Freud to work out that you're a pretty dissatisfied and angry person. It's just very obvious. Ironically actually I think Freud is largely discredited these days anyway, but like I said, I'm not a psychologist. You are very angry. It's obvious. I'm guessing, again, it's because there are issues with your life. Your current behavioural patterns aren't going to change that. You can swear at strangers on the internet until your fingers are red, it's just not going to help you. I'm just trying to give you some solid advice.
actually since the 2000s each new generation is leaning more and more to the conservative right, at least where i live but i would imagine it's a western trend because when i went to europe to study this was also true
Cute. And also hot.
>there cannot be a correlation between a group that is antagonistic towards another unless there is a unilateral correlation between all groups that are antagonistic towards others, so sayeth the grand poobah of autistic nonsense
There is a connection whether you want to be or not, evangelist pastors and politicians get busted going to bath houses and gay escorts like every other weekend, you're just retarded or deliberately ignorant for saying this stupid shit about spiders
>and yet you're in a thread with presumably a bunch of young people who hate your guts
incels aren't people
sigmund freud was a hack user, stop embarrasing yourself
What’s with the “oldies hate gays” meme? Faggot “marriage” was legalized by boomers.
You have in fact made it quite clear that you care a great deal.
>if you watch people taking a wet shit and feel disgust you're insecure and in denial about your own nature
i know you'll just brush this off as an ad hom but this post is the definition of projection. do what he said and you'll live a healthy life
>incels aren't people
good thing everyone on Yea Forums has a latina gf then
Sure you quoted the right person?
give me actual men and not sissies
The interesting point about this is that it's nearly always middle aged men. I can't think of any young guy or women who have been busted in similar ways. Maybe they're just more discreet.
I'm talking about the context of your statement about sexual abuse. Learn what per capita means for fucks sake.
>le stastics are never biased and therefore irrefutable meme
>I'm too lazy and stupid to make an argument so I shared a link that does it for me
you're like 13, aren't you?
Just like every girls is labelled as a trap here. Homosexual fantasy.
comparing people kissing to someone taking shit is enough proof of your closet status
Nah man. Gay communities are the fucking worst.
>shitposters on Yea Forums are typical representatives of the general population's opinions
actually no
Yeah, that's what I said I thought? I don't know anything about psychology, but like I said, I think Freud is largely discredited these days. Idk dude. A Dangerous Method was alright.
Get tossed over a rooftop, faggot
I'm a bi fag and like androgyny, so I tend to prefer twinks. Pic related is an exception.
It’s a meme, newfag. But it’s true that wh*te sluts look masculine, it’s why wh*tes are dying out.
Yes you idiot, someone made the exact same retarded argument earlier about arachnophobia, now shut up
>makes no real argument against said official goverment statistics and peer reviewed studies
>b-but biased studies exist
Teenage years pass and the infected thoughts are left behind while growing. Your kind included.
Gays aren’t people
Lol you think I’m a faggy westerner and that’s cute
The amount of replies this post got proves it right
People are upset because they can relate to the statement
definitely more human than you will ever be
You have been babbling absolute nonsense for like an hour now and I don't think anyone in this thread including you has any idea what you're on about at this point.
Yes, of course.
So why do you whiteknight fags, christcuck?
Yes we are.
Gay's kissing is no different from human being's taking a shit :)
You shouldn't be so self deprecating
>arguments that I don't like don't exist
now who's sticking their heads in the sand?
Sodomites are not human
>The amount of replies this post got proves it right
That’s not how it works, libcuck.
Look, tranny. It's not your fault. You were born a subhuman, a mistake. You know deep down that your genetic biological makeup failed at some fundamental level which led to your sick homosexual perversions. It's no different from a genetic illness. Let's face it, you got the short-end of the stick. You are not normal but you wish you were. You cannot help your mental illness so you choose to accept it and join degenerate causes like "gay pride" which damage the fabric of society. Society is a hetero man's world - society cannot exist without a man and a woman fucking each other to produce offspring. This is an axiomatic truth of our world and it is from this nature that society derives from. Without a man fucking a woman, you cannot create offspring; thus you cannot continue the population. It is through the differences in man and woman that allow for civilization to flourish. A man wins bread for his family. A woman nurtures her children. This is impossible with homosexuality which is fundamentally flawed and too individualistic to the detriment of society.
This is why normal people secretly think you're pitiable creatures. You are a freak show to everyone, make no mistake about it. Sure there are those who are secretly homos and choose to hate themselves but the vast majority against homosexuality hate it for purely rational reasons. To try and argue that heteros are secretly angry is wishful thinking - how can anyone be mad at you sad animals? Do I hate rats? No? Do I wish that they never live in my household? Yes. It's not the rat's fault that they are carriers of illness but alas they must be exterminated. In that same regard, society wishes for your extermination. A healthy society that is - not this current jewified hellhole.
To keep this short, the best thing you can do as a homosexual is opt out of this terrible existence. Why live a world of constant pain and struggle? End your struggle so that society will not have to take care of you the hard way.
I don't care where you're from, there are shitheads from all corners of the globe.
I also live in an area with a big gay presence and he's 100% correct. The amount of spousal abuse that goes on in lesbian relationships and the general issues with substance abuse disorders are just astounding.
They're almost always sick, always making a big deal about being gay all the time, and are in general pretty trashy people. Cross dressers and trannies are just insane too. Where the fuck in Seattle do you live where you never see gay people like this?
Are you saying being gay is bad? Pretty intolerant of you, libshit.
i hope you get hit by a land mine you third world fuck
The fact that you're absolutely triggered by it does
Just because you've lost sight of the plot does not mean that everyone else has as well.
it triggers me when people are aggressively stupid, especially when said people behave as if they have a valid stance on social issues when they never go outside
>arguments that I don't like don't exist
except you didn't even make an argument
>now who's sticking their heads in the sand?
i'm not the user you were arguing with
Yes, the sodomites are typically disgusting people and they’ve managed to creep in our nation too. Guess what we did to them though, fire can really let out the masculine voice cross dressers try to hide
>broey white power douche trying to larp as Hannibal Lecter
MASSIVE cringe
you must be new here
Why do you literal faggots reply to these obvious bait threads?
couldnt have said it better myself
That 6-word sentence was too hard for you huh
It doesn't imply what you think it implies
Don't read it again you might get a headache
I think it comes from the idea that if you think being gay is a choice you yourself would be fine fucking a man but choose not to, and are therefore minimum bisexual
I never lost sight of anything. At no point did I contradict myself. You're just being autistic.
Can't argue with that
Fuck dude you farmed a lot of (You)s from some triggered closet case alt right fags. Good work, I salute (You.)
Bored at work so I'm replying to shit posts.
This board is 18 and up
dare I say it, b + r?
>he saves these kind of images thinking he's a "Chad"
I feel sorry for you.
Upboat from me
you did say it yourself
Or maybe it's not irrational and it's annoying to be preached to by clueless idiots
none you got baited m8
This. homos destroy society, this is how the romans lost their empire btw
Good pasta
and the best way to resolve that is to preach like a clueless idiot right back at them, you sure showed those gays who's boss
>b-b-b-b-but y-you wanna suck dick!!!!
Lmao Roman's were gay the whole time. Not at all the reason.
By labeling certain opinions as "phobias", the libshit attempts to delegitimatize his opponents' viewpoints as being compulsive, irrational, or fear-driven, and thus illogical. In reality, what the libshit misconstrues as fear is actually closer to disgust.
I wonder how the suicide rate for incels compares to that of trannies
it's probably really high, is all I'm saying
Damn, I've been shown. Gay communities are still extremely annoying and I don't like living around them because they tend to have severe emotional issues, make noises, get drunk, fight, and do all the shit that white trash people do except like in twice the rate.
I'm sorry if that bursts your bubble, I'm not gay.
>compulsive, irrational, or fear-driven
because it is
>fucking qt boys in the ass
have sex
You redditors are really easy to spot
>the person who wrote this claims to be an authority on 'normal people'
They're annoying, I can find things annoying and not be that thing. I don't like bronies, that doesn't mean im secretly wanting to worship a children's cartoon.
If you're gay, then yeah a lot of what people like you do creeps me out or I find obnoxious as fuck. There's really only been a few exceptions to that rule. I'm sorry, it just seems like very self destructive behavior.
Lol keep coping, my country will never allow faggots like westerners
false, please join the 40%
Im sorry you feels so insecure about your ugliness that you get upset, when people save pictures of beautiful people. Not everyone can win the genetic lottery.
And where are romans now?
fukken saved
Nice musclebound man you posted, fairy, bet you wouldn’t mind getting ass blasted by him
American Beauty and pic related
>you're an incel!
We done? Good. Like I said, do society a favor and kill yourself.
>this faggot is still spreading his faggot images
Just give it a rest and go back to your discord. A thread died for this
>Not everyone can win the genetic lottery
I'm sorry your parents are butt ugly and gave birth to an abomination that is you. I'll take back what I said, if those pictures makes you feel better by all means save them.
>he doesn't know most trannies are incels
user i...
Damn you are really all out on getting people upset aren't you? I gonna take the bait and keep replying until you get tired.
All day and all night.
They're actually not because their social circles are highly degenerate
I have gay friends who are pretty fucking ugly who fuck all the time. They'll basically fuck any dude
when fags save gay pictures of men they want to fuck them up the ass*
I'm not gay. I've just never noticed any particularly consistent themes among the gay people I've met beyond preferring same sex relationships. Some are girly, some aren't. Some are into fashion and accessories, some dress in jeans and a T-shirt and you'd never guess they were gay unless they told you. The fact that you have to portray them so disingenuously just highlights that you are supporting your inherent and irrational prejudices with confirmation bias. Being a larger-than-life diva who wears their issues on their sleeve and announces them to everyone and being gay are not mutually exclusive, see for reference every curvy black woman who don't need no man. If you were not already coming from a place of hatred, you would dislike the character trait itself rather than pinning it on the desired target of your rage.
Get orlandoed fruitcake
Have one based from me dawg
>is a horrible piece of shit
>thinks he deserves to be part of society simply because he isn't gay
I have news for you
>comparing trannies with regular fags
stop pretending to be retarded user
I mean, it’s true.
You're looking at em asshole.
get breiviked sand monkey
>replies to this post dont make the IP count go up
don't you ever utter saint anders name ever again, degenerate
>my wife can shit out children and that makes me special
>embarrassing armchair psychology
wew lad
There are probably a few gays who aren't obnoxious but let's not pretend the "flaming queer" stereotype doesn't exist for a reason, mr armchair psychologist.
I could only imagine the wheezing soyboy who posts these images thinking he's ripped like them. Sad, just very sad.
Anders Breivik
Please stop replying to yourself so aggressively and repeatedly
>he doesn't even know the full name
Your tranny dilated hole will never give birth
It exists for the same reasons that every other stereotype exists. Xenophobia and a lack of emotional or personal depth.
take your meds user
Good Goy Stooge Who’s Going To Rot In Prison For Life
The meds from hrt are what's driving it insane, user.
You will never have children with a woman because every woman finds you ten times as repulsive as a tranny
Have sex
Im surprised this thread is still up, lol.
You're the one behaving like a schizo, newfriend.
>w-w-women HATE you!
The absolute seething level of cope and inner resentment towards your tranny mutilated body
He can always change his attitude and his appearance and get a 5/10 woman to breed with, meanwhile trannies regardless of how good looking they're will never have babies.
>you're being horrible to me ;(
you're full of great points today my guy but I must insist you join the 40% as soon as possible
besides, being "part of society" isn't really a choice if you have a job and pay taxes, we're just trying to not let it go completely down the dumpster weimar style
>It exists for the same reasons that every other stereotype exists
yes, there are many shades of truth in it
that's not what xenophobia means
>a lack of emotional or personal depth
I like how you didn't even bother attempting to refute how repulsive you are.
Have sex
You're one sad and pathetic tranny
Based and rachneapilled
Every gay I know sucks at their job and are obnoxious people
take your meds, calling me a newfag and a samefag won't make you any less retarded
I don't have to because it's clear as day you are SEETHING so hard right now
what can be infered without evidence can be dismissed without evidence
>>you're being horrible to me
No, not really. You're just horrible in general. You're lumping me in with transexuals because there's no other way you'd have any counter-arguments. You're clearly a very angry, lonely, bitter little neckbeard who wants everyone else to be as miserable as you.
>we're just trying to not let it go completely down the dumpster weimar style
And you're doing that how, exactly? By freeloading off of your parents and masturbating your life away? Yeah we definitely need your embarrassing ass around instead of the trannies
Someone post the video of cosmo/narcissa reading Yea Forums comments and having a mental breakdown on its stream. That freak looked like he was about to off himself
>He can always change his attitude and his appearance
So why doesn't he?
and his martyrdom will not be forgotten, god bless that space madman, goodspeed to him
You're one step away from being a tranny anyway, might aswell skip a few steps and just hang yourself
It makes me right is what it makes me, you're just assblasted because your sub-90 IQ doesn't make you the master manipulator you thought you were
it's 41%, get it straight
destroying mentally ill trannies
the irony of this coming from someone who has no arguments other than "ur a tranny"
>It makes me right is what it makes me, you're just assblasted because your sub-90 IQ doesn't make you the master manipulator you thought you were
take your meds schizo-kun
Can a tranny change back their sex organs to its original state?
And you're completely calm and collected, which is why you can't stop replying and keep shouting the same nonsense over and over again like an autistic child
i'm not the fag you were arguing with
>bump limit reached
new thread please
No, especially if they lost their dick.
Keep it up. My only hope is that your advice is subconsciously sinking in to your own mind. I mean really, what reason to you have to keep existing? The slim chance that you might barely unjust yourself enough to trick some poor women into letting you make her miserable and shit out some asshole kids who will continue your legacy of making everything worse? I just hope you're projecting and will be investing in an exit bag soon.
tell me phonegayposter, is this shape achieveable natty?
I'm laughing. At you. You're entertaining me with your COPE and pure SEETHING frothing anger. It amuses me how you so badly want me to be living a miserable life like you, tranny. That's funny
Dilate, subhuman.
Isn't it almost worse that you'll never fix your disaster of a life even though you theoretically could?
>this entire post
Chapotrannies in charge of iq everyone
it is
this is lterally no steroid mode and it looks damn good
fuck roiders
I'm laughing harder, I promise you that.
Have sex, incel.
Don't project what you will never have.
could someone explain to me what this gibberish means?
because every normal person still accepts is demeaning
>being this new
chapotrannies in charge of literacy everyone
I guarantee I will have it long before you do. You see, most girls don't really dig assholes who hate everyone and encourage strangers to kill themselves. Sorry to break it to you.
>14 year-olds owning the trannies epic style to make them feel good about their own shitty life
I honestly don't know which one is worse.
>I honestly don't know which one is worse.
The tranny crying and COPING all thread long
In a roundabout way you did answer his question since your tears are clearly far more delicious than any tranny's
Have sex
Have sex.
Youre embarrassing
Already did, you never will you sad freak
there is no need for you to be this upset, user
I got one to beat you all, NIGGERS!
You can lie to the internet but never to yourself
Have sex
>its a chapotranny resorts to falseflagging after getting BTFO episode
i hate it
going oldschool
I can respect that
Literally you're the one whos been crying like a bitch. How long have you been itt defending faggots? Now that you have no arguments you now want to get the last word in as if anyone else would bother to look up the archive and see you the tranny poster as a winner
Dilate you subhuman
Only in your delusional head.
>it's a sad user declares himself the winner of an argument he didn't win after publicly embarrassing himself repeatedly and confusing two different people for the same person episode
My favorite desu, never get tired of the reruns
Now ladies and gentleman, this post is a classic example of 'cope'.
>this trannygger has been at it for two hours
>is doing the exact same shit
But it's only pathetic when someone other than you is doing it, right?
Have sex you incel
Exact shit? Nigger, I posted 20 minutes ago and still see you crying like a bitch.
You're not winning anything you're just proving you cant handle antifag posting and are resorting to pathetic ass spamming and incelposting after being BTFO
You've been here for two hours, jfc
>this triggered incel has been keeping up the whole time
Dilate, subhuman. And with a loaded glock
Just had sex, how about you?
>its a samefag retardation arc
i hate re-runs
What an abomination
There are timestamps to your posts, you retarded tranny
>Exact shit? Nigger, I posted 20 minutes ago and still see you crying like a bitch.
So we're lying now
>resorting to pathetic ass spamming and incelposting after being BTFO
No, I'm trolling the incel who was BTFO and started dilateposting by treating him with his own medicine while steam shoots out of his ears
>You've been here for two hours, jfc
So have you
Dilate, you sad incel subhuman tranny
and you think yours aren't and that you are somehow immune to the exact same level of scrutiny, incel?
>everyone shitting on me is one person
I cant help your mental illness and retardation. Again, you are wasting your time and proving you have no life you sad tranny
Trannies are not human
Gays are not human
No amount of dilating will disprove these facts
Let me guess, no one finds you attractive no more and you wished you just stayed a twink, also dilate and have sex.
>gets upset when someone calls him an incel
Have sex, incel. And with an actual woman's vagina, not the empty kleenex box beside your bed.
Have sex, you pathetic basement dwelling neckbearded incel
Dilate. You could be dilating your disgusting bleeding hole and larping as a woman rather than SEETHING this long
Dance for me and reply, tranny
>needs to dilate twice a day
>thinks that considers as sex
Dilate and also have sex.
so if im arachnophobic i want to fuck spiders?
>waah waah incel
Dilate, subhuman freak
Let me guess, you're angry that trannies get more ass than you do because it's really hard even if you look weird to get less than zero. Have sex and also take a shower once in awhile.
Fun fact: I'm not a tranny
Fun fact 2: You're an incel
Fun fact 3: You're too young to post here
No one finds you attractive you subhuman disgusting freak show
are incels human?
>you're angry that trannies get more ass than you do
Okay this is the funniest thing I've read this week, thank you for making my night.
>Im not a tranny, I just get triggered by trannies and faggots being called subhumans, oh and you're an incel even though Im wasting hours of my life itt to try and win
Dilate, go back to r*ddit
Have sex. You could be talking to a woman rather than losing your shit on a cantonese basket weaving forum
Dance for me and reply, incel.
>waah waah dilate
I can taste the tears already. You cannot help but reply because you're alone in a dinghy dark room with no one to talk to since everyone sees you as a mutilated subhuman freak
You have to dilate
Are transexuals human?
Have sex, incel
They're not
Dilate, you sad tranny incel
You physically cannot have normal sex
No one finds you attractive you subhuman disgusting incel
Have sex
>tranny programmed bot is having a mental breakdown
Dilate, you subhuman freak
have sex
I mean, I'm not the one spamming about trannies all day, reading tranny forums, reading tranny subreddits, watching tranny movies, making epic tranny infograpics
no one will ever love you and you will die bitter and lonely
Of course it's true.
Take me for example, i fucking hate fish. If i taste even a small piece of fish, i immediately retch and vomit it out. I suppose that means i secretly love fish, right?
>inb4 food analogy, i don't give a shit
>this subhuman mentally ill freak thinks Im obsessed like him
I just find it funny how you're crying right now and seething so much
Dilate, tranny incel
I can taste the tears already. You cannot help but reply because you're alone in a dinghy dark room with no one to talk to since everyone sees you as a a bitter lonely incel
Have sex
Sounds like you. dilate
Mods gotta be keeping this thread alive for a laugh
>tranny incel subhuman is projecting
You need to have sex
Trannies are monsters
>I can taste the tears already. You cannot help but reply because you're alone in a dinghy dark room with no one to talk to since everyone sees you as a a bitter lonely incel
aaand what does it say about you that you're behaving in the exact same manner as a malfunctioning robot?
Have sex, incel
>discord tranny is desperately huffing with a red face and typing furiously to win a shitpost argument
Dilate, you sad pathetic tranny incel
ok, this is based
You might want to expand your vocabulary someday.
>not only is this subhuman tranny crying, it is also samefagging with a second device
Hilarious. Dilate, you pathetic freak.
have sex
Had a feeling that was the case. what a loser
Didn't he get murdered?
Why are you avoiding the question?
Have sex, you sad closeted incel
>well established
Literally no peer reviewed source whatsoever
>closeted faggot incel is projecting
Have sex
Is this normal?
>False flagging yourself
Dilate incel tranny
>not only is this closet homo basement dweller incel crying, it is also confronted paranoid delusions
Hilarious. Have sex, you pathetic virgin.
>tears streaming down its face
>humiliated on a thai noodle forum
>an emotional wreck from HRT
>has no self dignity or respect so he has to samefag an entire thread with homo propaganda and then cry, seethe and cope over heteros
>does this ad infinitum because it has no other alternative
This retard isnt even trying at this point. Just so sad how pathetic one tranny can be. Dilate
have sex
Dilate, you sad pathetic subhuman freak
What is wrong with this trannyposter?
Would you consider yourself normal?
Of course.
He wasn't aborted
This incel isn't even trying at this point. Just so sad how pathetic one incel can be. Have sex
based eotena onslaught poster
>tears streaming down its face
>humiliated on a cantonese hibiscus forum
>an emotional wreck from a life without female contact
>has no self dignity or respect so he has to samefag an entire thread with incel propaganda and then cry, seethe and cope over trannies
>does this ad infinitum because it has no other alternative
Have sex
>This incel isn't even trying at this point. Just so sad how pathetic one incel can be. Have sex
It isn't normal to be your age without having had a single sexual partner, hate to break it to you
someone post the tranny curbstomp webm
Why do you think that? Are you projecting?
Have sex, you sad lonely incel neckbeard
>no u
Why are trannies devoid of any sense for banter and discussion in general?
>the pot calling the kettle black: the thread
this thread: the webm
why do incels fail to see the blatant hypocrisy of their supposedly scathing criticisms of others?
Can we make it to 500 posts bois?!?!
>no u
Point proven
please stop samefagging so hard
>I have no reading comprehension therefore I am the winner
>continues doing the exact same thing he is criticizing others for doing without realizing the irony at all
Point proven
ooh no
go to sleep user, i'm concerned about your mental health
Holy shit op here I have never had a thread with over 400 replies and I have had threads that have run for 3 days maximum
How do I convert this into monetary gain?
>finally the incel admits defeat and to make amends begins sharing his treasure trove of pedo porn
so it was the incels and not the gays who were the pedos all along. what a tweest
You're the one displaying schizophrenic behavior
>he doesn't know loliposter
he's married dude
take your meds user
there's only one?
no but i'm talking about THE loliposter
Stop projecting
user... are you the loliposter?
it's okay, you can tell me
>well established