How would you fix the MCU villain problem? Most of them suck. Only a small handful are good.
How would you fix the MCU villain problem? Most of them suck. Only a small handful are good
It's pretty easy. Get civilians involved. Green Goblin tried to kill civilians all the time. Joker basically dared Batman with it.
No one even considers the MCU villain problem a problem anymore. Vulture was great. Winter Soldier/Hydra was great. Thanos was obviously great. Ego was great.
>Zemo D tier
Disgusting. He is at worst A. Should be in S.
Switch Ego and Killmonger
ultron should be in a "S for first appearance, immiedieatly takes a nosedive and never comes back" tier. seriously ultron had some potential and they blew it by making him so wacky and zany for no reason.
Iron monger was hella based tho
I agree. green goblin is fucking insane he literally bombs new york
Your list is wrong, OP
these both made me realize how absolute trash these movies really are
>one dimensional plain red skull is A
>no F tier
fucking fanboys, op's is wrong, but yours is worse
I wanna say his list was a joke. Justin Hammer in the S tier.
>No one even considers the MCU villain problem a problem anymore
Literally everybody does
Brainlets liked Thanos but even now they're starting to realize he's shit
None are good. Stop watching childrens movies.
>no reason
Joss Whedon
very wrong
Actually wrong
this. Also these movies need to start having supporting casts again.
Mysterio very top no question