Let's dress up the squalor of poors, coal burners, brown people, illegal aliens...

>Let's dress up the squalor of poors, coal burners, brown people, illegal aliens, and other degenerates with pastel colors! See, it's not so bad goy! It's actually kind of artsy and endearing instead of a nation-wrecking virus, lol!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Who hurt you?

>pastel colors don't exist in real life!
nice cope

his mom


>pastel colors don't exist in real life!
>nice cope

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Wow the bugmen soibois on this board didn't like this thread

I’m pretty sure the point of this movie was to point out the exact irony you are alluding to. Try being less of a triggered manbaby in the future and see past your own idiotic brainwashing, thanks

>this film glamorized degenerates, but actually, despite what it shows, the point it's trying to make is the exact opposite!

Imagine thinking this will be interpreted by the viewer as anything besides a sympathetic portrayal or endorsement of trashy people.

Wtf is op trying to say? Can someone decode it for me?

He's just angry that he can't get laid

I'm not sure what is going on with OP my fellow kino bros.
Can't believe the guy missed the irony of the colors of this motion picture.

the main roastie has a site on manyvids now

This. OP needs to retake his intro film course if he thinks this movie was glorifying poverty.

>when brainlets make threads

a dirty spic probably


This desu. OP is proof that your average retarded movie goer wouldn't get it.

Nothing about the movie is glamorous, at the the end of it you're just happy you don't have to live there.

literally reverse-tumblr

Sean Baker is based

shouldn't the child have been half black?

Dude adding layers of indirection makes something deep lmao

^Imagine being a person who would believe any random asshole who would think that that statement would be enough to convince a viewer

I don't think you got it at all.

In my country such thots would get ostracized from society
lol at wearing denim panties in public

Where do I find girls that have all those kinds of tats all over their bodies? Literally makes me diamonds. I'm not talking about actually tattooed girls but the ones where it looks like they had zero planning and they're all in random places.

You could try your local rehab facility.

Further proof that Yea Forums brainlets are literally incapable of understanding any meaning or ideas in films. They are simply triggered by things being represented at all.

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South Phoenix

>conservative cuck
>too dumb to understand basic irony in film and takes everything at face value

Checks out.

are you people just pretending to be literally retarded or do people really post threads like this unironically?

How is it ironic? It's just a straight extremely negative depiction of an extremely shitty situation.

this is your brain on over analyzing trashy jew movies


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>jew movies
so, movies?

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This might elicit empathy from the audience, a bad thing since OP is an unfeeling socio/psychopath that's alienated from humanity

I think the term he was looking for is juxtaposition but not everyone needed to be a dickass about it.

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>samefaggin your own posts with reddit memes
this aint it nigger

I dont know who's trolling who anymore
niggers in here are literally using terms like incels unironically

>tfw go to the mexican mall in south phoenix for some western boots
>it's like I'm on another planet that smells like vomit and churros

If you ever talk to old mexican guys who can speak english, they're usually really cool though

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non-whites don't feel empathy for whites
and leftists either want to emulate the dirtbag lifestyle in a vain attempt to be genuine, or they look down on the poor and downtrodden whites as hicks

this was a very neutral look at the way a certain demo in america lives. idk what you're on about

Cry harder brainlet

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>more tumblr reaction images
oh no no no


also this was the best movie of 2017

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they are well taught
too bad theyre hideous

This film glamorized trashy people and at the end suggested the way to make your kid happy with the situation was to visit a Disney theme park. A nice two for one.

Pretty obvious jew message here. To this trash people, it's that you zogged degenerate lifestyle is OK just take your kid to Disney every one in a while. For the dumb cucks in this thread the only thing they will take away from this film is that they should take their kids to disney.

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lol what do you mean now? Juxtaposition is like contrasting two things.
I'm not trying to be a dick.

>non-whites don't feel empathy for whites
Sure they do. Racists are the ones who doesn't feel empathy for others, friend
>Poor and downtrodden
I thought they were dirtbags and degenerates?

lol the fat white guy started imagining obama's keedz sucking his dangus and then he started panicking

How can I better cultivate and develop my inner Floridian, Yea Forums?

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the contrast of the bright colors and fun wholesome family fun of Not Orlando with the squalor and disfunctional families of those who live int he shadow of these places and work on the fringes of the service industries.


Spoiler Alert, Disneyworld was in her fucking head you dolts.

you are just gay man.

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Kino 4 u

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>Having empathy for people who work on the fringes of service industries
Commie cuck

LMAO look at the way his eyes move and his taught facial expression. He was scared Obama's psychic members of hi security detail were gonna hear his thoughts of getting a bj and he would be killed as a result.

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Is that his daughter working the counter?

It's supposed to be as if through the eyes of the kids, who don't see it as awful as it is

>Implying Obama isn't himself a psychic reptilian

There were probably at least a half dozen submachine guns in that store during this video

You're almost right, but I think that the colours in the world of the film don't represent some fun wholesome life which the characters are outside of. They represent the -sometimes- fun and free childlike existence which does have genuine joy and wonderment in it of those children's lives and the environment which they do live in, not which they're outside of.

>"When you’re young, everything’s sort of brighter, and things taste different. We wanted to put that on screen—a little amped-up, color-wise, and definitely a pastel palette."

Their existence is not unequivocally bleak. Which makes the bleak aspects hit much harder. So while the film does compare what you say, very effectively, the colour palette does not represent the stable tourist families or their happiness. It is actually the impoverished and imaginative real world of the children and their actual environment.

yeah, you're right.

Based insight into post-neoliberalism poster

Yeah, also the weird cut off of 80% ugliest women you've ever seen and 20% hottest women you'll ever see until they hit their early 20's and explode into ham monsters.

How come they're all completely fine with living in absolute filth?

1% of this films viewers will consider this. The others are either cucks who will sympathize with human garbage, or trashy people who will feel emboldened for living like this, or losers on the periphery of living like this who just need a little push from a ZOG jew film to accept their lot in life.

i visited california when i was 15. Walking back to the hotel around 7pm, in what looked like a very safe upper-middle class neighborhood; I was jumped by 3 latino men, and had to get stitches and some sort of brain-scan. Thank God my parents bought traveler's insurance (I didn't even ask them how much the ER room visit cost, but from rumors I think it's probably very expensive).

Your attitude is more garbage than any of these humans, friend. You have a lot of hate in you that needs healing.

Why are whites so easy to hurt?

fix your violent country. there's still a lot of great nature there that I want to see. no interest in your cities though.

In 30 years when the entire US looks like little Tijuana and society is in tatters, your highfalutin regurgitating of sappy untrue cliches that media programmed into your jewed mind will do nothing for you. It literally on works on other cucks like you, and nobody else. lol.

based and black pilled

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I'm already a latino living in San Diego, which is next to the border, also a mathematician and living a full and happy life :)

They have empathy, which is going to be their downfall. When whites are gone everyone is going to wonder why civilization went away too. Since everyone is equal surely all the brown people could have kept it going. Some Mexican and African intellectuals will be assigned the case and find that it turns out not only were white peoples responsible for the creation of the modern world, they were the only ones keeping it together. They will be called Uncle Tom racists and hung to death publicly. Then everyone starves to death. The end.

Himself, because him is me and he has the same enemy, Himself.

So no matter what it's either going to end with whites taking over and conquering the stars, or all the other races suffering as badly as possible? I like both of those outcomes.

wow dude cool, looking out for youself! very independent just like USA!

Whites are already Latinos, we have assimilated you mijo it's too late eat a taco holmes

Shut up hippie
most people are useless sacks of shit

Whites have empathy? Is that why they exploited their colonies and killed the locals?

No I did it with the help of my family, community and the state, I'm very lucky

>my birth year get

Let's rev up those fryers boys

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Time will tell who was right, and it's not gonna be you lol.

I'm a fascist and even I recognise this film is a condemnation of capitalism. Keep up.

girl on left have Bongferatu teefus.

>Slumdog Millionaire
Have your favorite director made his poverty porn of the year yet?

Based and bloomerpilled
Cringe and faggotpilled

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I would defend them against the last mudslim.

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Those whites correctly identified savages who could not live as equals in their civilization. They are still being proven right to this day. Those people in the colonies also enjoyed a much higher quality of life then before.

Riff Raff is from Texas

White colonization propelled nonwhites to heights they perhaps never would have achieved on their own. Unquestionably the greatly accelerated it. Former colonies enjoy a reverberation of prosperity as a result of their subjugation. They should be grateful lmao.

We're hurtling towards a technocapital singularity in which human subjectivity will be annihilated and replaced by an age of absolute knowing regardless of your views on race

How come other races are so ungreatful?

Most of the ones living now do. But we unironically should go back to the old method of just stamping our boots on your heads and subjugating you. The thing that really fucked us up over the past century was Russia and the USA competing to be the "savior" and decolonize various shitskin nations. This has had disastrous results. We should have kept doing what we were doing until you were all gone and only white remained - they had the power to do so but steadily grew a conscience and now look where we are. It was a mistake to be empathetic with shitskins.

Your post (and many others like it) is proof that white people are no more or less empathetic than any other race.

Cope, nothing stopped them from using the colony's resources without resorting to subjugating the locals

They either too dumb to understand it, or they smell blood in the water and are attacking and looting a crumbling empire.

The most reparation drumbeating is a perfect example of this. It's laying the groundwork for looting and direct attack against whites in he US when they no longer have the numbers to politically resist it.

you lying fuck

Haha it's too late now, white devil! I'll enjoy screwing your women and benefit from the minority privilege.

your mom uses too much teeth

go back to red d it and post on your nigger fetish subs. we all know you're a white boy tranny

White women racemix the least, paco. It's mainly other brown shitters who race mix, of course in this case there isn't anything of real value to dilute in the first place.

You're outbreeding whites, not mixing them. Your pea brain can't even understand that wew.

Rude! She used to have braces and still goes to bed with a retainer. She's barely put of her teens tho so pls be patient

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