What's the worst cinema experience you've ever had?
What's the worst cinema experience you've ever had?
Endgame. It was dogshit wrapped in catshit.
is he gay?
I would try and tickle her toes and would be jerking off under my pants.
this one time a barefoot spic sat behind me
I would lick those sexy wrinkles and smell the sweat off of them
>Nigger family of 15 walks in
>Behaves like a field trip to Popeye's Chicken
I still don't like Scre4m and I think there is a reason.
What do people find in feet?
Was visiting friends in the states last year and ended up being roped into taking their daughter to see Bumblebee. There was a constant background noise of rustling of food wrapping, you could hear people loudly masticating all around you and at random intervals people would cheer and clap at at the movie. It was fucking horrendous.
>I still don't like Scre4m and I think there is a reason.
Because it's a shit movie?
When I watched Spiderman 3.
Nothing happened, the movie was just extremely boring.
Somebody was sitting in the back of the theater tossing popcorn kernels at everyone.
Eventually I got hit by one and turned around and autistically shouted WAY too loud...
It turns out it was a group of like 3 10-year olds.
Not sure if I feel good about yelling at them, or bad about losing my shit on little children.
You can just say chewing, you retarded try hard faggot.
"The thumbnail always looks like someone pointing a gun to his head" squad reporting in.
>be me 4th grade
>Go see Scream 2 with mommy and bro and stepsister
>Ghostface in theater!
>Ghostface going to get me in here!
>Leave immediately
>Takes me into Titanic when ship starts to sink
There's something oddly hot about a girl taking off her shoes to air her feet. I get so turned on when my coworkers are wearing high heals at work and I can see their arches when their sitting and how cracked their heels can get. I have a spycam app on my phone that lets me take pictures and I take it home with me and I jerk off while imagining their face.
>saw dark knight rising midnight showing
>guy behind me has his legs up
>says "I swear to God if this greasy kids hair touches my leg"
>pissed off, literally rub my head against his legs and look back at him
>doesn't do shit and just looks pissed
Btw I was like in a theater 5 miles from the shooting, wish I went to that showing and died
My showing of the house that jack built got canceled because projectionist ex boyfriend broke into the booth and started beating him with bat during the showing.
high iq fetish
but really it's the vulnerability of the situation where you'd find a person comfortably barefoot and the association of those things with intimacy
>spycam app to take pictures
Your phone just doesn't have a camera app?
you can chew without making noise though. They're two different words for two different things
Or you could just say chewing loudly. Using needlessly unique words makes you look like a brainlet who is desperate to seem intelligent.
yeah but someone could see me taking pictures. A spycam app lets you use it while you're just on your phone.
That's rapist behavior user
Getting this triggered just because they had to Google a word.
>thinking anyone doesn't know what masticates means
Ahh the brainlet who overestimates his own intelligence confirms it.
if you kno the word means what's your problem with it faggert? apparently its not needlessly complicated if you know it