have the jannies just given up?
Have the jannies just given up?
The only thing we need them for is keeping porn out, and even some softcore female pics from time to time are ok. Mildly off-topic posts should not be pruned.
The less jannies the better.
They keep deleting my cunny threads, so obviously not.
These I want pruned and banned, even if it's only mildly implied, that's not ok, not even on Yea Forums. We don't want that shit here.
In fact, I'd want this guy at least temp banned.
good thing this is 4channel (formerly Yea Forums)
>shitpost so much jannies stop doing anything
>board quality tanks
>"wut happing?"
good, fuck you
Seriously, if a Jannie on here has a soul, please ban this guy.
You can always enjoy reddit.
Or even a desire to avoid offending the FBI.
Why would the FBI have an issue with my totally legal actions?
Oh ha ha, I like making jokes about fucking kids, oh how funny.
Not yet, but their quality control has seriously dropped
It's called probable cause, your anonymity protects you, but if your posts somehow became knowledge to the authorities, they could search you for child porn and shit.
Not that they care in reality, I mean, they're actually protecting the pedos half the time.
>whaaa why do I have to do work in my job
what are we paying those lazy jannies for?
They give out site wide bans for slightly off-topic threads and are surprised when the anti-jani and cunny threads get spammed.
I'm not one of the handful of anons doing it (i dont know how to ban evade) but yeah, theyre kind of asking for it in my opinion.
but there are so many up and comers
>what are we paying those lazy jannies for?
That's the beauty of it, user... absolutely zero financial compensation.
You know, there's a world of a difference between this and a picture of a fucking scantily clad girl, which I see all the time on here.
Something like this, posting a picture of some *maybe*, even *probably* under 18 girls and saying something suggestive is a far cry to encouraging real pedophilia, and not something that might only be illegal depending on your country and state.
F***-WORD J*******ANNIES
>i dont know how to ban evade
How new are you?
*little girl*
>absolutely zero financial compensation
that can't be right user
Jannies are some of the bravest, smartest, and most physically fit people that visit Yea Forums
surely these heroes deserve some sort of compensation? only a fat hot pocket stuffing moron would consider taking such a powerful job and doing it for free
why do newfag tourists like you make these threads
Yea Forums should take out more ads, I mean, the amount of people willing to advertise on here is limited, but still.
I've been here for years.
I've just never really had the need because janis and mods weren't always garbage.
It started when a rogue janni leaked all their IRC & /j/ board info & they set up a policy where janis have to send them pictures of their real ID to continue being janis.
I think the whole 4channel thing really kicked it into gear as well.
Now the only people willing to apply were serious losers who wanted a bit of power over the site.
because they come from places like reddit which is a fascist dictatorship under mods even more gay and tyrannical than here and cry when they see a shitpost thread
The cunny shit and actual honest to god cheese pizza used to be WAY more out of control, if that's what you're talking about.
And as fast as this board is and with as many clear underage b& that it has, I cannot imagine the low quality sneed shit will go away anytime soon
Tbh they should just get it over with and merge /pol/, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums.
Then they might as well merge it with /trash/ and call it /trash/ because that is what it would be.
they've finally realized Yea Forums is only used for shitposting
/trash/ is higher quality than a good 1/4 of all the boards.
Why don'r we have a /celeb/ board for shit like e-celebs/Youtube/etc? It would clean up Yea Forums so much and the gossipfags would be happy
janny has gone to rest. another big day of work tomorrow
the pedobot may have given up but not me i will keep posting cunnies till yhe end and then some just to keep your kind away
is it really "work" if you dont get paid for it? more like an activity or a hobby
It's literally just a board dedicated to drawings of that baby dog thing from Animal Crossing taking shits
Got warned for Sneedposting the other day so they still out here
It's like a type of community service for a community that despises the service you do.
That baby dog thing taking shits is better than console wars, cyoa generals, Sneed threads, /ptg/, moeshit threads, and the entirety of Yea Forums and Yea Forums.
>get banned for "replying to off-topic garbage"
>banned from all boards
>they didn't even show what post it was that got me banned
The quality of the board has not changed in the slightest
Oh what weight you carry upon your shoulders
Janny's a smelly old fat cunt and can get fucked in his unwashed hairy pimply ass crack lol also fuck niggers fuck trannies fuck fags fuck kikes fuck spics fuck abos fuck chinks fuck gooks fuck japs fuck pajeets fuck turks fuck mongolians fuck aboriginal americans and fuck the milanese.
People actually get banned for reporting?
There are actually multiple jannies and none of them actually follow the rules lol, they have their own sets of grudges that they focus on. There's one janny that gets asshurt and bans all sneedposters; the other jannies don't care about sneed. There will be around half a day of intense sneed persecution then the rest of the week they're immune.
Then there's the nigger janny. He gets asshurt when you say nigger. He's black as tar and much rarer on Yea Forums than anti-sneed janny. He probably prefers to be a janny for other less racist boards most of the time so he won't get so triggered. Anyway I've only seen him operate here a few times in the past couple months and I don't know his pattern like I do the sneed janny. But one thing's for sure - they are all absolutely incompetent and worthles fucking faggots and should kill themselves.