What went wrong?

I thought this was about young pope taking catholicism back to its roots and bringing back more fundamentalist church and it looked like it was going in that direction for first few episodes, what the fuck went wrong? that ending was so retarded. this shit had so much potential.

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Other urls found in this thread:

catholicbook.com/AgredaCD/PiusX/CATECHISM_OF_ST_ PIUS X.htm


Lmao get a load of this absolute pleb

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>any retard calling anything "degenerate"on this website
never get tired of laughing at those hypocrite autists

Typical plebeian reaction to hate what you do not understand.

You were the first person in this thread to use that word, what the fuck is your point?

as if they jews would let anything reflect correctly on the Catholic Church

You watched too much capeshit, that went wrong. TYP is the best tv show of the decade

praying 4 u to get some taste u fucken pleb

samefagging this hard to defend retarded tv show

You got POPED today son

It's a vile show that doesn't understand Catholicism. It is more concern with psychoanalysis than it is with religion. And normalfriends who fell for the "spiritual, not religious" meme are all drawn to a show with horrible theology but great aesthetics because deep down they all want a taste of what being a true Christian is. It's just a show that is so wrong on so many levels, what bothers me the most is the type of fans that it attracts.


nah man you are just a pleb, its actually very deep show

its so obvious that you didn’t even finish the show, pope never had sex

The fans of good filmmaking you mean

we literally see his kids when they read his love letter in one of the later episode

>It's a vile show that doesn't understand Catholicism
this, right here

is the problem, this shit should have been a movie. It lacks the content to justify its length, leaving a meandering mess. Nearly every episode ends on something stupid, only serving to highlight how poorly structured TYP is as a series.

that was not his kids lmao
guy didn’t even touch her legs you think they had sex?

>its too long!
Why do plebs think their opinions hace value?

>Finally, i have become The Young Pope™ Axxo_DVDRip_1080p_Yify . mp4

Fuck you Jude you fucking hack

my point is that you're a hypocrite faggot

>he doesn't value his time
I wonder what inflated garbage you plan to consume next

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What were the themes here:

Conservatism is a childish rebellion to liberal boomer parents?
Conservatism in the hands of the young can be overly harsh when compared to elder conservatives due to lack of life experienc and empathy?
Why would liberal HBO make a traditionalist a literal saint?

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I've only met one man in my life that I can say he's a saint, a Franciscan monk.

he abandons his fundamentalism in latest episode when he tells guttierez that he changed his stance on homosexuality, its all libtard garbage but its subtle enough that /pol/tards didn’t notice right away

That one scene where Lenny mocks the Fransicians is kino.
Someone told me trads dont like the fransicians in real life for some reason. Dont know if its true.

Sure, it seems like conservatism is untenable in the real world is a major theme, and he says hes already been very lenient.
Most conservatives I know are whatever about gays as well, so its truth in television at least.

Christian Lord guide my hand against your roman popery

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Pope Francis is a Jesuit blasphemer, and I only hope he meets a long and violent demise.


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If the title of the show wasen't enough to warn you then I don't think anything would. Do you really think any pope can be young?
>bringing back more fundamentalist church
What does that mean? Death to the gays? No divorces? Telling a country that a ruler can't rule unless the ruler gets the pope's blessing?

>tries to expel homosexual paedophilic vipers from the Church
>gets poisoned in the last episode

what did Sorrentino mean by this?

Where does it imply he was poisoned?

when he feels weak and collapses

But he was feeling unwell and faints earlier in the series also.


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The best poison is applied in small doses over a longer period of time

I fail to see how it's a "very deep show". And maybe it is, simply not on religious matters. In fact, cloaking the show in Catholicism is just strange when it could have been a show about just some guy with daddy issues, perhaps even a Baptist pastor or something since they are all their own popes.

Yup, this is exactly the kind of fan this show attracts, someone who doesn't understand Christianity, let alone Catholicism, yet is astonishingly opinionated about it but defensive about a show that understands the subject matter just as well as he does.

poisoning takes time, Napoleon lasted years

I only saw Episode 1, does it get better?

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But were there any hints at it other than his faintings?
Plus hes in the new series New Pope so he hasn't died.

>Most conservatives I know are whatever about gays as well

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it gets better and then it gets shit, everything after meeting with cardinals is garbage

But were there any hints at it other than his faintings?
Plus hes in the new series New Pope so he hasn't died.

>It's a vile show that doesn't understand Catholicism
You're right it doesn't show the Pope trying to cover up pedo's or telling niggers to get aids

So is there a self contained story to see in the "good part" of the show?
That is, do I watch until episode X, or do I skip it entirely, because the good stuff ends before any sort of closure?

Beats me I haven't even watched the series, and how did you manage to make an identical post without waiting 5 minutes?

just how much of a pleb can you be?

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>*sip* ahh, now that was a show

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Most conservatives in rural america just want to be left alone, they're not fascists.

They're small government capitalists who practice christianity. Never seen them be antagonistic to anyone who didn't push them. 95% of the people around me are small Gov right.

Unironically the best show since Breaking Bad.

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In regards to what?

A reminder that Pope Clement xiv was poisoned after supressing the liberal jesuits

What are you even talking about? Do you have a little Jew whispering in your ear or something?

>So is there a self contained story to see in the "good part" of the show?

No, skip it entirely. its “all style, no substance” show. you can watch it if you like aesthetics but thats it.

And nobody had it in them to poison Alexander VI.

>just want to be left alone, they're not fascists.
>rejecting faggotry is fascism...

you actually live in Toronto, don't you?

>liberal Jesuits
>in the XVIII century
>actually believing the poisoning conspiracy
>by the Jesuits
Modern Jesuits leave much to be desired but historically they have been a pious, saintly order that has done much good. They were arm wrestling with Freemasonry and they lost. Not even the Pope celebrated their suppression. It was all just messy politics.

you have no clue about how the Church actually works

How the church works is a somewhat complex answer so I don't know fully how it works, so why don't you explain exactly where I'm wrong?

how is "death to the gays" part of the fundamentals of the church? if anything it's leniency is what led to the current scandals

i know jesuit damage control when i see one. Jesuits were in bed with freemasonry you sheep.

Not what I said. I meant they dont care what other people do. They just want to be left alone and pay less taxes and raise christian families. That's about it. They dont care about gays being gay.

>The """"Young""" Pope
>Jude Law is 46

Well fundamentalism means that you go back to living under the ways of the bible right? And if say the bible says that homosexuals are to be stoned then as part of your Fundamentalism believes and way of live then are not you saying we should kill the homosexuals?

Reading this makes me happy i got too busy to finish it. I really enjoyed maybe 5 episodes of it then had to stop.

>living under the ways of the bible
oh fuck you, protestant brainlets should just stay quiet regarding Christian matters they know nothing about

That is fairly young for a pope, a modern one anyways.

So where am I wrong?

that it has ZERO to do with the Catholic church

Explain further

Don't waste your time on opinionated brainlets, user. They have no interest in these matters, most of them in fact look down on Christianity (let alone Catholicism), so don't expect them to know or care what poisons the RCC.

You know not what you're talking about. You're simply parroting YouTube conspiracy theories and protestant propaganda. Freemasons led the political persecutions of the Jesuits and ultimately their expulsion from CATHOLIC countries because of their obstructionism to the slave trade and the exploitation of the indigenous peoples through their missions. Marquis of Pombal in Portugal, the Count of Aranda in Spain and so, so, so many other known Freemasons were in charge of this travesty. Nowadays the Jesuits are less than great because they had decades upon decades of infiltrations of masons, homosexuals and communists that have thoroughly corrupted them, but historically there were a great order. To claim otherwise is simply to be ignorant of history or to just be an atheist completely enamoured by the "glories" of secular politics.

bible literalism is a protestant american invention from the XVIII century, it's literally heresy.

but you want to talk shit without knowing the first thing about the subject

>he doesn't know
Have fun reading. And your next step is to read a catechism instead of spouting nonsense online. I recommend the one written by Saint Pius X.
catholicbook.com/AgredaCD/PiusX/CATECHISM_OF_ST_ PIUS X.htm

I have intrest in these matters, that is I know that the RCC is filled with nothing but a bunch of heretics while Eastern Orthodox is the true way of God.
Who said I'm here to shittalk? I'm here to learn and debate, you're the one who dosen't seem interesting in talking. You only seem interested in insulting people while feeling superior

>I have intrest in these matters, that is I know that the RCC is filled with nothing but a bunch of heretics while Eastern Orthodox is the true way of God.
Online LARPing won't save your soul. If you're going to pretend to be an schismatic, you may want to first acquaint yourself with the dynamics of both Churches. No serious Orthodox Christian would ever say that nonsense about "heresy". Even the RCC with its legitimate God given primacy over all the other Churches recognises the Apostolic succession of the Orthodox Churches and holds their faith as true. If you're going to LARP, at least understand what the relation is supposed t be.

>Freemasons led the political persecutions of the Jesuits

wrong. Jansenists had more to do with their supression than freemasons. Their feud with freemasons was a farce.

Yet only one of those two orders has ever been charged with heresy.

the charge was mostly thanks to the Jesuits and thats exactly why they held a grudge.

Clement supressed the jesuits mostly due to pressure from the Bourbons-influenced by the jansenists, sorbonists and other enemies of the order including Madame de Pompadour. Thats history. The only one spouting about conspiracy here is you with your freemasons

meant for

the final episode of the young pope is a masterpiece, and by far the best in the series

I thought the episode in USA was better

you thought wrong

what was so great about it?

The RCC had numerous enemies at that time, protestants, schismatic movements from within the church, absolutist regalism and, of course, freemasonry. To disregard the latter as conspiracy while peddling the unsupported hypothesis that Pope Clement XIV was poisoned by the Jesuits is a type of hypocrisy that is unfortunately very common of the enemies of the RCC. And speaking of enemies, the supernatural qualities that grace the Mother Church are also not uncommon to Her enemies, so freemason, jansenist or otherwise, you can summarise all of these as the devil's own minions attempting to undermine the Church.


>this whole thread

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epic reference fellow redditor, upvoted!!

nice comeback
you sure showed me

>nice comeback
>you sure showed me

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It's getting really hard to figure out which of the posts in this thread are bait.

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dilate, cope and have sex, in this specific order

>posting /r/Yea Forums reaction images without backlinks as though (You)'s have meaning

dilate pope-trannie, speaking with authority, like you always do, wont make people care about your twisted apologetics any more than they did before.

>posting /r/Yea Forums reaction images without backlinks as though (You)'s have meaning
> > >

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i always try to this when i go to the pools. Can't hold my breath and stay motionless for that long. Can only go about 20ish seconds but i'm improving.


not reddit and not catholic. do u have to be a catholic to understand this show? i watched it last year and i couldn't retell you the plot if my life depended on it.

no, you just have to realize that there's something greater than us, be it the beauty of the world or a divine presence

Daily reminder that the teachings of Jesus Christ forbidly tell to not judge and love everyone as your neighbour.

Don't reply me with that "nice Jesus" copypasta please. If you think it's relevant here you don't understand anything and you're probably LARPing as a Christian as a facade for your white ethnicism.

Do you have a link to verses? my mom constantly judges people in the most harshest manner all the while acting like a holier than thou christian. i'd like to be able to quote something next time I argue about her hypocrisy.

>great photography
>exceptional use of light and music score
>well written characters with complete development arcs
>great acting
>superb costumes
>wonderful cast

nothing went wrong

he's a literal saint at the head of the church, and even applying its rules by the book, he fails because he's still an orphan looking for his parents
he doens't believe in god (a father figure) because he never got one, and even so, he's capable of applying god's law to his people

>A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
John 13:34
>When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."
John 8:7

These are some of the most famous teachings of Jesus Christ, which is portrayed in all evangelical books as a merciful, compassionate man.

People like to argue about him with a passage in which when he found happy merchants selling at a sacred temple he flipped the fuck out and destroyed their goods and expelled them, without considering that had it been the Old Testament god, he would've cursed them, their brethren, and the villages they came from with death and suffering for a dozen generations.

It's sad that some people are actually convinced of this and disregard the austere and judging character of Christ because it doesn't fit their agenda. Stop being a hypocrite, user, there is such a thing as sin and were are supposed to identify it and to correct it.


You're supposed to tell sinners to stop sinning, and try to bring them back to the flock of Christ, as an expression of your compassionate love for them.

You're not supposed to hate them or insult them or degrade them or assault them.

Reminder that Sorrentino signed a petition in support of Roman Polanski

based, also redpilled

>You're supposed to tell sinners to stop sinning, and try to bring them back to the flock of Christ, as an expression of your compassionate love for them.
Was that way the Pope didn't order the Crusades and instead sent volumes of loving letters to the enemies of Christianity? Was that why the Jews weren't kicked out of almost every place they went because of their subversions? Is that why we tolerate and embrace homosexuality? Is that why we don't need to confess and repent of our sins before approaching the Eucharist? Stop being hypocritical, user, there is nuance to the teachings of Our Lord. He came to confirm the Law and not to abolish it. Understand what that means.

>You're not supposed to hate them or insult them or degrade them or assault them.
That is quite rich coming from the same person who was implying that anyone who had a different understanding of the Holy Scriptures from your own naïve understanding of them was somehow trying to justify a ethnonationalism.

>Was that way the Pope didn't order the Crusades and instead sent volumes of loving letters to the enemies of Christianity? Was that why the Jews weren't kicked out of almost every place they went because of their subversions? Is that why we tolerate and embrace homosexuality? Is that why we don't need to confess and repent of our sins before approaching the Eucharist? Stop being hypocritical, user, there is nuance to the teachings of Our Lord. He came to confirm the Law and not to abolish it. Understand what that means.
That's because the Church lost the way of God and became just a political entity.

>That is quite rich coming from the same person who was implying that anyone who had a different understanding of the Holy Scriptures from your own naïve understanding of them was somehow trying to justify a ethnonationalism.
Please do tell what's your interpretation of those verses.

The show is filled with filth. It has pornography and throws casual props at "artists" who are more demonic than they are inspiring. The show openly mocks Catholicism. For Sorentino to support a known paedophile is wholly unsurprising given the moral fabric of this show.

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The Church that was instituted by Our Lord Jesus Christ has not "lost Her way". That is just the same old bullshit protestant understanding of Roman Catholic Church, the same geniuses who unironically think that you can have faith without works and "once saved always saved™". No, even with Pope Francis the Church has not lost Her way. You think it's all love love love and ignore the Lord's judgement and an eternity in hellfire.

Of course it has lost its way you cretin.
Where in the Bible does it say that they should live in extreme richness and play political favourites with European princes to consolidate their power and wealth?
The history of the Church in the Middle Ages is nothing but the history of the Popes becoming increasingly more political and powerful.
Only the lord judges and punishes, no human has the right to do that. If you want to play the crusader perhaps you should turn to Islam. Christians turn the other cheek as the gospel of Matthew taught.

Now scream and bitch all you want /pol/tard, but i'm the only one here quoting the scriptures.

>Of course it has lost its way you cretin.
When in doubt, look at the Orthodox. You find the same sacraments, the same most of the same traditions, the same practices, etc. Oh, and you also will find that they invariably had to play politics ever since 1054. So why would the RCC wouldn't have to dirty Her hands in order to survive and spread the faith? Pure and simply, you have double standard. Even the protestant churches became politicised and still play favourites to this very day. But when the RCC does it is bad? Why?

Also, what "riches" are you even talking about? The Catholic Church never lived in opulence and always had tons of mendicant orders (still has). And you can't simply liquidate the patrimony of the church, the vast majority of it was donated, what is the right of the Vatican to sell churches or to melt the gold that was crafted and donated? You really haven't think things through, you just have an irrational hatred for the RCC because it is the church most propagandised against and you have fallen for the meme. And hypocrisy of hypocrisies, you're here unironically preaching about the merits of turning the other cheek and how we should all love love love. It's all so tiresome.

>Now scream and bitch all you want /pol/tard, but i'm the only one here quoting the scriptures.
Very Christ-like. Much love. So salvation.

Do you think i'm defending the Orthodox Church or Protestant princes you dumb-dumb? Two wrongs don't make a right.

>The Catholic Church never lived in opulence and always had tons of mendicant orders (still has).

>And you can't simply liquidate the patrimony of the church, the vast majority of it was donated, what is the right of the Vatican to sell churches or to melt the gold that was crafted and donated?

Yes you can, the moment they donate to the Church it belongs to the Church. That is literally the definition of "donation". Christian faith can only be lived through poverty, as Matthew 6:24 taught:
>No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.
Or how about Luke 12:33?
>Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys.

The mendicant orders are the closest thing to the original Christian faith there is. The Holy See is nothing but a corruption.

Also i'm not Christian, so why would I be an hypocrite in pointing out the hipocrisy of the Church? And for fuck's sake don't play the pathetic "a non-Christian teaching Christianity to me" card. As if you couldn't study and learn about religion without converting.

You keep citing scripture, but I don't think you're aware of the dissonance between your posture through the entirety of this exchange and the message of love/poverty/whatever that you're supposedly preaching. It is quite embarrassing.

>discussing religion with someone who the the pope of himself
Not even once. If anything, you have proven that you're not qualifies to be debating the issue. For all I know you're an enlightened gnostic who knows better than everyone else and Jesus was just a master maaaaan and not the Omnipotent Lord of History.

You can have faith and still shitpost, user.

Never has a show triggered as many christfags and atheistfags alike with 10 episodes
Looking forward to TNP and even more asshurt plebs

Based and butcher-pilled.

Literally nothing went wrong you brainlet
It's about a rather hateful and resentful individual who likes to think he channels the word of God growing up and maturing
It just triggered many bible anons because they're still in phase 1

>angry christcucks seething because a piece of media doesn't jerk off their boomer religion
am I on kikebook? Thoughts and prayers for you too old farts.

Typical plebeian reaction, to hate when you do not understand.

Why is everything about zoomers and boomers now?

> >angry christcucks seething because a piece of media doesn't jerk off their boomer religion
> am I on kikebook? Thoughts and prayers for you too old farts.
> Literally nothing went wrong you brainlet
> It's about a rather hateful and resentful individual who likes to think he channels the word of God growing up and maturing
> It just triggered many bible anons because they're still in phase 1
> Never has a show triggered as many christfags and atheistfags alike with 10 episodes
> Looking forward to TNP and even more asshurt plebs

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I would guess it's a lack of imagination. That and the fact that this board has always been cancer.

It's bait all the way down, lad.

I was raised catholic and watched one episode. it seemed pretentious and queer so I didn't even finish it.

wow, you missed the point. if you didn't think that speech in Africa was the most unapologetically Christian monologue shown on TV in the last 40 years you must have been watching a different show.

Not enough nigger foot licking for you retard?

The show is brilliant. Jude Law for pope, unironically

I agree, well put user, sometimes I just think these retards are posting from another timeline

you convinced me HBO shill

only a catholic thinks a show about a well-spoken catholic who knows his history and theology is "pretentious"

Did we watch the same show?

I'm not sure, did we dipshit?

Don't even bother with the show, it'll only make you angry, user.

No, user, we did not. The fact that you're unironically praising this show for its supposed mastery of theology and history is just preposterous. You can praise it for everything else but that.


Those are not his kids. The lady was married to someone else

He didn’t have sex. He only touched her thigh

please school me on the intricacies of Catholic theology, Yea Forums poster

You can't shift the onus that easily, user. You made the claim that this show has good (great?) theology and also demonstrates a good understanding of history. Substantiate your claim, it should be simple now shoudn't it?

stop raping children you freak

ive not the seen the show but i live in a country that is supposed to be majority catholic (austria) and from my experience catholicism is mostly larp and show, they preach water and drink wine.

the priests for example are supposed to not have wives and not father children, yet many priests have girlfriends and children on the side. even the bishop knows but as long as they dont talk about it in public, no one cares.

then they are supposed to live in poverty and modesty yet priests get houses and even housekeepers from the church and scandals about misuse of church tax money for luxurities are quite common.

blessed soundtrack

>priests are sinners
That is the literal history of the Catholic Church. But you're being hyperbolic and letting your secularism dictate what the church is. The modern church has been infiltrated ever since the Vatican II council, but the problem with apostasy is still not as widespread as you portray.

>He said as his kids are more likely to get diddled by southern Baptist ministers than anything else.

At least the Catholic Church has a means of holding pedophiles accountable.

Protestants like to feign ignorance and to disregard the commandment to not bare false witness. Facts are seldom a concern for them. They do not understand and much less care that the real problem in the Roman Catholic Church is pederasty, specifically the sexual abuse of young seminarians and altar boys to a lesser extent. Faggots and apostates are the true culprits for the current predicament, people who aren't concerned about their priestly vows and whore themselves while committing all sorts of vile sacrileges. Many witnesses attest to this fact, secularized priests like Fr. Malachi Martin and others have consistently exposed these problems, even Cardinals sometimes talk about it. The problem is faggotry, only very rarely has anything to do with paedophilia.

>At least the Catholic Church has a means of holding pedophiles accountable.
yeah, they send to them to another part of the country where they get a new parish until they inevitably have to be sent elsewhere again.

I don't think you quite understand how the Catholic Church works. These sorts of scandals can be covered by the Bishops who simply have to shift around priests and pay off victims to make the problems go away. But by the same token a Bishop can also confront the issue and do something about it, which also happens often enough. Most of the problems stem from the Americas, read about the Lavender Mafia and the perversions that not only they cover but also promote. Now the Amazon synod is upon us and you have all the same shitheads promoting heresies. The RCC has been in disarray ever since the Vatican II council and the systematic infiltration of homosexuals in the high clergy. The most liberal interpretations of that council have been avoided, even by liberal Popes like John Paul II and Francis, but the birth of perfectly redundant terms like "traditional Catholicism" is something that should run a chill down the spine of Catholics.

>At least the Catholic Church has a means of holding pedophiles accountable


from my experience the main problem of the catholic church is that its become an old people church with no young blood and it is facing an invasion by middle aged women who are using the church to combat their loneliness and lack of a job or children and grandchildren to look after. they seek work and authority in the church, want to virtue signal hard and focus on their "community actions" that only interest them and no one else.

if i were to visit my local church and engage in masses and community events there i would find my self in a group of 30 women age 50-65 chatting with each other about their garden plants and the cakes they made yesterday amidst a polish priest who seems like he wants to kill himself.

this isnt a place where young people want to be.


Seek companionship, user. See if your parish has a brotherhood and engage with other men in the matters of theology. Take responsibility and become a reader since women are not supposed to be reading the liturgy anyway. I completely understand your desperation and I do empathise, but courage is a Catholic virtue. Visit your church and pray before the tabernacle, read the Scriptures and read about the lives and works of the saints. Become inspired and keep doing your best. The Holy Spirit will grace you with His gifts, you will be gifted discernment and an enduring heart. Pick up your cross.