I don't seem to like movies I'm anymore

I don't seem to like movies I'm anymore.

I've been disappointed by just about every movie I've seen in the past year or so. Am I the only one?

Attached: da18Djn_400x400.jpg (240x240, 11K)

Maybe we should fuck that might help you out
*tackles you to the ground*

I haven't watched a movie in almost 4 years

*Stabs you with pocket knife*

Nothing personnel, kid.

Almost every movie is terrible i only finish 1 out if 10 and like half of those i finish.

>i only finish 1 out if 10 and like half of those i finish.
so... 1 out of 20 then

>Almost every movie is terrible i only finish 1 out if 10 and like half of those i finish.
What did he mean by this?

*blocks it with my palm pulling it away from you*
heh...nice try buddy
*sleeper holds you and rolls you on your stomach*
*steals your anal virginity*

Watch better films. I have liked every film i have seen in the past 2 months.

If you mean new releases then I feel basically the same way, this year has been awful for movies.

Watch films from the 50's, 60's, and 70's. If you watch movies made today of course you're gonna be disappointed. They're all shit.

Movies are made for brain dead chinks now.

>le wrong generation

not an argument. also he got based trips so he wins by default.

iktf user. Used to want to be a filmmaker 5-6 years ago. Fell out of love with the artform. Not even sure how it started but I do know The Last Jedi killed what little spirit I had left

Attached: tenor.gif (220x220, 100K)

>not an argument
the mating call of the triggered autist

>still no argument
>resorts to calling someone an autist
>on Yea Forums
that's gonna be a yikes

you're an autist among autist if you think everything is an "argument" you retarded faggot lmao
I'm insulting you, it's not a fucking "argument"
jesus christ lmao just end it all

>dont appreciate the past
why are contrarians like this

You're depressed user. This world grows worse everyday and movies are failing to distract you from the horrifying truth of it all.

>saying that not all modern cinema is total shit = not appreciating the past
the contrarian isn't me at all

I just watched Alita. 3.6 / 10. Not great, not terrible.

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