Haha can you imagine?
Haha can you imagine?
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Almost there, fellas.
2 more years.
Haha this thread again?
25 here. i had a chance to dip a ball inside of a crazy bi-polar bitch that told me she had been raped and her current boyfriend throws her into the wall and shit. she also had 2 kids with 2 absent baby daddys
di-did i make the right move? my dick is sad
Haha guaranteed full replies until auto sage. Haha
It's super easy to hire an escort and if you have a decent paying job you should be able to afford one
>Yea Forums still forcing this stale reaction image
i still have 6 to go :-(
3 for me
Never stick your dick in crazy. You dodged a bullet.
>originated on this board in the summer of 2017
>Yea Forums meme
Babby can’t into archives?
Just seems way too weird to hire someone and stick you dick in them.
Why the fuck would I check the archives for that stupid image? Le epic bro
Don't let the evil roasties steal your life essence from you. Hold fast against the evil.
Every relationship is an exchange of something, nobody aside from philanthropists give something away for free
But you are not in a relationship with an escort, you are just paying to use them like a fleshlight
Reminder that if you do not lose your virginity by 21 it's over even if you manage to ascend
Why do you think men want to be around women in the first place, the great conversation?
You dodged a fucking nuclear missile there.
He wants to put it on his resume because he started it or some shit
There's more to life than filling holes and getting holes filled
thanks guys. bouta be 26 and there's no end in sight tho
Prostitutes exist.
Do you guys not get that?
He didn't imply that.
Stop making excuses
Do not ever, ever, fuck a hooker guys. It's not worth it, you will feel worse for having to pay for something everyone else gets for free.
t.not a virgin but wish i was.
>t: someone who managed lose virginity at 21 but never had sex again
All women are prostitutes unless your chad
mostly every guy gets to have sex with a girl that's actually turned on by him. the real incel problem is
>you will never make a girl horny
cuts deep yo
>I'm okay with being a virgin. There's more to life than just holes.
t. person who's going to really regret being alone on their deathbed with a life full of wasted opportunities
Your dick would be even more sad with herpes sores on it, user.
You did the right thing.
I already failed at losing my virginity just warning young lads
The only useful thing out of sex is offspring. It's no better than masturbation.
Have you heard anyone on their deathbed lament not getting laid enough? In my experience people regret not making amends with others
I'm talking about the meaningful connections you make with your family. The stuff that fills up your heart when being worked to the bone for decades empties it.
Fair enough, definitely a challenge for someone without a family/partner. Not impossible but quite a task
Thank God Im 6'5", otherwise no girl would ever want me
He unironically has a great life and it's pretty much all you can aspire to as a man in the 21st Century
>if you have a decent paying job
Making an awful lot of assumptions there.
post yfw you remember youre not a virgin
I'll be the 30 year old virgin just next year if nothing changes.
>He unironically has a great life
But he's single and not raising another man's three kids and grandkid....
You dodged a bullet, but you'll never get with a girl that doesn't have kids. All women are either divorcees or sluts now.
Whats with you guys? I'm having sex tomorrow night and I'm a manlet. Even mexican guys make fun of my height.
Prostitutes don't count. Like how it's not cheating if you rent the woman you sleep with
There's not much more to pursue a woman for.
t. man with 3 sisters can confirm they're all as shallow as /r9k/ claims they are.
t. person who's going to spend his last moments in a dementia fugue surrounded by people he can't recall
Reminder that women are terrible people.
Women are children, treat them as such. Don't give them power.
>Tried that once
>Pic related happened
okay guys need an honest opinion.
I am 22 and the farthest I have ever went with a girl was sticking my dick in her mouth, wasn't even a bj she had 0 clue what the fuck she was doing. i was 14 at the time and when we tried to have sex I couldn't get it in because I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. and we just kinda stopped.
Am I still a virgin or no?
also she wasn't cute at all she was a solid 4 or 5 so don't fap to this losers.
i hope i get the courage to kill myself soon
Long article but it's worth reading. Many men are in such an awful position now.
>first gf for year at 24
>break up with her
>second gf for three months
>she broke up with me in March
>no sex since then
Feels worse than being an incel did. Everybody makes out like once you've ticked that box it satisfies some urge and it gets easier, nobody tells you once you've had a taste you have to keep coming back forever and the urges actually are stronger.
What the fuck man
why did you break up with first gf and why did 2nd gf break up with you
based brainlet poster
>Dated for a year
>Got a rebound
You at least know you're capable of intimacy. That's a leap many of us can't take, or won't take
Stop ranking women on a numeric scale for starters. Then go out and realize all you need to do is talk to women. Not even ask them out, just converse. Women do more choosing of mates than men, and they are creatures of opportunity as well. If a guy even says 1 sentence to them he automatically is evaluated for possible sexual relations.
Staying at home want collecting Anime does not get women.
>Have a friend who makes fun of women on social media all the time and he goes into intricate detail on how women do men wrong
>He recently announced he has a kid on the way
won't have to soon
I'm 41. You cannot possibly understand the power that I wield.
dude. What the fuck are you even on about. Im not complaining that that was my only time. Honestly you can rate women. dont be an tumblr tard.
Was bored of the first one and the second one got bored of me, presumably, I didn't really ask
The funny thing is that while sex is great, it's not the be all and end all of everything. It feels like it when you're not having it, but when it's on tap it becomes meh. I watched Apollo 11 on IMAX the other day. It really was better than sex.
They don't talk about anything worthwhile, they only talk about themselves and gossip about the world around them as if the universe owes them the best of everything when they're garbage and trite as shit.
Doesn't matter whether they've been broken or not, dysfunctional or no, it's all the same. Girls that actually care about the more technical aspects or even just fantasizing about their place in the world beyond their circle, seem one-in-a-million.
t. grew up with sisters
user, bad sex can literally fuck up a marriage.
thats beyond retarded. actually look yourself in the mirror faggot.
Get axe, because your wife will be cheating on you.
That is unless the guy is cool with being a cuck.