How is this garbage still going?

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Other urls found in this thread:


white men have been the main people to commit crimes in history so yes white men are bad

>take Islam
>call it Christianity
I mean it literally is just Islam.

You are bad. That's why Jews are getting rid of you. And since you've done so much "bad" in history the descendents of your "victims" whom been told/taught by the Jews you deserve to be punished are adding fuel to the fire by going along with these public chasticements. Open calls to kill witey, denigrating your culture etc.

Your best choice White Man, and i say this as a Native American. Don't give up without a fight. I'll fight along side you in the race war. I'm not a self hating uncle tom or whatever phrase applies to a Sioux. I just have a death wish. I WANT to die. Anyways fuck Nigger and Jews

ok lol

if you want to look at it that (extremely simplistic) way then it's at least as accurate to say we've done the vast majority of "good" things too

>>white woman mad

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The only people I know who willingly watch this show are women. The few men I know who've seen this watched it with their girlfriend/wife in an effort to placate them.

Every time someone has described the show to me I can't shake the feeling that it is just outrage porn that people watch to get upset by.

Based and redskinpilled

Nostalghia for the present: the show

>white men have been the main people to invent everything that makes our lives so comfortable and lavish today

It is the best show on TV redpilled as fuck
Gilead is based ,

BTW you will never be a knight of the Sons of Jacob fighting in a crusade against the heretics and gender traitors in Chicago , why even live

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Show is literally based on actual middle east countries but "hey what if it was here" but it isn't.


Season 3 is kino. Fight me.

Still don’t know what there doing with Serena. There is complex but with this show I feel like they can’t they decide with her being somewhat sympathetic or bitch is pure evil and deserves her fate tier. Also Emily needs more focus.

Isn't the US the least likely place it would happen too? Why there?

Using unwomen to clean up the radioactive topsoil ,
caused by the bombs that destroyed the sons of yam has a certain irony to it.

Attached: gilead.jpg (470x264, 16K)

The outrage doesn't even make sense. The people in the show are behaving exactly the way they should in their world. If fertility rates are that low it is 100% justifiable to turn the few fertile women into breeding cows. Given that degeneracy is what caused fertility rates to crash in that universe it makes sense they clamp down on women's rights since that is by far the biggest cause of degeneracy. It just triggers roasties because it forces them to confront the fact that having children is by far the most important thing they can do in their life and that their meme degree and useless HR career don't come close to the importance of having babies.

jewish men have been the main people to commit crimes in history so yes jewish men are bad

More like

>religious extremism and using women as nothing but tools bad

But I don't except sub 50 IQ lumpeniggers to understand anything. Or Americans. Redundant, but still. Americans don't understand their Christian shit is on par with Sharia. Fucking retards.

praise be , I assume you are referring to Ofglen
blessed be the fruit , Do not do it again remember child honour thy father and thy mother.

>despite being 0.2% of the world's population...

because hulu doesnt really have anything else recognizable, so they keep scooping out this horseshit because they know (((journalists))) will write clickbait about it

Liberalism and consumerism destroyed the environment and fertility but the sons of Jacob will save the Earth. Praise be.

>Americans don't understand their Christian shit is on par with Sharia.

It is, though. In certain states they're literally claiming it's murder to terminate a foetus.

Gilead will blossom while "Canada" dies on the vine , praise be

> their Christian shit
I know this is b8 but just stop to think that there are people out there who actually buy this Marxist straw-man and don't realize that humanism stems directly from Christian theology.

Are people here actually anti-semitic?

Imagine actually believing this.

>different idea from me
>must be bait

Lumpenigger shoot yourself

Not just anti-semitic

The sons of david have been resettled in zion .
Blessed be the fruit.

>white men have been the main people to commit crimes in history so yes white men are bad

lol imagine being this fucking stupid

because of white "women", unironically.

Attached: muh white women.jpg (1024x971, 98K)

Upvoted, my good sir.

Why are they so evil bros?

Attached: why are jews so evil bros.jpg (1010x729, 205K)

>How is this garbage still going?

at a guess OP I'd say it's because ignorant shitsacks like yourself who don't know a thing about Gilead and its conflicts with numerous other "christian white man" interests (not least Southern Baptists around the Gulf Coast) need to keep these threads happening
tl;dr because you're natively dumb and psychologically needy

wtf i hate jews now


Fuck white "woman"

>The people in the show are behaving exactly the way they should in their world. If fertility rates are that low it is 100% justifiable to turn the few fertile women into breeding cows. Given that degeneracy is what caused fertility rates to crash in that universe it makes sense they clamp down on women's rights since that is by far the biggest cause of degeneracy.
The weirdest thing about this story is that none of the other countries seem to be affected outside of Mexico.

And by the way, no one seems to be scared shitless by the fall of the U.S. They're just like, you know, whatever.

no me look at me hating the jews bros i am based

>Southern Baptists

Blessed be the fruit.

>no one seems to be scared shitless by the fall of the U.S


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Oh, one other thing. The show can't decide if everyone is infertile or just the men.


that's a term I associate chiefly with papists, who are also hostile to Gilead for abducting nuns whom it turns into "handmaids"


It's like the showrunners don't explain Gilead at all or something...

So this is what’s totally gonna happen now that Ronald Regan is President, interesting perspective.
Thanks Atwood, you paranoid femenazi windbag, you’re a total credit to our country.

Never watched this shit. How woke is it exactly? Give examples

>night time hits
>all the trannies come out

it's true, the most horrific crimes of man kind are mainly commited by white men. If we found someone with a basement full of dead raped toddlers i guarantee you 100% it would be a white man behind it. statistically speaking.

>How woke is it exactly?
It's so woke that it's goddamn inconsistent. Ifelt like I was watching a comedy for the first few seasons.

Based and redskin
Here’s to a wonderful future
And if it’s any condolence I would love to see a world where your people were allowed to keep their lands

>it's true, the most horrific crimes of man kind are mainly commited by white men.
Got any examples? Looks to me like no one can beat the Asians, neither by quality nor quantity of atrocities. Of course, that's mostly a function of population density in their case.

Jews invented Communism, and they've been pushing that product since an out-of-work Karl Marx put pen to paper in his latest moneymaking scheme.

>it's another "closeup of a woman's angry face" camera angle

seriously, if you hate Christians and Muslims, like Atwood does, you should hate Jews more because they started us.
Throw in the Mormon Danites and the Manichaeans because why the fuck not.

>How woke is it exactly?
It's so woke that it's goddamn inconsistent. I felt like I was watching a comedy for the first few seasons.

That's a really deceptive and poor use of "per capita." And those statistics are lies anyway.

Reminder that lefttards use personified language for the unborn in every context besides arguing to kill them.
They still want to feel like progressives even when they’re keeping an assbackward archaic practice like infanticide alive and well in the modern day.

Did you know that jews also have the highest rates of pedophilia and serial killers?
Truly, there must be the vile curse of Yam in their very blood, passed down by genes from generation to generation.

Did you really just delete and repost a reply because of one space?

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>If we found someone
This is the difference. Non-white murderers and kiddy rapists are usually not found because nonwhites can't into policing themselves.

>did you know
what you said isn't a fact, dipshit. in fact i would bet anything it's straight from some neo nazi livejournal

What can I say? I'm a grammar freak.

>Why there?

>Writer, from America, wanted to show what a fundamentalist movement obsessed with breeding (like Iran) would look like in the Western World as it establishes itself in society
>Would this American writer use America as their model?

Another fun fact, they have the highest rates of mental illness in the West! Especially their women. Jewish women have the highest rates of schizophrenia in the world, in fact!
Where do you think the neurotic Jew stereotype comes from? Truly, the Jews are cursed, and all others on earth must suffer the blight that they work upon the world with their machinations.

Anyway, I fucked a Jewish girl who was bat-shit crazy. Literally told me she wants me to "rape" her in front of her co-workers. The fuck is wrong with Jewish women?

>He doesn’t know about all those cannibal warlords and witch doctors in Africa that routinely get away with killing and consuming hundreds of children.
A child killing whitey is rare compared to the hundreds of barbaric nignog cultures across the world that commit it regularly.

it's just capeshit for wom*n, if you read the books it's way worse. christians lead a civil war against planned parenthood and have incels suicide bomb clinics and book clubs. like its fucking retarded

They did it on purpose, they knew it wouldn't work well if it was openly agaisnt islam. So they tweaked it a bit but it's obviously an anti islamic show. Everyone picked it. They don't wear black burqas, they wear red coats...

Did you know: 75% of all retarded babies in Israel come from the isolated Hasidic Jewish community which make up a small fraction of the population.
Hasidics are also responsible in NYC for the measles breakout since they believe vaccines are not kosher.

Are there still woman torture or the show is going full feminism and woman power?

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HMT is just

A. Gaslighting that white culture would be Gilead without liberalism
B. Anti-Christian slander

That’s all. Atwood is satanist (Madelynn Albright / Margaret Atwood, what’s with satanist M.A. Womyn?)

Keep telling yourself that.

>as a Native American
>mindlessly supports jews

Shut up Goldberg

>personified language for the unborn

How very ironic.

And black people commit all crimes today so they are worse

can confirm ah has comtted many crime today and goin out to commit more. more crimes
t. Black


isn't that the ugly girl from Mad Men?

Yes, I don't know how she's still so pudgy

Are you goblins ever not offended by something?

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>80-85% of early soviet government

Attached: Jewishbolsheviks2.jpg (1515x5000, 1.82M)

>tfw your "meme" is literally that jews are superior and all-powerful
IMAGINE being this much of a self-hating cockroach

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It's why whites have been expelled from 190 countries.

Attached: white expulsions.jpg (1357x617, 190K)

>Your best choice White Man, and i say this as a Native American. Don't give up without a fight. I'll fight along side you in the race war. I'm not a self hating uncle tom or whatever phrase applies to a Sioux. I just have a death wish. I WANT to die. Anyways fuck Nigger and Jews

Attached: white uprising.png (1248x1688, 1.4M)

>Also Emily needs more focus.
No, she doesn't. canada bits are the worst

the texas shooter had jewish heritage

>How come no one brings up Stalin when people say Hitler is bad!
Yes why does no one bring up the other white man who killed millions when someone brings up a white man who killed millions

The DC handmaids being silenced was kino. They are impressively making the show work and somehow making it make sense that the waterfords and june still get to have scenes together.

I like dystopia's.

Also it is a good reminder what the west will be like if we dont stop immigration from sandnigger countries.

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kek 90% of those "expulsions" aren't even expulsions

Found the s󠛡oyboy.

Have you had a look at how the Caucasus people look?

> hanging people, mutilation, unnecessary pain, also slaving non fertile women, death camps only for women

> incel autist: the outrage doesn't make sense

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Right, because real masculine men like you like hordes of religion pushing muslims coming in to rape your women.

I wish i ate more meat, then i might start sucking muslim dick aswell.

Tell me, how

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utilitarians are a meme

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first sentence in wikipedia when i lookup that word:
Utilitarianism is a family of consequentialist ethical theories that promotes actions that maximize happiness and well-being for the majority of a population.

> you post a picture claiming the opposite

It's a good show if you ignore the comments criticising or praising feminism in the show.
And about "WHITE MAN BAD": Aunt Lydia is a white woman, Serena is a white woman, Offmatthew is a black woman, and most SJWs hate Luke who is a black man (and not even for being an adulterer because they think it's ok.)

why is there so many /pol/ threads

The atrocities nonwhites have committed (and still do to this day) are truly the stuff of nightmares.

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We are inevitable, like the body's immune system reacting to a disease.

Utilitarianism is about collective happiness, not proportional happiness per person you blithering retard

Real masculine men don’t oppose a conservative, androcentric ideology such as Islam. And sucking dick is haram regardless of the sexes involved.

B8. Neck yourself tranny.

>collective happiness
So they’re communists

Actually it's Christianity

Yes, user. John Stuart Mill was a communist. Kill yourself.

I award you 5 utils.

True Christianity is just islam.


>. If fertility rates are that low it is 100% justifiable to turn the few fertile women into breeding cows
But who said the women are infertile? Who said that there are only "few fertile" women around? What if the it's the men who are infertile?

But let's continue this line of thought that it's the women who are infertile and there are only a few fertile one left. Who are they being treated like animals? If they truly are so important then shouldn't they be treated like walking living gods and not animals?

Like I said, true christianity. Not the syncretic pagan mishmash “practiced” today.

I have no idea what this show is about, but from what I've heard it's a world where humans are going extinct so women are obligated by society to give birth instead of being retarded thots?

And somehow women think this paints them as heroic freedom fighters, fighting against human survival?

>the inevitable men

I like that, that should be a show

Do have access to scripture not publicly available?

Have sex.

No you see it's a show about men being infertile so they are starting to feel very insecure about themselves so they seek to rule everyone through violence and fear and strip everyone not them of rights.

>if you want to look at it that (extremely simplistic) way

Is this meant to be sarcasm? On Yea Forums?

>I have no idea what this show is about, but from what I've heard it's a world where humans are going extinct so women are obligated by society to give birth instead of being retarded thots?
No, if Gilead was focused on reproduction then they would at least perform some fertility testing and admit that most men, including Commanders, are infertile too.
Also, there is no reasonable justification for forcing women to breed, with the amount of people on Earth there are no demographic problems that natural selection won't be able to fix.

It's both islam and christianity. The show was created by a homosexual and the writers and directors are jewish feminist women. It's safe to say they are againts anything that is remotely culturally conservative which is why theu hate religion.

I wish /pol/acks wouldn't have dropped the show early so that we would see their reaction to the absolute degeneracy of the commanders and wives of their 'based' Gilead in DC.

Apocrypha are publicly available

Reminder that Alabama is currently considering whether or not to bring charges against a woman who got shot while being pregnant and had a miscarriage, because the shooting was a result of a heated fight that she was a part of. Meanwhile the person who did the shooting was acquitted, iirc "because she was simply defending herself."

So it's okay to shoot someone and cause a miscarriage, but being shot and miscarry is not okay and you potentially could get charged with a crime, because it happened due to a fight. Ergo, Alabama is kinda saying that abortion is okay as long as you shoot someone with a gun while having a heated argument.


Then the premise sounds inherently retarded anyway

So it's literally

>bois have small benis
>dey use violence to control da strong wymyn

Somehow that might be worse

and the book was written by a cancuck leftie (female)

I wish the internet had been around in the 1980s

Raygun was such a living meme

> being anti islam is opposing conservatism

And me being against immigration must mean im also pro gassing jews. right?

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the fact that it didn't happen speaks volumes about how "conservatives" were cucked even back then

except that's not true if you look at all of mankinds history and not just two or three centuries - that plus the fact that many predominantly white nations developing over the ages did not participate in these so called crimes which little racists like you like to rant about. Go back to resetera where, you'll fit right in with the other bigots.

Islam is the only extant conservative ideology, cope.


>google handmaids
>instead start reading about handover of hong kong

This entire synopsis is why I dislike women. There's literally no mention of men, who would obviously be the bulk of the shitworkers in a society like this. It's always extreme narcissistic bullshit with them about having to do minimal things is evil.

>Then the premise sounds inherently retarded anyway
The premise is "religious extremists took over US under the pretence of saving humanity". And just like in real life, many of them aren't actually truly believe in their cause.
Also, Gilead isn't built around Handmaids, they are a minority of women who committed "crimes" against Gilead and are given to Commanders so that they could have children too.

>unironically saying this on the backs of asians, africans, and middle easterners
It's a global effort you reactionary faggot


No one on /pol/ ever bothered to watch it

How much of a brainlet are you that you thought television is a good argument for your political beliefs?

>unironically a meme from 2004

Why do liberals never get new material?

So they're criminals then? I'm supposed to feel bad for criminals?

Chinese man badder

/pol doesn't watch this show but everyone have heard about it because mainstream edia woud not stop talking about it. It's like Kanye West, Lady Gaga and Beyonce. Who the fuck listens to this shit? Yet everybody heard about them

>No one on /pol/ ever bothered to watch it
Oh, right, I forgot that they get their information from fourth-hand sources only.
Nice reddit spacing, by the way.

No. cope.

Attached: jewtrix.jpg (514x571, 31K)

The "book" was based on the Iranian revolution.

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The "crimes" include being a lesbian, marrying second time, or having sex outside of a marriage (including being raped). If you think that's enough to make anyone a criminal then you should be put down.

Is it that hard of a concept to imagine, if you're pregnant and you go picking fights with people then yeah, you're purposely endangering the life of your child? I'm sure I don't have all the facts, maybe the suspect didn't know she was pregnant and found out in hospital while getting charged? Way I see it is bitch is pregnant, bitch goes and picks fight, bitch loses child; it's not the bitches fault though. Help me see it from your perspective, correct me where I went wrong.

I was taught this book in high school and I always associate it with the way my overtly neo-feminist teacher would say "The Handmaid's tale is so scary because THIS can ACTUALLY happen" in a completely obnoxious tone at least 5 times per discussion.

>being a lesbian
>having sex outside of a marriage

It's about an extremist religious organization taking over the country and taking all rights away from women and forcing them to be raped in twisted rituals in front of the men's wives and churn out babies like a factory to the elite of the new fundamental christian government. And if women try to fight it they are subjugated to mutilation and death.

Women aren't being "obligated" they are literally being taken by force from their homes, herded like cattle, abused and mistreated until they submit to the authoritarian oppression, and then have to submit to repeated rapes to produce children. And those children are then taken away from them and given to the elite host family that raped them, and you're send to another host family to start the process all over again.

Have you really not seen the umpteen other posts in here explaining the show's plot?

Why aren't they doing IVF?

The premise is "religious extremists took over US and due to radiation and pollution infertility is dropping"

Because it's unnatural.

Sounds like your average woman fantasy if Shades of Grey is anything to go by

>How is this garbage still going?

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Can't wait for male politicians to start showing up to work in Mad Max gear because it too is empowering.

Did you know this show is actually a documentary of future America? Just look at how women’s rights are being taken away bit-by-bit these days and it’s clear we’re on a path to this “fictional” society.

Jews have weaponized white women. It's white men's fault for letting them loose