It never fucking gets better

Life is absolute shit. Just save the spiel about hitting the gym, not jerking off etc, I already do all of that.

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Post sneed

accept your fate, embrace the pain and feel alive

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You gotta go into negative masturbation

I bet you can't even name one(1) thing that's bad about life.

Faggot this is r/television not r/me_irl (r9k/) or Yea Forums not /fit/ aka r/suddenlygay

Big oof, yikes and wowzers. I'm so funny put me in the screenncap so that nigger faggots on r/greentext can updoot this comedy gold while at the dentist for their wives black son. Make sure to rotate and zoom my text and add a wacky filter to my pic. Fuck niggers and jews. I'm a Native Ameican by the way

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Stop sleeping with a pillow. It boosts your testosterone.

phoneposters don't deserve happiness

You need a goal, even if its unlikely you will achieve it, then it distracts you from the harsh realities youre facing

You can start by not posting on our fucking Yea Forums board faggot. If you can’t even masquerade your hopeless demeanor in the form of a shit post than what can we even begin to offer you?



Well, la-dee-da Mr. Gucci Loafers.

Magic 8-ball, will OP's life get better?

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The only practical advice you'll ever get.
What's a small thing you can realistically achieve, OP?

why would anyone do nofap

Will I get a pretty girlfriend this summer?


Jerk off in the gym

Are you financially secure?

Chief Red Pill really hit the tip of the arrow here

embrace the clown world and make it your bitch. become the merchant and enjoy the ride
