Do you guys ever think about the absolute scope of movies? How there are over 500...

Do you guys ever think about the absolute scope of movies? How there are over 500,000 FULL LENGTH features films in existence, not including art house films or documentaries? No one human can even feasible begin to watch all of those films, there’s not enough years for that. But then this also seeps into other works of art, like Television shows, video games, music, and books. All of which are actually MORE in total than feature length films. Meaning:
You will never watch ever movie ever.
You will never read every book ever.
You will never play every game ever.
You will never hear every piece of music.
There’s just so much fiction and so much fucking made up information, it’s crazy to think that there are more fictional and otherworldly universes that exist than our own, and the fact that most people care more about these fiction lands than OUR OWN reality.

Are there any films or documentaries that go over this premise? Really interested in watching something like this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>ywn watch all of the inane home movies from random people of the world
why live

This too. Think about it.
You won’t ever watch comfy 2000s private home videos of birthday parties, bowling events and social gatherings.
You will never see pictures that feature you in some capacity, whether it be a blob in the background, or your side of your face revealed.
God this goes so far.

The picture thing keeps me up at night. Not kidding.

you will never see every network affiliate broadcast and the local commercials that came with them
you will never see every block of any given MTV music video show


Weird. Thought this too

So what faggot

Do you think we're getting to the point of diminishing returns? Maybe all the best things have been made and now we're just making new shit because we can.

Do you ever think about how as time goes on, more and more of these films/stories will be completely forgotten. That even includes our most popular ones like star wars and the avengers given enough time. You ever think about how our entire generation will be compressed into a paragraph in future history books, then eventually forgotten? That our society and way of life will only exist for a relatively brief time in human history. Or that mankind will eventually cease to exist because the only alternative is to exist forever?

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Same, like when you check your photos you see the faces of strangers and I think to myself how many photos do I appear in strangers photos

I only come here to shitpost.


I don't think Star Wars will be forgotten. You'd need something to replace it.

i remember when i used to smoke weed too

you should provide content

>500,000 FULL LENGTH features films in existence
and around 99% of it is derivative trash

He just wants to see everything. That way, he can finally judge everything comparatively.

Take your fucking meds OP

Whenever I see someone taking a selfie while I walk by it makes me think of this. Maybe they'll look back on that picture decades from now after I'm old or dead and see me.

I think that they'll be making fun of me.