Losing argument

>losing argument
>“not that user, but...”
>I’m actually that user

Attached: 7430891F-8BD7-4515-8D53-39BC49DD0B5B.jpg (250x238, 6K)

>arguing online

>lack creativity
>post a frog

not that user, but that is pretty pathetic op

redditor spotted

have sex


I vant to suck your blood

Attached: vampire.jpg (600x600, 37K)

>reply to brainlet post
>can’t upload images from my iPhone 8+ 128gb smartphone
>have to think up a creative and devastating reply to make up for not including a picture of Pepe blowing cigar smoke directly at the viewer

dumb frogposter

Attached: 8216Pepe_the_Frog8217_Creator_Voting-a82ee9b454b5a049935eadcf19536b8c.jpg (618x412, 23K)

>cant figure out something to post related to the thread
>attempt to change the topic so more people reply to me
feels bad

Attached: 1416460205383.png (625x582, 14K)

Attached: park avenue.jpg (906x1200, 117K)

it's ok fren, i like your posts

Attached: frens.jpg (1387x702, 85K)

>scrolling down the front page of a board
>see a good post
>whisper "based" and keep scrolling


based chad

Attached: 1559635797609.jpg (400x388, 27K)



oooo the trifecta

Attached: 1465960901192.png (137x132, 52K)

too based

>make a post
>reply “based” a few times to get the ball rolling

Attached: sneed wins.png (751x1569, 251K)

Attached: 1562124004957.png (1280x574, 573K)

>losing argument
>derail thread with /pol/shot
works 80% of the time every time


>make well thought out post in good faith about my favorite movie
>two replies, one of which is sage, the other lol fag
>post jlaws twitching asshole
>get 40 You in the eight seconds before janny notices



Amazingly based