
Unironically, waiting for the new season of the show about killing yourself is one of the only things keeping me from killing myself

Attached: 13-Reasons-Why-Season-3.jpg (636x382, 59K)

Actually, that is very ironic (in the traditional sense of the word)

>netflix zoomer

another season? Is she still dead?

Tell me about your life and why you want to kill yourself.

She's still dead and the actress/character will be fully absent from S3 (she appears as a ghost/hallucination in S2)

There are various other plot threads and arcs that need wrapping up, hope this is the last one though

I'm 27 and still a socially awkward khv and every time I think things might change or get better, they don't, and it reaffirms the sense that I'm going to be stuck like this, forever.

Also lost my best friend a few months ago because of him suffering from traumatic brain injury and losing empathy for people, cutting off all contact with me.

Attached: blade runner lonely and horny.jpg (970x545, 50K)

>hop on, dude

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>hope this is the last one though
Season 2 was already too many seasons, as the retcon destroyed much of the emotional resonance for Clay in season 1.

That is not dead which can eternal lie.

I literally have zero advice. Sorry bud.

I hear in the next season the main character guy is taking the suicide girl to the lazarus pit. Expect real kino.

>13 reasons why
>ryan gosling poster

your friend just realised you're a pathetic faggot and ditched you, good call. you should kill yourself tonight you pathetic piece of shit, no one likes you and your family think you're vermin. run a hot bath and slit your wrists or gas yourself in your car. you're a waste of oxygen, you're even despised on Yea Forums by anons. stop shitting up this place you cancerous loser. K I L L Y O U R S E L F

Thank you, gave me a chuckle

you sound utterly pathetic. you might aswell just end your life because literally no one gives a shit about you. there is nothing likeable about you, thats why women are repulsed by you. you're creepy and look disgusting. your attitude stinks too, you have such a shitty personality.

Best advice I can give is what helped me when I was in a similar spot. Philosophy. Not post modern shit, but actual traditional philosophy with real practical application. Stoicism, Bhudism, Platonism, jump into them each on a surface level and see if any click for you.

I was highly depressed and suicidal and this is what helped me. If you don't know where to begin I recommend the podcast Philosophise This. He goes through the history of philosophy in the order they were founded and shows how the ideas build on each other. If any of them strike a chord with you then jump in a bit deeper and do your own research.

There is real wisdom and value in these old ideas. Give them a chance and they can help you see the world differently. It helped me.

you should kill yourself. whats the point in going on when you're this beta?



yikes. pure cringe. hope you die desu senpai.

lmao glad you found somewhere to let off steam

you should kill yourself. don't stream it though, no one cares.

don't kill yourself. Nobody wins there, not even the Jews

What would be the point of hammering your keyboard that much if you have no way of verifying that OP actually killed himself? Seems like a lot of wasted effort

Dylan Minnette is relentlessly handsome.

Ross Butler's role in Shazam is amusing, seems to point out how absurdly miscast he is as a high school sophomore/junior

Attached: ross-shazam.jpg (1000x500, 304K)

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Ross Butler is relentlessly hot.

>season 3
>Bryce wants to rape Hannah one last time
>he invades the morgue for the goodbye fuck
>Clay is faggot and Montgomery got a career making homemade butter and filming for youtube
>"it's a rape world, rape or get raped"
>random mystery about the secret rape society inside the US government trying to rape the secretary of defense
>final episode's twist: Hannah faked her own death
>season 4 and 5 confirmed because people will watch anything
>crossover with The Handmaid's Tale

Unironically kino

Bryceposters are the most powerful race in the world.

isn't this a tv show made for underage teenager girls?

Generally I love movies or tv shows about suicide but I couldn't get into this one at all, the main character suffered a lot but is still a selfish cunt and basically killed herself out of spite and made innocent people feel bad by sending out those tapes.

This desu, I want to kill myself every day but I don't because I don't want to hurt people I love but this bitch does it intentionally.

>crossover with Handmaid's Tale
come on thats not even on Netflix at least do

Fuck this show for glamorizing suicide
I can't believe they got away with this shit AND will make a second season