why does this talentless piece of shit keep showing up in every film these days?
"muh jews" is not an answer by the way
Why does this talentless piece of shit keep showing up in every film these days?
He is literally dude weed
He's a jew.
He straight up bangs Charlize in his new flick. The arrogance of this kike never fails to amaze.
Okay it's not the jews, it's a group of people who live in the town that produces the most films who share a culture--specifically it's a clique within this culture of which most members *just* *happen* *to* *be* *jewish*.
seething incel
get a real job nigger instead of demanding affirmative action so you can compete
When will incels get representation in hollywood? It's about time!
It is THE answer though.
People like him I guess?
Why does Seth Rogen piss off the obese anime-guzzling neckbeard crowd so badly?
affirmative action was necessary to give disenfranchised minorities a helping hand after centuries of systemic oppression. please do not use the n-word in my thread, thank you. refer to global rule 2.
Funny, I never see him in any of the movies I watch. Maybe it's something to do with the shitty fucking movies you watch, OP. Let's get up Seth Rogen's filmography here to see what you've been consuming regularly enough to complain about Seth Rogen being in "every film these days".
The 40-Year-Old Virgin
Knocked Up
Pineapple Express
Zack and Miri Make a Porno
Observe and Report
Funny People
The Green Hornet
The Guilt Trip
This Is the End
The Interview
Steve Jobs
The Night Before
Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising
Sausage Party
The Disaster Artist
Long Shot
Damn. Nice taste OP.
Come on, it's seth Rogen. Jew and gentile alike can shit on this man and how he doesn't deserve his fame and still be friends.
Can't be because his movies make money
Because as we know Jews hate money and prefer going bankrupt on nepotism
>these days
you're about 10 years late
>"muh jews" is not an answer by the way
but it literally is
Is that the crazy bitch with the tranny niglets? Really slopping up those sloppy seconds there Seth.
He is now "box office poison" no one sees movies with him in them
has he even been in anything lately? I only ever hear about him when he has something to say about Drumpf.
calm down seth
>tfw he's richer than every obese incel on Yea Forums combined
agreed. dey keepin us down.
>affirmative action starts in the 60s
>black unemployment record lows were during the 1920s and 30s
What did history mean by this?
He's a socialist. He should give most of that away.
black unemployment was only low because worker solidarity was at an all time high. when the (white) workers would go on strike, businesses would hire exclusively black replacements and strikebreakers specifically to rile up racial tensions.
>He's a socialist
Yeah right. He's a neolib. That means he wants Sam Walton to ban people who say the N word from buying 25 cent loaves of bread with plastic in them
He's jewish
because he reminds us of ourselves and we hate ourselves the most
Go after one fat jew and the kikes start seething (kvetching).
Anyone who buys anything at Walmart is subhuman so he's got a point there
have sex and you will be less angsty about jews
Im sure that helped but it doesn't seem statistically significant enough to be the underlying cause.
Stop inhaling Breitbart headlines
Why can't you guys get along?
Stop contributing to the systemic manipulation of Gentiles by a foreign minority with implicit biases of nepotism, collusion, dual-loyalty, subversion, corruption, assassination, deconstruction, pathologization, influence networking, false flagging, cult of personality creating, talk show hosting, usury perputating, government occupying and Christ-killing.
have sexing
Are any of these jew conspiracies true?
Yes, Jews are actually smart
I'm the guy you replied to and I am jewish, I am also the beneficiary of jewish nepotism. It's not a meme, but also every culture does this so it's not really a big issue. You look stupid denying the existence of something because you think if it was real it would be bad.
Oh, okay. cool. I think I might be kind of smart.
go back to where you came from and take your shitty images with you
Some of them probably have some degree of truth to it. Others aren't even conspiracies, they are right. But most is just lunacy and memes.
It's clearly profitable to employ him. Who the fuck told you this talent shit was important?
he puts himself out there
Jews are the real nazis. AshkeNAZI EUGENICS in 16th century Europe created the pseudo-Jews like Chris Wallace and Bill Kristol used to manipulate Americans into killing themselves for Israel.
based Heigl, almost took him and Apatow down
"Conspiracies" implies that it's deliberate rather than just a product of how Jewish people are. It's like saying niggers conspire to live off the governments teat and rob people--it's just who they are.
Jews control Hollywood
>obviously yes, a substantial minority of people working in Hollywood are Jewish and they hire/work with people who are also Jewish preferentially. It's kind of like bro-code.
Jewish people control the media
>see the above
Jewish people control the banks
>see the above, with the addition that MANY Jewish people live in New York which has traditionally been the epicenter of banking, Jewish culture emphasizes high performance in school and status, and high performance in school and status seeking leads people to find jobs in finance.
Jewish people control the government
>Jewish people tend to have a lot of money for the reasons listed above--Jews are also usually not successful running for political office (we tend to be pretty neurotic) so they like to dickswing by donating shitloads of money to politicians and universities. Politicians and university officials realize this and preferentially choose policies to try to attract Jewish donors.
His wife played the sexy baby in that episode of 30 Rock but she's hit the proverbial wall
>Don't use the correct answer to my question
Nice thread faggot
Is this true?
someone actually took the time to make that lol
If you do drugs with the right people in college, ur set for life.
How many actors/actresses do you think make up their "jewish ancestry" to make it? I read a story of some guy who was in LA that wore a Star of David necklace and that opened more doors for him than anything else.
>every culture does this so it's not really a big issue.
This and the IQ meme are the only justification 2% of the population has for controlling American mass media and foreign policy. The fact is power/control is not meritocratic therefore there is no justification. Either you accept being manipulated by a foreign minority or you don't. Liberals are pussies so they want it, conservatives only care about money, the only ones who dissent are the high IQ free thinking independents who watch Sam Hyde and Sam Seder while plastering comment sections and message boards with anti-Semitism. Me? I'm a man of chaos brought to by Joker:tm: in theaters now.
404 in 3...
He's underplaying it. Turn on cable news and literally half of the hosts and most of the pundits are Jewish. Print news may be even worse because only a few articles are really significant and they dominate by Pareto through influence networks. Sheldon Adelson is the real reason Trump one and he's on camera saying he just wants to be a good Zionist. Schumer and Nadler are the most important Democrats rn while Pelosi stated Washington will be rubble before aid to Israel ceases.
Hollywood is mostly just creeps like Weinstein producing kinos they like with some cultural bias. Same with banking and finance but they can't be held accountable for that influence because it's mostly invisible. Meanwhile on tv everyday they're straight up manipulating people as hosts and executives of all the most popular shows. Rick Sanchez said it all in 2010 and was killed for it.
he is one of the chosen