Avacucks think they’ve won

>Avacucks think they’ve won

I’m going to see it for the 4th time tomorrow and asking all my friends to come too

Endgame will win - I’ll make sure of it

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Money's been inflated since Avatar. Avatar wins by default because of that.


Based, do your duty!

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>muh inflation

This level of cope shouldn’t be possible

Daily reminder that Endgame is beating you WITHOUT 3D

>dude inflation doesnt exist lmao
Not an argument

I mean, if you're okay with inflation, then Avatar 2 will beat Endgame, and the next Avengers will beat Avatar 2, and on and on. What fun is that when the newer movie always wins just because money is worth less, not because more people actually saw it.

For almost a decade under Obama we had no inflation since he was a good president

We didn’t even have inflation until Agent Orange took office so it doesn’t count

Wrong. Nothing will beat Endgame. Try again.

Whatever it fakes

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>not adjusted for inflation
take the L

Avatar is just dances with wolves in space

So Gone with the Wind wins then.

thankfully yes

so this the power of the Far From Home "boost"

Attached: endgame065.png (828x309, 41K)

what does this mean?

Tuesdays generally see an increase for movies because more people go to the theaters for discount Tuesdays
in this case Endgame seems to be dropping instead of rising, likely because Far From Home is taking away the audience instead of "boosting" it
in short, it's pretty bad for Endgame if this 650k Tuesday stands, it could change though, those are early estimates

Avatar literally is just dances with wolves in space. No one unironically praises the movie for its plot.

>a movie made back when people fucking tried

It's also because the bonus shit relies also on the teaser for far from home, but now the movie is already out, and since everyone is making fun of the hulk shit, they'll likely drop it from theaters

$20M away, lmao. Should easily beat Avaturd by the end of July.

They should’ve had a rerelease in September with a double feature of it and end game

it's not like "big purple man killing half of the universe with magic stones / must go back in time to steal said magic stones" is any more brilliant
sounds like something a 3 year old would come up with
or where major plot points are basically jokes "Lol just found how time travel works in an afternoon"