The projector dimension fights are probably the coolest thing I've seen in any Marvel film

The projector dimension fights are probably the coolest thing I've seen in any Marvel film.

Attached: Mysterio-Far-From-Home.jpg (750x422, 106K)

can you spoil this movie for me? whats the twist that changes everything? im never gonna see it anyway

Calling it: 1st marvel flop

>projector dimension

Mysterio is the one controlling the Elementals like everyone predicted. In the MCU, the Elementals are made using high-tech projector technology, the real damage that the Elementals do to buildings are done by cloaked drones. Quentin Beck used to work for Tony Stark and was miffed that Stark wouldn't acknowledge him (worst part of the film). Beck gets close with Peter, becomes kind of like a father figure to him, gets Peter to give him control over Stark's drones (which Stark gave to Peter after his death). Peter finds out that Beck is a faker when one of his projectors gets stuck in his web. Goes to tell Samuel Jackson but Samuel Jackson is really Quentin Beck in disguise, super cool projector dimension fight ensues. Beck leaves Peter for dead (stupid move), but Peter is still alive and meets up with Happy. Final fight takes place in London, Beck gets shot by one of his own drones and apparently dies. Mid-credits scene shows Peter on a date with MJ in New York, when he sees on the news a clip sent by Mysterio to CNN that portrays Spider-Man as the one responsible for controlling the drones, and Mysterio revealing Spider-Man's identity as Peter Parker.

Full scale battles with giant water and fire monsters are just projectors and drones in magical sync. Mysterio does this because he wants to be the new iron man or whatever.

Mysterio's 23andme test reveals his Ashkenazi ancestry (6%); this is critically considered to be the turning point in the film, as from this point Mysterio's personality suddenly shifts and he becomes the plot's clear antagonist.

>the real damage that the Elementals do to buildings are done by cloaked drones
>and Mysterio revealing Spider-Man's identity as Peter Parker
even shitier. its obvious they do this because its more convenient for the writers, so all this does is make him the same as everyone else in the mcu. fuck

good villain but his teams motivation is cringe

peter parker exposed

There is no real twist, I guess, since Mysterio is just an illusionist, like he was always meant to be.

First of many, hopefully

It's the third highest rated MCU film of all-time, only behind Black Panther and Endgame.

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>and Mysterio revealing Spider-Man's identity as Peter Parker
fucking dropped.

also, Homecoming is also 93%

Hulk? Captain America 1? None of these made to 400m and they had usual 150m budgets.

all right but the ending Beck sent the doctored clip to, the MCU Infowars, run by J Jonah Jameson (Who is played by JK Simmons surprisingly, as an Alex Jones parody).
End Credit scene reveals that Fury and Hill are actually Talos and his wife, who have been impersonating them the entire movie. Talos calls Fury to update him on how things went with Peter, and wondering when he's coming back. Fury is on vacation on some skrull ship, sitting on a virtual beach, drinking something out of a coconut
and the final words in Phase 3 are "Where are my shoes?"

So he is basically Syndrome? gayyyyyyyyyy

>also, Homecoming is also 93%
and Homecoming did well, so...?

I really liked that last fight, where Peter was 100% relying on his spidey sense. Not quite as satisfying as the end of Homecoming but a really cool way to convey the idea that he's finally comfortable with who he is and what he can do, rather than relying on technology and Stark hand-me-downs.

I think the foreign settings ruined the film. Italy and London are such drab shitholes and all the related foreigner jokes never landed.