Just saw this, Yea Forums is going to hate it but I absolutely loved it. Expect lots of salty threads in the next couple of weeks.
Just saw this, Yea Forums is going to hate it but I absolutely loved it...
it's already begun. i can't wait for the butthurt
also checked
I just saw it too. What exactly did you love so much about it? There were some great moments, don’t get me wrong, but most of the actual characters just felt so shallow, it had no meaning when anything bad happened to them. Dani is the only character who we’re really supposed to care for and she’s never in any danger.
imagine being such a sad and miserable faggot piece of shit that youre in the movie theater thinking about what faceless internet people from a taiwanese image forum are going to think about the movie youre watching with jamal.
the score, the visuals, the seamless transitions from weird to funny to horrifying. the characters were kind of shallow sure but they were realistic. the acting was also top-tier. and it was a very original movie despite being derivative at the same time. The final shot with that music playing and the cut to black was just perfect. it also had a great plot.
i didn't think about Yea Forums until I got home because my mind was preoccupied with the experience this film gave me
Imagine being such an insecure faggot that you don't suck your best bro off at the sleepover after a Woody kino marathon. It's gonna be a looooo-ooooooooong summer, ladies and germs!
> b u l l s h i t
>it also had a great plot
In a general sense, sure. But it sounds like you’re just really impressed by the production, and not the actual substance of the movie. I’d have loved to have seen your reaction to the script alone.
>it's an a24 shill thread
Why is Yea Forums gonna hate it?
I also loved the substance man, I have never seen a pagan horror film before and this was a great start. I'm not good at describing in intricate detail what I like about movies, so I can't give you a clear answer, I just loved it
because its good
I've been excited about this movie for weeks and when I asked my friends if they wanted to see it they said they'd rather see the new spiderman.
I just saw Midsommar and I unironically wish I saw Spider-Man instead. And I loved Hereditary.
>literal Israeli kike thinks wypipo culture is scary: the movie
Wow how novel and interesting
i like the jewish projection from the jewish ugly creep looking director on white people.
> whites are creep
coming from a group that believe they are 'le chosen people' and bite foreskins from babies.
yeah, were the creepy ones.
This, white people aren't scary
All they do is talk spam memes about killing non-whites instead of going out and doing something about it or even reproducing
I like your persecution complex.
Memes aside, was it legit bad? I have a hard time believing the guy behind Hereditary which I loved could be capable of a complete flop. Let alone worse than the newest marvel capeshit
No, it's very well made, it's just a very bizarre movie and could be interpreted as being edgy, which leads to it being divisive. I loved it though.
The real question is whether it's as good as The Strange Thing About the Johnson's.
It’s not really “bad.” It has some good parts and it generally looks pretty good, visually. But the story is ultimately quite bland and it tries way too hard to have weird, shocking moments.
Conservative whites actually reproduce at above replacement.
It's liberals who don't. Thus, why they need to import voters from elsewhere.
It has begun
what a pathetic answer, jesus christ. LOL
you sound like the kind of idiot who use the word 'homophobia' thinking that people are scare of gays - when is just pity and disgust.
please dilate.
>Oh my GOD!! White people are fucking INSANE! This movie was absolutely terrifying... I LOVE IT!
I'm not the user you're speaking with; but the substance of a movie is generally in how it depicts its scenes. Depth comes from literature. Spectacle comes from film.
sad that aster peaked here
>Conservative whites actually reproduce at above replacement.
Then why is Yea Forums full of virgins?
Imagine being you, giving into the victimhood crisis that afflicts everything these days. How are you any better than your enemies?
Excellent I'll definitely be seeing it then. Would you say it's better or worse than Hereditary?
Meant for
>make the objective factual observation that movie about wypipo bad wypipo crazy cultist rapist murderers is literally written and directed by a jew and thus has a racially motivated political agenda
What do you think this guy's BMI index is?
Worse than Hereditary. I actually felt scared during Hereditary, but never during Midsommar.
I don’t think tasteless gore counts as enjoyable spectacle
Just as good or slightly worse, but Hereditary is my favorite horror movie ever so that's excellent. Hereditary is way scarier though.
I wish you could time travel to 1973 and picket Wicker Man screenings by putting that on a sign, including a green font. Maybe you could impregnate your own grandmother.
>Expect lots of salty threads in the next couple of weeks.
>about some French bullshit nobody cares about
>I've seen 10 "horror" movies
I have seen around 30 or 40, not that much in the grand scheme of things but who cares?
Completely false equivalency. The Wicker Man is an English movie based on an English novel that takes place in England directed by an English person.
This movie is written and directed by a jewish person and funded by a jewish company (A24) that is about how white european pagans and I can only assume makes them out to be total lunatics and is completely ridiculous much like his other clown show.
I don't expect you to give a shit either way, but no The Wicker Man is not the same thing as what's going on here.
calm down.
i state the fact that jewish dogma attest that they are the chose people, wich is a fact, and that jews perform an act that, in some cases, could evolve a guy bitting off the foreskin of a baby.
no victimhood here, just pointing the irony of a guy from this heritage thinking that he has a less scary background than whites, asians, blacks, etc.
Fucking same.
>could evolve a guy biting off the foreskin of a baby.
Actually they rip the foreskin with sharpened fingernails then suck the bloodied baby penis.
what happens with the bear?
Favorite movie of the year so far, maybe even liked it more than hereditary
It looks like Wicker Man with yuppies.
Florence Pugh is super qt though so I'll probably check it out. She looks just like all the John Waterhouse paintings I used to jack it to in the library at school.
You really want to know? This is the end of the movie.
The main character's boyfriend is knocked out and drugged, then they take the insides out of the bear and but the boyfriend inside. He's then burned alive inside the bear suit. There's a reason and other things surrounding this.
Boyfriend gets put inside it and burned to death. The main girl was dependent on him in their relationship because of her family dying. He was more of an emotional teddy bear to her than an actual boyfriend. It's how she gets over the relationship and finds peace in the end. I guess.
White people bad
Hereditary is one of the most overrated movies ever. that movie is shit
this looks like a wicker man ripoff
You need to watch more films pal
because we're just larping, desu senpai I'm actually a socialist commie
they seem to be mad that the shitty white bf dies in the end and they will see this as an attack on white men some how since men never do bad things and it must be the wommins fault so it's a feminist stronk movie i guess. idk man, /pol/tards are all mentally ill and can't function with out turning things into identity politics. sad lives
What does he actually do that's bad or makes him 'shitty'?
The only fact here is that a horror movie was made that takes place in sweden. Literally every single other thing - that the movie demonizes white people, or that the movie is meant as a commentary on white people, or that these "interpretations" are racially motivated - is entirely a fantasy you've constructed. Hope this helps.
conservative *whites*, user. whites.
Biting foreskins is an extremist thing, not a Jewish thing. The vast majority don't do it. Are you retarded?
>all the John Waterhouse paintings I used to jack it to in the library at school.
Extraordinary. I'm not sure what I was expecting today but it certainly wasn't this.
just got out
it was mesmerizing, but it never got more disturbing than the first 10 minutes
>hurrrr phobia means fear we don't fear fags
i can't tell if you're a stupid 16 year old that just started forming old and dated regurgitated opinions or unaware boomer. amazing.
>a guy from this heritage thinking that he has a less scary background than whites, asians, blacks, etc
he does though lol fucking brain dead poltard. not that history of heritage matters but if you want to go down that route you're completely fucking wrong. fatass.
the lack of empathy. and by keeping her around out of pity even though he clearly wants nothing to do with her and he's also a liar.
You've never read the Talmud or watched a video of a Jewish ritual circumcision.
>funded by a jewish company (A24)
I wish you retards who don't know the difference between production and distribution would kill yourselves
Most people in relationships have a lack of empathy and lie so I'm not sure how that makes him a horrible person. Dani also clearly displays a lack of empathy at countless points such as when he orders him to get boiled alive, for example
excellent bait
why would i read an ancient book instead of watching what people have done over the centuries? jews barely ever commit crimes, commit atrocities, act violently, etc. white christians have a trail of bodies thousands of miles longer, even per capita. same thing with asians, blacks, and whoever else you can mention.
Coming at it from the angle that it's a "breakup movie" in the same way that Hereditary is a family drama, I loved it. Dani's journey from neglected and emotionally tormented girl to finally getting rid of the elements of her life that were holding her back was well-done, and I like the symbolism of the mushroom visuals being a metaphor for the disorienting and sickening experience of knowing you have to get rid of something you've held dear for so long is genius.
As a horror movie though....I dunno. You never care for Chidi and Bandersnatch the same way you do for Dani and Christian, and in all honesty you never get that sense of danger after the former two kick the bucket. You realize it's a creepy psychotic cult thing, but the explicit framing of it as a different culture (via all the anthropology major references) makes it difficult to be truly terrified of any of the cult's actions. That framing is so strong that I'm only just now considering how fucked it is that they lure innocent victims to a field in the wilderness to paralyze and kill them.
Overall, 7/10, I need to see it again to get a better grasp on it.
This is probably Florence Pugh's breakout role desu.
If you like her in this I HIGHLY recommend Fighting With My Family. You'll get the qt Goth Pugh gf you never knew you needed.
I usually hate artsy faggotry but this shit was off the rails good. Absolutely phenomenal, fuck everyone.
I remember when I was a kid, first got on Facebook like 10 years ago, and this short absolutely exploded. Every second post from a black person was some meme about this short, it was like 2 Girls 1 Cup with artistic merit.
I didn't end up seeing it until I was like 19, but it still hit like a truck (heh) when i did see it.
also, beta orbiter whiner gets rekt.
if he'd been alpha he'd have left that little fatass a long time ago.
That slow tracking shot through the house where we see what the sister did, and zooming in on that "4 new Messages" pop-up was absolutely incredible.
I think that is the problem. If you have ever seen pagan horror before, you knew what was going to happen from the trailer.
you sure are seething like a little bitch about something you invented in your own head
really loved the production. The plot on it's own isn't particularly remarkable and under a different direction could literally be dime a dozen cult movie. BUT visually it was sick and the score is ridiculously good. It felt like a manic psychedelic experience. On a side note, this movie is basically having its cake and eating it too by doing the whole "fear of the other" but this time the "other" is white europeans. Of course it sorta plays with this by having the characters be anthropologists dropping cultural relativism all over the place. Worth a re-watch
not even the trailer, just the poster is enough to guess pretty closely
you know SOMEBODY'S going to get sacrificed, you're just in the dark about who
it's everybody EXCEPT Florence
Won't there be a search party for them? How does the cult get away with the murders?
>manic psychedelic experience
Can we take a second to appreciate that they didn't go full movie-psychedelia and just have a bunch of monsters all over the place with the tripping? Just these subtle background warping effects. Occasionally that one flower on Dani's head would dilate, but it didn't feel like INSANE insane. It drew you in closer to the movie, and I thought that was super fucking cool.
somebody who's only seen 40 horror movies doesn't get to have a favorite horror movie
that's like saying
>my favorite country singer is Johnny Cash, he sang that Nine Inch Nails song in the trailer for Logan
yeah it's not subtle but it's very realistic. It both visually and tonally captures a psychedelic experience, plus the actors were nailing it imo. I bugged out laughing when that old man claps in the dudes face. Such a relatable experience
i think this aspect of the movie is going to be lost on people who have never dabbled and that sounds fucking lame and gay but it's true
no, it's like saying my "favorite song is hurt by that singer from the logan trailer"
which is perfectly acceptable. if you only seen two movies you can have a favorite movie.
yeah, the gf was just as huge a piece of shit as he was, only we're supposed to feel sorry for her because her sister murdered her parents and because she's a girl
the smile on her face when she watches him burning was pure evil, and I think we're supposed to be rooting for her, unless this was some meta Inglourious Basterds stuff
luckily, every character in this movie is a piece of shit, so it's hard to get TOO upset about any of it
I personally have never done shrooms or acid or really anything harder than weed, but I do remember the one time I tried to smoke dabs. I hit it a wee bit too hard, and what followed was one of the worst drug experiences I ever care to have.
This movie reminded me of that, as well as a lot of times I tried smoking with friends in my local music scene. Oof.
she is an ultimate cutie in this movie but I also think she looks like a combo between Kiernan Shipka and Rhonda Rousey. Anyone agree?
except for all the racial stuff that's present in the movie itself
What racial stuff
If it was there in anybody besides the black man I didn't notice. He died because he broke the rules (and also he was probably gonna get killed anyway because that's how the system works)
was she /our girl/?
It just a bad version of the wicker man.
I mean, there not enough movies like that but it is at best a meh.
What did you think of Apostle? That's my only view into Pagan Horror.
So most Rabbi are extremist then?
Unmask the jew and watch as they recoil in fear and try to explain away everything as coincidence or projecting
nothing was holding Dani back, she was holding HIM back
she's the villain
you can't be orbiting a girl if she's literally your girlfriend, baitboi
>What did you think of Apostle? That's my only view into Pagan Horror.
Not seen it yet, plan to.
Did you like Hereditary
sure you can, but you should also be mocked for it
That sounds fucking retarded. Thanks for saving me from a bad purchase anons
Some of it really made me fucking laugh, like the expression of the Seth Rogan motherfucker during most of the film's final half. It got to the point where I started getting genuinely convinced that this was meant to be a comedy horror. Maybe I'm in the minority on that though, I watched it with Americans and 90% of them didn't chuckle once.
Interesting take on it. I can see it from both angles, and honestly up until the end I legit thought that she was gonna let him go because she didn't hold any ill will towards him.
she looks like a fucking nurse, in a bad way
frumpy as fuck
The Wicker Man was not a horror movie since it was not scary and had neither supernatural nor gory moments. So is this a thriller like TWM? I'll watch it anyway but I hate it when they falsely advertise thrillers as horror movies.
Nah, from what I've heard a lot of it is actually a comedy. Will Poulter is 100% comedic relief.
It's just not explicitly framed that way, so people are gonna take it seriously because they think no one else is finding it funny.
Yeah, it's a thriller, but it does have some impressively gory moments. Two words to describe one of the most disturbing scenes: Blood Eagle.
>The Wicker Man was not a horror movie since it was not scary
based absolute fuckwit
>angry incel noises
it's just a movie, stop being offended snowflake
Imagine lacking this much sex.
a nurse? that's fucking new haha
my audience was cracking up a ton. Almost every line Will Poulter had was hilarious. I was the only one who awkwardly laughed when he nervously said "is he gonna kill me?"
>not a horror movie since it was not scary
There are no scary movies, just movies in the "horror genre"
>The Wicker Man was not a horror movie
I understand it has a lot of thriller elements but it is at the core a horror film.
That like saying it not a horror film since it a musical. (since it has so many musical bits.)
>don't break up with your girlfriend because her family went through a fucking murder-suicide
>you're the bad guy because of this
lmao what
how long until an oscar bros
it's been two weeks since release and there's no torrent of it, not even a camrip? now I'm willing to believe that this film was both shot and distributed by pagans.
It released today for general audiences. Go catch it at your local kinoplex if you want to watch it so bad mane
>distributed by pagans
I mean it's an A24 joint
Lol who cares they worship a tree
He was an asshole but didn't deserve to die.
Her ass is quite THICK in Lady Macbeth
OP is a consumer, he likes to consume, it makes him feel good when his life as temporary purpose from consuming
Literally the goal of capitalism
>they display his corpse with a jester cap at the end
>Two words to describe one of the most disturbing scenes: Blood Eagle.
Well, that's nice, considering Vikings the show totally copped out of showing it. It would be nice to have a candid reimagining of the blood eagle rite on cinematic record.
You see his lungs moving and everything, and his eyes are replaced by sunflowers. It's fucking gnarly.
They nail it. He's still alive somehow during it too.
This film reeks of Jewish projection, it's simple:
The Jew is a rootless and eternal outsider that wanders from economic opportunity to economic opportunity, to them the close-knit ethnic community represented by this faux pagan cult are horrific because they could never be accepted, they would especially stand out as black haired uglies in Scandinavian countries with beautiful blond people.
In a close-knit community you're are responsible for your lechery, your usury and greed. All things the Jews are known for, which is why they prefer Hollywood and New York urban areas, where urban rootlessness allows them to be successful and anonymous. Along with their persecution complex they can take advantage of their ethnic nepotism like few other "white people" in the urban environment, mostly because they have no ethno-religious community like the Jew.
Fuck Jews but you are mentally ill if that's what you truly deciphered from this kino.
to add to this, the greatest horror isn't a fake ethnic community in the far reaches of Scandinavia (exceedingly rare in this globalized world). The horror of our times is the rootless cosmopolitan, a man detached from his history, his ancestors, and his country. A man whose only joy in life is to consume sterile Jewish productions until the end of his pathetic existence. Somebody without a personality like Patrick Bateman perhaps, although that really doesn't nail the current crop of pathetic losers that populate the Internet mostly. Just think of Star Wars nerd crying over the latest trailer, that is the true horror of our times, but nobody can make a film about it, how would you? One would have to be creative, unlike copying formulaic pagan films.
I'm not deciphering it you moron, it's a common thread throughout Judaism, they are urban people, they have benefited from urbanization and anonymity. America is the prime example of economic incentive driving rootlessness. If you're not Jewish it's easy to make the connections.
But the movie ends with Dani being freed of the shackles of modern society and embracing the newfound love and acceptance she's found in the Swedish Community. She literally has been assimilated into the culture.
If Dani (an outsider) is supposed to be representative of the Jews here then your entire narrative falls apart.
>Just think of Star Wars nerd crying over the latest trailer, that is the true horror of our times, but nobody can make a film about it, how would you?
I feel like there's a couple movies that already tackle the idea of relentless consumerism being the downfall of humanity, the most obvious being They Live.
I don't think mass media is what rootless cosmopolitans tend to go for in terms of cultural consumption.
>had a psychotic break from dabs
lol faggot
I'm not talking about the plot, but the premises of the film, doesn't it strike you that the main male character is killed violently, in interviews Aster said he made the film after/during a breakup. Why do you think the male punished and tortured, what is more likely to represent Jew. The pretty blonde girl or the bozo male, obviously there's some sexual projection going on, but I'm really not interested in a Freudian analysis of some Jewish perversions. This isn't even my argument though, clearly the horror inflicted by these pagans is a bad thing? It's not represented as truly liberating or is it? I've yet to see the movie
And yes, They Live is good to, but I feel like that is more specific to the 80s, we have reached new levels of a consumption based existence.
What do they prefer? I meet many people who yearn for a more meaningful existence, so many KNOW they are missing something, but it's hard to articulate.
philosophy, modern art, art movies at a stretch, things that separate them from the unwashed masses
these things aren't really representative of the rituals a people repeat in their daily lives that are the bedrock of a true "culture" and community. those are what you say, status symbols to separate them from the unwashed masses.
I'm a piece of shit, yeah. Wasn't really a psychotic break but it certainly wasn't a pleasant experience (at least until the next day where I literally spent the entire day being high as a fucking kite, it was excellent).
>Hasn't seen the movie
Oh, so you're just being a faggot for the sake of being a faggot then.
How I read it was their sacrifices were a good thing for their culture, even if it seemed barbaric and psychotic to all of us. They keep bringing up that the main dudes are anthropology majors, and one of the big things in anthropology is not being judgmental of foreign culture, not labelling other cultures as "savages" or the like. That's literally the first thing they teach you in any anthropology class. Viewing it from that perspective takes the horror out of a lot of it, but at the same time forces the ritualistic practices into a new light.
There's a suicide scene near the beginning. Two of the elders literally jump off a cliff, and you see their faces splattered all over the rocks and sand. One of the locals tells two of the foreigners "We willingly give our lives so that they are not wasted on being older than like 75" or some shit. It's obviously fucking terrifying and any rational person would want to leave at this point, but as the movie goes on and Dani is further indoctrinated you get that this is less terrifying for her and more liberating.
It's 4am, how did I stay up this late again?
I wish there was a more anthropological spin but the ENTIRE movie is dominated by Dani's fucking problems
please go back
>"We willingly give our lives so that they are not wasted on being older than like 75" or some shit
this sounds like a retarded meme, real communities have a place for the old and the young, they have valuable lessons to teach, if this retarded ritual takes place every 90 years how does anybody even know how to do it if all the people old enough to remember jump off a cliff. Shit's just Jewish projection that any real community has to have a dark side and evil sacrifices. Have you been to Scandinavia, you sound American so it may be hard for your to understand the rootlessness of your own country and what real communities look like. (not trying to be condescending)
Fair point. Speaking of, I think this movie's probably a lot better if you've gone through a bad breakup in the recent past. I haven't dated anyone in like 5 or 6 years so no scene hit me as hard as the one in Hereditary where Toni Collette is shouting at the kid (which reminds me to this day of my mom)
I'm not currently feeling depressed about being a fat 22 y/o virgin so /r9k/ isn't gonna have much to occupy me right now.
shit nigga god damn lose some weight and get /fit/ stop getting dabbed on and build some muscle mass. weed fucks with your gains bro, if you ain't fit how do you expect to lose your virginity to some hottie
also read Armond White, you need to get better at movies
>real communities have
Yeah but that's the thing, and that's why I brought up the anthropology aspect. I'm not a worldly guy and I'm readily willing to admit that, but the point of the sacrifices in the movie isn't that they're evil. Just that they're there to represent passage. The old pass their knowledge to the young, and then they are no longer useful.
You should see the movie, my guy, or pirate it if you're worried about Jewish tricks.
Fair point, I should start lifting again. Back when I was I actually had gf (though it didn't last long since I'm autistic). I respect Armond White for being an actual reviewer who legitimately argues his interpretation instead of saying "Yeah it was good/bad" for like 5 paragraphs but I don't agree with him on a lot of things.
Imagine being this obsessed with jews
It's not the jews fault women are repulsed by you
If you had sex you'd be MUCH less angsty about jews. Just sayin.
Imagine freaking out this badly over a fucking horror movie.Christ no wonder you goblins don't have any friends.
Thanks for all the (You)s
yeah I'll prolly pirate it, Armond is the best film critic imo, he understands that films shouldn't simply be consumed, but should elicit an emotional response and encourage the viewer to think about their own lives and the lives of others. I'm not really obsessed with Jews, in fact I think it's unhealthy to be, but this film seemed to be very slanderous, I just got back from Estonia and they had this little idealized village with pretty dancing girls and old blonde ladies talking together, there was happiness and culture, but one girl told me she was afraid the neuroses of modern life would lead everybody to insanity. Get to bed user!
This is a good interview, ignore the timestamp and start from the beginning
t. /pol/tard
Shouldn't you be shooting up a place of worship?
>can't function without turning things into identity politics
t. Jews
actually it's the false representation of small Swedish communities that I take most offense with
>an A24 film
yes thats advertised here
This movie was actually redpilled.
>gf is a psycho jealous roastie
>nog literally stealing white ppl culture
>vaping faggot gets btfo
>Christian has a hard time cumming due to being a cutfag
>the britbongs are stereotypically shitskins
>foreigners trying to explain to the locals how problematic their ways are
>mental illness is not glorified
Ari Aster is /ourjew/
>angry incel noises
You're 100% confirmed some half-mexican incel living in his mummys basement.
prove it faggot
You’re fuckin nutso man
Experience with you creaturas. The ones always screeching about Jews and pretending Midsommar is some deep white tradition are always Amerimutt mexican-arab hybrids
lol wrong, sorry Jew
Dios Mios...
/pol/estine is called such firstly because it's less than .5% white
more Jewish projection