Porn is used to transmit your thoughts/feelings to a CIA/Google/Mossad/kike overmind...

Porn is used to transmit your thoughts/feelings to a CIA/Google/Mossad/kike overmind. It's utlizing imagery to activate your sexual arousal/energy (the most powerful force you have) to bypass the natural barriers/defenses to you psychic inner sanctum.

In this state they can copy the blueprint of your soul.

Especially if your ears are ringing while watching porn, you are being "watched" and they are feeding off you.

Stop being idiots.

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based and redpilled

this will be deleted to prevent the truth being spread

I need you to explain this better. I'm not even falling you wrong but my mind is broken from the amount of porn I watch so I don't understand. Where should I start reading about this?

SHUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

explain ears ringing

what if I read doujins

Exactly. After all, this is Yea Forums - Random & Politics and this post absolutely belongs here.

But I like Porn

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uhhh, wrong dumbass. the most powerful force a person has is the mind

this is true. i was there in 1947 when the CIA was created.


You're not gonna find this explanation on some purplepilled website like yourbrainonporn or any other typical noporn literature.

It's a truth you arrive at by recognizing the sociopolitical power porn has, what the real purpose of that control mechanism is, why porn is damaging, and how the human spirit interfaces with and bends reality.

Try meditating, nothing crazy or overboard, 15 minutes a day would be just fine. It's helpful exercise in that you are better able to distinguish which thoughts/impulses are organically "yours" as in emitting from your own soul, and those that are imposed on you by media/interactions/circumstance.

With some clarity and distance it's very clear what the goal of porn is, to undermine you, your agency, your spirit, and rob you of your potency.

ringing ears (outside tinnitus) is a sign of interface with other planes of consciousness/spirit. Some people say it's when you are "downloading" or "sensing" information from a higher plane, but this is actually too specific and restricted a definition.

It's any interface at all that is stronger/more significant than usual. Like when you are dumping your life force into some kike egregore thoughtform that's a fueling a destructive, debasing colossus on the collective level.

wrong board newfags, try

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>Try meditating, nothing crazy or overboard, 15 minutes a day would be just fine.
The only actual good advice in this entire fucking thread.

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Thank you Varg

I still recommend meditation to everybody even though (unfortunately) that advice has been tainted by new age bullshit cults/movements/charlatans that seek to equate the very act with an overarching rosy unrealistic ideology of "lol we're all one! peace and love! I'm a lightworker!".

The very fact that this practice has attracted the attention and utilization of charlatans, who can in honesty produce meager but real improvements with it, shows it as a potent practice with real potential. It's used by the entire spectrum of human beings for a reason.

Stop watching porn, now.

cringe Reddit thread

You have beat the jews

People can both watch porn and meditate though.

Ideal life is doing both in equal parts or finding a loving wife/girlfriend as willing and sexually active as you are.

>claims there is a spiritual element to pornography

Try harder kike

but where am I going to see titties if I can't watch porn?

Last I checked the Japanese wrote Doujinshi.

>muh balance


I’d rather get dopamine fucked by nips rather than kikes

What if I dont have any interest in dealing with womens bullshit but still jerk off so I dont nut in the middle of the night

What about camwhores? It's the only female social interaction I have.

All this nofap noporn started on reddit. It’s reddit incarnate.

Start a thread about a TV show or movie that's more interesting than this guy's post and post the link here.

I need my occasional nut, Moloch's true goals mean nothing

>he thinks the idea to stop using porn started in 2005


It works though, only hedonists and those with low self-control can't have both, that isn't saying much based off what this site has become so no wonder so many advocate "no fap" when they can't control their basic internet browsing desires.