Political satire kino


I'm sure this won't upset /pol/ at all!

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Me in the middle

Yes that movie is equally good but that as over a decade ago.

Good to see the media taking chances with a surprising political stance.

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It is when the entire GOP sucks him off and every time someone says something funny about him, teenagers get visibly upset and cry.

So what? Boomers still push fucking Dr Strangelove

Is there anything more cringe than Amerilard politics?

>Dr. Strangelove isn't a fantastic movie
oof, zoomer.

Yeah, defending Trump.

>that's the best trump they could get

>it's literally the funniest portrayal of Trump that doesn't just call him a bozo but actually delves into a comedic and almost singular person who has actual passions, that are bombastic and goofy and off.
Of course you don't like it, you want "orange man bad".

I'm genuinely glad to hear you're that frustrated.

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I think that includes Trump, numbnuts.

look at the size of those beaks

I think he's talking about the voice actor, seetheanon.

it doesn't sound anything like him retard
some dumb goblin man who draws cartoons does a better trump

>u mad teehee
Fox and it's ten thousand subsidiaries as well as the entire conservative mainstream GOP daily act like he farts gold

XD Drumpftards will never recover from this, learn to meme incels

I was talking about his portrayal, not his voice.

you replied to me you stupid esl faggot

you sound upset.

euro here, voted for trump just to spite l*btards. Don't even have an american citizenship.

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>I voted just to spite people I don't like

His political party supports him? WTF

this will fail, whoever makes this shit is so out of touch
t. i work with youth in San Francisco and they are surprisingly redpilled

They bend over backwards for him enough, why not? The only people who seem to try to undermine him are his immediate staff and a few Republicans. But come the 2020 election, they will be silent as a fucking grave.

>another politics thread

I wanna fugg 2d melania

It's on S2 user.

everyone's "redpilled", you just get filtered out from public positions unless you're in the minority that isn't (or isn't willing to pretend otherwise)

>he watches MSM news

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>nobody understands how "redpilled I am" THOSE FUCKING NIGGERS AMIRITE?

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I want to throat fuck her while she makes that face. The girl too.

meant in terms of swaying peoples minds, horrible shit is funded all the time

No, I don't. Where do you get your news, user?

God I love Zach. I would change any of my political alignments to appease him.

>But come the 2020 election, they will be silent as a fucking grave.
This is next level delusion.

Or you know, it's just a funny show poking fun at an objectively strange and incompetent Administration?

Do you even know what I mean by that? I mean they will let Trump run unopposed and do next to nothing. They spent 2 years doing nothing.

>created by stephen "two scoops" colbert
>every episode is written so heavy handed that characters just announce they are criminals and what dastardly plan they have
>people unironically lap it up and think it is creative

It isn't even a good cartoon and there isnt any satire involved, it's just some delusional acid trip.

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>absolutely seething

I'm sorry, I forgot that making fun of Trump is a recent phenomenon because you're born yesterday and it's all a psyop.

wow you two fags gassed out quick lmao

>ratings in the toilet
>literally no one talking about it, even hardcore antifa faggots don’t act like it’s good
>renewed anyway
It’s a great show to point at when people say “lol, what narrative, lol conspiracy theorist much?!?!!??!111”

>I unironically enjoy marvel

At least this wasn't my first election and I'm not underage.

>pathetic response

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>I'm too le based for Marvel films, m'lady. Let me tell you about my heightened tastes
Fuck off reddit gatekeeping faggot.

>i voted for obama

It's ratings aren't even that bad and most of the humor is stemmed from the fact that the jokes are based on reality. Does it just bother you? Why can't people make fun of the President?

the funniest aspect is that leftist faggots think unironically that democrats are better.

you know, the candidates that think that america should accept any person from any shithole like a citizen with rights.

these are the smart guys.
america is over.

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Did you vote for McCain or Romney? What idiot didn't vote for Obama? I wasn't too excited about him but I'm not going to vote for a fucking mormon homophobe or a 90 year old.

US President Donald Trump has odd hair and skin tone.

those children deserve to be in those """"concentration camps""""" prove me wrong

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The UN recognizes (which means the US does) that even undocumented persons have rights under international law, of which we wrote. It's why we can't just round them up and shoot them on a whim. The Constitution also supports the rights to fair treatment under the law of undocumented persons but that's all a moot point, since there is no proposal or policy or position that any Democratic offshoot party supports that calls for open borders or an end to vetting.

You seem to watch enough to know what comprises their content. I usually get my world info from the chans(with link) if not Drudge. I try to stay away from (((news))) altogether if I can and focus more on improving my life at home and with friends.

>the funniest aspect is that leftist faggots think unironically that democrats are better.
Republican legislation and being in bed with multi-billion dollar financial institutions literally tanked the economy you fucking zoomer faggot.

Imagine being so block headed you can't at least see the appeal

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>I get my news from the chans
>news is a Jewish conspiracy
you sound like a schizoid /x/nig...

i only vote for women, so when hilary lost i did not vote in 2008

fucking yuck shoo dirty kike shoo

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And you sound like a faggot. Is there a point you're trying to make?

go back already. You should honestly feel embarrassed for saying "I get my news from the chans", which really means infographics on /pol/.

america is doomed to fail anyway
at this point, trying something radical like open borders would be the only logical alternative. Grasping at straws, but better than doing nothing

At least I don't my news from Yea Forums like some literal mental patient.

Let's be real for a second here. Does anybody seriously think trannies are actual women? I didn't think so.

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Except it doesn't come from Yea Forums if link is provided you colossal faggot. Learn to read and get a life retard

only retards think any country have obligations with foreigners invaders. there are 7 billion people on the planet, at least 5 billion are poor.

how many US can take until it broke?

and democrats are going to make it all better by creating no problems at all for any person to be in an already culturally and economically decadent country.

imagine being that retarded.

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>I usually get my world info from the chans(with link)
lol you get your "news" funneled by the literal mentally ill and fappers of trap porn you dumb retard.

You didn't address a single point I made. Sad.

check the id and try again retard


>I'm sure /pol/ won't be sensitive whiny bitches

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Yeah, Canadian.

>cites international law
>said international law says refugees can't just claim asylum in whatever country they feel like
>said international law is already distorted to consider shitholes inherently dangerous just because they're shitholes and not wartorn
imagine being a mentally ill leftist that cut their dick off lmao

It's like you are having an argument with yourself. Just to point out, any documented/undocumented person can claim asylum at any part of the US border. You don't even know what the argument even was that I was having with you.

You're retarded.

you weren't having the argument with me and no, there are limits to refugees claiming asylum you stupid faggot

US federal law literally states anyone can seek asylum at any point at the US border you buttmad retard.

He said that there were international laws in place in regards to the treatment of non-American aliens, user. Which there are. Every UN country agrees to basic safety and sanitation laws. Why do you hate law and order now?

only valid claims under the 1951 refugee convention are obligated in such a way

article 31 among other provisions outlines why refugees cannot world trek for gibs, you stupid faggot

>Republicans are directly responsible for the conditions of the worst financial crisis since The Depression
Fuck yourself, aspie. It sure grinds my gears how the best economic growth isn't under Republican Admins.

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>which there are
which are being followed

his premise is poisoned as well, am I supposed to suck his dick like you are?

It fucking pisses me off that after 3 years, these fucking losers are still taking a shit at OUR PRESIDENT. That's right, OUR PRESIDENT.

Fuck these people. I really hope these fucking cowards would actually do something and start a war so we can have some fun

>only valid claims under the 1951 refugee convention are obligated in such a way
No? Claims are only made "valid" after they are processed by an immigration court, at that point it's a verdict, not a claim. Any undocumented person is allowed to claim an asylum as a reason for entry, there is no federal law that bars them from doing so, anywhere...along the US border.


Learn our laws, Ahmed.

>he sucks a political party's dick because he likes the color
>he rabidly hates another political party even though it agrees with his own on 90% of the issues

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>which are being followed
There is no immediate law that demands the federal government to withhold undocumented children indefinitely especially before an immigration court appearance. They are not guilty persons, they are only undocumented, which isn't a federal crime to BE. So that's why multiple circuit courts are suing to improve the conditions of these overcrowded detention centers. You realize they are losing those case, right?

You're uninformed.

>his premise is poisoned as well
The premise is that our country established a precedent in federal law with how we treat undocumented persons. I'm sorry you don't like our fucking laws. They haven't been changed. You /pol/niggers pretend to like the rule of law until it says something that throws your undies in a wet bunch of piss. I'll repeat for you; there exists international law recognized by the UN, on the treatment of undocumented persons. That law, is recognized by the United States and our Constitution is in line with it.

Get bent, retard. We don't live in chaos.

This is actually kind of funny, as inaccurate and biased as it is.

What's funny is that it isn't.

>at that point it's a verdict not a claim
gay semantics, the verdict would be a determination that the claim is valid

when I say claim I am speaking to whether or not the claim is valid (such that an immigration court would find it meritorious)

try again without the mentally ill tinged autism

>banning people from social media is good because they hurt my feelings
>conservatives don't make art and are anti-science
You know this show does have some wit but when you're throwing such blatant blanket statements around, it comes less comedy and more bad faith attacks that feel tired.

>there is no immediate law
there is around human trafficking, a determination has to be made as to whether the child, who is presumed to be so, is really related to the person they are traveling with

>trying to improve the conditions
surely they aren't overcrowded because of the sudden influx

>you're uninformed
you're misinformed

pleb faggot, im not even a burguer, i just find it funny to watch your diverse society to become brazil, at best, and south africa, most likely.

the decadence of US is responsability of bith parties, youre the idiot who thinks that one is okay because will spread the borders, like you do with your ass, to allow everyone to get in.

any retard knows that this wont work, but gee, there is some gay poem on the statue of liberty, so its law...

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the only accurate part was the Ben Shapiro parody

>gay semantics
Are you actually retarded? A claim made before an immigration court ruling is...a claim. It's not a verdict on the validity of asylum, therefore these are not criminal acts, they are innocent until proven otherwise. Why do you hate our laws so much?
>the verdict would be a determination that the claim is valid
or, invalid. What in Christ's name happened to your thinking skills? Holy shit.
>when I say claim I am speaking to whether or not the claim is valid
You don't get to decide that, only an immigration court can. Not even the President, or the government has that authority, only the judicial system does. What are you even trying to prove anymore? You have such a poor understanding of our written laws.
>try again without the mentally ill tinged autism
meet the kettle.

>It is when the entire GOP sucks him off and every time someone says something funny about him, teenagers get visibly upset and cry.

No it isn't. They've been attacking Trump for years. Before he was even President. From day one of his campaign the legacy media has been trying to take him down. This is just more orange-man-bad claptrap.

I'm aware there is law, you just don't understand it's application because you and the other mentally ill tranny are shilling a narrative you don't even fully understand

the obligation on the part of the US is limited to treatment of immigrants generally, which is being fulfilled. Structural issues such as emergency influxes of people overwhelming processing and resulting in triage are provided for in the law

>we don't live in chaos
yeah we do, caused by retards like you

God knows we never saw that with the democrats in 2012 of course

>watching an orange man cartoon
you're already a libtard who cares

>there is around human trafficking
You can't just cry this wolf every time though. You need to prove it in court. Suspicion is not grounds for indefinite detainment.
>a determination has to be made as to whether the child, who is presumed to be so, is really related to the person they are traveling with
I know you are really hung up on "muh trafficking" thing but I want you to guess the statistical percentage of how often this fucking happens against all asylum claims. It's a boogeyman.
>surely they aren't overcrowded because of the sudden influx
I didn't say they weren't? That's the problem. Why are they overcrowded? Why are we jamming 30 to 40 kids into a pen? You retards throw a literal bitch fit if Twitter bans you for a day...not for kids being shut up in pens?
>you're misinformed
You don't even know what our laws are.

Imagine believing this, they have been cowtowing the line since he won. It's been the "suck him off" hour every night. He gets standing ovations whenever he speaks in front of other Republicans.

You are in a cult.

>outright ignores Obama's birth certificate being fake
Not even right wing but come the fuck on.

Why didn't they hire him?

>is....a claim
yes, and such a claim can be valid or invalid. It isn't "nothing" until a man in a dress makes a determination, it is valid or invalid, and then that man determines whether or not it is in terms of substantive due process, rather than abstract truth

>It's not a verdict on the validity of asylum, therefore these are not criminal acts, they are innocent until proven otherwise
where did I claim anything to the contrary?
>why do you hate our laws
your characterization of the laws is stupid and I hate you, not the law

>or invalid
that is implied retard

>you don't get to decide that
imagine being so stupid you think that somebody hasn't violated a law until a court says they have. The wikipedia article (lol) you cited uses terms like "valid claim" you mentally ill retard

>you just don't understand it's application
Dissonance is a hell of a drug, I just linked you the definition of our asylum laws. I'll say this a third time for your zoomer fucking brain; 1. you cannot indefinitely detain an undocumented person, they are not guilty until proven innocent. 2. You can make an asylum claim anywhere at the border. 3. The US must adhere to strict safety and sanitation procedures for any detention center, which they are not, as they are losing those cases.
>you a tranny
Oh, why did I even think you were capable of a serious discussion? That's my fault.
>the obligation on the part of the US is limited to treatment of immigrants generally
kek, our federal laws literally state otherwise. Why are you even lying?
>resulting in triage are provided for in the law
It's not really but the law is explicit on what you CAN'T do to undocumented peoples. Absolute kek, why aren't you just reading our laws?
>caused by retards like you
I didn't destabilize South American countries, user. I just respect our rule of law and understand what it says. Go change it, actually vote to. Otherwise fucking shut up.

>imagine being so stupid you think that somebody hasn't violated a law until a court says they have.
Yes...that's generally how it works, Muhammad. Are you honest to shit autistic?

Press 1 for English

>you can't just cry this wolf every time
it's written into the law moron
nah, "you can't just cry this wolf every time"
>i want you to guess the statistical percentage
the amount is literally irrelevant to the legal duty moron
>it's a boogeyman
a boogeyman written into the law
>why are they overcrowded
why do you assume the US is equipped to deal with *any* number of people? the facilities don't expand and contract magically
no, retard
>for kids being shut up in pens
structural deficiency in the law was written in by bleeding heart retards like yourself
>you don't even know what our laws are
the extent of what you know seems to be based on what you've heard from x faggot you agree with

>kenneth the page as lindsay graham

lmao just don't let them in
you guys have enough spics and they are dumb and useless
juts close the border and force mexico to take care of the leeches

The caricatures/character designd are excellent for the most part. Funny thing is how Trump is probably one of the worst designs.

>it's written into the law moron
Right? Nobody said it wasn't? Are you ESL? I'm not trying to mock you, I'm genuinely confused by how nonsensical your responses are.
>the amount is literally irrelevant
It's not "irrelevant" if there is no evidence and your only grounds is suspicion of said crime has occurred somewhere at some time...the reality you have some weird gripe with, is that the majority of asylum seekers are not human fucking traffickers. Use your brain for a second, you think that's their best way to traffic kids? Openly across a field? Are you retarded? You don't think traffickers are smart?
>why do you assume the US is equipped to deal with *any* number of people?
We happen to be the richest first world nation to ever exist, ever? In the entirety of human history?
>the facilities don't expand and contract magically
Then maybe you should stop supporting practices that overcrowd them, refuse to report the actual number of detained persons or I don't know, petition your retard of a President to call the lack of proper medical attention to detention centers the emergency crisis it is so we can get federal funding to make the process easier on our immigration courts? What has the GOP literally ever done to fix this?
>structural deficiency in the law was written in by bleeding heart retards like yourself
lol what does this even mean? That da ebul libruhs wrote into law, ways for detention centers to fail? Why didn't Trump pool more resources into processing asylum claims in the near 3 fucking years he ran every level of government?
>the extent of what you know seems to be based on what you've heard from x faggot you agree with
I cited both our immigration laws and the rules for asylum.

You've been so astoundingly btfo that I'm convinced you're either honest to shit legally retarded, or baiting me. So this is my last (you). Get your pathetic life together and fix your political positions. Maybe do research and get yourself informed.

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>you cannot indefinitely detain
that is your stupid characterization, normally people are able to be processed faster, refugee law doesn't make illegal deficiencies born from emergencies
>they are not guilty until proven innocent
you have to process them moron, being held doesn't indict you as guilty
>you can make an asylum claim anywhere
never said otherwise, I'm disputing whether or not a claim is proper in the first place
>the us must adhere to strict safety and sanitation procedures
>they are losing those cases
yea, as a result of what the detention centers are forced to do, we are deficient, a court recognizing that doesn't conjure more resources, only forces higher officials to comply and retain funding faster

>why did I even think you were capable
>being disingenuous as to insults being two sided
lmao, mentally ill indeed, schizophrenia is consistent
>our federal laws state otherwise
no they don't, the treatment of refugees in country is consistent with the treatment of immigrants per international law as far as standards are concerned
>the law is explicit on what you can't do
well I was speaking to international law, which is what you trannies brought up first. As to american law, illegalities as a result of structural deficiency happen all the time, and courts order rectification all the time, not really sure what you're point would be there. International law, as well as the fact that domestic rulings don't issue impossible injunctions like you seem to think they do.
>I didn't destabilize south american countries
I was talking about the moral hazard our law has been constructed into retard, but you already knew that and avoided the point

>imagine being so stupid you think that somebody hasn't violated a law until a court says they have

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>literally every blue checkmarks hot take on twitter: The show
Did reddit make this? lmao

>thats generally how it works
no it isn't, the state recognizes a violation of crime has taken place, the court doesn't rule the violation into existence dumb fuck

somebody stealing a bike is guilty of larceny in the abstract, a court ruling they are guilty is adjudicating them as such, *recognizing* the crime and dispensing justice as necessary

>that is your stupid characterization
Except it's our law?
>normally people are able to be processed faster, refugee law doesn't make illegal deficiencies born from emergencies
Nobody knows what this means.
>being held doesn't indict you as guilty
You should tell your schizoid self that, 30 minutes ago then?
>I'm disputing whether or not a claim is proper in the first place
..and only an immigration/asylum court can. Not the President, not /pol/, not Fox News.
>they are "forced to do"
It's funny how it's been explained to you, that there is no initiative that is "forcing" the Trump Admin to operate this way.
>a court recognizing that doesn't conjure more resources, only forces higher officials to comply and retain funding faster
I can't tell if this is an ironic point, since it disproves itself by the end of the sentence.
>the treatment of refugees in country is consistent with the treatment of immigrants per international law as far as standards are concerned
lol it's not, an international court has filed numerous times for instance, that our treatment of minority and refugee groups borders on criminal but that gets ignored.
>you a tranny
I'm done arguing with you. You aren't doing this in good faith, I never called you anything besides retarded, based on your responses.

I hope this has been a learning experience at some point in your young life, zoomer.

>a court doesn't recognize that a literal crime has taken place
>courts don't decide what is a crime
The fucking mental illness on you, holy balls..

adjudicating is a formal and legal acknowledgment that a literal crime has taken place you stupid piece of shit.

What if the court find out that the person did not actually steal the bike? But you have already condemned him of the crime

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You are an actual, honest to shit, retarded person.

nu/tv/ and resetgender actually, redd*t was a consultant

>the state recognizes a violation of crime has taken place
user, it doesn't. Not until it is processed in a court of law. We don't live in a Statist regime, you aren't guilty of pre-crime. It's why asylum seekers aren't immediately thrown in prison for their misdemeanor.


>nobody says it wasn't
you are, you're imputing that I am alleging human trafficking when my opinion or anybody else's is irrelevant
>if there is no evidence and your only ground is suspicion
>we're rich so we should be prepared for anything and everything
is vs. ought are two different arguments, and you know that stupid
>supporting practices that overcrowd them
lol what delusion are you talking about now?
>petition your retard of a President to call the lack of proper medical attention to detention centers the emergency crisis
that is funny when democrats were resisting efforts to label it a crisis until the holocaust references spun up. The president is a retard though that is correct
>what has the GOP literally ever done to fix this
well they have tried to increase funding for the courts that process the various claims relating to immigration and refugees but they are blocked because democrats WANT the process to be jammed so they can realpolitik the refugees into the country, allowing them to report back to the courts at a future date, which they never do of course
>the liberals wrote into the law ways for the detention centers to fail
not necessarily, just that there are contradictory legal procedures that result in things like this. da ebul libruhs just feign ignorance and push a narrative that you buy though

>i cited both our immigration laws and the rules for asylum
no you didn't, you cited summaries that ultimately didn't get to the issue

>He doesn't know why the words allegedly and suspect are used until after a court trail
You may be accused of breaking the law and maybe you actually did. However in the US, a person is considered innocent until the court can prove that they are guilty or they choose to confess to their crime and skip the trial.

>you didn't really steal that bike because you didn't get caught
literally law 1001

you amerifags are so obsessed with your politics
holy fuck it is embarrassing.

>well they have tried to increase funding for the courts that process the various claims relating to immigration and refugees but they are blocked because democrats WANT the process to be jammed

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Is this a language barrier? Or do you not understand what constitutes a crime in the United States?

>da ebul libruhs just feign ignorance and push a narrative that you buy though
But conservatives don't do this, amirite? That never happens!

You committed a crime and got away with it. No one knows that except yourself really. Basically doesn't matter because apparently no one will stop you and you keep the bike.

that's literally what I'm saying you stupid fucks

as opposed to a claim (or crime) having no significance *until* a court makes a determination per whether or not somebody actually committed a crime is separate from the state asserting they did

nah you just can't read

>a person is considered innocent
where did I say otherwise? you yourself recognize that somebody can commit a crime separate from it being recognized as such ("or they choose to confess to their crime ")

Pretty sure he is just arguing garbage at this point like "a person did something wrong but did not get caught but I am still right that they did something wrong"

>whether or not somebody actually committed a crime is separate from the state asserting they did
What is being said to you, is that outside of your bizarre and esoteric idea of crime, only a judicial body can RULE on a crime has/have/will/was committed.

I don't really get what this distinction is supposed to actually mean. No shit people can do something bad and get away with it. The bad thing still happened but the person is free to go.

This is unironically the funniest Trump parody of all time. It's not fucking stupid and forced like 99% of Trump parodies.


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Someone needs to edit this with sound effects of the crowd and sync it up as best with the video

>except it's our law
whether or not somebody is being indefinitely detained as a fact "is our law"? lol?
>nobody knows what this means
not my fault, but basically a country not able to handle a sudden influx of immigrants is allowed to not conform to standards so to speak. ex. war breaks out in syria and half the refugees go to Israel. Israel is not expected to magically be able to suddenly absorb them with all the necessary requirements
>you should tell your schizord self
you should learn how to read
>only an immigration court can
again, whether or not a claim is proper is seperate from adjudication of that claim, nobody can "determine" a factual reality, it just is or is not
>there is no initiative that is forcing the trump admin to operate this way
there is
>it disproves itself
time is a thing user, a court cannot start holding officials in contempt for not following their rulings the next day. My contention is that you people are acting like the court ruling something means anything other than that the government has to fix it at some point. X court ruled against the US doesn't mean a mere change in policy without more resources would fix the problem.
>but that gets ignored
I don't care
>im done arguing with you, you aren't doing this in good faith
most ironic post in the thread. You literally were under the impression i found any of these refugees "guilty" because thats what you want to believe retard

I love how you retards sign all of your posts with some gay condescending self wank to really drive home what faggots you are

>why won't people take me seriously after I cry about trannies trannies trannies???

>pretty sure he is just arguing that somebody is still wrong
yea, to establish that a refugee can have a legitimate claim or not aside from what a court says, it's not complicated

Zachs trump impression is one of the best

wtf is this?

>But conservatives don't do this, amirite? That never happens!
weird, I don't have that view, where did you get that from?

yes that is true, but the crime still happened. This is all just autism because one retard refuses to recognize that an asylum claim can be illegitimate, aka somebody could lie, imagine that

What the fuck is a Linkara and why is he great?

>bizarre and esoteric view of crime
no, it's really the only view of crime, a judicial body isn't some sort of genesis of whether or not a crime took place, their ruling is a recognition and then sanction

he a neat guy jus don't ask him when the next History of Power Rangers is coming out

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fantastic rebuttal, it must be upsetting that the second holocaust is not in fact happening

yes its obvious to non retards what I mean, one autist insists on making a dishonest semantic argument that an asylum claim cannot be valid or invalid, and when I state the obvious retort people read more into it, because it really is that stupidly simple

your confusion is warranted

>a judicial body isn't some sort of genesis of whether or not a crime took place
lol my fucking sides. Are you honestly pretending?

You have literally cried about trannies on 3 separate occasions.

you're literally too stupid to think in the abstract

lets pretend for a moment that no judiciary existed, but a legislature does, and it writes laws prohibiting the usual offences. Are you so stupid as to assert that there is no crime taking place in such a society?

Lets say you are that stupid for a moment. Given this retard-infused new definition of crime, I will amend the original word i used to "wrong"

>cried about trannies
you seem pretty bootyblasted by it

>every time Trump says something funny, teenagers get visibly upset and cry.

its insane how much lefties ignore how biased the media is

yes yes, nice emoji but it's nevertheless true

how much the republicans actually care and want things to change is obviously different, but they have offered a sandcastle of a position on the subject

they literally think the media is biased on the whole toward the right

They're convinced the media is why Hillary lost. They thought THE MEDIA was too hard on Hillary.

>something funny
yeah, riveting comedy

But you're the one crying about them?

what does that have anything to do with what he said? I know you forget this, but the most successful media outlets and the most watched are conservative.

oh but "abloo abloo" we are victims and all that aspie fucking shit, amirite?

>crying about them
>using tranny as a one off insult is crying about them
you really must be a mentally ill schizo tranny, what a funny coincidence

Are you talking about the show? Because those aren't the jokes made on the show.

Why are you honestly so obsessed with trannies and do you think that's some kind of argument?

>literally is

oh you must have missed the (winning) arguments before the one line insults

or maybe you saw "tranny" and went blind with seething rage lmao

Maybe it's because only a court can determine the validity of an asylum claim?

Why don't trannies just take anti-psychotics to cure their delusions?

Attached: frodo.png (400x399, 214K)

theres ONE successful conservative channel you retard
one, compared to the how many leftist ones?
stop being a dishonest faggot for once in your pathetic life

The Democrats haven't had a majority in literally anything for almost 3 full years and they were not an obstruction to pass anything in the House or the Senate so you're stupid excuse of "muh Democrats" makes you look like a bugman retard with an obvious agenda.

Fucking propagandist faggot.

>a concentrated insular minority of media is right wing therefore all of media as an entirety skews right

>actually arguing the vast majority of media isn't diametrically opposed to Trump

>one channel
Yes, I'm the dishonest one here. The Fox parent group literally owns more media subsidiaries than any other media company on the planet and you somehow memed your dumb child brain into thinking you're some sekret club?

only a court is recognized as having the authority to do so, but that is beside the point I was making....again

i literally did the opposite of "muh democrats" you braindead cunt, republicans have been worthless for a century

>kikes whining about kikes
Enjoy your kosher sandwich, shame you can't get cheese on it

>most watched channels are conservative
>most visited "news" channels on YT are conservative
>conservative talk radio is the largest it has ever been
>President literally informs his opinions by what he hears on Fox
the fact that you have ever thought you were some sort of minority "truth to power" is so laughably retarded that it's been mocked for three years, even by other conservatives.

>the viewers of the media ARE the media
w-woah dude

>owns more
but are they in the majority? weird that you keep dancing around that

Only zoomers think you are a "minority of media". People who say this, haven't been around for more than 10 years.

>The Fox parent group literally owns more media subsidiaries than any other media company on the plane
name 1 late night show host thats conservative, name one cartoon that has a con bias, name one non-Fox News host that espouses conservative views on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, NPR, or literally any channel other than Fox News.

>but are they in the majority?
Yes, faggot. You win more elections. You're mad about moobies not being christcuck enough or some other stupid thing.

they are sociopathic faggots who abuse kids and teenagers with cult-like tactics such as severing connections with family for being "bigots" and getting them hooked on drugs because it's "LGBT culture".

>Trump lost the popular vote, most Americans don't want him
>Wait, no, conservatives are the majority. I've decided you're not the minority anymore
Neck yourself

1. late night is not a block that conservatives watch.
2. are you asking for a right-wing cartoon? You got me there, but there isn't anything that says there HAS to be one. What even is that? An anime of Triumph of the WIll?
3. Most corporate Dems are conservative, you've also memed yourself into thinking you're unique.

im not a republican

but again, viewership doesn't dictate what constitutes "the media"

that would be like saying movies as a whole skew toward avatar like movies because that was the most popular one, when in fact its predominantly capeshit

So yes, you are crying about them? Idk, user. I'm not the one bringing them up.

>viewership doesn't dictate what constitutes "the media"
You are an utter and complete retard.

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The majority of media is leftwing, from newspapers, to late night (which zoomers get their news from), to actual News, to radio. look up the total numbers retard, Fox does not equal over half of the TV news viewing audience, are you on drugs?

>if they aren't communist they aren't lefties
now you've outed yourself as a delusional commie fag

give us some raw numbers buddy, look at viewers and number of programs in total which lean left/right :)

Why do you people love arguments nobody is making? Is it maybe because you can't cope with the fact that you aren't some edgy minority of people? That conservatism isn't "fringe"? That you've been mainstream before?

>conservatives are a minority despite left wing shows dominating 90% of airtime and 100% outside of Fox News!
get real dumbfuck

>effectiveness dictates actual representation
your retardation transcends subjects I see

the american economy must be based on selling overpriced computers to people because that is what the most valuable company is doing right?

>give us some raw numbers buddy
The Nielson, you triggered /pol/nigger.

not everyone who thinks youre a retard is the same person

>it doesn't count when we win more seats, a general election, all levels of government and nearly promote our views into state sponsored news, we are the victim here
I want you to kill yourself, you're in an actual cult.

I'm assuming this will be cancelled pretty quickly, just like That's My Bush, Kid Bush, and all the other stupid heavy handed political 'satire'

when conservatives refer to the media they are referring to the makers, not the industry including customers you "utter and complete retard"

as in the people that put out articles and segments

>"Everyone is left leaning abloo abloo this is a bad thing"
>(wins the election with a substantial positive polling with general voters, wins every level of government)
>"look, the liberals are just keeping us down with their mooobies about gays and minorities, it's the industry against me!"
>(President, as a private citizen, is a billionaire)
One day, people are going to look back at Trumpfags as an example for the worst case of cognitive dissonance the first world has ever seen.

>all levels of government
except apparently where it matters, but yeah, you are talking about efficacy of the right wing broadly while the original complaint is sheer volume of leftist journalists

is all you do debating in semantics? do you ever argue the issues directly?

so, you really just mean a Jew boogeyman?

>he thinks I'm a trumpfag
>talks about cognitive dissonance

How are you not sick of constantly hearing about Trump and conservatives in every form of media? I just want to enjoy a small fraction of my life without having to listen to stupid political bullshit.

no the question hour is tons of fun

I just want you to be consistent with your views. Are journalists left-leaning out of an elaborate conspiracy against poor dindu conservatives? Despite them winning more elections and seats...? Or is the general public secretly right-wing and they don't represent the general political leanings of most Americans? DESPITE, Republicans still winning more seats?

You ever consider that maybe they are a poorly organized party that make objectively bad decisions?

>One day, people are going to look back at Trumpfags as an example for the worst case of cognitive dissonance the first world has ever seen.
Only second to "one hundred unarmed black men are killed by cops in a nation with 327 million people, this is literally genocide"

>elaborate conspiracy
why do leftists always try and strawman by saying "it's not an elaborate conspiracy" lol?
>or is the general public secretly right wing
see this is where you go wrong, you dont seem to understand how media is distributed, how various groups watch or don't watch it, and just 1:1 extrapolate the most simple possible breakdown available like a fucking monkey

I want to ask you a serious question; is it possible that the majority of media being left-leaning, is a natural occurrence and not some sort of elaborate ruse? Are you able/willing to entertain that this is something that is a progression naturally happening in American discourse? Or no? Would that be something you literally can't accept?

>why do leftists always try and strawman by saying "it's not an elaborate conspiracy" lol?
Because your assumption is that it is.

That's a deflection. Are you having a hard time with this conversation?

>elaborate ruse
why is an elaborate ruse necessary to explain the concentration of political ideology in certain fields? isn't everyone aware of this you fucking schizo?

by the way, I also believe the majority of abortion doctors are left wing because of an elaborate and vast conspiratorial ruse to own the republicans too

That doesn't answer what he said. Are you upset?

>Because your assumption is that it is.
take your meds

>i literally did the opposite of "muh democrats" you braindead cunt
You word for word said Dems were "obstructing" Republicans.

yeah it does, he thinks I'm using it instead of an argument, I informed him my previous uses of tranny were attached to winning arguments and not in lieu of them

hope this clears things up for you seething trannyfag

What's to deflect? American liberals/leftists have a worldview just as nonsensical as their conservative detractors, now go fuck off and cry about how trannies are being genocided because saying tranny on twitter isn't a criminal offense (yet)

>why is an elaborate ruse necessary to explain the concentration of political ideology in certain fields?
Because your entire argument rests on this being both artificial and not representative? You're bad at arguing user...
>by the way, I also believe the majority of abortion doctors are left wing because of an elaborate and vast conspiratorial ruse to own the republicans too
Then you simply aren't a rational person? I don't know what you want me to say, user. You belong on /pol/.

>my previous uses of tranny were attached to winning arguments and not in lieu of them
It's actually a little funny you don't see how retarded this sounds to a normal person.

>American liberals/leftists have a worldview just as nonsensical as their conservative detractors
First off, liberal is not a synonym for "leftist", that's a meme. Secondly, I don't think if you were pressed, you'd be able to produce a definition of what this even means. I don't think you personally know what your own opposition thinks/feels about the world at large.

I'm also willing to bet you can't guess my own political leanings. Since you're an obvious ideologue and not really rational about what you believe.

>you word for word said dems were obstructing
>2 uses of obstruction
>both are replying to me

and no, they're inserting processes to gridlock enforcement of the law, republicans aren't really necessary in that equation aside from presumably being the only ground level bureaucrats interested in enforcing the law, but they are separate from the neocon diaspora inhabiting positions of power

ill reiterate for you, republicans want to be seen as doing something, don't actually want to do something and are useless to their constituents

>220 replies
>59 posters
>page 3
lol there is no debate, /pol/ is the easiest to trigger.

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which part is retard my normal tranny friend?

>Because your entire argument rests on this being both artificial and not representative?
>not representative
in what respect

>and no, they're inserting processes to gridlock enforcement of the law
lol how and who told you that obvious lie? You have to be actually retarded to think this.

>/pol/ is easiest to trigger
>using tranny as a mere insult has reaped more yous than anything else

>which part is retard my normal tranny friend?
The part where you cry about trannies?
>not representative, in what aspect?
That it doesn't speak for the majority of voters? Are you illiterate too?

>I'm new to the thread, I haven't read the literal hundreds of other responses
You're obsessed. When will you just admit that? There are no trannies here, faggot.

>americans already reduced their politics to comedy shows
>no they will reduce it to cartoons
Going for the female votes isn't easy, you have dumb yourself down quite a lot

>obvious lie
>you have to be actually retarded
uh huh, lets see this obvious disclaim

>that it doesn't speak for the majority of voters
why would that even be a premise in the first place? you think people in one industry are representative of the voting population in any regard? why would anyone think that?

Yes americans really are retarded mutts aren't they lmao

>there are no trannies here
what difference does that make? The insult clearly works lol

Literally none of this is an argument to what was said to you. On some level, you get that right?

yea I think I'm done here, you lost the main argument and can't even win your consolation prize


>what difference does that make?
I don't know user? You keep strawmanning about trannies as if it's your fucking job? You tell me. None of that is a cogent argument.

It's like you're trying to make conserva
shits look dumb.

>First off, liberal is not a synonym for "leftist", that's a meme
You're right, leftists are even more politically useless. How's the revolution coming along, comrade? Have you done more to shake the establishment's foundation than throwing milkshakes at unemployable wignat losers?

>Secondly, I don't think if you were pressed, you'd be able to produce a definition of what this even means
I've laid it out right there, user - keeping in mind that most American "leftists" are just radlibs who get their talking points from liberal outlets but tack on "capitalism is the reason why this sucks" at the end.

>Since you're an obvious ideologue and not really rational about what you believe.
Few people are consistently rational about what they believe

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>you lost the main argument
I honest to Christ won it? But you can't handle that. It's the typical loser shit with any /pol/nigger, you people are always wrong, it takes a second to prove that, and you cry/run away.

Every time.

>Few people are consistently rational about what they believe
kek, and you aren't. Next?

>strawman: the post, the saga, the miniseries, the HBO drama

>strawman by saying "it's not an elaborate conspiracy"

>conservashits look dumb
Who gives a shit lol, they're all kikes anyway.

I'm quoting you schizoid fuck.

>you think people in one industry are representative of the voting population in any regard? why would anyone think that?
Because mass produced entertainment isn't a vacuum and the only rule of media is "to make money"? Are you new?

Read pic related, it goes extensively into why most people aren't really rational when it comes to their own political beliefs.

Attached: 51wWy6w1kYL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (324x499, 26K)

I just want you to personally admit to me, that you aren't rational about your political beliefs.

>msnbc, cnn, abc, cbs, nbc, vs fox news
> conservatives are the majority in the media
>new york times, washington post, the new yorker calls to impeach trump
>every late night host "two scoops!!"
>conservatives own the media

>Both sides are not filled with morons, there's only one right side of history
Weak white males truly are pathetic, hardest fall from grace ever. Don't worry, China will fix the world.

Not him but the whole "belief" angle is fucking insane. Nothing else in life you decide through ideology, everything else is decided on a case by case bases. However with politics if you don't do everything according to one ideology, you're a hypocrite somehow. Who brainwashed people to believe this shit? Problems should be solved as they come up, that's it, that's my ideology.

you're just regurgitating shit because you love this victim card. I'll remind you again on the various levels that you are factually wrong:
>majority of private news outlets in the entire US are conservative
>largest media company is conservative
>Fox parent group owns more subsidiaries than any liberal group in the country
>more people on average, watch conservative news outlets
The fact that you have somehow memed your retarded brain into thinking you are some sort of minority voice is amazing.

>Problems should be solved as they come up
yet, you identify as American conservative?

why are you so hung up on the two scoops joke? Do yo people have any critical thinking ability?

can you read cunt?

>voted for trump just to spite l*btards

I'm not American and I obviously don't identify as anything do I you fucking retard

zoomers probs havent watched this masterpiece


I'm as rational as can be, I'm just self-aware enough to acknowledge that I - like the rest of humanity - have unconscious ideological blinders. Why do you think political convictions for most people change over time? Do people that transition from conservative to liberal leanings just get more intelligent, or is it because they suffered a brain injury at some point?

Right wing
>but also somehow people should hold the same values and form a coherent society??
Left win
>pro-freedom! everyone should be free to express who they are!
>but also we should have a big government taking care of us somehow??

Funny thing is americans actually identify with those ideologies that have contradictions built in. It's not a mistake, they're built in so that whoever's in power could do whatever the fuck they want and that whatever would be justifiable in both ideologies.

>Do people that transition from conservative to liberal leanings just get more intelligent, or is it because they suffered a brain injury at some point?
Is that what you are honest to shit insinuating? That people only believe things different due to "brain damage"?