This was pretty good. Should i bother with the rest of Smith's filmography?

This was pretty good. Should i bother with the rest of Smith's filmography?

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Maybe Dogma but that's it

Dogma is shit. Doesnt hold up whatsoever.

OP, watch his first 3 and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and Red State then stop.

Yeah but you'll know in the first five minutes if you'll like it
>Chasing Amy
Everyone likes this one, I hate it
Pretty good, kind of cringe
>Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Good but maybe too goofy
>Clerks 2
Definitely worth it
>Zach and Miri
>Clerks The Animated Series
Great but very different from Clerks the movie
>the rest
Never watched

mall rats is good. chasing amy is pretty good too. disregard the rest



>calls Dogma shit
>recommends Jay and Silent Bob strike back and Red State
pleb detected

Mallrats is good. Dogma is good. Clerks 2 is surprisingly solid for a cash grab sequel. Never saw Chasing Amy, but everyone likes it. Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back is a full retard comedy with zero pretension, and it's great because of it. Zach & Miri is great too, if you like Seth Rogen. The dialogue is more Smith than Rogen, but it's Rogen delivering it, so buyer beware.



>Dogma is shit. Doesnt hold up whatsoever.

Attached: 1515789401981.jpg (570x587, 43K)

Watched Mallrats for the first time a month ago, it's pretty good. Clerks 2 and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back are good. Haven't seen Dogma or Chasing Amy yet, but heard good things. Clerks The Animated Series is great but really short. Never watched his newer movies, heard mixed things about them.

Attached: mallrats.jpg (800x1067, 149K)

I like Clerks 1 and 2, and Jay and Silent Bob has moments but aren't my favorite.

Everything else can be given a pass.

If you like comics it's a great homage to them
>Chasing Amy
Actually good
Pacing issues, but incredible funny at times
>Jay and Silent Bob
It's basically a parody of himself, like what critics said his other movies were. It's great in that context
>Jersey Girl
Decent family movie if that's your thing
>Clerks 2
Hard Pass
>Zack and Miri Make a Porno
Always enjoyed it but I'm a bit biased, saw it the night I lost my virginity.
>Cop Out
Skip, don't even try.
>Red State
I LOVE Red State, but it's not for everyone.
Pretty decent body horror riding the backs of human centipede (but better)
>Yoga Hosers
You know, if you really like KS you'll enjoy it, otherwise it's shit.
>Moose Jaws
I've been excited for this for awhile now. Jaws is one of my favorite movies and obviously I'm a fan of KS. We'll see.

For sure watch Chasing Amy, Dogma, and Red State though.


clerks the animated series is one of the greatest animated sitcoms ever

Tusk and Red State are worth it because of Michael Parks. Chasing Amy is good for the monologues that hit you in the feels.

All of the other movies have humor aimed at 12 year olds and Yoga Hosers is so bad that I wish Kevin Smith would direct a Star Wars movie.

Chasing Amy is overrated. Felt too much like a cheesy romcom

Essential Kvin Smith is Clerks 1&2, Mallrats, Jay and silent Bob Strike Back

>and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Oh god no.

It was Family Guy before Family Guy

Clerks is his best movie. Clerks 2 is pretty fun, but doesn't have the same charm. Mallrats is half good, half crap. Chasing Amy is probably his most well received movie, critically, but I personally think it's quite terrible. Dogma is good. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back is okay. Jersey Girl and Zack and Miri were forgettable. I haven't seen his newer stuff.

red state was a cool idea that fell apart like 2/3 of the way through

you got no sense of humor or something?