Tfw you hear a rumor Brie Larson browses Yea Forums

>tfw you hear a rumor Brie Larson browses Yea Forums

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Gossiping about celebrity rumors is cringe/reddit.

stop trying to make Brie happen

I want to believe
too late, Brie is /ourgirl/ already

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you never stop

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Some autist here is gonna send Brie screenshots of these threads where anons worship her, she's gonna come here to check it out and be disgusted

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>Thinking about those anons on Yea Forums

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confirmed Yea Forums waifu

all jokes aside i love how awkward and defensive she is during interviews because she reminds me of me :)


Same here.
I thought I was going to hate Brie Larson but now I love her like I loved her all those years ago.
We should've never betrayed her.
She's /ourgirl/.

Brie, give us a sign! Let us know you're here!

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Better throw away my piss bottles

I'm certainly glad she's our waifu now

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Why does Brie Larson constantly make threads about herself? It's really sad.

She's feeling depressed because of her relationship troubles and seeks comfort here

I’m not Brie, I’m The Kraftlor, looking for love in all the Parm places

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Okay, we get it, thank you! GET HIM OUT OF HERE! NOW!!!

>*sips in your direction*

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>brown eyes

Today I realized I have way too many Brie Larson pics saved on my HD.
Then, I realized how stupid that last sentence was, you can never have too many Brie Larson pics on your HD.

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normally would be a drop for me too, but Brie is so perfect, i love her regardless

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My folder started out as a few reaction images and sip pics, and now it's a beautiful art gallery

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>i'll just move to north korea.. I'll just move to north korea. Ok?

>Why yes, I have spent years on the internet hiding my true feelings why slowly becoming a shell of my former self, including social opinions and beliefs, as well as physically. Yes, I DO fantasize about a timeline where everything in my life works out into one big ego stroke for myself, and yes, I do also have extreme intrusive thoughts that nearly destroyed me mentally years ago. Having a small penis and knowing that I will always be destined for something less than what I want? Yep, you've got the right guy again. Do I spew absolute shit on this website that I regret? Do I hate myself for how I act, and how I always want to better myself but never do? Do I hate myself for continuing to sin again and again in progressively worse ways? Do I sometimes think I can somehow work my way into getting the life I dream of? Do I fall in love with women I will either never meet, or will never meet again? Do I fantasize about being a massive chad in my school days and getting with all the girls I had crushes on, even though I wasn't exactly unpopular, but just generally thought of as decent? Why yes, those ARE all me. How could you tell?

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She's a gamer too.

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>only old people think celeb worship is dumb
You're a goddam idiot

Stop trying to get attention brie

>slightly autistic
she truly is /ourgirl/

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her stare penetrates my soul

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pretty eyes though

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I do remember an old brei bashing thread where someone responded to a particularly scathing comment in the first person and then abruptly deleted the post. But that’s the closest to any confirmation to the rumor I’ve seen

no, she's not /us/

she couldn't save Captain Marvel tho

She's eccentric, just like us

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>makes Captain Marvel over a billion dollars

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>two drinks at once

Why not?

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I wish she would surprise me at my local movie theater

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Not the most flattering but one you probably haven't seen before

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Any rare Bries are appreciated friend

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>Never forget to remind them

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I want to eat mushrooms and cheese and also sip along with her.

>Hey user, wanna have a drink with me? I saved a seat just for you...

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>Manspreading and grabbing her balls
I am offended

This gif really highlights her shitty features.