HoH: Christie
Veto: Sam
Noms: Ovi, Bimbo
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: David
Nightmare Power: Ovi, removes noms and forces HoH to nominate new people at night, lasts 6 weeks
Previously on /bb/:
HoH: Christie
Veto: Sam
Noms: Ovi, Bimbo
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: David
Nightmare Power: Ovi, removes noms and forces HoH to nominate new people at night, lasts 6 weeks
Previously on /bb/:
Other urls found in this thread:
first for rockstar's fat ass breaking rhap
does rhap really attract the rockstar audience?
kemi and bella edition
swaggy apologist
hours ago jennifer was preaching about the girls need to stay together, they have a bad rep in big brother
she really wants the girl alliance
that hot chick actually won her version of BB? fuck, get her on the American version.
you two should have anal together
>1.35 MB
>1.29 MB
>1.28 MB
never gonna make it
what the fuck was rob thinking?
he wasnt
he's having aura on once a week, he wants to quit podcasting obviously
does anyone have the devin costanza face
I think he honestly wants the bb podcast eps to tank so he can give a reason to fire everyone involved and start again
I do not
based marky
yea I got it senpai thanks for checking
t. elena
you fuck {spoiler]I love it [/spoiler]
this is your typical bb19 poster
i miss robot sam :(
kek underrated
this is your typical stupid bitch
I use to waifu her but she turned out to be a sjw bitch
he's still practicing his shitty speech
rockstar's actually been pretty chill on rhap
is rhap taking phone calls again? I’m drunk enough to call in
its about jack being the villian episode
of course shes chill
they havent mentioned it so probably not
post anal's shitter
>ovi leaves the room
>Boss Hogg: UGHHHH
is anal mexican or what
Mexican and Puerto Rican according to el feeds
>me bottom left
were you made in Denmark?
Is Ovi gonna use his power tonight?
is nick the first person to be 100% honest with Ovi
nick is just straight up telling ovi he's going home
based aggro
based nick tanking his game
That would be top quality entertainment, especially if we could watch it all unfold on feeds. but no. It would be the most OP move made in BB since the coup d'etat and they would have no time to edit it into the episode.
ovi's too retarded to drag names through the mud on his way out.
nick is such a fag
Are boomers that survive the first eviction basically invisible until F4? Cliff is a complete non-target for the foreseeable future.
I want to see jessica's titties bounce.
why is jess up there? has she been in the HoH even once before?
based nick painting himself a target
he sucks dick for free drinks at applebees
I mean if you think about it, a boomer surviving the first eviction means they have to be a pretty decent player since they're not a natural social fit with the rest of the house.
was jess ever in on this plan or did nick just walk into the room and spill the beans
yeah they can’t win comps and have no chance at winning the game so they coast ez
she spent all her energy for the day going up the stairs. can't go back down until tomorrow.
nick going full christie right now
not even nicole is acting like this
>The cash has been deposited into your pocket
>The new derrick
everyone including kemi and nicole is voting ovi out
and he has no fucking idea? jesus christ thats so sad
it's been like this for a while
Ovi had a hard life
desu I don't think Ovi is that bad of a player. He's made mistakes, sure, but not worse than other first or second boots. Sometimes you just don't fit in with a group of people and this is one of those times.
they're not even trying to really deceive him either. He's just that retarded
what is this
>you're not allowed to ask who someone is voting for
shit? i never heard so many people say that, and definitely recall plenty of times people told someone OTB that they're voting them out
and nick isn't tanking his game at all. he keeps in check on game with more people in the house than almost anyone. maybe not as much as tommy.
that's partially it but it's mostly production meddling to make sure the show wasn't called racist for banishing/evicting the only 2 black player
don't tell production Ovi is fucking brown
he cant rid peoples facial expressions for shit
i will miss the OVI NOOOOOO poster
i don't think he know what to do with himself
too soon
>sacrificing the first indian bb us player to save a token sheboon character that has been on almost every season
The Whitoids are this season are really disgusting.
I've been imagining what I would do in Ovi's place for the last two days
hey guys mind if i join this thread?
This Sam Nicole accent talk is legit cute
If it was me, a hail mary play to Jack/Jackson since they seem to be getting tired of Kat. explain to them that he has the power and will use it to their benefit whenever they want and he will be a number for them against the girls alliance.
as of now, he can't do anything except hope kat implodes. he should've kept his cool after getting nommed, implied he won the power comp to one untrustworthy person, and sat back.
Ovi finna win the battleback and fuck shit up.
this combined with directing bimbo's attention to how close jackson is with holly would;d be his best bet
Cliff cant grow a beard because he has negative t levels
rockstar is a good podcast guest btw
Manifest is already way more chaotic than Aura
super qute
my mom has that NY accent. it weirds me out when i hear girls with it.
just stop
>that's what america will love me in
my mom is from long island, my dad is from brooklyn and i was raised in nj. this season is killing me
That's a good angle. send her into a roastie rage.
the problem is that if ur ovi then u have no idea they are getting tired of kat
that's literally the ultimate conclusion I came to.
I would use it on Jackson because he seems more stable. The genius is that it creates a codependency between the two of you and he will be forced to look after you for 6 weeks
I also thought of hedging my bets in case Jackson fails to turn everyone in the 8 against Kat. I would gather the oddballs together and try to unite them by telling thema bout the 8, and that they need to form together because they will be picked off one by one after me.
Those two strategies together could get a clean sweep for Kat's eviction
gonna hang this up
>I would gather the oddballs together and try to unite them by telling thema bout the 8
i still can't believe he hasn't done this. instead he ran and told ANAL of all people
didn't bb20 Sam save herself by blabbing about her power? even though it never got used
did they cut sam's speech out of the episode? i dont remember it at all but apparently hes talking about how its really good
quteness overload stop!
also this motherfucker complains about ovis hygiene?
Ovi thinks he's in a powerful six person alliance of the five people who talk to each other all the time and ovi, right?
Sup lmao
nice user
Wish this was wallpaper size.
I like this.
needs someone reaching towards something to reach renaissance tier
I have good bb opinions : (
this was pretty based
I’ll give you that one aggro
I don’t censor myself from pictures but I’ll filter a tripfag
nick thinks you cant tell the person you are voting out that you are voting them out
you are in the big brother house. the house is going to vote you out. would you rather have them blow dixie up your butt or tell you that you are getting the boot?
this is whale’s husband
I'd rather them tell me so I can formulate at least something to try to save myself. Being blindsided is just embarrassing.
>flame off
is that like saying fuck you or ?
no idea. I don’t speak n-bomb chubby chaser
he was using the fire guy from Fantastic Four's catch phrase because of Aquaman or something? no logic there.
based quarky has a galaxy phone
le iphones
Nicole is gross
Yikes! Imagine thinking this!
>they're not showing your age
just admit that you like ugly girls
do not talk to waifufags
what will you do /bb/... when the poo, comes for you
Holy shit that's impressive
you turn the flame off after you cook someone
it's not. he uploaded it into an editor and got that out. do you think instagram filters are impressive
I enjoy shitposting while shitting
ohhhhhhh. that makes a lot more sense. i thought he was trying to connect super heroes like the other user said. thanks
cry moar
why did that bother you? why would it make me cry? what point were you trying to make?
I didn’t read ur shit
odds he gets a handy tonight as one last salespitch?
drawfag's 5 minute shit takes more effort than a shitty filter
what’s a waitufag?
>bimbo: jackson are you cheating on me?
drawfag is a quick motherfucker too. he puts me to shame, but in a good way
what is me? what is happening here??
it wasn't drawn
both of you should fuck
What is the best season of Big Brother?
show kat is almost likeable
pick your favorite forgotten hg but I’m gonna say holly is the zakiyah of this season without the showmance
nick's existence has made me choose to watch a showmance cam
7 or 10
listen you fucks. filters and tracings are all you girls get until paintbro graces us with fresh new content. so give me a (You) and go fuck yourself
>did you read the manual?
what was jack talking about?
production shit that they can't talk about lmao
8, 9, 10, 17 and can6
theres a rulebook
7 is so overrated
its literally chilltown circlejerk and the whole alliance from another season
7 is rated perfectly fine
So Has Ian tried speaking with Raven since the incident?
literally me
nope. thats a rough thing to apologize for
>dat neck
Former regular here. I am buying the live feeds again and will single handedly shift the pendulum on these threads as I do every year from the grasp of mentally ill discord trannies.
I heard her reconstructive surgery cost tens of thousands of dollars after that
>when you have to talk to ovi
the jack show
least he going down swinging. poor brown bastard
Ovi needs a deus ex machina at this point
is it seriously a rule that you cant say who you're voting for?
>Christie to Ovi- The only advice that I can give to you is just literally pray, stay calm, go to sleep early, and say less maybe #BB21
Bill the Butcher reminded us about immigrants like Ovi many eons ago
>Christie shutting down Ovi's race card
Former Ovi supporter here it’s been fun watching him crash and burn but seriously we can’t let him get his hands on the SNAP benefits
any isabella lewds?
she learned from production
kat is the ultimate pawn what is ovi talking about? she's so malleable anyone in the house could convince her of anything
>he's still talking
woah, fucking BASED!
>tfw Ovi convinces Kat to convince everyone to get rid of her
I have a nicer ass than them. what is wrong with w*men?
Just to the noms
Asians aren’t really ass people
huh, i never knew that
Christie is really a cunt. Can't even let him down easy and end this charade.
>if i win im getting a nose job
Yeah its to prevent vote trading and also to keep people from feeling safe and not campaigning obviously
I didn't think so, but production would be nipping it in the bud if they were purposely lying about game rules. plenty of people in the past have told the person that they're voting for/against them
has this always been a rule? i feel like this hasnt been mentioned in past seasons
no. the hoh cant tell someone who they are putting up right to their face.
Always been a rule but it’s never been enforced hardcore (like the hoh saying who they’re putting up)
yes, but production is super lax about it
ok nicole. your up girl. work that quarky magic
This cast is wicked unlikable
>he makes a good point
Is Tommy going to try and flip the vote?
theyre okay. definitely a below average group, i feel like im gonna end up not watching once jury hits or so. other than the game talk i really dont care about any of them
ovi pretty much begging to stay without knowing hes getting evicted
im not sure. i thought maybe he was saying that because nicole was in the room. trying to sell the idea that the house is truely undecided.
but he did seem keen to the idea when jackson brought it up this morning to him in the SR
Tommy clearly wants him to stay but he's not gonna put his foot completely down. He's as solid as he can be without being concrete about it.
you can tell someone you are voting them out, its not a rule
unless you are ian...
>christine got a sign that kat was the first to go
he's been the closest so far and he seems genuine. tommy probably knows that nicole is in ovi's corner but she will vote with the house
There was a time not long ago when Zach galvanized the NEETs of Yea Forums
I think so. That night on the hammock might have won him over.
Although Tommy might be too smart of a player for that ; he must see another angle for keeping Ovi he could benefit from
This week hasn't been great. If JackJack are still in power next week it will probably remain really boring. We can dream though.
help me /bb/
did ovi overhear jackson just now?
why is jack talking about sides right in front of nicole
jfc these people are bad at this game
yes we need a rockstar hoh
Tommy confirmed to jackson earlier today that ovi needs to go. any other talk by him saying otherwise is smoke and mirrors
>help me /bb/
hell no swamp ass
get evicted already so this season can finally start
Ovi is hideous. I recently moved to Chicago and everyone here looks like him albeit with a hijab. Let me tell you, guys like that absolutely despise whiteness and picture the aryan as the barbarian.
ovi is finally making some compelling arguments but is it too late
why is jackson so violent
no idea man
hes a straight white male, violence is in his nature
I really hope Ian apologizes formerly
It’s like nick talking to kat laying out the votes to keep her, listing his whole alliance
Ovi, no
kat is too dumb to pick up on it
Who's pocket are we putting the cash in /bb/?
>lets have a house meeting
why do they think Ovi is a "threat" or "smart"?
he's done nothing to display those traits
>inb4 ovi crashes the meeting
neither did ian, steve, josh, or dan
Jesus fucking christ....I can't listen to these people anymore. I'm going watch the show (I forgot there was one tonight).
He'll probably win comps. But I definitely think kat can too
honestly it probably stems from all the shit talking they did. deep down they dont like him. he is the smarter pick over kat to stay.
imagine being a filthy showcuck LOL
imagine being so fucking weak you don't watch every second of the feeds no matter how much you like it. all big brother is good.
The immigrant is immunized against all dangers:
one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him an immigrant and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'" -Jack Matthews
here's ovi's game summed up more accurately
>fingers his asshole on his way out
seems right
have sex
Fingering your asshole is a social construct
This is honestly a way bigger dick move than anything Aquaman or Stable Genius have done, why aren't the normies up in arms about this?
I hereby place a hex on anyone who has the webm of Raven messing with her vag and doesnt post it every chance he gets
Oh shit, when he said he was lying about his job I didn't think he meant it like that.
tommy leaving was smart
wrong kind of black
nicole telling ovi
which filter is this? how did you do it ?
>when you hug your dog one last time before you put it down
did they tell her to tell him?
no. nicole just cant keep up the charade anymore
ovi crying
nicole crying
Baste Nicole being a real friend. Fuck these heartless bastards.
Why doesn't production test the comps before they have HGs play in them? This is hard to watch.
>The Rapist
we should have known....
nicole pretty much telling ovi to cry to the house to make the house feel bad
she is just watching out for herself incase he comes back. she has known him for 14 days
it's clearly a joke you autist
it was unnecessary
ITT: we post big brother /basedboys/ that shook normalfags across the seven seas
based SJW logic
you mean grodner telling them to not backdoor kemi? agreed
her should tell nicole right now. it's obviously his last move left
imagine the jawline of their kids
>still hasnt told nicole about the power
he deserves to be evicted
maybe all the production crew played at least AA baseball
wouldn't that just give them more of reason to get rid of him
Go to be Devin.
new thread
it could but what else does he have right now?
at this point, yeah. i think it would be the dirt on the coffin.
page 4 btw
too late now probably, but he could have used to to swing people saying he'd use it for them
now if he brings it up they might think he's lying
which row is that in catalog view?
kat dancing while ovi sulks around the house. feels real bad