Do you judge an actor by what they do offscreen?

Do you judge an actor by what they do offscreen?

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yes but only in extreme cases

Why is he decisive? Da fuck

So he went to an anti-gay church for a while? Is that literally it?

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Usually not, unless what they're doing off-screen ties into how they think about or do their jobs.

Will his career end up with him just doing Christian movies?

Why do women care about this shit so much? Why do they get so caught up in their personal opinions of actors they've seen in arguably less than five films? Like if you're an actor, and you want my respect or admiration, it has to be earned. I only really "love" three or four actors, De Niro, Dennis Hopper, Joaquin, etc, I could give a rats ass about the rest of them, especially the Chris'.

North Korea please nuke us

Nah, he's too marketable. Genuinely likable guy both by fans and by people he works with.

Where do people think the meat the eat comes from?

>Not those who are just vegans
No I'm guessing there are a lot of retarded 16 year old spoiler girls who just don't like the idea of a man slaughtering his own food despite the fact that they get wet thinking about that same guy shirtless. Then there are just the jealous soi boys who pile on out of beta rage.

Dude, fresh lamb is amazing and only tastelettes and pansies disagree.

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>fresh lamb is amazing and only tastelettes and pansies disagree

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>Proving my point

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lol fuck faggots

Also what a legend lmao

He's a super right wing evangelical Christian who hates gays and loves Trump. Being in Hollywood he knows to shut up about his beliefs.

Just don't be shocked one day if someone records him going on a rant about how disgusting fags are.

He's pro gun, /fit/, christian, eats meat, and heterosexual.
Not meming, that's genuinely it.

Wtf hes literally hitler and stalin combined

>is a christian
>hated by libtards

>is a divorcee
>hated by christians
based & redpilled tbhfam

His wife divorced him because she rejected Christianity

And she was a whore.

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And she only births retards

>anti-gay church
All churches are anti-gay, because both the Bible and two thousand years of Church doctrine forbid homosexuality. If you go to a "LGBT-friendly church" you're not going to church, you're going to a secular feel-good club.

Yea Forums dictionary...
whore: a woman who has sex with anyone else but me; any woman that is seen near a black man

>Do you judge an actor by what they do offscreen?

hello roastie

>The Bible dictates what is acceptable for all religions and also personal morality

How's your girlfriend/sister doing?

>how to rationalise liking a person you are supposed to hate because he's attractive
Reminder that Hitler was more popular among women than men even though he put them back into the kitchen.

>Implying that Yea Forums incels don't obsess over the lives of any actor that doesn't fellate trump

absolutely based pratt

based christ pratt

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>all religions
no, just Christianity you retard

no it doesn't

Oh, so he did nothing wrong and pussies are mad, got it.

>being a somewhat generic person is now reason to be hated

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She cheated on her first husband and left him for Pratt, then cheated on Pratt and says she's a feminist now. Chris on the other hand is marrying Arnold Schwarzenegger's daughter and attending church with her.

>The Bible dictates what is acceptable for all religions and also personal morality
Yes, because regardless of whether you believe in it or not, it presents itself as the only true religion applicable to all humanity, and half of its content is literally dictates on personal morality. Moral relativists need to be put down, you don't even make sense from an athiestic standpoint.

>the sole scripture of Christianity doesn't dictate the morals of Christianity

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> and half of its content is literally dictates on personal morality
so? just because it says something doesn't mean it's right.

I still like the dude but that is kinda off in my opinion. inb4 dog piled. I dunno what you want me to say. Being that enthusiastic about taking the life of something, in a non survival situation, just strikes me as weird. Yeah I get it, humans eat meat.


>it's better to eat meat that was treated poorly and had a horrible death but I didn't have to see it than to eat meat that I personally had a hand in raising humanely
based retard

I'm not arguing whether it's right, I'm arguing that if you go to a supposed Christian church that doesn't follow what its own holy book says, it's not a church. It is right, by the way, but that's irrelevant to this particular argument.

I never said that.

It's something that once you try it activates something in you. Killing and eating an animal you and your friends staked and butchered is something special. We all have that latent in us. Also delicious.

Is this a real question? There's threads on Yea Forums for every single thing any celebrity says that's even the least bit divisive with the text "OH NO NO NO NO" or "DROPPED".

>in my opinion
Which means butt fuck nothing. Consume your soi and go see the new Spider-Man

Look into commercial meat, dipshit. Those lambs live an idyllic life compared to that.

Yes, the Bible is the only scripture for Christianity. Do you speak English as a second language?

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what material is the shirt you're wearing right now made out of? have you ever eaten lobster?

yes you did.

it's not though
learn about canonization and the early church history

I like how you guys make fun of the "libtards" but then bitch when you find out that an actress is 5% Ashkenazi Jewish or if some comedian makes a Trump joke

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This. Modern civilized Man doesn't want to admit it and becomes uncomfortable and offended when someone else does, but we're a predatory species. So long as you raise the animal humanely, give it a better life than it would ever have in a factory farm or cruel nature, and slaughter it quickly, who cares if you get a caveman rush from killing an animal and dragging its carcass back to your homestead?

based illiterate

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you said it dictates what is acceptable for all religions though

Dabbing on all whores and the hysterical media faggots

Being slightly right wing is considered a hate crime these days

google 'apocrypha"

>sparked backlash
AKA a bunch of SAD :'( comments and no real pushback

I've learned far more about that than you have. The Bible is the sole scripture of Christianity.

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which bible?

>Just don't be shocked one day if someone records him going on a rant about how disgusting fags are.
Nah Chris is smart. He's says what he says in secret and drops small redpills like saying god is real and hunting for food. He's says small things that can't get him in trouble. He's was pissed about that Gunn pedo shit but had to sign that letter because he was forced by the cast.

Because literally anytime an actor bitches about politics or virtue signals or is basically a staunch leftist they are always jewish, almost always donate money to isreal, and almost always in some terrible film. It's more or less bitching because there's a very clear pattern. A literally "EVERY FUCKING TIME" scenario.

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If you're trying to imply Catholics have a different Bible than other Christians, you're barking up the wrong tree. Catholics hold fucking TRADITION to be as authoritative as Holy Scripture. Calling a book "Bible" doesn't mean it is.

That all being said, nothing in the Apocrypha contradicts morality taught in the canonical Bible, so your point is moot.

100% cotton, and no, I don't like seafood. I know what parts of Leviticus you're referencing by the way. Christ's covenant superceded most of the old Jewish rules about weird day to day ritual shit, it says as much in the New Testament so this isn't contradicting the Bible, but moral prohibitions like that against homosexuality are for one stated elsewhere outside of superceded Levitican doctrine, and also as I said in my first post are supported by the Fathers and Doctors of the Church. This is also why even the most sola scriptura Evangelicals don't abide by kosher food laws, by the way. Nice try with your "I know more about the Bible than Christians" delusion most fedoras have, though.

>Catholics hold fucking TRADITION to be as authoritative as Holy Scripture.
do they? vatican 2 seemed to prove otherwise.
>Calling a book "Bible" doesn't mean it is.
why not? that's how the catholics got their bible.
>nothing in the Apocrypha contradicts morality taught in the canonical Bible
some of it does a little
>so your point is moot.
my point was that it isn't the sole scripture of christianity. catholicism is not all christianity.

I mean, the writings of the early saints , Christian council's, and a lot of different Greek philosophers are also considered "scripture".

If you know so much about Christianity shouldn't you know about the Protestant Reformation and why sola scriptura is so controversial?

90% of Hollywood actors and actresses are disgusting libshits with nation-detstroying beliefs. I can usually ignore it, who gives a shit. They're playing a character and I'm not supposed to see 'them' I'm supposed to see their character.

That said, some actors like Deniro who won't shut up with their retardation make SURE I hear about it by shoving it in my face. So after hearing their full-soi beliefs, how am I supposed to see them as real male characters? Am I supposed to buy Deniro as some kind of scary mob boss when I know he's a complete faggot akin to a woman in reality? Or Schwartzenegger as an action hero? Some of these fuckers have really shot themselves in the foot career wise as far as I'm concerned.

Well it does, regardless of whether those religions believe that themselves or not, or regardless of whether the Bible itself is even true or not. It dictates morality, and states that it is universal truth that applies to everyone regardless of their personal beliefs. Therefore, it dictates what is acceptable for all religions.

Apocrypha isn't Church cannon and isn't binding to the faithful
>Dabs on you in Latin

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but that doesn't matter, because you don't have to follow it unless you're christian

>do they?
yes. they also hold the word of the Pope above all. sorry, kiddo.
>why not?
because that's not how it works. I can't write my own self-help novel and call it "The Bible" and then claim there's more than one Bible.
>some of it does a little
Some of it? Let's see an example.
>my point was that it isn't the sole scripture of christianity
maybe you're just retarded. pic related is the origin of this conversation.

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>are also considered "scripture".
they literally aren't
>shouldn't you know about the Protestant Reformation and why sola scriptura is so controversial?
apparently the irony of this question is lost on you. do you know the definition of "sola scriptura"?

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That fag you are talking to probably read through the God delusion and figured he understood thousands of years of theology.

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Who cares what actors do in closed doors as long as its not illegal
Technically there is more than one bible theres the regular one and then the king James version or whatever and etc

>yes. they also hold the word of the Pope above all.
above the bible? so if the pope said homosexuality is ok, it would supersede the bible?
>because that's not how it works.
why not
>I can't write my own self-help novel and call it "The Bible" and then claim there's more than one Bible.
yeah you can
>Some of it?
gospel of judas, infancy gospel of thomas
>pic related is the origin of this conversation.
wasn't my post

Swartzenegger is right about natsocs though. He went a bit far in saying that "there are no 2 sides to bigotry" , I mean ignoring whatever context breeds hatred is brainlet tier, but if you're an American then a totalitarian ideology, left or right, is retarded. It defies everything that it is to be American.

Also, Ernst Junger and the old guard Prussians were completely right about Hitler being a little bitch anyways

Does he not know how old his fans are?

I can tell that you've never been with a woman.

>That said, some actors like Deniro who won't shut up with their retardation make SURE I hear about it by shoving it in my face.
This is pretty much how I feel. I don't care about personal beliefs unless they make a point of shoving it in your face, then at that point they're pretty much telling you to judge them by their beliefs because that's what they publicly and loudly define themselves and their careers by. Conservative actors rarely rise to this point for obvious reasons with Hollywood culture, even ballsier guys like Clint Eastwood and James Woods just give hot takes on twitter which is about as notable and intrusive as breathing these days. Whereas Deniro or foot fungus girl just won't shut the fuck up.

>they literally aren't
>Do you know the definition
Yes, apparently you don't understand what I mean by this. The pejorative "Biblical literalism" ring a bell? Scripture generally just means holy writings.

Yes, there are more holy writings in Christianity than in just the Bible.

deniro is no more intrusive than james woods

>back in the kitchen
Based retard. When do you think women left the kitchen and when do you think Hitler existed?

talking about killing lambs on instagram is retarded

You are the kind of retard that would choose to kill 4 people over 1 person in a trolley-problem type of situation.

If it's canon, it's in the Bible. If it's not canon, it's not in the Bible. That's how it works.

Stop putting women up on a pedastal, incel. Yes , there are aspects of masculinity women are attracted to and yet somewhat frightened by. Have you talked to a women about her sexual preferences in your entire life?

whose canon?

But its bad to abort babies. Good to know

They sure were leaving it in the degeneracy of the Weimar republic. I don't think you realize how bad things were then, there's a reason "Weimar" has become a byword for current year faggotry, it was like 2019 in the 20s.

Natsoc would be great but not Hitler's natsoc.


>They sure were leaving it in the degeneracy of the Weimar republic.
what do you base this statement on

So fucking based

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Didn't he vote for the worst president of all time as well?

You've never had good sex in your life, m8

The fact that the 20's were a time of extreme decadence? Not even him, but like, dude... how do you not know about this?

Based Strasserist.

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I doubt he voted for obama tbqh

no you fucking retard. the fact that women were not expected to be homemakers.

I like how literally nothing triggers metropolitan scum more than a dead buck.

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Everybody's canon. Different canon implies different Bible.

Less intrusive desu. I wouldn't know a thing about DeNiro's politics if people on here weren't whining about it constantly. Woods is all over twitter all the time.

Personally I don't give a shit about actors personal lives unless they're diddling kids or murdering someone. I think it's a smart plan to just mind your own damn business.

>Technically there is more than one bible theres the regular one and then the king James version or whatever and etc
those are translations you fucking retard
>above the bible?
yes, actually
>why not
I literally explained it to you
>yeah you can
great argument. won't convince anyone though.
>gospel of judas
not in the apocrypha
>infancy gospel of thomas
not in the apocrypha
>wasn't my post
regardless, you should be aware of the origin of the conversation before trying to inject your zeitgeist bullshit into the mix

>there are writings not contained in the Bible considered scripture
>see, the protestants said only scripture should be followed, that proves writings not in the bible are scripture
based retard.

Women were not even close to leaving the kitchen in 1940s Germany retard.

haha YES epic win :') :') so freakin based :O

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He mainly stays out of politics which is the same as being an open Nazi to these people.

>i just explained it to you
no you didn't. you said "i can't do this" but didn't actually say why
>great argument
>not in the apocrypha
it was still written as scripture though

Uhh King james doesnt have Corinthians iirc and some other stuff. why are you so mad damn bb


You should try it.

... No, Sola Scriptura means they believe that only the Bible is the prime source of Christian morality and theology you fucking mongoloid lmao.

Yes, there are other holy writings in Christianity besides the Bible. Do you know how many sects of Christianity there are anyways I mean ffs

Eating BABY sheeps is NOT masculine, NOT based, NOT redpilled. St. Francis of Assisi and Adolf Hitler would be VERY disappointed in you, user!

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>it was still written as scripture though
But it's not scripture and nobody thinks it is

gnostics do

sola: only
scriptura: scripture

>it was still written as scripture though
no it wasn't, and literally no christian on the planet considers either to be scripture
>Uhh King james doesnt have Corinthians iirc and some other stuff
"Corinthians" is a set of two separate epistles, and they are most certainly in the King James Version. If you don't know what you're talking about, try googling it first so you at least look somewhat intelligent.
>No, Sola Scriptura means they believe that only the Bible is the prime source of Christian morality and theology you fucking mongoloid lmao.
I gave you the literal translation. Why do you think they considered the Bible the prime source of Christian DOCTRINE (not """""morality"""")? Because the Bible was the sole Christian SCRIPTURE.
>Do you know how many sects of Christianity there are anyways I mean ffs
There's Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, Protestantism (including the many denominations), and heresy

>All churches are


>hating yourself for loving something

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>no it wasn't
are you saying the author of the infancy gospel of thomas wouldn't have considered his writing as scripture?

Name one

Shut up roastie

tony anderson

>gnostics do
gnosticism is a religion that has very little to do with christianity and died out over 1000 years ago

church is christian

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>actually marrying the girl who cheated on her husband for you
I'll never understand retards like this.
>No bro, she cheated because he wasn't good enough for her
>She'd never cheat on me though!

Meaning the Bible is the only scripture according to Protestant sects lmao God I forget that people get really high and drunk sometimes when they post here

>Why do you think they considered the Bible the prime source of Christian DOCTRINE
Because they considered the Bible to be the only scripture within Christianity and denied that anything else mattered, then certain protestant sects were prima scriptura, prima meaning "first" implying that there are other fucking scriptures...

Oooohhh man I haven't had a giggle like this ages
>There's Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, Protestantism (including the many denominations), and heresy
Toppest jej

they believe in christ as the messiah and are therefore christians

I'm saying he wasn't a christian any more than joseph smith was

I love /pol/'s scrambling backlash culture. Switching from singing the praises of "femine" peni to latching on to fundamentalist "Christian" values at the drop of a tweet.
They're like a dumber version of Goldfish.

He is giving them a much better life than the lambs people normally buy at the store. There is nothing to bitch about.

>prima meaning "first" implying that there are other fucking scriptures...
no, "scripture first" means "scripture before other things, like tradition," not "scripture first then other writings which are also scripture and so are on the same level as the bible"

>Switching from singing the praises of "femine" peni to latching on to fundamentalist "Christian" values at the drop of a tweet.
Yea Forums is not one person and these were never the same group of people, retard.

It's almost like the politics board of an anonymous forum that had tens of thousands of active IP's at any time and the opinions of them thereof aren't all the same.

Wait, does this mean that you're just applying le /pol/ boogeyman to anyone you don't like and confusing who is who out of some juvenile attempt to distance yourself from conflict? Naaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh

>sola scriptura means the Bible is the only scripture according to Protestant sects
user, you literally have Google at your fingertips. You don't have to embarrass yourself like this.

why does your opinion on this matter more than theirs?

Prima scriptura
First scripture

No, it means that they value other teachings and writings as being Christian beyond just the Bible. That there are other forms of divine revelation beyond it. Fucks sake man.

>pretending you can't find a common ideology in a group like /pol/
Based tard

user, you do to. Why are you doing this to yourself? If you're not educated on a subject then just learn to admit when you're wrong.

Yes, in Christianity there are other scriptures beyond just the Bible.

user, you are literally equating "scriptura" and "Bible" in post after post. Do you not see how you're contradicting yourself?

Not a single person understood his post. His point was that it's weird to brag about it in such an off hand way because it is still killing. He never said what he was doing was wrong just that talking about it like that is wrong

No, if you weren't a fucking newfag you'd know that /pol/ has never got along with itself. It's only zoomer newfags from 2016+ or sheltered retards who never bothered to figure out what the rest of the site was like who think otherwise. /pol/ is not monolithic. Never has been, never will be; especially today.

No no, tell me. Tell me exactly what the ideology of /pol/ is and I'll tell you why you're retarded and dont know what you're talking about

This. Anna is a whore, and couldn’t deal with Pratt getting more famous

It's called a dark sense of humor

Based retard who doesn't understand semantics at all lmao. Okay, umm, remember the definition of scripture I gave? That might help a bit.

Too soon.

Who fucking cares about your definition of scripture. Show me a quote by any theologian, living or dead, saying that a text can both be scripture and not belong in the Bible.

The majority of /pol/ is right-wing and libertarian. If you deny this then you are truly retarded. I am not even the person you responded to. I have been on this forsaken site for over a decade now.

... You do realize that the Bible is not the only holy text in the world, right? You really, really don't get semantics here do you?

It's the only holy text in Christianity, which is what we're talking about you knuckle-dragging mongoloid.

because the Bible was canonized, and additional texts simply aren't Bible by definition
holy shit you're stupid
learn the basics of latin syntax before you start spewing retarded nonsense like this again

>I've been here for a decade but I don't remember libertarians and natsocs sperging at each other all the time
>I don't remember monarchy posting or fed posting
Gtfo, dude. /pol/ was mainly made up of right wingers , sure, but even then it was never one right wing ideology and we also had a healthy population of leftists (also the majority namefags) who came to shitpost or sperg about random shit.

Divisive you fuckwit

Well there you go. That's not every person, including the "feminine penis" shills and trolls from other boards, other websites, or /pol/tards who don't actually believe that shitposting. By the retard who started this discussion's logic, /pol/ is actually pro-racemixing because of all the blacked spam. Based retard user claimed /pol/ are somehow hypocrites or flip floppers because of feminine penis posting and Christianity existing on the same board (even though trap shit is more of a thing on the weeb boards anyway), and he's wrong because he fails to understand what a troll, discord tranny, or rogue user who disagrees with most of the others is.

Fucking weird thing to do imo but there's nothing morally wrong with it. I just wouldn't want to associate with someone who does shit like that.

>You can't just use a secular analysis and definitions and apply it to Christianity
Oh but I can, and most theologians worth their salt do.

The Bible
Is not
The only
Source of
Fucking divine revalation in christianity. Not only are there sects of Christianity with their own additional texts who you meme'd away by saying
>Lol heresy
Even withjn the "trve kvlt" Christian groups you mentioned they do in fact treat other texts as scripture, a holy text. That's it. That's all scripture means in secular terms. Ever felt inspired reading the writings of saints? Scripture. Fucks sake

Too fucking soon user

Everyone responding to you is a complete retard lmao. Almost as retarded as Pratt, for saying such weird shit to begin with.

Please user, don't do the
>I was only pretending to be retarded
thing. We were talking about Christian scripture. You were saying that Christians are beholden to holy texts outside the Bible. You still have not given a text that a Christian would consider scripture AND would not put in his Bible.
I think your confusion, if you'll allow me to speculate, arises from an unconscious Protestant-supremacist assumption that the so-called deuterocanon is not a part of the Bible. In point of fact, both the Orthodox church and the Catholic church INCLUDE their own deuterocanons IN their Bibles.

Anyone that takes offense to this instantly shows that they are a depressed, miserable "human" being.

And I remember when Yea Forums used to call him literally-reddit: the actor

>divine revalation[sic]
we're discussing scripture, not revelation you dumbfuck
>they do in fact treat other texts as scripture

cringe & noempathypilled

>We were talking about Christian scripture.
Which can be analyzed from a secular standpoint which is why in the beginning of our talk I gave a secular definition of scripture.
>You still have not given a text that a Christian would consider scripture AND would not put in his Bible.
I did. I have the writings of saints and different Greek philosophers who were extremely important in the creation of Christian morality. You really don't think a Catholic considers the writings of St Augustine to be a holy text filled with divine revelation?

>arises from an unconscious Protestant-supremacist assumption
... No

>Not only are there sects of heresy with their own additional texts who you meme'd away by saying
Not him, but I think it's become clear now that your only goal is to sow disruption and chaos. "Get behind me, Satan!"

The writings of saints and certain Greek philosophers like I already said.

If you can't separate the art from the artist then you shouldn't be allowed to view art. Don't give a shit if he or anyone else is the worst person ever, if they're a good actor that's all that should matter

>Protestant theology

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>You really don't think a Catholic considers the writings of St Augustine to be a holy text filled with divine revelation?
Ah. You must be a fedora-tipper. Never stepped foot in a church, I presume?

I hate him because he's a faggot

So there's two guys who jerk off to dickgirls on a daily basis, then feel guilty and swear to God they will never do it again.

I remember when this guy did a ama on Yea Forums a couple years ago. Now that was based

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so youre saying hes literally hitler, minus having the approval and support of ghandi

that's not an example
you need to be specific so I can prove you're an idiot who has no idea what he's talking about

>name calling is the same thing as having an argument
Sure it is, user. Sure it is.

Baptised, and had my first communion. Also spent 12 years at a Catholic school being taught by Jesuits, Franciscans, and Benedictines. My grandfather was a Jesuit as well.

>Inb4 schizo posting about Jesuits

Read the thread you sub human moron. Wow, you're so intelligent that you don't even need the attention span to read 4 sentences of text to know what you're talking about. I'm really impressed.

Also the school had its own church which was regularly attended. Also not a fedora , atheism is retarded

Is this guy making political moves or what

>his post
yea sure, it was ""his"" post, but getting back to the point, it's a joke, a blunt and dark one
you know, what Chris Pratt is most famous for

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All I'm saying is that your prejudices about a religion you've never once considered might be true don't resemble the beliefs of real people who have. Admit you're wrong or leave.

I have read the thread. If you're implying some response you gave that was proven retarded an hour ago is an adequate response, you have a lot more critical thinking to do.

>admit you're wrong or stop talking completely
Another stellar argument.

>You really don't think a Catholic considers the writings of St Augustine to be a holy text filled with divine revelation?
They uh, don't.

I bet that retard thinks protestants hold C.S. Lewis' writings to be holy scripture too

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>you've never once considered might be true
Idk , I used to be pretty devout when I was younger. Said Hail Mary's before bed or whenever I was scared. I can recite it from memory as well as the Lord's Prayer by memory although it's been awhile since I've been in church. I do know what I'm talking about when it comes to theology though, I don't understand why it's so hard for you to merely attempt to apply a secular analysis of your religion. Its my religion as well, and yeah I'm willing to admit that a lot of Christians don't just consider the Bible as scripture and will in fact treat different non-canonized writings as a scripture (a holy text) en masse. This is a secular definition that is often used by theologians today. Okay?

My boi

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Why would you post this image?

No, they uhhh do... actually. The writings of those who have been canonized are considered holy. You know what relics are

CS Lewis isn't a fucking saint. Neither is Tolkien. Clearly neither of you are interested enough in having a dialogic discussion.

it's just people with nothing better to do

>CS Lewis isn't a fucking saint. Neither is Tolkien.
Let me enlighten you:
>according to Christian doctrine (both Catholic and Protestant btw) a "saint" is merely a believer in Christ
>Tolkien was a Catholic, so why even bring him up?
>"Sainthood" wasn't even a thing until the second millennium

Honestly there’s something perverse about feeding something that looks to you for food and forms a bond only to then kill it. Part of the reason why I prefer game meat. Everything out there knows what you are, and knows to fear you.

deer are fucking retarded

it's a figure of speech you autistic fuck

>it's a figure of speech
what's a figure of speech? be specific now, because it sounds to me you realize you've been boxed into a corner.

>He's denying canonization now just to be that much of a contrarian
I can't even, okay so just because you personally don't think canonization is real means that the other hundreds of millions of people around the world who do just don't exist now? Does the Catholic Church not count as Christian?
>Tolkien is catholic so why even bring him up
Because he's a Christian who hasn't been canonized whose writings aren't considered to be holy. The lengths you're willing to go just to deny that there are other texts withing the Christian faith that are considered holy is actually kind of impressive.

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It's weird but I guess you grow up with it. In my mid 20s I started buying live pigs to butcher myself. Done it like 6 times and it is always horrible. Once I got two at the same time and I killed one in front of the other. The second pig had a heart attack and died. Really fucked up

Is scripture to you a pejorative? You're trying to zing dumb Catholics for receiving instruction from Catholic priests?
A Christian might consider the writings of a church authority to be authoritative, and he may even think the Holy Spirit imparted knowledge to the writer, but he would never say those writings are scripture. If they are scripture, they belong in the Bible. Else they are a level below scripture.

No he hasn't, you really are just a straight up 80iq autist who doesn't know what he's talking about. The amount of times I've just let you move the goalposts and completely ignore other relevant parts of the conversation , like fuck man.


>it hurt itself in confusion
I'm agreeing with you, dummy

>but he would never say those writings are scripture.
>Else they are a level below
Like the most blatant no true scottsman I've seen in a long time. Yes they absolutely would consider the writings of saints to be holy and you STILL don't understand the concept of prima scriptura

all those words, and you don't even know what half of them mean, do you?
I just asked specifically which part of your comment was "a figure of speech"

Thats a very racist term they're using. It's an obvious reference to the way the white plantation owners would whip their slaves. I demand a boycott for this journalism site until they fire the author responsible.

>I'm agreeing with you dummy
Now you're the confused one

t. lamb

>no true scottsman [sic]
this refers to an immutable characteristic you dumb retard
as in "no true scotsman drinks soft drinks" to mean "if you are immutably scottish, you must drink alcohol only"
saying "no true jew eats ham" is simply saying "no one who believes ham is illegal to consume eats ham", which is TRUE

let's get on the same page: there is no scripture but the Bible.

Hey, all I need is ONE quote where a theologian calls an extra-biblical text "scripture." I know the vast majority are on my side, but all you need is ONE.

>no one who believes ham is illegal to consume eats ham", which is TRUE
No it's fucking not???? You don't think people willingly do something which they know they aren't supposed to do? Okay, forget the fact that you have no clue what a no true scottsman is, do you even know what's so significant about sin to begin with?

I don't even know where to begin with this post... Idk. I'm not sure. Are you high?

I might judge them on a personal level but I'm not gonna boycott movies they're in for that. I've watched and enjoyed movies with Klaus Kinski, and he raoed his own daughter.

>you have no clue what a no true scottsman [sic]
Please tell me: how is acknowledging Jews believe eating pork is sinful changing the definition of a Jew ad hoc?

Not according to a secular definition of what makes up a "scripture" like I've been screeching to you, brick wall, for about an hour now.

Once again, a fallacy, this time as argumentum ad verecundiam. I gave you the definition of scripture and said that Christians consider more than just the Bible , with some sects having their new texts. You really want me to just ctr+f in Google docs until I find ANOTHER definition that says the exact same shit I'm saying now? Really?

>a secular definition of what makes up a "scripture"
I mean, if you're just trying to argue your personal definition of "scripture" is what you mean, then you might as well admit you're an idiot now.

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A "secular" definition of scripture is an oxymoron, you need to define it by the opinions of religious people. There is no secular holiness or secular sacredness.

How many friends do you have?

He doesn't stop being Jewish the second he eats pork, I can't even... there's so much I could say about that in particular which is just stupid as all hell, but goddamnit you're so stupid I would need an hour long class to teach you basic logic. I mean , you're comparing an idealism to reality then using a purity fallacy in order to distract from the point ad hoc
You're saying
>Only the Bible is considered a holy text in Christianity
I'm saying
>Christians find other texts to be holy beyond the Bible
While you respond.
>No true Christian would even dare to think that
Where you just brand anyone who disagrees with you a heretic and therefore not a true follower of Christ. If you don't understand how this is a no true scottsman then I can't help you. Here, have a wiki definition you absolute brainlet

>No true Scotsman or appeal to purity is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to protect a universal generalization from counterexamples by changing the definition in an ad hoc fashion to exclude the counterexample

... Do you just not see the second definition there? Yup. You're high. You have to be. No one man could be this oblivious without being stoned.

>I can't even
Am I actually arguing with someone who can't even?
Let me give you a little hint: if someone says they believe something and then behaves as if they don't believe that, then chances are they don't believe that. That's not a "no true scotsman" argument, sweaty.

I literally cannot believe that any human being would find this offensive. Dumb city slickers have never seen a farm in their lives

you mean "the sacred writings of another religion"? as in "the sacred writings of a religion that is not christianity"? how does that have anything to do with what christians consider "scripture"? I'm guessing you're currently stoned.

>There can't be an objective definition of what makes up an important religious text while purging your own biases
Uhhh yeah you can. The Koran is a scripture within Islam. Woah, wait a minute, did I just use a SECULAR definition of scripture?


Islam isn't secular just cuz it isn't Christianity. Islam is a religion. You wouldn't know that the Quran is muslim scripture if a muslim didn't think so.

my understanding is this retard is trying to say "a scripture is a holy text used by a religion"
what he doesn't understand is: christians don't consider ANY text holy or divinely inspired except for the Bible

>leftists thinking anybody listens to them


>if someone says they believe something and then behaves as if they don't believe that,
Except they do believe that, which is why you just made a no true scottsman by saying "oh well they don't even believe that anyways because that means they aren't Christian" you blithering fucking moron. I can't. I can't spell it out any easier for your dipshit fucking brain to process.
>They believe they're Christian.
>They think there are other holy writings in their faith beyond what's in the Bible
>"N-No then they aren't Christian anyways"

Thats how dumb you are.

>That is not Christianity
No... no , lmao. Do you not know what the transitive property is? Have you passed like, idk they teach that in the 6th grade I think.

>Islam isn't secular just cuz it isn't Christianity
I wasn't saying it was
>Islam is a religion
>You wouldn't know that the Quran is muslim scripture if a muslim didn't think so.
You mean if Islam didn't exist (there are no Muslims to tell me that they think the Koran is holy) I wouldn't know that it was considered a scripture? I mean... Yes?

>christians don't consider ANY text holy or divinely inspired except for the Bible
Which isn't true , like I keep trying to say. Oh fuck man. I like simple people, I do. God it's just refreshing.

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How do you know what Christians consider holy unless they say? So you're just moving your definition of scripture from what a Christian says is scripture to what a Christian says is holy.

can you define "no true scottsman [sic]"?
can you define "another"?

he's going a full step further: he's moving the definition of scripture from what christians say is scripture to what he thinks christians think is holy
