Do you TLJ crybaby haters want Rey's parents to remain nobodies or do you want her to be related to some OT asshole...

do you TLJ crybaby haters want Rey's parents to remain nobodies or do you want her to be related to some OT asshole that you've clung your childhoods onto?

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Honestly never cared. Turns out it was all a stupid mystery box anyway, and the new characters are replacements not legacies so fuck them. Disney spent over $4 billion for Pirates of the Caribbean in space, let them take the hit for their dumb decisions.

i would like a fun space adventure movie please

I'd like to have her story make sense. I don't really care about her parentage.

I’d prefer it to not matter, and if it DOESN’T matter and they’re nobodies, the story wasn’t written to account for this. If it doesn’t ultimately matter, why did we never see her parents? Why was there speculation in TLJ? “We don’t know who her parents are... also, it doesn’t matter!” Uhh, what?

Although this all assumes they had any plans or actually had a grand plan around the overall purpose of this trilogy beyond “let’s make more movies and sell toys.” It’s embarrassingly amateurish. I stopped having any hype or interest in subsequent films because I know ultimately they just wrote whatever seemed cool. Hearing Palpatine’s laugh didn’t elicit feelings of, “holy shit this was what it was all leading up to...” Rather, ‘Huh, so this is the corporate decision that they decided would net the most cash.’

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this, more than anything

who cares?

just want a do over now

She's either a Skywalker or creates a new religion named Skywalkers.

i should consider watching this trilogy now that am not a /pol/ tard anymore which is why i never watched them. Damn what I waist of time spending years on /pol/

Parentage is the running theme of the saga, it makes sense why the question looms for the protagonist of the ST. If her parents are nobodies that changes the thematic implications of this trilogy and saga, same as if they were somebodies.

I just want a character. Han, Luke, and Leia didn't have to be related to anyone because they were good characters on their own.

A boring character related to X is still boring.

no one cares roastie

>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people

But A new hope starts with Luke learning he was the son of a Jedi.

Who cares. The new trilogy is a soulless, parasitic reboot wearing the hollowed out corpse of what could have been a lively sequel. It's over. That's why they're going into the Old Republic era now.

Good thing Kylo is the main character and the Skywalker.

Rey is basically a nobody herself so who cares? Shimi Skywalker gave birth to the greates Sith Lord since the Old Republic and got like 4 minutes of screen time.

Does anybody care who Han Solos parents were?

But you can't compare Han, a side character, to the protagonist of a trilogy. You don't care who Han's parents are but you care who Luke's are. The idea of parentage for the main characters in each trilogy is their driving force, it's the theme of the whole fucking saga

Shit like Rey's parentage and snoke's history/death were the least of TLJ's problems.

>to remain nobodies
That but give an explanation about why she's OP and tie it into the narrative in an interesting way, if you're going to focus around a character being so powerful the villain can't do anything to her than fucking do something with it you hacks.

Guess what! We have no fucking idea who Yoda's parents are! We don't know who made Mace Windu! We don't have any idea where Obi-Wan came from, and we don't need to. The lineage doesn't matter, the story does, and this shitfest can't get away from its boring and threatless writing long enough to realize killing off unique characters doesn't make your shitty ones great.


for real. Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone haz more fun.

Also I want shit more like pic related if I'm being honest "color" commentary and all

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GEEEzus fuck the explanation of parentage being the central theme of the saga has been said over and over in this thread. It's the motivator for all the main characters in each trilogy. You're right, no one gives a fuck who Yoda's parents are. But who Luke's are is a big ass deal, just like the death of Ani's mom was a push for him in the direction of Vader.

Her being an absolute nobody with inexplicable power is the point of the ST, that's why we see the kid at the end of TLJ just think about the movie for longer than 2 goddamn seconds.

Seething LF employees just can't win.
Make her a nobody, and everyone hates it.
Make her a Kenobi, Palpatine or Skywalker and the nerds win.
Life's tough sometimes n

Who cares? Like I think the whole nobodies thing was lazy, but does anyone really care at this point?

I wanted a good movie.


Kylo Ren is the main character and his parentage is a huge deal. His Skywalker family problems are a big deal.

Kylo and Rey's bond is important to the story and a reason she is so powerful.



The only relevant character in the ST I know of goes by the moniker of Kylo Ren.

I wish rey's parents used a condom.

i wish rian johnson's parents used a condom.


Do people even care about Rey? I honestly think people make these bait threads just to have something to bitch about.

She's not even that popular, if at all, who gives a flying fuck where she comes from.

>caring about Star Wars after TLJ

She's a clone made from Luke's hand recovered by Palpatine at Bespin, to be a vessel of his soul

Reys dad used the force tbqh

I honestly can't imagine giving a single fuck about Rey when Kylo Ren exists.

Be better.

I like how she took the books and this whole thing has really been about grey jedi and the whole moral ends up, " read the books kids"

>implying my problems with the last jedi had anything to do with rey

I just don't see how her being related to any of the other major characters couldn't be contrived or nonsensical.

So I was open to her being related to someone when the first trailers launched for TFA.

But the writers have set up a story in which I can not see how you make her related to anyone else without it making for terrible or broken writing.

Can someone explain how you write her into being related to someone major?

No one cares.

If she was cyborg Aayla's daughter I would die

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You don't. It would be retarded and goes against the story they have set up so far.

Even making her "super special the Force and Palpatine messed with her birth" is retarded at this point.

Rey is a shitty character in shitty movies but making her the secret-long-lost daughter/granddaughter/cousin/clone/whatever of an established character wouldn't help anything. Making her parents nobodies that didn't care about her actually gives her desperation some interesting development. Of course TLJ doesn't actually do much with this, but it still wasn't a bad thing to imply or have her struggle with. I think it was a smart choice in a story filled with bad ones.

Of Leia?

It's too late for that to matter. She doesn't have a character and it's too late to give her one. Making her Kylos sister or Hans daughter or Lukes daughter or Lukes Mother or Jarjars Husband would just be throwing shit at the wall at this point.

I actually thought the whole “Rey is a nobody” thing was a pretty good twist. I’m sure that Abrams is gonna retcon it, but I really don’t care.

I genuinely do not give fuck anymore. Which is the worse thing to have for a show/movie series.

>do you TLJ crybaby haters want Rey's parents to remain nobodies or do you want her to be related to some OT asshole that you've clung your childhoods onto?

Neither of those will improve the last film.

I'm not gonna see the next movie so I don't care. I saw TFA and is was boring and I'm not even sure why I saw TLJ but that was shit. There is absolutely nothing you could possibly do in the last movie to save this trilogy. Star Wars is dead

Why were they so afraid to give Rey a personality or have her fail at anything?

Pretty much this.

Rey is shit whether she is related to someone or not. The biggest issue is how nonsensical she is as a character. Her parents abandoned her and she grew up on a lonely shithole, but is somehow still supposed to be a such a good person. Makes zero sense and completely destroys any point in giving her a backstory like that in the first place. Why give her a harsh backstory if it doesn't negatively affect her in any way or give her character flaws?

That's why she's a Mary Sue. They only give her a "sad" backstory for brownie points, but instead of actually affecting her badly, it only mad her more stronker and powerful and perfect instead! WOW!

A SJW wet dream. Too bad for them she is hot garbage and not memorable or likable in any way.

It's not much of a twist. It was obvious as hell. It was only slightly interesting because Rey was lying to herself the entire time.

I see no point it has for the story though. It's a Rey thing, not a SW thing.

SW has already had underdog protags before, she's not special and it's not empowering because it was never an issue in the first place. There were always literal who female Jedi.

They just wanted her to be the virtue signal character. She's not even a character, just a SJW symbol.

nobody cares about Soi Wars

Won't be going to see it. Couldn't care less how her bullshit gets resolved. Don't care what happens to Rose, Finn, Poe, etc.

Honestly, I won't even torrent it or watch a stream. Don't even want to watch a camrip. That's how low it's fallen for me.

If I go see anything that week it would be jumanji 3.

I want them to not be a complete nothing of a red herring distraction from this trilogy's appalling lack of focus or direction. I don't give a fuck who they are. I just want them to stop being an eternally unanswered plot point that I'm somehow supposed to find simultaneously intriguing, compelling, and something other than fantastically weak fodder for one of the central character's motivations.

“pffft, like you incels will resist watc... Dwayne? What are you doing her-"
"Oh no… Not again!!"
*WHUUUUUrrrrrrrrrrr r r rm
*walks away

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