Why is Evil Dead 2 so good bros?
Why is Evil Dead 2 so good bros?
It's not. It's really boring, the """"""""humor"""""" lands flat.
It's too stupid.
The first one had charm to its garbage quality.
Evil Dead remake is better.
Im objectively right only capeshit loving numale permavirgins will disagree
It's a meme movie. People only like it because their boomer dads like it.
Schlick your bean to dogs, faggot.
>posts the most reddit horror movie of all time
>durr go bck to ribbut!!!
What n did he mean by this?
>the remake that was made just to cash in on the title is better
>it was boring so it's bad
>anyway i am correct
That would be Cabin in the Woods
>when people try and argue Evil Dead 2 is a semi-remake of the first movie
God I hate these niggers so much.
one of those rare lightning in a bottle movies that just comes together perfectly and transcends to heights that cant be replicated. Much like Raiders of the lost arc or ghostbusters etc. Sometimes a movie just comes together in all aspects in a special way.
My dad doesn't watch movies
And he'd hate it if he saw it
Shows how much of a retard you are.
It's not a remake.
This has been explained millions of times, by bruce no less.
It's a sequel.
Both are shit. Army of Darkness is the best one.
>reading comprehension
So it's a failure of a reboot
Nice movie bro, be a shame if everyone forgot it existed
Why did he go back to the fucking cabin can't explain that
Is Evil Dead fedorcore or dadcore? Is it Yea Forums or Reddit? A meme movie? I need help figuring this one out.
It's not a reboot retard.
Retard who still can't defend anything
He didn't go back. They were fucking poor and couldnt get the rights to their own footage so they reshot the events of the first as a "here catch up" then sequel takes place right after. Curious retard.
while i didn't like evil dead 2 a lot, i think it's awesome how each movie managed to be different from each other and still good, in a sense that each movie didn't fuck up the previous one
because it's a remake of Evil Dead 1 where Raimi figured out what it was supposed to be
it's just a case where the first draft was released to theaters and was able to fund the final
>each movie didn't fuck up the previous one
yeah they did. the continuity between each movie is all over the place. the tv show even acts like Army of Darkness didn't even happen.
I introduced my dad to it
frenetic energy of a one man show
Pretty much. It's a more confident, more polished movie that manages to be both a remake and sequel.
It's a movie and most think it's good
It existed before any of these damned memes and websites
>It's not a reboot retard.
Are you talking about evil dead 2 or evil dead 2013
Because i'm talking about the obvious reboot
Bro, stop.
fuck the show
How did Raimi get away with it?
I preferred the first one. For me the series go 1 > 2 > army of darkness.
All great films though.