How do they keep doing it?

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Actually that's rare for Sony.

God I hate general audiences and capeshitters so much

do u rly think that these movie studios worth hundreds of billions dont pay off tons of critics for good reviews? because they do. what the critics say hasnt mattered since the late 90s. theyre all paid off now by hollyjews. the only thing that matters now is the reviews of the general public. meta critic and imdb are the only review sites you can trust. dyor tho

What else do you expect from the studio behind the highest grossing movie of all ti-
oh wait
oh no
oh no no no no

Bribes and Jewish nepotism

they just produce movies that aren't total cluserfucks and this decade that is way above the bar we've set
theater movies are basically dead in america and the superhero genre is all that is propping the industry up from a total collapse

>muh bribes
>muh jews
>muh excuses
yall niggas are like a more retarded /pol/ that makes way less sense


Avatar is the clear example of people falling for the memes, with the MCU making it clear that people will like anything as long as it is popular.

Only difference is that Avatar is a piece of shit movie with an awful plot, stupid character design and only great CGI.


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go to sleep jordan

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post hand

>awful plot

Nobody gets bribes. If studios could just pay off critics why aren't all movies getting high scores? Checkmate faggots.

>inb4 b-b-but Disney!

>Guys, what if we had some space cats that are actually indians, then some guy that had a recently deceased twin gets chosen for the job, he's paraplegic, this is important.
>when he gets into spacecat mode, he can walk, naturally he prefers this because paraplegic people are sad, right?
>then he meets a space cat female, they both fall in love and he accomplishes the mission by infiltrating it
>then the US Army attacks because war = bad
>here comes the best part
>guy actually changes!, he does everything to save the spacecats, and in the end he becomes one
yes, awful

>important in a visual piece of art
plotfags all need to be gassed

same stuff that worked once repeated over and over again, now people are brainwashed into thinking Disneyshit is the epithome of storytelling and cinema

Sony markets it, but the creative team behind the MCU makes the movie, so it's not really Sony

They don't send critics cheques if that's what you're thinking.
However critics are more inclined to give good reviews to certain movies and studios if it will get them extra perks, like behind the scenes tour, press screenings etc.

I hate Zendaya. Why doesn't that bitch use a last name, who does she think is, madonna?

Her last name is fucking Coleman. I'd never use something so generic in showbusiness. It drops like lead after her first name.

society was inside us all along

I legitimately question what the score would be if this was produced by Sony alone and was the exact same film?

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I watched that shit for almost 3 fucking hours, what am I supposed to focus on? The retarded character design? The bad acting? The stupid looking "alien" world? Not even the action scenes are good, a fucking robot pulling out a huge knife? Are you fucking serious?

They are cater made for the Rotten Tomato era. None of them are actually anything but okay but that's enough really to get soaring scores because of what RT represents. Not to mention RT changes around their whole website now to accommodate whatever Disney wants. Critics are practically shills and fanboy reviewers at this point. A lot of them as bad as the Collider folks. Whole thing is a mess.

Fucking dilate tranny nigger


the low IQ Marvel drones see it first
it's going to drop don't worry

My fault for replying to your shitty comment.

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Low. Seems like a mission to have Disney own everything or own a piece of everything in the end. Hell, almost every movie now has to conform to mouse style safe formulaic shit to get by and even then it's usually not enough.

A lot of critics are scared of giving these films negative reviews. I remember reading one MCU review from some site that gave it 2/5, and comments were a bloodbath. Like literal death threats and shit like 'fuck u ur opinion sucks, never reading ur reviews again' etc etc. They'd just rather play it safe like '4/5 fun movie' and give the readers what they want.

By being the largest ad buyer on movie review blogs.

Yeah, they're almost too big now to get anything critical said about them. It's just stamp approval, grab check and wait for the next one to come out and do the whole thing over again.

>this is your average plotfag
kinda cringe bro


Last free (You) out of pity.

stop getting trolled while pretending youre not

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disney is based

>How do they keep doing it?
>Choreographed action
>Cheap comedy
>Pop culture references
>Post credit scenes to make the movie appear bigger than it is
>Avoid any uncomfortable scene or difficult topics

It's like Marvel learned from their mistakes and perfected the formula to satisfy both kids and tired adults who work all week and just want to have a good time. It's like how Pixar perfected their formula of touching moments to create "masterpieces" when in the end all their movies abuse sentimentalism and nostalgia.

you share a board with 90% of its fanbase


>a majority of the world is stupid
>why do these cape movies keep making money?
I just don't know user

Imagine being a negro. Why haven't you killed yourself already?

Because his homies or poor life decisions will do it for him user

Drones and paid shills.

you could simply say Yea Forums

Doing what? Making mediocre 6/10s? Not hard when you have such a big budget and we'll known characters.

Unless you were trying to imply that a 93 on a website with a terrible rating system means something?

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Oh boy some new Yea Forums lingo. What does this one mean friends?