Spider-Man: Far From Good

>“Wahhhhh, wahhhhh I don’t feel like saving the world because I’m on vacation.”

Didn’t someone ever tell this little twerp that with great power, comes great responsibility? Oh yeah, I forgot, Uncle Ben has been forfeited for 24/7 Tony Stark worship.

The MCU depiction of the classic friendly neighborhood webhead is aggressively anti Spider-Man and only exists to prop up the ego of Kevin Feige as well as to annoyingly celebrate the pop cultural ethos of his shared universe to almost nauseating effect—Topher Grace with fangs and black goo all over his body held more artistic integrity than this cinematic abrasion.

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Other urls found in this thread:


It wasn't offensive or anything, but it didn't feel like a Spider-Man movie. I was bored through the majority of it. A big step down from Homecoming.

Okay I'm a Raimifag and all but top pic is literally a mannequin in that shot

Homecoming and FFH are pure trash, seriously, the worst Peter, the worst Spidey, the worst MJ, just imagine, Keaton's Vulture and Gyllenhaal's Mysterio vs Maguire's Spidey = KINO

> Waaah Waaah I hate being Spiderman is literally what Raimi Spidey did in Spiderman 2 and 3.

Also her hair is flying in the direction that they're swinging

Can’t unsee

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>waahhhh wahhhhh not realizing it makes sense in spider-man 2 because the famous quote is addressed in a literal powerful sequence with uncle ben meaning peter’s temporary shift from spider-man is narratively earned

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Jews really destroy everything

and yet, still more soul than the bottom pic

Saw 2 the other day for the first time in years. Holds up very well. I hate the word but it definitely had more soul than Homecoming, which I liked too

bottom is literally a computer

She looks like a damn ape.


Her Mary Jane lacks any personality. She's just playing the awkward teen girl trope

t. Kevin Feige

Since when has Mary Jane Watson EVER been black? She's always been a red head.

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I love the idea that they are taking one of Spider Man's villains and reimagining him as a hero for him to team up with and be a mentor.

It will be good to have Mysterio be an ally and around for future films, maybe he can even help join the new Avengers team now that he has a lot of actual cool new powers.

Oh no... nobody tell him

That's a mannequin btw, and if you watch the scene, you'll notice that Kirsten's hair is blowing in the opposite direction.

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still more soul

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>spider mans arm doesn't move
lazy people baka

Well this one is mannequin and the other is CGI

Fun fact: White people are the only people who struggle empathize with other races. Every other race on the planet can watch a movie featuring people from many different cultures and races, but white people for some reason can't

How does Spider-Mannequin fit into the Spider-verse?

Then why do POC and the left cry for more diversity in movies?
Why do white people allow 3rd world rats into their countries?

It's not Mary Jane it's a brand new OC. Do not steal

>replying to race baiting for (you)s
God bless ya user

When is Tyler Perry going to start making super hero movies?

I'm not white band I still hate the forced diversity in MCU Spiderman.

flip here. We like our movies full of white people as much as possible. It's only here in america were POC complain of diversity.

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Why not just have Toby film the scene with Kirsten?

Why is Raimi so fucking stupid.

The Raimi Spider-Man trilogy (yes, including 3) are some of the best films ever produced. The only thing that will genuinely visually age them is the occasional use of CGI. The movies' narrative and cinematography are utterly timeless, and I genuinely think that it will be a movie that will be studied by film students in the future.

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on top of it all they've pretty much killed off any of Peter's Daily Bugle relationships.
Unless he becomes the IT guy for Bugle.Net

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3 was awful and endorsing it in any way just makes you look bad.

>literal woman sõy face
hard pass

The only bad parts were the face to face sandman stuff. Everything involving eddy and the venom suit was absolute kino.

Just got back from seeing Far from home. It’s a lot of fun! Coming of age movie with one of the best post credit scenes in all the MCU.
Marvel is still killing it.

And you have people here saying she's fucking beautiful. That's an ape face. Men here would literally fuck a monkey.

from the trailers i had a feeling this was just another soulless mcu cash cow riddled with unfunny one liners

but i was wrong, it was worse than all of that, such a fucking bore fest jfc

so glad I pirated this shit, any money i can cost the mouse is worth it

I am seeing it this Friday with a friend whos back in town. save for Jake G , I hate the cast. probably going to suck , but whatever

Quick, someone post the soi boi wojak

Took my little cousins to see this today, jesus christ how do you losers sit down for this crap? i would have walked out 30 minutes in. Every scene with cgi spidey made me nauseus, LITERALLY soulless. And what's with capeshit nowadays being all selfaware? "haha we know this is a capeshit movie ^.^ you're a super hero peter xD peter tingles not spider senses, haha come on!"


you paid for this shit, and multiple times for your little cousins??!! Enjoy a multiracial family in 10 years when your cousins are fucking blacks girls back and forth

Blacks quite literally lack the ability to feel empathy, due to their extremely underdeveloped frontal lobe. This is why they murder/rape/commit violent crime at a rate that is exponentially more than literally any other race on earth.

Dont worry bro. Chad nolan and chad snyder will drop true kino capeshit. DChads will be dabbing on mahvel soon enough. Ironmanfags on suicide watch.

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As an asian-american who grew up half in Japan and half in the US, white people are EASILY the least racist people on the planet. Africans and Asians are easily more racist, most people in Japan hate black people and express it openly, you'd probably get arrested for saying something like that in the modern US.

Is Peter getting her a switch?

>"Being white's not enough young man, you've got to keep the bloodline clean. Genetic purity is not a privilege, it's a gift, and you use it for the good of mankind."

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I thought the film was kino (blew Fagzam outta the water). When Jake switched from confident mentor to scummy scam artist - it was a based heel turn!

MJ has like ZERO tits though. Idk how anybody finds that actress attractive, she looks like a monkey. All in all, Marvel scored another victory and proved they can never be stopped.

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so this is what their kid would look like

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He's Peter for the current generation. Also known as the worst generation.

I speak of course of the generation of manchildren, not the current generation of children.

saw this faggot shit today sucked ass. finna boutta watch spiderverse again while jerkin off and then play the ps4 game.

>a fuckskin mannequin

Sam Raimi you mad genius

I thought it was fine, you must have an extreme vested interest in spoderman, I'll give you that the Raimi ones are better, but since they've been redoing them for years i don't care anymore, this shit is better than the Garfield ones

If you ask kids 12-16 what's their ideal woman or celebrity crush they answer Zendaya.

>“Wahhhhh, wahhhhh I don’t feel like saving the world because I’m on vacation.”
>Didn’t someone ever tell this little twerp that with great power, comes great responsibility? Oh yeah, I forgot, Uncle Ben has been forfeited for 24/7 Tony Stark worship.
Are you forgetting Spider-man 2? Where Tobey's work-life balance is so out of whack he loses his powers, throws away his costume, and abandons the Spider-Man identity? This was AFTER Uncle Ben already told him about the great power great responsibility bullshit and then promptly died as a direct result of Tobey's LACK OF RESPONSIBILITY.

I'm not saying this in disservice to SM2 or Raimi. SM2 is arguably the best Spider-man movie, but there are few criticisms I can think of that are worse than your post.

I'm really fucking hoping your post was ironic, or extreme Raimi/Tobey loyalists are even more retarded than I previously though.

And the wind is blowing the wrong way and spider-man is a mannequin in that shot. You couldn't have picked a worse image to represent "soul".

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Maguire > Nicholas Hammond > Shinji Tôdô >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tom Holland = Andrew Garfield

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Unless they're white.

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kill yourself onions

SM2 comes to that point after having literally an entire movie dedicated to how being spider-man ruins his life and all his relationships with everyone he knows and cares about. And he still can't stop acting like a hero, even after losing his powers.

This is totally different from spider-boy, and if you legit can't tell then I genuinely think some part of your brain, that exists in normal healthy people, atrophied from disuse or was destroyed from brain damage or something.

op btfo

Why was the specific shot of the obvious mannequin Spidey used here? lol

The first one feels very 90s/early 2000s.
I'd agree on the other two though.

The mouse took this amazingly faithful portrayal of Spider-Man from us so that they could bastardize him endlessly

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Top: Film
Bottom: A Disney Channel Original Movie

Average capeshit. It's like cold pizza, not great, not awful. Don't have much to add except I gotta hang out in this thread, cause i went into the Flash thread and it was 100+ comments about wanting to suck dicks.

Marvel fans > DC fans

>Even Dead I’m The Hero
Why is Marvel just mocking us for wanting a Spider-Man movie that isn’t all about Tony Stark?

>tobey maguire struggles to maintain personal life/hero balance but eventually saves the day

>tom holland struggles to maintain personal life/hero balance but eventually saves the day

Not white I can tell you from experience that brown people especially hispanics feel a sense of superiority knowing there is darker, uglier and poorer people in the world.

Next day cold pizza is great, faggot. Don't even compare marvelshit to the greatness that is next day cold pizza.

>Tobey uses several facial expressions
>Tom literally doesn’t change expressions

To be fair the people complaining about diversity is other white people black people really don't care

You are? WOW your movies sucked
You're supposed to go >t kevin feige retard


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I didn't notice it as a kid and I'm sure most didn't in their first viewing

I'd be offended by that but one of Japan most popular pornography genres are incest and child fucking so I really don't care what those people think

Ya seethe?

Yet Holland does more with just his voice and body language in both Homecoming when he's trapped under rubble and "Mr Stark I don't feel so good" than Tobey does in 3 movies.Tobey blubbering every five minutes in the Raimi movies weakens the moments that are actually supposed to be poignant.

Tom Holland’s Spider-Man getting tired of the mantle is a narrative inconsistency when viewed in conjunction with his appearances in previous films.

In the Raimi films, that arc is earned. At the end of Spider-Man, the film culminates with Peter essentially rejecting MJ and telling the audience that Spider-Man is his “curse”. This idea is further pushed and developed in Spider-Man 2, where Peter starts to reject that curse in favor of a normal life.

In Far From Home, there’s no narrative continuity that suggests Peter being tired of Spider-Man. His eagerness for heroism is a big part of his personality. The filmmakers suggest that it’s in order to get close to Zendaya’s MJ, but their romance wasn’t exactly sold the best especially when in the previous film Peter is explicitly fawning over Liz Allen. When exactly did Peter fall for MJ? Watching Far From Home feels like you’ve missed a movie in between.

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To be fair I like MCU Spider-Man more I never felt the Raimi Trilogy captured Spider-Man that good they did a good job with Peter Parker sure but Spider-Man is supposed to feel like a completely different character then Peter but he feels exactly the same Spider-Man is supposed to be jokey and fun while Peter is responsible and reserved

>but one of Japan most popular pornography genres are incest
Imagine not realizing just how popular incest porn is in the west nowadays

And Japan's rate of actual child fucking is way lower than the US, so americans shouldn't really be talking


Whenever I see some asshat crying about diversity online, I imagine some scrawney, college aged white boi with a marvel tshirt, thick rimmed glasses, blue hair, a "beard" and ear guages who's entire world view is based solely on surface level liberal talking points they picked up on social media when they were 12. The kind of person who thinks "culture" and "pop culture" are the same thing.

That, and fat chicks. Who are also white, but the fatness would be the primary feature anyone notices about them.

Most black people I know just like black people shit, and give zero fucks what or who is included in white people shit. I honestly think it's funny to them.

1 How likely are the Japanese to report sexual crimes we know that they have a rapid sexual assault on trains epidemic yet none of the women report it due to shame so I expect the same when it comes to something like sexual assault to children.
2 Japan have way less people so I guess way less sex crimes would be reported of course
3 Japan has a lower age of consent so they have a 4 to 5 year advantage over the United States

Encountering Alpha Female Carol has changed Peter's taste in women.

He now wants MJ to rule his ass.

>In Far From Home, there’s no narrative continuity that suggests Peter being tired of Spider-Man
Despite the last movie where he abandons the homecoming, thus making him both lose his qt gf and ruin her life simultaneously? How his actions end up almost ends up killing his friends at the Washington Monument? How his actions in Infinity War lead to him endangering the lives of the other Avengers, and make Stark feel responsible for his death for half a decade?

Some black people care some don't. me personally if you're feeling really bent out of shape about the lack of representation of your people then make your own comic, movie or whatever. I'm writing my own comics it's easy and I have a hard time with grammar and spelling but there so many resources out there to help you so there's no reason you can't do it.


This is the first time I've noticed in and Spider-Man was and is still one of my favorite superhero movies. Now I'll never view this scene the same again. Still Raimi is based though

Maybe i'd empathize with shitskins more if they didn't constantly feel sorry for themselves and feel the need to make everybody feel sorry for them. It's like having that one friend who never actually has any serious problems but always makes it a sob story. Wahh girlfriend doesnt respect him, wahh, boss is mean to him, every day shit that normal people either suck up or deal with like adults. Would you empathize with a selfish faggot like that? No? Well why should i empathize with 6 billion of them? You can get jobs, you can make a living here, whites are going well out of their way to please you and make sure you get what you want. But you destroy everything handed to you and it's never enough. So go fuck off back to your shithole countries.

fucking kek

A lot of Tobey's facial features were cringe.

Just got back from seeing it and it's easily in the top 5 Marvel films for me. Raimi movies were fantastic but this movie was just a good time all around. Mysterio was top notch. Half the people shouting the "soulless" line are just doing it for the meme and other half will never enjoy anything again because of their own predispositions. Have sex.

>1 How likely are the Japanese to report sexual crimes we know that they have a rapid sexual assault on trains epidemic yet none of the women report it due to shame so I expect the same when it comes to something like sexual assault to children.
The difference in estimated reported vs unreported sexual assault/rapes between the US and Japan is near negligible.

>2 Japan have way less people so I guess way less sex crimes would be reported of course
Per capita.

>3 Japan has a lower age of consent so they have a 4 to 5 year advantage over the United States
False. Every prefecture in Japan has an age of consent between 16 and 18, but most are 18. Even the Japanese federal law contradicts itself by having an official age of consent of 13 but also making it illegal to have sex with peoples under 18 according to The Child Welfare Act of Japan.

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Isn't she just hugging a dummy in the raimi film?

Isn't the legal at 13 thing only applied for married couples and no one gets married at 13 anymore so it's basically bullshit?

I'll say this, the Hollandman movies have thus far killed it on the villain front. I can see Kraven the Hunter being the next big bad villain, but I wouldn't be surprised if say someone like Silver Sable took up the hunt for Spiderman too.

Truly based

Well I can admit when I'm wrong I still think the same thing is true though

I really want Venom in an MCU movie but I know it won't happen because of Sony's own shit movie. Guess I'll just have to rely on the Spiderman PS4 sequel to see that. And as much as I'd love Kraven I can't imagine they would put in that Scorpion tease for them to not use him.

I meant shame not same

I doubt 70-90% of Japanese teenagers were molested on trains, though.
>The difference in estimated reported vs unreported sexual assault/rapes between the US and Japan is near negligible.

*American teenagers

Those aren’t narrative jumping points Far From Home presents, Peter wanting a break from Spider-Man stems from a random inorganic attempt to get close to MJ while on vacation. You’ve made all of those character arcs up.

Are you a literal retard? POC dont give a shit, its white leftists who complain about diversity, not foreigners

not putting ben in the illusion sequence was a total waste. he ie never gonna be in it at this poont

You took too long to get to the punchline. Be more confident

Venom will happen inevitably, they won't not combine those two. I mean, they teased Scorpion for the Sinister Six, which they'll inevitably set up further in Hollandman 3. We'll get Kraven the Hunter who gets beat back and maybe someone like Rhino who form the core of the Sinister Six. Mysterio will recruit them and break them out of the Raft (using illusion tech to make people think they're still there) and then use them to take out Spiderman together since his plan to discredit Peter will fall apart and Kraven won't kill Peter.

They have the set up right there without even having to introduce Osborne so we can get it right now.

Zendaya’s hair always hanging over her eye throughout the movie was fucking annoying.

The opposite, which is why you don't see any major all-white movies anymore.

Mysterio is ded tho

Homecoming didn't do very well. I hope this flops.

>Ay Tone, if he's a spider why he fucking an ape?

>Japan’s problem with "chikan" is widespread. In surveys conducted by train companies, as many as 70% of young women say they have been groped, mostly on commuter trains.


>actually dead

God I hate those washed out digital colors in the bottom image, modern films are so fucking lazily made.

For once a tripfag that isn't a faggot. Based. Nothing was earned in the Holland films. The only thing I've liked from New Spiderman are the villains. So far very well casted. Haven't seen the new one yet

>According to Survey on the Violence Between the Sexes by Gender Equality Bureau of Cabinet Office of Japan (released in March 2009),4 7.3% of the women in the survey (123 out of 1,675) stated that they “had been forced against their will to have sex with a member of the opposite sex.” Of these, 20.3% (25) had experienced rapes between the ages of 12 and 15 (equivalent of middle school in Japan) or before. When asked whether they knew the assailant, 61.8% reported that they “knew the assailant very well” and 13.8% responded that “the assailant was an acquaintance.” This means that almost 81% knew the assailants. Those who “did not consult with anyone” account for 61.8%, and only 4.1% contacted or consulted with the police.

still much better than cgi

she's part black
black = soul
so you are wrong

And the part where he feels overwhelmed by the responsibility Tony has left him with and everyone looking to him for answers he doesn't have when he also has the pressures of being a teenager.

>that everyone seems to be ignoring

based and redpilled

what fucking pressures everything is undermined for the same reason, is a fucking teenager an almost nothing he does as that has any impact on his life.

All redheads are black in movies, silly

would you rather him just spend so much time stopping crime that he loses his powers because he let himself get cucked? they have to introduce some kind of conflict between his personal life and superhero life, that's what spider-man has always been about

Peter can just get Talos to shapeshift into him while he swings in, makes a public appearance with his friend "Peter" and does some Spider-Man shit. Boom, problem solved.

thats what the raimi movie does and does it fine

Truly said like an autist that doesn't remember what it feels like to be a teenager. His hero died, he's been missing for five years along with half the world, he's being looked to as the next big hero dude despite being all of 16 and he's got regular teen hormones and stress going on, where the stuff that's not going to matter for the rest of your life at school feels like the biggest shit ever because it's all you have a frame of reference for. The film has problems but the idea of Peter being kind of freaked out by his situation isn't one of them, for me at least.

that's the point

do you want them to literally just copy the plot of the first one?

>that kino Gyllenhaal putting the movie on his back
>knowing spoilers beforehand gives the obvious hints of the end credit surprise
>awkward romance and teenage shit
>that kino comeuppance for the shitter Asian
>the emotional rollercoaster of a kid who just lost his father figure coming to accept it
Yo what the hell did the nerd dude download though?

some part of the illusion program
I didn't catch if it was anything specific
Presumably something related to spiderman or his identity or maybe Mysterio so they can 'bring him back' as a ghost or something

>Mysterio for Thanos tier villain

JJJ being an Alex Jones analogue was the best part of this series

I think it was him downloading some kind of control program for their smaller group of drones, or the message that JJJ played. I didn't quite catch what it said on-screen.

so how come the asian guy's so tight with angourie?

dude.... sorry but spiderman killed him. he would’ve been a great avenger

Isn't it obvious they're fucking each other?

she looks depressed in her scenes with him lel

you just ruined this for me

Was aunt may in the new one? Remember when the actor for spooder man wanted to fuck her and she said no cause of age? Lel

How about you don't watch capeshit for children

>tfw got drunk in the theater so I liked it by default

You guys should just drink while watching movies, it's way more enjoyable

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you're welcome

Oh, I haven't seen the movie yet, so...

>He's back

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This is a meme, right?

>Truly said like an autist that doesn't remember what it feels like to be a teenager.
he went trough fucking hell in avenger whatever pitty shit about highscool should be nothing compared to that. Thats the frame of reference and this would only work if avengers wasnt connected to this.

they tried to simulate the message and goal of that but being worse.
thats the problem

Can you guys please respond to this post? I just ask because I'm really lonely and I don't want it to be ignored, thanks.

It's still a real object. Better than the PS3 looking trash we have. And yeah, it's got fucking S O U L.

We didn't vote on it. We didn't ask for it. (((they))) forced it.

Trains get packed every day at rush hour, a large percentage of reports is likely just someone's bag or body pressing against them.

Spiderman was on my introduction to film textbook. The first two will be studied for plot structure and world building I'm sure. (In the context of popcorn movies.)

He said it himself in the movie that if he wears the Spider suit during the field trip, they would figure out who Spidey is.

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So take your great power and do something great with it. What are you waiting for?!? Is the world not ready for what you wish to unleash upon it? YOU ARE ONLY LONELY WHEN YOU ACCEPT YOUR EXISTENCE ALONE

Black babies don't even pass the mirror test. It's pit bulls versus labs.

She is a monkey

how this fact just gets ignored all over the world i will never understand. its not only black babies but kids up to 8 years old

Yet non-americans watch american movies more than movies of their own country

>have seks


>Oh yeah, I forgot, Uncle Ben has been forfeited for 24/7 Tony Stark worship.
And as Tony Stark would say, I'm on vacation, leave me alone, world.

>literally highest intraracial murder rates on earth talking shit about lacking empathy

Aw look it said a big word so it thinks its smart.

So? Comic Peter sold his marriage and daughter to Satan to save his old ass Aunt May who literally told him to move on.

His successor Miles made a deal with the same guy to trade Kamala's life in exchange for someone he doesn't care about.

I watched the 1xbet rip and I noticed a scene with Parker and MJ on Charles Bridge in Prague and it was completely empty

just wanted to point out how laughable that is. Might as well suggest a scene with an empty Times Square

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it made almost 900 mil. Are you a fucking idiot?

Kino desu


>young man realizes he is a total fucking loser and sacrificed everything in his life for the sake of his responsibilities as a hero, from his academic life, to love life, and even family relations, being consumed by the crushing feeling of loneliness and regret realizing that he is at splitting roads in his life
>teen wants to enjoy his vacation with friends

Yeah, totally the same thing.

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>Raimi circle jerk

only on Yea Forums do those cheesefests with a horrible Spidey get praised like they're the godfather of cinema. feck off.

3 had the best ending to a capeshit ever, and the fact it was actually the end, only makes it even more meaningful.


Say what you will, but Sam Raimi genuinely cared about telling a good story with Spider Man. He poured his heart and soul into making something that not only spread a positive message and told a meaningful story, but was also fun to watch. Sure, Toby was a bit of a crybaby, and some of his dialogue is a little goofy, but Raimi Spider Man was a work of passion, and it shows.

lmao someone didn't watch
This movie is about him realizing it's his duty to give up what he wants for the greater good

>Everything involving eddy and the venom suit was absolute kino

Oh god my sides

FFH did the exact same thing what wtf

Except Tobey loses his uncle precisely because he wasn't being responsible/sacrificial, contrary to the concept of losing people close to him because he's forced to be a hero

He gets the girl in the end despite "giving up everything"
And the worst part of the whole thing is that he loses his powers because of losing the girl, as if they are linked and breaking apart the theme that he has to sacrifice his personal life for his heroship? It weakens the ending of the first Spider-Man where he is cursed to not being able to follow a romance to this arc in Spider-Man 2 where he is cursed to follow a romance or lose his hero status? It totally contradicts itself and wasn't very well thought out. This wasn't even in the comics.

he already has

>just makes you look bad.
This is an anonymous message board, not twitter or reddit.

Kraven should be set up in a Black Panther film as an big threat before deciding to go after Spider-Man

Found the jew

>just imagine, Keaton's Vulture and Gyllenhaal's Mysterio vs a whiny fag = TRASH

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where exactly is that message relayed? because he still gets the girl in the end despite his superhero antics

>would you rather him just spend so much time stopping crime that he loses his powers
That's literally what happened in the original Spider-Man annual comic.
>that's what spider-man has always been about
Obviously you haven't read the original stuff to really know what it is about.

Go back to your shitty facebook group

Please read entire reply chain. It's only two posts. The point is that is what literally happens in Spider-Man 2. I'm saying they should try to do something differently in terms of his work/life balance.

>That's literally what happened in the original Spider-Man annual comic.
no it isn't lol, he just catches the flu in the comics

>“I was thinking about a great issue of Stan Lee’s Spider-Man comic book where he gets the flu. And he, for a time, is really weak. It was so human to me, I thought it was great. This superhero’s got the bug that affects all of us, and just like we all have to go to work when we’re sick and we really don’t know why we’re doing this and how we’re gonna do our job, he had to fight criminals when he had the flu. I thought that was incredibly human, a humanizing thing to have happened to a super hero.
>It was a combination of that and a desire to put that into the picture so we could identify with him. I thought that was a unique thing that happened in Stan Lee’s comics ..... That’s where the genesis of the loss of powers came from.”


Ok dude, I love the raimi films as much as anybody on this mongolian basket weaving board but you really are making us look bad with this bullshit example you just shat out.

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>Peter Parker is having a very emotional scene with my pal Emma Stone
He's talking about ASM you dolt

you summarised my gripes with MCU spidey. i still enjoyed it though. i just wish ben wasn’t completely ignored. we didn’t need another origin but let’s not forget his importance.

>Jews really destroy everything
Jews created Spider-Man and a Jew directed the best Spider-Man movies.

Black people don't watch Friends or Seinfeld.
But white people watch Martin or the Cosby Show.

SJW financed Jews are the ones wrecking his character and stories these days. Tell the truth instead of your revised version of it

MCU sucks

> genetic purity

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why does people think raimis spidermans are good? hes only good at doing comedic horror films.

>soulless vs. also soulless but you were a kid at the time so you were too stupid to notice


take off the god damn nostalgia goggles

Movies aren't real either, are you shocked by that?

Armond White has kinda cornered the market on really eloquently stating otherwise retarded nonsense, you should really get a shtick of your own



you cite that blurry mess as evidence that she is not beautiful? I mean, beauty is subjective anyway, so all you're really saying is "I don't find her attractive" and no one cares

We're not old men with dementia, that's how.

Stick to Robert Redford movies.

How did a phrenologist from the nineteenth century travel forward in time and obtain an internet connection?

Haven't watched marvel films save the first iron man, first avengers and dr strange since it was on TV and I was bored and had nothing else going on, did they actually make mysterio a dude from a different universe or did they just make him a illusionist making up bullshit?

That's horseshit, white people who don't have developmental disabilities like autism have absolutely no trouble doing it.

Toby probably came himself everytime he came within 3 feet of Kirsten.

I would too.

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>focusing on Racebent characters
>Not focusing on a character like Robbie
>Not making a movie with Tombstone (an albino) as the villain.
Mixed race here, I am still fucking bothered by the retarded race bending. if they wanted to have a black character so badly they could've focused on Robbie and making a kino movie with Tombstone as the villain. That would've been dark as shit. But nope, gotta invent new diversity characters instead of focusing on characters that are pre-existing and have been long forgotten. I fucking hate this shit.

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No one does

Shes no snek but I'd still fuck her. Either you are a THICC aka obese lover or a faggot.

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>that rear screen projection

It’s actually one of the best Spider-Man films ever made. Tom Holland is excellent. I don’t believe anyone who makes these shit threads has ever seen it. Endless fake wanking over Raimi’s trilogy, which, while very good, isn’t perfect. Every single thing I’ve read here shitting over FFH was fucking nothing, just lies and autistic sperging, I actually went to see for myself yesterday. I will never trust you pricks again, even Zendaya’s character, while obviously a diversity hire, is actually much more likeable than she was in Homecoming because they cut out all the woke bullshit.

They don’t. They just have intense arrested development or they’re outright lying just for the chance to beat at Holland and Marvel. It’s the same crap repeated in every thread and it’s actually all debunked on watching the current Spider-Man film.
>Iron Boy
>Bad CGI
>24/7 crying over Stark
It’s all fucking wrong!

>even Zendaya’s character, while obviously a diversity hire, is actually much more likeable than she was in Homecoming because they cut out all the woke bullshit.
Thank fuck, I was worried in the Charles Bridge scene in Prague she would make some stupid comment about Czech history that would piss me off. Good thing she doesn't. I might consider watching it as much as I hate the connected MCU fanwank.

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He says he’s from a different universe but he’s lying. He’s an illusionist. Gyllenhaal is excellent in the film.

They actually tried to fix the wanker in Homecoming p, that stupid Slave comment. She starts by saying “The Eiffel Tower was built...” and you groan because you think it’s coming, but then she goes off on some conspiracy theory and it’s just funny, she talks about executions on Charles bridge but not to shame the Czechs, it’s something she admires in a Wednesday Addams kind of way. If they’d made her like this in Homecoming she’d have a lot more respect from fans I think. I really hated her in that film.

Sorry my phone screwed up the first line. I meant they tried to fix the wankery and wokeness from HC.

did they?

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Raimifag here. I don't think the Raimi movies were perfect nor do I think a movie can't top them. Amazing Spider-Man 1 (before the second movie fucked it up) was actually pretty good and had it not had that shitty sequel may have created a series maybe could've ended up topping Raimi. The problem with MCU Spider-Man is how desperately they try to connect everything to other MCU movies and try to make Spider-Man relatable without realising he's supposed to be an ultra socially awkward fuck, don't get me wrong, he does act like this, but at the same time they try putting those dorky #reletable moments that just ruin whatever social awkwardness he has. His friendship with Ned raises eyebrows for me because of Ned's role in the comic. There's a pretty good analysis about how Spider-Man in MCU is just pretty much a white version of Miles Morales Spider-Man, which just begs the question on why they didn't just do a Miles Morales Spider-Man and let Sony handle Peter Parker Spider-Man (maybe even rebooting Raimi or giving a new director a chance and not interfere in it). Then again Sony handled Miles Morales better than the comics, so maybe Sony should stick to Miles Morales.

But at the same time with MCU Spidey I see a strong departure from the original Marvel comics and instead trying really hard to copy everything from the Ultimate Comics which have been adapted and done to death. There've only been three TV/Movie adaptations of the Amazing comics as a whole (ignoring 60s Spider-Man and the early cartoons because those were just mostly comical adaptations of the early non-serious arcs), whilst there's been at least six or seven adaptations of the Ultimate series. It's been done to death and I just want them to bring back what the original Marvel comics have been doing.

>she talks about executions on Charles bridge but not to shame the Czechs, it’s something she admires in a Wednesday Addams kind of way
Okay that's good, yeah the executions were a thing, funnily enough they were not executed by the Czechs but by the Habsburg Knights and corrupt officials. Most of the Czechs were heavily against the Habsburgs and the Catholic rule (they were since the Hussite wars and the execution of Jan Hus) so they rebelled and got executed in Charles Bridge and the Town Square as punishment. This wound up kickstarting the Thirty Years War with the Czechs fighting back, which then lead to the Battle of Prague which took place on Charles Bridge.
Shit's pretty cool. So to see her admire the history is a nice change from her pulling some crap out of her ass like she did in Homecoming. I might consider watching the movie then. Especially after hearing of the JK Simmons cameo as Alex Jones Jameson

Well at least you have a foundation of truth, because you’re actually a comic book fan who knows some stuff. I was talking more about the aggressive weirdos who have been raging about this Spider-Man since Civil War. I loved the comics as a kid, stopped reading them when I was about 11, so I just watch the films without linking them too much, I realise the film adaptation will never match the depth and complexity you can go into with illustration.

Exactly. I like Czech history myself, I went to Prague so I was also interested how they would go with it, honestly the film makes the Czech Rep look classy, and like a place filled with dark fairytales, it’s beautiful.

>thinking mysterio's actually ded
he couldve grabbed a few of those model decoys

Just post the after credits scenes faggot

That cameo made the cinema erupt, it’s well done, it’s not denigrating at all and surprisingly the kids in the film actually mock buzzfeed and the media as fake news. When they mentioned buzzfeed my arsehole cringed because I thought that was a typical Hollywood leftist wank but they used it as an example of how you can’t trust the internet.

>who have been raging about this Spider-Man since Civil War
When I saw him in Civil War, I thought it might be promising as long as they don't shoehorn the Avengers and MCU too much in his own standalone movie, which unfortunately they did. And that's kind of my main problem, because even in Ultimate and in the regular comics, that rarely happened. It focused more on Peter's own problems, which is what I think the main thematic elements of a Spider-Man movie should be. Balancing a Super-Hero life with a normal life, and not having him chase around the Avengers and know them personally.
>stopped reading them when I was about 11
I actually did to an extent and only re-read them years ago and appreciated them far more once I became good at art. But the memory and atmosphere I felt when watching the Raimi movies was close to how I felt when I read the Night that Gwen Stacy Died. I just felt he captured the tone and essence of it, despite the changes he made to the story and characters, despite giving characters different designs and personality. He still captured the tone of what I enjoyed in Spider-Man. The problem is the MCU is too scared to use that tone because they want to have the Avengers shoehorned in as much as possible. I'll still watch the movie based on what some of the others are saying that make it promising (like the MJ character being better), so I'll give it a chance, but if they truly want to top the Raimi movies, they need to stop shoehorning the Avengers and bring back the tone that was so heavily adored in the Raimi movies. That's all.
>I realise the film adaptation will never match the depth and complexity you can go into with illustration.
It can't. But it can still capture what made the comic enjoyable to read. It can change characters but it has to at least get the tone and themes right.

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1: will mysterio turn to be the bad guy?
2: is there a scene after the credits? If they do the same shit like with endgame I will turn team dc now

>writing this much about capeshit
You must have a truly pathetic life

Good point

That's good. I'll give the movie a chance. Yeah, Czechia is pretty much a dark fairytale like place. It's mythology and history is very interesting, too bad most modern Czechs aren't that interested in studying their own history from my personal experience, it's a shame but it has to do with how badly handled the politics and education are in Czechia. Funnily enough I was actually in Prague when this movie was being filmed, and I saw these big balloons and film equipment over the Charles Bridge, and I thought it may have been some kind of mid-budget Czech movie about the Thirty Years War or something, I never saw any of the cast, I just kinda walked through it to reach the old city and just saw some of the filming equipment and people handling it. Then months later I saw the Far from Home trailer and saw Charles Bridge and realised "Oh...they were filming Spider-Man"

>They mock Buzzfeed
Fuck I am definitely watching it now.

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I dunno dude, writing a small paragraph isn't that much unless you're still in middle school dude. I write far more about high brow movies like Marketa Lazarova.

but uncle ben wasn't there to explicitly say the line about great power and great responsibility so it doesn't count, you have to make subtext text for the adhd zoomer to understand it.

so they made maryjane a nigger? cant say Im surprised, at least is not a translesbian genderfluid lgtbabcdefgxyz hermaphrodite

I do wonder if they will involve his personal life more when he leaves school? I think Marvel will keep him as Spider-Man for years and we’ll probably get personal solo films like the earlier Cap and Iron Man films.

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Practical effects > CGI
Every time

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Mysterio is dead as fuck, but that nerd guy downloaded the drone schematics, hologram tech and all of Mysterios holo rendering and voice work. Even though Beck died Mysterio will live on, via cheap special effects


How does this make it worse you retard? That's actually just the more impressive and interesting and certainly more soul than CGI, shit lighting and a fucking ape.


Because they are? Name one thing Soi-man does good?

I hope they put him in college like in the comics. Because that's when the comics actually get interesting. Literally no Spider-Man movie has ever reached it and only one of the cartoons and a few of the video games have actually reached that point.

Fuck yeah. Eat shit, 56-ers.

Well said.

The illusion sequences we’re pure kino

That bottom scene is really funny, by the way.

Imagine defending this.


>there’s no narrative continuity that suggests Peter being tired of Spider-Man

His friend and primary male role model just died. He missed five years of world history. He literally just wants to take a vacation.

>have the stunt people right there, with ALMOST the suits on
>cant be assed to built proper suits and at least some of the set
>Put shitty PS2 graphics CG over all of it.
So close yet so far.

The problem with him saying it there is, it makes absolutely no sense in contex and was just dropped because spiderman is famous for having that.
That's it.
And Aunt May is a fucking cunt in the raimi movies.

>I was worried in the Charles Bridge scene in Prague she would make some stupid comment about Czech history that would piss me off.

Imagine living in constant terror that a movie might trigger you.

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>Watching Far From Home feels like you’ve missed a movie in between.
What? It all makes sense. Did you even watch Infinity War and Endgame? Did you watch Captain America: Civil War? It's a slow but earned buildup.

It was better than Captain Marvel and Black Panther

look at how much better dunst is in that shot. she is surprised, scared, overwhelmed, loving...meanwhile zendaya looks like she just saw a chicken wing fall from her purse

white people are the only race making good movies, what choice do other races have? white people are prettier anyway, even a black doesn't want to look at another black.

Maguire is an awful spiderman, and an ok peter due to having the nerdy face but thats pretty much it


Maguire pulls some of the stupidest faces in Hollywood as Spider-Man, if dumb faces were how we should judge actors then he’d be fired. He ruined that train scene because he looked like he needed a massive shit.


Aunt May and Uncle Ben are terrible. They look like cardboard cutouts of Walton extras and the dialogue - every scene dropping some twee, Hallmark channel crap. They’re also too old, why would a teen have an 80 year old aunt? It worked in the comics and cartoon but not on film.

Actually the terror she shows despite being a tough, Wednesday Addams type girl is very charming and endearing. She’s not a Mary Sue by any definition, which is usually how Marvel write brown women and femitard inserts. It’s a cute, very well done scene, and before it Peter is alone swinging through NYC like classic Spider-Man. It’s great.

Good a thread as any to ask: Anyone got that video of Peter from Spider-Man 3 walking away from the hotdog stand, watching the planes hitting the WTC and then walking the other way? Was on YouTube.

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Does he COLONIZE a negro in the new movie?

Have sex and consume, goy.


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Did anyone else get kinda sad when Mysterio died?

That stupid fucking mantra didn't even exist until they had to ask Lee who had a different origin story for the character depending on what day of the week it was, none of which was 'I stole from Ditko'.


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They’re his father’s aunt and uncle. May is his great-aunt.

Any chick who was this needy and possessive, I’d have pretty much instantly dropped. It is such a fucking turn-off, and she’s not nearly pretty enough to balance it out.

Based tripfag

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If anyone on this board tries to downplay the profits of a marvel film, don't bother, they are too delusional to reason with.

Shut your incel mouth! It gave us white-haired MOMMY.

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Spiderman is a boring unfun badly acted sad sack from sp 1-3.
No one in his life is worth a fuck and treats him like complete and utter shit at best.
Him being an odd faggot in 3 rather then growing a pair and telling everyone off was a terrible way to go with it.
It's just Raimi's thing I guess.

I just didn't like spiderman in retrospect. I really didn't.

There's like JJJ and Dafoe's hilarious scenery chewing as GG but that's all I got out if.

Marvel are probably trying to destroy spiderman to fuck sony

Yes, and?

The game Spider Man that came out on PS4 recently is probably the best non comic/cartoon Spider Man depiction since the Raimi movies, it puts the MCU movies to shame.

So here's the deal, im basicaly a monkee

Ok, that is the first time she has given me a boner. That was sexy


One of the two people in that shot is a mannequin.

That's because the Spanish fucked your women so much that all you dream of now is white cock.

i agree

here's the (you) mongoloid

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Spiderman 2 was decent, but the other two are below average. And Peter Parker is mischaracterized.

They just came at an age most of the Raimi worshippers were teens.

>posts clip from trash late night show
>thinks he has the right to call anyone else a faggot
Neck yourself faggot, no one will cry when you're gone

The mutt looks like a howling monkey

Why was it decent.
It was as bad as one and three.

Some memorable scenes.

Maybe because it's likable and entertaining, something you'll never be. Maybe that's why you don't understand it you stupid dense faggot.

>Literally no Spider-Man movie has ever reached it
What’s Spider-Man 2? What’s Spider-Man 3?

her hair is flying up because they are swinging down

This post is hilarious because it couldn't be further from the truth.

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I really hate this weird thing they're doing of making Spider Man's rogue gallery actually Iron Man villains? Like Vulture in the first movie, his main beef was with iron man, and now in far from home it's the same shit with Mysterio. Why are they doing this? This is Spider Man, not Iron Boy or whatever

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Because Spidey has been active for like a year, focused primarily on street crime, and is not legally an adult..

It's because all black identity is oft co-opted by media and and blacks are only seen as black.
Nothing else.
What do people who have no culture other then popular culture.

God that costume sucks ass. Look straight out of a pride parade.

No, it is literally Iron-Boy, he is nothing like Spider-Man.
Even fucking Garfield's anti-hero, emo-Man was more like Spider-Man than this teenage retard.

I think 2 things that are kinda iconic to spider-man gets taken away way too early in the MCU.
He always takes his mask off, and more or less everyone(especially now). He suddenly doesnt wanna save people, rather go on vacation. At least JJJ is back played by Simmons which is awesome. But they really need to introduce Venom into the MCU, he is like the Loki to Thor, and he can be used for so much crossover stuff.

This. If MCU can pull off a definitive version of the whole Venom storyline Holland will go down as the best Spiderman but until then he will play 2nd fiddle to Tobey in terms of Spiderman and will still be way behind Tony in terms of his own universe.

>He always takes his mask off, and more or less everyone(especially now).
So? The MCU has been way more open about super identities from the words "I am Iron Man." We got 2-8 movies of Spidey protecting his identity.
>He suddenly doesn't wanna save people, rather go on vacation.
You're right, struggling to maintain a healthy work life balance and sometimes saying "fuck it, I'm out" has never been a Spiderman theme before!

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look a that son, that's one Zen motherfucker

la luz extinguido

>10 years ago they would have cast a dime Redhead with a perfect figure
>instead it's the late 2010's and we get this

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Thank you for proving that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about.