What's so bad about jump scares in horror movies?
What's so bad about jump scares in horror movies?
They're bad, period.
If you disagree your probably an incel.
Why the fuck are there over 13,000 replies to a question like that?
me saying "based and redpilled" 13000 times
you have to go back
>oh noes, loud noise scary
>jumpscare BAD
>dark, eerie, atmospheric, suspense build up, character development, a bone-chilling slow burn GOOD
They're lazy.
a horror film that relies solely on jumpscares without any sort of interesting or mysterious plot probably isn't going to be great but the reality is that most of these people who say "jumpscares aren't true horror" are just looking for an excuse to not watch those movies because they actually scare the shit out of them
tl:dr: it's a coping mechanism for scaredy cats
what are you on about?
nothing. It's just something retards complain about to sound smart, because it's the only editing technique they know by name
Because it’s easy to startle people with sudden loud noises or thinks quickly popping up in their face. It’s all cheap scares. I’ve never had a jump scare stay with me after the movie ended. A good horror movie gets under your skin and lingers in your mind because it actually scared you or disturbed you.
They're like Trump jokes
Easy to pull off but hard to do well and you cheapen everything else you try to do
Because it's not about having a scary monster screaming in your face it's just about having a thing pop up. With enough suspense literally any jumpscare is scary.
R*ddit told me I couldn’t like them
Movies without jumpscares simply arent scary.
Jump scares are like sweet food or /pol/ or alcohol. A little is nice and fun. A lot if bad for you.
The ring had a great jump scare when they reveal the first dead girls face.
On the contrary Horror movies past a certain age simply don't need to be/aren't scary, you are a grown adult and don't need to feel afraid of things on a fucking television screen, you pussy.
because jumpscares are equivalent to someone jumping out and yelling "boo!"
You scared me.
Basedaboys prefer slow burn atmospheric "arthouse" horror because it's friggin superior and makes them feel smart
And regular "spooky" scenes are the equivalent of the refrigerator making a buzzing sound while nothing happens in the dark
Nothing at all.
You don't know what horror is.
Because plebbitors are too pussy for jumpscares. Half the guys responding angrily to this thread had bad experiences with jumpscares when they were kids--hence the need to control the narrative about jumpscares, hoping that if they whine enough, eventually all the big bad, scary jumpscares will be taken out of movies.
If I wanted a slow burn, I'd have sex with your mother and contract the clap.
They tap into the most primal urge of humanity--fear of ambush. They unsettle audiences and raise the psychological stakes.
This I can get on board with. Good horror is so uncommon because filmmakers usually fall into one of the two camps, rarely tying both together.
Based list to be quite honest family.
they're cheap
>All this projection
Why do zoomers bother with movies, just go watch some flash animations
Wasn’t that the only jump scare? Which is surprising because the premise sounds easy to jump scare with
Destroy the immersion of the film
Dark Skies, not the jump scares, there aren't many, but the concept that aliens could abduct you at anytime and there's nothing you could do about it
jumpscares are the only non-numale form of horror
based and redpilled
it's pretty much like "capeshit": theoretically it could be kino, but for all practical purposes, you know it means mediocre, lazy, formulaic bullshit
They're lazy.
What is the best jumpscare movie?
Shutter (2004)
It isn't necessarily the jump scare itself, it's how they're done. Either the fake out with something stupid like the poptart in Silent Hill Revelation or it plays loud ear rape music.
Here's two jump scares that are extremely well done because of the tension built:
Around 2000ish is when the generic loud jumpscare became the norm in horror when beforehand a lot of 80s-90s horror relied on gore and the visuals. Jumpscares aren't a bad thing but when they became overdone and overplayed they became a negative.
>It isn't necessarily the jump scare itself, it's how they're done.
This. A good one is in Halloween. The Shape has been stalking Annie for a while. This built the tension up. There has been moments where a jump scare was expected but they weren't used. Like when he was behind her, and then she had to crawl out a window. This builds the idea that there won't be a jump scare. You don't see The Shape for some time. Then she gets in the car, the windows are fogged from The Shape's heat and breathing but you don't realize it right away. He doesn't pop out towards the camera, the music isn't sharp or especially loud.
It built up the tension, let it seemingly fade a bit and then broke it.
the problem with jump scares is that they are lazy. they don't bring genuine horror but just scare you based on shock, which doesn't contain setup or suspense or is something that will haunt you after the film. truly scary movies will have you checking your closet and under your bed, and making sure your doors are still locked. jump scares are for retards essentially.
Old edition
there's nothing wrong with them, the problem is they are often a substitute for untalented filmmakers who aren't able to create actually eerie / scary imagery
so they will just rely on loud noises and brief glimpses at the monster to create an effect
It takes real confidence in your material to just show you the monster in plain sight and have it move slowly like in this classic scene from Ringu:
a jumpscare can be a cat running
a jumpscare can be me using an airhorn at night
imagine a movie that relies on those gimmicks
only niggers or white retards would be satisffied
dumb people like dumb movies
lack of creativity
you dont expect thing, boom heres thing, scared right?
a literal 3 year old could pull off a jump scare
OP got gangbanged hard again
hey OP are you ok?
My favorite 'jump' is from the ring
Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer.
lmao somebody edit it in, maybe add Shrek for good measure.
wait actually this meme is vintage
This one doesn't have The Thing, some faggot removed it because it offended him
>Scary Movie
How is scary movie on the list? Nobody is pretending that is deep, Scream is the one people go on about tropes
Nothing, really. I think people's problem with them is in that guys question - there is a reliance on them in some horror movies. It gets annoying. What's really pissing people off, (I think) is the audio mix. I noticed this when watching The Conjuring. When the characters speak, it's pretty low, so I have to turn the volume up. When something happens (let's say a slam) it's loud as fuck for no reason. It's lame.
The Exorcist III of all movies has the best jump scare ever.