Attack of the Show

I want to go back. Please take me back

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Other urls found in this thread:

>zoomers will never know the underground kino that was X-Play/AOTS

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pls respond

Attack of the Japanese potatoes

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If Olivia Munn wasn't your first TV crush you don't know SHIT about growing up in the 2000's. Seeing the plastic abomination she has become now is fucking cruel.

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There are 321 episodes on watch them there and try to go back to simpler times. X-Play has 146 episodes

Fuck off zoomer

God damn women are so fucking stupid.

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God she got my 13 year old peepee stiff and she still does.

I'm 25. Christ, are you in your 30's or something? Why the fuck are you still here?

>kper is a homeless crack addict now

what ever happened to Adam? Is he okay?

Fuckin intense feels gang

Dope thank you , you wouldn’t happen to have a link?

Not him . I too am 25 . I thought I was too old to still be here , damn

he's not

Her body got my pp hard back then, but knowing now how much she hated it and felt degraded to have to be a titty show for loser nerds is what makes me hard now.

This shit was trash even when I was 13

s-shut up

Typical. AotS was trash low tier orbiter bait and the Internet actively hated these protoewhores. You faggots are the reason e girls are a thing. Kys

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Became a coke addict insufferable faggot.
Although now he's simply insufferable.

nostalgia glasses are real. this shit fucking sucked but there was nothing else on. boring talking with old fucking internet clips during that one segment
childhood was liking Morgan Webb, adulthood was realizing the girl who gave you videogame cheat codes was the better one

Fucks trannies and threatens to beat up straight white males for the act of being straight while white on twitter last I checked

>Electric Playground

I watched AotS, but I enjoyed those shows more then it.

all I know about this show is that GIF of someone jiggling olivia's boobs

>I watch it for the cheat codes!

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>gets gangbanged by underage boys
>won't have sex with me

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But Attack of the Show was fucking terrible.
It killed Screen Savers.

Naw sucked backed then and sucks still. Now finding about new games in magazines. Oh. You don't know the joy and hype of super metroid, super castlevania, Robocop vs terminator on sega, duke nukem 3d, mechwarrior, rise of the triad, perfect dark.

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that was a different host

That was Layla Kayleigh.

>Why the fuck are you still here?
>he thinks he can leave
I'm 38 bro.

>Why the fuck are you still here?
I'm 33 years old and post smug anime girl reaction images, gifs, and webms on Yea Forums almost 7 days a week

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I wanna go back bros


>started "managing" an up and coming boy band
>rumor mill starts
>some pics surface
>a few months later her husband divorces her and she deletes every last photo of her with the bois, many of which were pretty questionable considering she was twice their age

That is hands down the shittiest Sailor Moon costume in the history of costuming.

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back in the good ol days

I stopped watching it after olivia left


How can one man be so based?

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I wish I had all 2000 of them. Can’t find them anywhere on the net. Full collection of AOTS is now my white whale. I’ll have to meet someone that was involved and steal their hard drive to get them


For me it was watching Alison Haislip, she was my favorite over Olivia.

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truly a staple of my "home sick with a cold" highschool days


After early 2000s Sigourney Weaver I don't think I've masturbated to a woman more than Morgan Webb.

>not watching Anime Unleashed on TechTv then G4

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>not Marisa Tomei
Gay and gay pilled

for me it was the blonde comic book chick she seemed chill

Please tell me you at least have a happy family and life. (Just lie user)

>Why the fuck are you still here?
when I first came to this website as underageb& in 2006, I'd say most people were well over the age of 25. if anything, your attitude is evidence this website has gone to shit

I'm a wizard. I'm very happy.

Listen, if you don't have one of these then you aren't a fan. Simple as that.

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Glad I don't have one then.
Show was cancer. It literally killed the channel.

Just living the single boomer life buddy. Two investment properties, one parcel of raw land I'm selling the timber rights to next summer for almost $80,000, doing pretty good

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You dont even know who Sarah Lane is.

Am I crazy? I'm seeing some nip here.

Damn. I appreciate your sacrifice. Please bestow good fortune on me great wizard.

literally the virgin vs chad meme but for women

Hell yes brother, glad to hear you’re killing it. What advice would you give a young man?

saw this live. Fucking got me hard as a rock.

No can do good sir. How do I know if you are a good person?
You could be a thug from the ghetto.

>zoomer in all but name with this shit taste
I quit watching aots when Munn replaced Lane.
She was such an obvious whore that didn't want to be there I don't know how any one of you were blind enough to like her unless that disdain is your fetish.

Whole nip user, whole nip

>She was such an obvious whore that didn't want to be there
If you enjoy watching a woman who hates debasing herself, debasing herself it was pretty good fap material

Gods I was strong then

emotionally i mean

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No. We need to go back further, to the time before G4 took over TechTV. To the time of Screen Savers.

>fap material
Just watch a porno lol

The channel was so much better before G4 took over.

I didn’t appreciate AOTS at the time. Maybe I was too young. I thought X Play was 100 times better. Looking back at YouTube clips, AOTS is the one that illicits the most nostalgia. Maybe because it’s a general pop culture show, making it a time capsule. Maybe I’m old enough to find the cringey sex stuff charming and funny.

Either way, this is a show i didn’t appreciate at the time, and now that it’s gone and nothing like it will ever come back, I miss it quite dearly

100% same

how easy do you think that was in 2005 when most families had one computer, and it was in a very public space in the house?
I literally used to sneak downstairs after everyone was in bed and print porn images, fold them up, and hide them under my mattress.

Before my time desu. Was it as good as everyone says?

Are you too me?

>Before my time

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motherfuckers don't realize how hard it was to fap with 3 brothers. I finally got my own TV in my room when I was 16 but by then I had a GF so I didn't fap because 16 year old me felt like that was cheating....

>Not Brooke Burke
Fuck off pussy

STOP...I miss this whole damn channel. I miss it all. The COPS endless reruns, the random movies that they used to run, Layla Kayleigh feeding me my spank bank material, random japanese gameshows including ninja warrior. It wouldn't last a week in modern media.

that's SPIKE
I felt the same way, but was already addicted to fapping by then
my favorite material was Tawnee Stone. Probably because she showed up on google searches of "naked girl who looks 14" that my retarded 14 year old self looked up on google of all places.
she doesn't look 14 fyi

I only got to appreciate the tail end of techtv because when I visited my dad over the summers he would put it on then get blasted drunk at his buddies house then beat the shit out of me when he got back over some bullshit. Simpler times.

I was old enough by the time she got on the show that I was mostly pissed off that they were replacing all the video game and tech content with stupid internet bullshit and having these girls on who obviously knew nothing about either thing. I miss Screen Savers.

Whoa same. I'm guessing your 22-25?

>naked girl who looks 14

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Nah, G4 ran cops and cheaters too during off peak hours.

I had the same issue so usually used my imagination while in our sole bathroom late at night. I didn't have a hard time getting off probably because of really weird experiences during childhood.

uhh cause you're a fuckin wizard?

bruh, I doubt I'd be taken in for illegal tobacco distribution for being a horny 14 year old

Don't worry they'll plant a gun on you

>i want to go back
>no morgan webb

Jessica > Olivia

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Yeah I know, I've got a pretty good collection going of downloaded content mostly older stuff but so far has all been from public. Maybe some of the private trackers will have some episodes

25. Good guess

Tell this motherfucker. G4 fucking sucked and I hope I never see another commercial for >HEYYYY WANNA BEEE AAAA GAAAMMMEEEE TESTERRRRRRR

What have you got so far? I’d love to have every episode up to Munn’s departure . AOTS is the all time “background noise” show, and I would hate for it to just disappear off the Internet one day and I’ll never have another way of watching it . So I’d like to have a collection on a hard drive

They have fucking TV commercials from the '70s and '80s on the interwebz, I don't think it's going anywhere.

G4 fucking sucked. Tech tv was great.

Hollywood: not even once

She's Chinese, not Japanese.

>not preferring cute wholesome mommy Jessica Chobot
Munn was practically begging for hollyjew cock from day one. Always was a desperate whore now she just looks like one too.

My house didn't have the channel at the time.

Nothing lasts forever. The fact that we can only watch about 400 out of 2000 episodes of AOTS online should be all the warning you need.

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I challenge you or anyone on here to find a copy of the "Brown eggs are local eggs and local eggs are fresh" commercial that aired in New England during the 80s and 90s.

Now this was something

look, we all know the reason behind this thread was to post rare Munns

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I like the bimbo lips on her

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This. Started trying too hard after it became G4


from everything I have read it sounds like nobody really enjoyed themselves working on this show, and that Munn was a complete asshole the whole time

Pretty much. Techtv died for it and g4 was rightfully lampooned at the time for being low brow shit, the beginning of geek entering popular culture.

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Every day I sincerely miss the mid-2000s style for women. God damn chicks were hot back then.

She was best girl and the only reason why I watched that show

Post the chick from Cheat

>all of the casual sexual harassment

a variety show by producers all in their 20s targeted at teen boys was lightning in a bottle

>tfw I masturbated to precisely this episode when I was like 13

Why are these jew plastic surgeons allowed to ruin beautiful women?

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no, Kevin was the asshole. I read that he was very mean spirited.

I miss this dress. Sluts today don't seem to wear it

Candace and Sara>>>>>>>>>>Olivia Munn

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>full open hand pussy rub
Got damn what a kinky bitch, she wanted some

Their sexual tension was delicious

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Go on...

Lol, she wanted some fucc. Wonder if she ever got some. There were so many times where it went way beyond "teasing your friend"

>early 2000s Sigourney Weaver
Ew. She was always on the borderline between beautiful and butch, but by the early 2000s she was already OLD. Why would you do that to your dick?

I loved Morgan Webb (and Brooke Burke) before I even knew who Munn was.

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Picture AOTS but without the cringe. I mean I like AOTS, but looking back some of it is Though Screen Savers covered tech news mainly, showing off gadgets and interviewing people in the software and hardware industries. They also had Douglas Adams as a guest once, before he died. It was the quintessential geek show, sort of.

It was severely confirmed he fucked Munn right?

>severely confirmed

I'm glad it ended when it did. I can't imagine how bad it would be if it was still on today. They would probably have dedicated segments to newly released funko pops for the week. Geek culture was a mistake

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they were truly the best on G4 along with Kristin Adams, at least from what I remember

>i miss mid-2000's women, they were much hotter
>i miss 90's girls
>i miss 80's girls
>i miss 50's girls
its all going downhill fast my friend.

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I heard they genuinely hated each other at the end, Kevin did an AMA that made it sound like he didn't have a high opinion of her, and that Munn completely disassociated with AOTS after Brett Ratner came on and trashed her in an interview

Fucking Google auto correct.

Wasn't AOTS just a ripoff of that show Ridiculousness where 30 year old boomers who still dress and act like they're 19 laugh at decade old internet videos or was it the other way around

Not him, but I'm 26 and my first tv crush was Melissa Joan Hart from Clarissa Explains It All.
You are the definition of a zoomer

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What Hentai is this?

I think Kevin did an AMA sometime after G4 collapsed and he all but called Munn a giant cunt

t. Olivia

Don't you have some carrots and dino-tendies to be eating right now?

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she was NEVER hot what the fuck do people see in her i don't get it.

It’s pretty incredible if you go back and watch those episodes . Something like this definitely could not exist in today’s climate . I find a lot of the humour funny but it’s undoubtedly sexist and targeted towards the male demographic, and as we know anything that specifically targets meals today is a big no-no . Even the simple stuff like Kevin groping Olivia during the show people would freak out about, even though Olivia had no problem with it. It’s just incredible to watch the stuff and think that it was only about 10 years ago.

Holy shit you're such a faggot

God...I just looked at his Twitter. What a fucking retard. I hope he dies.

Agreed. And she actually likes video games/nerd culture. Not some casting couch faker like olivia


>tfw you will never watch Candace and Sara make sweet yuri love to each other

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I just had a mandela effect moment... I was gonna get all pissy at you for crushing on a girl whose show aired before you were born and then talk about how that blond chick from the a*teens was the bomb only to find out apparently there was no a*teens television show? just a shitty cover band?
please tell me I'm just shit at googling...

I didn't mean to link it halfway into the episode :P

Eccentric billionaire here. Going to launch my own channel which will be all reruns of
>X Play
>Kenny vs Spenny
>Sushi TV
>Deadliest Warrior
and for the moms
>Bob Ross
>Everybody Loves Raymond

BTV (based TV)


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I remember the a*teens was a band or something.
Also, I'm not too young for Clarissa. She aired when I was alive. I of course mainly watched reruns


ughhhhh i used to watch this every single fucknig day as a 14-16 year old kid. truly fucking good shit. adam was an actual incredible host that could carry any shitty cohost. i remember hearing about them talking about twitter and how it was basically useless but kind of neat, and i thought hm seems like a sack of shit

how would something like G4tv stand up today? would people tune in? it seems like there are more gamers around

yes, they were a band, but I swear they also had a television series on ABC or something that aired on Saturday mornings where they had misadventures in Southern California and ended with a shitty concert every episode
I had a dream once where there was a magazine cover that had them on it and somehow I was able to slide my hand down the blond chick's pants... on a magazine

The internet killed TV. Everything is now reruns of sitcoms, and reality TV (aka the two cheapest and most reliable things to put out there). Channels have no identity anymore. Country Music Television lives off of Raymond and Frasier reruns (because who doesn't think of Frasier and then immediately think of country music?)

Niche channels like G4 can never exist again. It failed the first time, when TV was a much bigger player, after all. YouTube and Twitch have supplanted it. We should simply feel lucky that we were there to experience it as it was happening.

for me it was that plastic slut sara underwood mmm

did you ever see the naked yoga video she did for playboy? i fapped


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eh back in 2005 i was hmm 13/14 so just around when i was jerking it heavy. during the summer i'd just wait for my mom to leave teh house with my sister and i'd hear if my brother was coming downstairs. i started out watching cinemax and hbo but eventually graduated to internet. never seeemd like too much of a hassle desu but then again i was obessed with halo 2

>how would something like G4tv stand up today?
TV for EVERYTHING is dead breh. TV is done. Zoomers and 80% of millenniels don't watch it. Boomers and half of Gen X are what's keeping it alive at this point out of habit.

i literally hated the fact that they ran cops and cheaters and code mokeys all day long. i just awnted to watch vidya shit

theres a video of her on youtube just talking while wearing this outfit. holy FUCK that woman is fucking hot. god damn. look at those fucking legs. look at that face. that body is insane. what a fucking bitch. god i want to rape her to death with my fucking penis. pull out my cock and nut in her butthole. id even jack off while smelling her feet. i wouldn't fap for a week beforehand, to build up my nut. i would fill her cunt so full of my jizz. that woman is fucking attractive

I was 14/15 that year and
>was signed up for summer camp literally every week of the summer since I was 5
>was maybe left alone once or twice that I recall
>had no video game systems because "your brother had a nintendo and now he's a fuckup"
>didn't figure out how to masturbate properly (with my hand) for a couple more years

Yeah. I only watched AOTS and X-Play and maybe Electric Playground. That was always G4's problem, not enough quality original programming. They were so top loaded with AOTS and X-Play. Those shoes were so good I'm convinced they could work in some format today (on YouTube or Netflix.)

Only AOTS could work on YT, and that's a maybe.
X-Play would be worthless today.

You know what I did enjoy though? When G4 did simulations of hockey on NHL 2k5 during the player strike.


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Why did people dickride adam so much? He should have been DROPPED as soon as his true colors showed.

It is pretty obvious now that the real people behind xplays success were the writers, whoever and wherever they are.

god damn thta sonuds like ass
i watched as much as i could , cinametech, aots, xplay, judgement day. no cheat though. the tough part was that if there were reruns there was no point in watching themreally at the time

It depends on who they got as cast members. What made that era of G4 so special was all the great characters they had and their chemistry together. Kevin, Olivia, Adam, Morgan, and all the supporting cast members and correspondents (too many to list) really were lightning in a bottle. Even in the late 00s TV was feeling antiquated as a source of news about the subjects that G4 was covering. We weren't primarily watching for the nerd culture stuff, we were watching for the people.

>Why did people dickride adam so much?
People didn't realize he didn't have any talent until he was treated as a god for that awful Rev3Games startup and it totally flopped because it turns out without that writer's room he's uncharismatic as fuck

if you squint really hard you can almost see what she was going for

I read on Wikipedia that Blair Butler (the girl who did the Fresh Ink segments on AOTS about comic book news) was lead writer on the show. I found that hilarious, that this very male oriented type of humor was actually written by a woman.

>What made that era of G4 so special was all the great characters they had and their chemistry together
naw, I just liked it because I was into video games

I've come to realize that 2003 - 2009 was peak comfy. I took those years for granted and didn't realize how good things really were. The internet will never be so great ever again. Early Yea Forums, peak Ebaums, Newgrounds, even SA was decent. Hell, I even miss Gaia.

never thought she was hot, she tried to pass herself as white but i always knew she was a slantly eyed devil

but why

Is 2000s nostalgia in swing? Also can we start referring to the decade as the "zeroes" because it's the only one with 3 zeroes? And saying two-thousands is so tiresome coming after how clean the nineties sounds.

In english speaking countries besides America they have called it the "aughties" because "aught" is a turn of phrase for 00 that has fallen out of use in America a long time ago but is still used elsewhere

1900-1909 is considered "the aughts" as in "aught-seven" (1907/'07)

Olivia Munn thread ?

She has always been ugly. At least back then she resembled a person I guess.

I give this thread a five out of .................... five

Sounds dumb. And the 2000s is unique because it has three zeroes, not two. Decades like this come around only once in a millennium. I'm going to keep calling it zeroes and hope it catches on.

> (OP)
>Jessica > Olivia


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you know what other decades only come once a millennium?
the 020s

You ever see the footage of him tweaking on camera during an interview at E3? That's some quality footage.

desu Kevin should have done some bit parts in movies. comedies mostly. he was a way better actor and more clever than olivia was.

As a TechTVfag that very clearly remembers the various stages of loathing for G4 (especially by 2010) the fondness for it is interesting to see. I'm not knocking it, I just genuinely find it interesting. With a bit of Google archaeology you can unearth "Fuck G4!" message board posts from as early as 2004 when G4 absorbed TechTV.

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Throw American Gladiator on there and I'll subscribe.

This. Us old boys remember the days where everyone hated the shitty G4 shows after it merged with TechTV. Fuck AOTS. Worst show ever. Worst hosts ever.

34 here. Fuck you, bitch. Zoomer power bottom.

They're probably people like me who didn't discover the channel until later. 2006 was when I did, so I was all about X Play and Attack

Kevin deserved better. He was a great host. Kept that thing running toward the end when it became a pure shitshow. Had tons of hustle. It seems like he just hasn't done shit since G4. I've listened to a few Pointless episodes but they just don't pop except when he has old G4 members on there.

Sara Underwood >>>>>>>> Olivia Munn
>Don't you fucking rebut this.

It's so cruel that Kevin faded into (relative) obscurity while Munn made it big league. I'd like to think there's another timeline where they never stopped doing the show together.

>it will never be the summer of 2003 watching TechTV with some snacks and the faint sound of cicadas and the sprinkler hitting the side of the house ever again
Losers use Goose webms to cry about hot women, but this is true existential pain

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Time is a deep, dark pit. Things go in and they don't come out.

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The dying breaths of an American culture, but at least it was still there. Not feeling ironic today, just having real feels.

I thought Kevin was going to do with Hardwick ended up doing. I'm still at a loss as to why nothing Kevin's done has really picked up momentum. I mean, fuck, Hardwick ended up being the big success out of that crew? Never would have called that.

I'm not sure when I stopped watching G4 or why, but I did. Probably around the time Munn left AOTS. I remember X Play's 1000th episode and AOTS' 1000th episode.

It's so sad it's dead and will never return. And we will never have a way of re-watching the majority of that content. Died just on the cusp of the streaming era. What a shame. I wish I kept watching all the way to the end.

The G4 era will always remind me of a happier and simpler time. A time capsule like few others.

>The G4 era will always remind me of a happier and simpler time

nothing makes me so damn bittersweet nostalgic for this time in my life

Compared to the other charismatic blackholes of G4 that ended up having at least some kind of career afterwards it struck me as odd Kevin got nothing I'm aware of despite him seemingly having at least a little natural charisma of his own

I remember watching Attack of the Show pretty regularly up through 2008 or 2009 or so (I kind of stopped watching TV in general around then for the most part), but it was very dudebro-y compared to the show that it replaced. Looking back on it now it wasn't that bad of a show on its own terms, though. X-Play was good until it decided it needed to be serious business. The first few years of X-Play were definitely the best ones, and that isn't just nostalgia talking (though it is talking).

27 year old Boomer here. We are all one. Also it was a whiter time and feels way more comfy.

Jews are anti beautiful, anti logos. Jews have rarely made anything aesthetically beautiful.

Compared to now its dude bro shit is positively tame.

>Jews have rarely made anything aesthetically beautiful.

lads I've never been so nostalgic about anything in my life. what an awful feeling

Ah, the memories.

Hardwick is an obnoxious piece of shit. You’re right that Kevin deserves to have that level of success, I don’t know what happened there.

plastic surgery not even once
reminder, the people of hollywood who choose to do this crap and destroy their looks are the ones who think their judgement is better than yours

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

This was the worst era of G4
XPlay before the crystal ball set was pure comfy

Chris had his site since he started working at AOTS it's just he blew up a few years after and was able to bank off it while Kevin got reduced to TruTV

and Olivia was the least attractive girl on G4

This is true, but comparing Attack of the Show circa 2008 to Screen Savers circa say 2004 shows a pretty huge shift despite the short span of time between them. Where TechTV could give 30 year old nerds entertainment and shepherd 55 year old office workers needing help with their email in equal measure, G4 seemed astronomically dudebro in comparison. AotS really wasn't a bad show for its time or even now, but it's easy to see why it was a subject of ire nonetheless.

As an example, here's Morgan Webb talking about a fucking floor plan program:
A lot changed in just a few years.

Why is that? I’m married and fap all the goddamn time

That shift turned me off of G4. I remember fapping to Anna Nicole Smith on g4oria or what eve it was called.

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>Morgan wearing her knock-off Britney Spears school girl slut outfit

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that hair is a disaster

You have to remember in the context of 2002, on the opposite side of the fence were all the guys with their frosted tips dyed blonde too.

Don't worry, my hair was a disaster too. I was a kid with frosted tips. Also I wore these buttoned up dragon and ninja shirts.

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Her early 10's hair was shit too, I actually think it's worse than her early 00's hair

Kevin's said that they had a "marriage-like" relationship while on AotS with all the positives and negatives that implies. He said in the glory days they hit a real groove and she was basically fearless and down for whatever insane thing he wanted to do on the show, and was able to hang with him in all his deprave crazy sexual weirdness. I'm guessing at some point Olivia clearly was done with the show since she wanted to leave to chase big Hollywood money and they "divorced" so to speak, nowadays he says they are not friends at all and don't even keep in touch.

Its lip filler. Its temporary.

It's clear in the early days of her tenure she was up for anything and willing to "just go with it and have fun" but around late 08 she totally seemed to be done with it and acted much more cunty on stage

I got a hot girlfriend and a decked out apartment, so things are going pretty well actually.

Don't get in debt, save a lot of what you make, and don't stay in low paying jobs for too long before jumping to something better. Avoid those 3 mistakes and you'll be lightyears ahead of your peers.

>zoomers will never know the underground kino that was X-Play/AOTS

Oh man those poor zoomers. They really did miss out on having to actually find information. They are just handed everything

Had the biggest crush on Morgan Webb
The only other girl I really liked was Holt on Cheat (G4)

Olivia Munn was hot, but Attack of the Show was so cringe. At times it was obvious she didn't want to be there and whatever her name would embarrass her on a daily basis. Too this day I will never understand how the male host got away with it. I was just expecting to see him get swept up in the #MeToo thing. Maybe Munn is to embarrassed to bring it up herself.

Kids today will never experience rushing home from school to get home at 3PM to watch Star Trek voyager and then G4 hotties, afterward lie about doing homework and play Ocarina of Time on the Game cube until lights out.

God it was all so degrading. I use to cringe when I was a early teen
Now I sorta get it...

>watch G4 and then spend the entire night playing Command and Conquer
>do homework on the busride to school next morning
I wonder if zooms even have homework anymore, heard rumblings in more libby enlightened districts about homework being pointless which it is

This is sad because there's no episodes before 2008 on the net . How the fuck can I ever rewatch those? Do I have to literally meet someone who was involved in the show?

I jerked it to this bitch so many times bros

That core 22-27 Demographic
I feel isn't really millennials or zoomers. We're something inbetween that can squeeze in with either generation

>i will never be her pussy slave

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Near 30 here, had both stations before merger this is the truth. Some of the G4 shows that were original content were cool like Portal (in the era before the merger), the obsessive focus on AotS and its garbage after the merger killed both networks. Munn was attractive but everybody acknowledged the show was annoying normie garbage and just an excuse for us to watch Olivia do slutty shit.

Techtv was always better at "interviews/reviews/in depth" content. G4 had interesting artistic content that got squashed for normie garbage that ruined everything.

Kristin was easily the best G4 girl. There is no competition

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i want to be her foot slave so bad

Fuck i thought the potato face was just a meme. Fuck this cunt though, she's a genuinely awful person.

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The term is "bogged"

I had a bunch of these shirts. I kinda wish i still had them just so i could go as ricky from trailer park boys to halloween parties.

Like I don't get it she was perfect the way God made her

>not going full boomer and just dressing like you did in your youth all the time because it don't matta'

Hollywood ruins a lot of people. Constantly being in the spotlight, they never feel beautiful enough. Being a star can be a tortured existence and many don't survive the experience.

The human psyche legitimately, not meming, was not designed to deal with two billion people scrutinizing you every week. I do not excuse Hollyweird for the shitty people they force on us, but at a certain level I do understand why they're so warped.

never watched it when it was on but ive been watching it and clips on youtube over the past few months every once in a while mostly because i think munn is stupidly attractive. she's kind of like pre-a-list jennifer lawrence but with freckes and more insecurities. very fetching lady.

Leo Laporte still has a show

someone make a webm from the 1:38 mark onward of her

>mfw I fall asleep every day to a Cinematech playlist

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The Fresh Ink segments by Blair Butler about the latest in comic books was probably my first exposure to that hobby and a major gateway for me, so I'll always be thankful for that.

fucking kevin

Nice! I had no idea. I’ve heard some stories about how he was a real dick to everyone on the set, but all I know I never saw a more likable host.

He's shown his wife's cooch on air.


gods i was grateful i had a dvr back then

>homely jersey girl dyes her hair blonde
>is also a mudshark
i bet she even got blitzed with adam

xplay took a big slump after they did that musical episode. they started doing reruns of the old days before 2009.

Brooke Burke was pre 2005, Munn was post. Brooke was nice, but realistically just a discount Salma Hayek

Never liked Munn. I always liked Cadice better

>tfw you’ll never watch code monkeys after AOTS and X-Play

same, really too bad I would be so powerful now if I was still like that

AOTS was literally at the beginning (2006) of the Zoomer-oriented childhood era and was universally hated at the time for having replaced TechTV with dudebro G4 shows

>tfw got to enjoy G4 in all of it's glory
best of times, zoomers don't know shit

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Anyone else remember the feed on G4s website?
About a year or so after G4 was completely gone the site was still up and someone mysteriously posted a bunch of food related updates before disappearing back into the tubes of the web again

>Kids today will never experience rushing home from school to get home at 3PM to watch Star Trek voyager and then G4 hotties, afterward lie about doing homework and play Ocarina of Time on the Game cube until lights out.
why do you have to remind me

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Oliva likely genuinely hated everyone involved with the channel when she left. Between being forced to attend E3 to be let out of her contract and being forced to apologize for shit she really became a massive cunt after the whole Ironman2 shit

She’s perfect the way the potato god made her

kevin is part of this channel but it looks fairly dead at this point

>average of 2k views on vids
Schizophrenics playing Panzerdragoon for the 900th time have higher views on their vids lmao


>he's too young to remember when it was called ZDTV and they had actual nerds on there that weren't photogenic
I want zoomers to leave

Leyla was my favorite.

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yeah kind of bummed i bothered to look it up

looks like they gave up cause their twitch page doesnt even exist

>fapping to 480p tv

no thank you

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So do I, asshole. is me too. I didn’t call it ZDTV because it was TechTV at the height of its popularity.


it's all we had back then fucker

>now it's the sound of crickets that somehow got in the basement and no suntan

don't do this to me tonight user
>tfw no thunderstorm slowly rolling in over the plains turning the sky an eerie green as warm rain begins to fall and supper's ready on the table

Don’t you die

>tfw almost never see rain

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pro tip: put a CRT tv, some a/v cables and a vcr set in front of a zoomer and watch their heads explode

I moved to a place where there's no lightning bugs, like some kind of asshole. My sister still sends me texts once a year when she sees the first lightning bugs of Spring.

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>you will never watch 24 hour 2004 E3 coverage sponsored by Jeep ever again

it all seemed so magical

You are a friend of mine. Could you include Nick's Hidden Temple?

Sora! It's time for dinner! SORA?!

Add Mystery Science Theater 3000, Liquid Television, and Cinematech: Nocturnal Emissions, and then we'll talk.

You know, you could always just stream those if you wanted too...

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>Rise of the flying eyeballs

That game was legit, so was nukem

what was that show on sci-fi that pranked people on horror movie sets? the chick from 900210 was host

>what was that show on sci-fi that pranked people on horror movie sets
scare tactics

Scare Tactics. That's a good one too. Now that I think of it, that show Fear on MTV from roughly the same period was pretty good too. Where they would dump contestants off in scary places (like a campground where a satanic cult committed murders), and make them complete tasks like perform a ritual with dead chickens and shit.


it just came out of me

G4 was garbage.

Ultimately TechTV was doomed no matter what though. It simply became obsolete as soon as web 2.0 and youtube came about.

'member that time they cut to commercial during the Halo E3 trailer premiere. I think it was Halo 3.

Only ever seen the DJO videos about them.

Candace was superior

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