Why do so many people here hate him and his show? He is one of the few people who is really entertaining.
Why do so many people here hate him and his show? He is one of the few people who is really entertaining
Other urls found in this thread:
MKultra isn't "entertainment"
I mean come on people, GRUMPH IS A MENACE
'Current year'
Get brain cancer and die
It's because /tvpol/ unironically hates reporting that isn't fluff pieces about their supreme leader.
I'm liberal and even I hate this twat
I voted Trump and i like John Oliver.
Isn't Colbert, the nigga in OP's pic the definition of echo chamber?
I am literally John Oliver and I hate myself
no surprise. liberals are the bedfellows of fascists.
Him along with all other talk show hosts are paid to shill leftist talking points in a vaguely comedic way. A lot of people like yourself are fooled into thinking he’s a comedian, but he’s actually a corporate propagandist who just uses his job as a ‘comedian’ to shield himself from criticism and just say whatever the fuck he wants.
lol no
Pretty much
This guy will shill for diddling kids eventually.
My favourite is when Colbert's audience of seals clapped for the wrong thing
>limey prick telling me how to think and live life in my own country, whilst his own orwellian caliphate shithole is just as bad if not worse
I hate being preached at by smarmy cunts who consider themselves above the hopeless morons they're pandering too, but pretend "we're all in this together." Mind you, I also hate the hopeless morons gobbling this shit up, so what do I know.
>current year was 3 years ago
He was funny but he just got too political. It just drains all the fun out of it hearimg them all drone on.
>not leftist
there's definitely a weird alliance between idpol leftists (which are at least a majority of american leftists today) and corporate liberals right now. the late night hosts spread propaganda for both parties where their interests align.
somebody post the breakdown of how this show is scripted to psychologically condition people into uncritical acceptance of the globohomo agenda
Isn't it just wacky comparisons?
This. It's so condescending.
I still have my memes
Same reason I (and every self-respecting male in the West) hated that Gillette commercial. I don't need the marketing department of a faceless corporation to tell me how to act like a man.
Americans have a thing about British people talking down to them.
>when someone in the audience took two scoops
shit I remember seeing that too once, like how they make the punchline right before they show the content so your view is already contaminated by their opinion and you focus less on what you're really seeing
so in other words, he makes you triggered and butthurt.
seems pretty based to me
yeah there’s a specific formula to every joke. compare something to an animal doing something silly, then give it a silly name.
>Trump in the White House is absolutely ridiculous, he just doesn’t belong. Just like... a tortoise in a teacup! Get out of that teacup Timmy tortoise!
nvm I found it
*Thunderous applause*
>X thing is totally bad because I so say!
> I mean, that is like doing Y! Why would anyone do Y?
Same joke repeated over and over
That's John Oliver, not Colbert, but their the same shit.
I wish everyone on reddit and from reddit would die a very horrible death
You honestly find the same joke repeated for years funny? Ok dude.
but then Yea Forums would be empty
it is a high quality joke.
Nah, if he made me triggered and butthurt I’d have him and his show banned on all forms of media and plant child pornography on his computer. Good thing I’m above that.
>Trump recently announced his latest plan for dealing with [insert current even] which includes [generic bullet point #1], [generic bullet point #2] and [comedic non-sequitur]
*thunderous applause and cheers*
>this plan has the full support of [republican #1], [republican #2] and [children's television show bad guy]
*john oliver is buried under an avalanche of drenched panties*
Orange man bad am i rite?
We're a little saturated with anti drumpf crap
back in 2015 I found his first few segments interesting. I clicked on the one about Transphobia thinking huh, this should be pretty good. And that's the last one I ever watched.
is that you grichka?
He raises valid points, but it's just the way he does it that is insufferable.
and that's a good thing
what are you wearing
Progressive infotainment hasn't been entertaining for well over five years at this point.
>tfw [current year]+4
People hate him?
only white supremacists
good, being confronted with your privilege should be uncomfortable
"Let me tell you exactly how you should feel about current political happenings" disguised as an epic Daily Show successor
I am not a burger so I don´t watch him, but the only time I watched him was when he talked about the mexican elections, it was one of the most unfunny things I have ever seen in my life.
After falling into the informative YouTube hole, I just can't stand his show anymore. He's not funny, clever, and his delivery is just awful.
His show isn't really informative, many misleading facts, and talks about Trump far too much
I really hate people like him because he clearly is pushing a very strong bias, and many people look to him for their news. People like him hide behind a veil of comedy to neglect any accountability, it's just disgusting imo
Oh god someone post that, I need to see it.
leftists are so fucking retarded it isn't even funny
The most fascinating thing about his show is how hollowed out it is, both comedically and politically. Anyone who watches his show knows he will never in a thousand years ever converse with anyone who could ever assert a credible alternative to his point of view ever, and his jokes are bottom of the barrel boomer shit about funny animal pictures on the internet. There is no surprise or wit, no discussion, nothing at all beyond a vague insistence that this show is important and entertaining without it ever being either.
Its just the dumb fucking cuckservashits from /pol/ who hate him. He gave us a real good meme of calling BLUMF and FLUMPH ext
This. It's why I quit watching the Daily Show when Noah took over. Being a foreigner makes the preachiness exponentially worse.
Imagine getting your news from cable television, vox or buzzfeed.
After weeks and weeks of him calling for Comey to be fired lol.
This plus I don't give a fuck what a whiny foreigner has to say about American politics/government, especially somebody from England.
what else? blogs?
go back to sucking trump dick at /pol/ dumb fucking cuckservashit. fucking Yea Forums hides your pathethic board but you rats still come out and raid other boards
credentialed non-editorial news sources like reuters, associated press, and /pol/.
>crying this hard
t. assblasted leftists who unironically support antifa and get their news from vox
>go back to sucking trump dick at /pol/ dumb fucking cuckservashit. fucking Yea Forums hides your pathethic board but you rats still come out and raid other boards
Go away, leaf.
hahahaha holy fuck if you still watch this shit you are completely braindead jesus fucking christ
like twitter? or youtube?
i'm an unironic white nationalist senpai. this is Yea Forums, i just post what gets replies.
I put my privilege in your mom's mouth
oh wow watch out big man over here
Him presenting facts is amusing.
Him presenting opinions (often disguised as facts) and telling you how you should feel/think about them is cringey.
He does a lot more of the former on slow news days, popular news events end up with him doubling down on the latter.
This shit stays up for hours and sneed threads get deleted within 5 minutes?
>paid to shill leftist talking points
>just say whatever the fuck he wants
Your post isn't even internally consistent. Seething conservacuck
I feel so sorry for non asians/whites.
>Whatever his corporate masters want.
Is that better?
Authoritarians hate having their little cult called out. It's literlally that simple.
>shits on AT&T constantly
>says HBO is fucked without GoT
You're clueless
Cope harder ideologue. I'm white
does he ever acknowledge that his own country is a fucking nightmare while he's shitting on america?
nazi propaganda
Oh, a self-hating white, even more pathetic.
Nigga, that audience and fans of Oliver is a cult
Neverending cope. My self-esteem is fine and I have no guilt about my race.
He routinely aggressively attacks big corporations and their antics.
>Actually watches that faggots show to get talking points and believes everything he says.
Holy shit dude.
Sure he does
I haven't watched a late night talk show in over 10 years. I would like to think most people here are in the same boat but idk. They are all shit. Norm MacDonald live on jewtube was 10/10 until the final season though. But then again that was an actual interview not just a 2 minute plug for a movie or show or whatever.
He does. Have you ever watched a segment or is your opinion borrowed from /pol/?
Cringe bluepill humor
He did a hit piece on Amazon like yesterday
I don't hate him, but he should drop the "hastag X" thing.
Bill Maher's show isn't the same genre as the others. Image is fake and gay.
Inspired by Bernie Sanders' and AOC's previous attacks on Amazon, just piling on the acceptable targets.
antifa is good, actually.
So I can take that as a yes?
He shits on HBO and AT&T constantly. His literal corporate masters. Coca Cola, General Motors, Google, FIFA, big Pharma, big Tobacco, Fashion industry.
Your criticism is retarded. There is so much that you can give John Oliver rightful shit for but this ain't it.
only because they'll eventually go too far and the public will support brownshirt gangs to put them down.
HBO: you can have a dig at us John, but don't actually call us out
That's a whole lot to assume from a post calling out obvious untruths. You sure you're not the right-wing counterpart of your pic-related?
Not only he is a leftist propagandist. He's a jew.
I recognize that page!
So your proof of him not being a corporate shill is to show examples of him attacking a company he doesn’t work for? He downplays the dangers of automation in the future despite the fact that it hurts the working class heavily.
My biggest problem with him is that when he's talking about stuff you actually know about, you'll immediately notice that half of it is wrong, another third is massively cherrypicked, and the remaining valid knowledge is spread overtop as a thin veneer of sanity so you could pretend it was all perfect. It's the same problem as taking Adam Ruins Everything or Drunk History as documentaries - they're entertaining in their own way and close enough to drop as "hey, did you know..." stingers in group conversation, but ultimately they are 10% "info" and 90% "tainment".
You don't hate his show? Go watch a completely random episode from after the first year or so, then spend 10 minutes actually looking up what you just watched and see how much of it is total crap.
Because bad leftie cuck makes us feel stupid about our terrible beliefs
>He is one of the few people who is really entertaining
Post some entertaining clips.
Oliver is alright when he is not talking about anything political, for example his recent show was about how internet ordering and warehouses worked and it was interesting
that was political
When trump leaves the White House, how will these late night shows survive ? What will their content be ?
Colbert dropped the veil of talk show host being impartial. He had a NSA head as his guest the night of the Vault7 leaks to run damage control. These hosts will turn to state propaganda at the drop of a hat.
Trump jokes anyways, until Trump++ comes in.
He's pretty funny. Yeah, he is left-leaning but right-wing comedians are, on the whole, rubbish, because they believe the Emperor has lovely clothes and is a fantastic guy.
he's probably the least obnoxious out of all the factory grade neoliberal late night show hosts, which isn't saying much admittedly
now this guy is a fucking dumpster fire of a human being, a walking parody of a parody.
He's not jewish.
>likes le liberal propaganda comedy show
>stops watching in disgust when a based South African black man takes over
I thought your kind was all for diversity?
Beta male supreme
>fail as comedian in home country
>come to usa where 50% of the people genuinely hate their country
>talk shit on usa
>omg how entertaining
His joke about the ice cream carrying child being run over by a car and him catching it always makes me chuckle, because it was self-mocking as much as it was ripping into David Cameron.
Some of his jokes are of the "woke" variety but he also does some pretty nuanced, clever ones too.
Whining about how Republicans in Congress are """obstructing""" the Democrat president even though they currently praise that behavior as resistance when Dems do it.
Jewish network
>If you don't think something is perfect it means you hate it.
I'm anarcho communist and I love this dickhead
That's exactly how the left felt a few years ago, wonder what changed.
How does this prove fucking anything retard? Is he telling people to not watch HBO? Is he financed by another service provider that’s not AT&T?
The job, indeed the durty, of satirists, is to attack whoever is in power and ridicule the powerful, regardless of their allegiance.
This is why there are very few right wing comedians; they suck the dick of the rich and powerful.
I didn't hear anyone describe late night (((comedy))) like that during the Obama administration.
>inb4 some clip of Obama being asked softball questions and receiving some good-natured, lighthearted ribbing from people who shilled for him for 8 years as proof that he was treated exactly the same as Trump
Shut the fuck up retard. You shills call any fuck up made by AOC a ‘strategically genius decision.’
This is exactly the other thing about leftists that makes them incorrigible
>get criticized
>omg ummm like passive aggressssssive commenttttttt
You're a little faggot, if I were in front of you I would tell you what a little faggot you are, and I genuinely hope you are sad and kill yourself
Because he sucks and is terrible. Even Colbert has given me some laughs over the years, but Oliver never
>Complain about passive aggressiveness passive aggressively
He’s a smug cunt.
isn't this the plot of a black mirror episode? With a digital blue bear or something?
Stewart was better
Cinics hates entertainment.
Some big corps. Democrats are aligned with corporate interests, but not all of them. You have to understand that capitalists aren't a monolithic group, they compete among themselves. Democrats vs Republicans is one of those fights. You have the more "globalist" corporations on the Dem side (Think of Silicon Valley, media...) who benefit from breaking down borders and a renewed american image. And then you have the more "particularist" corporations on the Rep side (Insurance companies, oil industry, farmers...) who benefit from a strong USA state to enforce their market needs (both for import and export)
I never saw Oliver, but i would guess he has a particular taste for SOME corporations when he chooses to attack them. Am i right?
Cuz orange man -> bad
/pol/ will read a conspiracy siteike its gospel and nit pick the truth for some mild inconsistency. Can someone please illustraye this extreme bias we always hear about?
I think this one is:
Reality has a left wing bias
Libfags can't see the media's massive liberal bias because it's affirming everything they believe.
Overall I like his show, but jesus christ can he beat a joke into the fucking dirt. It's like once per episode he repeats something throughtout the show and expects a bigger and bigger laugh each time. It's not that funny, John, repeating it doesn't make it so.
Oil is THE international product. They break down boarders via our military and fight any effort via bribes and lies to moderate the negative outcomes of their product, boot licker. Insurance companies fight any efforts to allow for cross state competition. If the Republican camp views these as representitve of their free market US first values, you are a cuck.
One = sign means attribution, when you want to make a logical comparison it is usually used ==
Are these from Olivers site or are you struggling to show us what Oliver has lied about?
>in touch with reality
Not sure if it’s a samefag replying or not but these are very stupid arguments against him being a corporate shill.
Look up the definition of negative advertising and you’ll see what I mean:
>Negative campaigning or mudslinging is the process of deliberate spreading negative information about someone or something to worsen the public image of the described.
Smug asshole
woah they're all wearing the same hat
The media has a corporate bias, not a liberal one. Trump was parroting populist economic ideas, that's when they smear you relentlessly with cheap identity politics. It was the same with Bernie. Do you think "Bernie Bros" exist? Do you think they ever existed? No. It was a cheap smear to slow him down.
You misunderstand what "bias" means. You think unbiased means treated everyone with kids gloves and letting them control the narrative. Republicans are dishonest. They want the media to play along with their talking points. They think that's the job of the media: to simply peddle the talking points of the candidates instead of reporting the facts.
Corporate media has a right wing bias. They have for decades presented more air time for anti-progressive economic policy while keeping progressive voices off the networks and providing every counter argument (real or unreal) against progressive economic policy.
A lot of right wing faggots think there is a left wing bias because these media companies support progressive social issues because they can give a fuck about social issues as long as they appeal to the largest audience as possible. It's in their economic interest to be all inclusive and non offensive. Right wingers conflate their social authoritarianism with conservatism.
When you are far right, everything else looks like it has a left wing bias including moderate political analysis. If you look at the rest of the world, US political mainstream narrative is actually center right. The Democrats have been center right for decades and right wingers have been crying socialism the entire time. You guys keep shifting into right wing authoritarianism. You're heirachical which is why you favor "strongmen" candidates and form cults of personality around figures like Reagan and Trump. You think you can say and do whatever you want and the media has to pussyfoot around calling you out for what you are. You perceive that as bias when it's actually objectivity. What you really want is for the media is play along with you which means you will consistently shift the concept of objectivity to favor yourself and the overton window will follow with you.
American oil companies are DEPENDENT on the US military to remain top dogs. What do you think the petrodollar is? How do you think it is enforced?
> Insurance companies fight any efforts to allow for cross state competition. If the Republican camp views these as representitve of their free market US first values, you are a cuck.
You are confusing ideology (how you sell some idea) with pragmatism. Corporations want to increase their profits, everything else is just a mean to that end. What i am saying is that X corporation will defend "muh free market muh values" when they think it will increase their profits. If becoming "muh gays muh patriarchy" increases their profits, they will do it.
Certainly true in the USA, where satire and irony are barely grasped as concepts. The US had no equivalent to Peter Cook.
Private Eye is pretty much the ideal of what a satirical product should be; attacking corruption, idiocy, and hypocrisy wherever it is found.
Why are you suddenly moving the goal posts idiot? The post you’re replying to responded to another poster who was skeptical about left wing media bias, not specifically John Oliver.
His bit where he was blasting actors for the shit they did in the 80s with whores was really fUcking lame.
Also if he hates Americans so much he can fuck off back to his own country. I just can't imagine being an immigrant and criticizing the people of the country you immigrated to. I guess that's because I'm white though and not an inbred fucking anglo.
lose weight
Not an argument.
Trump is:
> Narcissistic
> Rude
> Has no problem colluding with Putin
> Used taxpayer money to enrich himself
> His mentor was the crook Roy Cohn
> Has given government jobs to family members and corporate buddies
> Treats Presidency as privilege, not responsibility
Trump is a piece of shit before you even get anywhere near to his politics.
His narcissism on its own is a legit reason to mock and satirize him mercilessly.
I would argue that it is, lard ass.
Because LEFT BAD
Yea Forums is a seething mass of /pol/fags because they get banned everywhere else.
Corporations and Wall Street are much better off under the Trump administration than they were during the Obama administration (compare GDP growth) or would have been in the Hillary administration (no tax cuts) and would be in the Democrat 2020 nominee administration (have fun with all the tax hikes to pay for """free"""" healthcare for infinite illegals), yet corporations and Wall Street mostly supported Hillary in 2016 and will give more contributions to the Democrat campaign in 2020 than Trump's campaign. That contradicts your post.
>muh dishonesty
Are you >implying Democrats aren't dishonest when it comes to the media? Do you remember the media working with Hillary's campaign to guarantee she won the nomination? Nobody giftwrapped Trump's nomination or colluded with him to eliminate his primary rivals.
>progressive economic policy
"More taxes on productive people (skews Republican) to pay for more handouts to unproductive people (skews Democrat)", no thanks. There's a reason even Bernie doesn't like talking about how the funding for progressive economics actually works.
>muh cult of personality
Because Obama didn't have that on the left? This just sounds like butthurt that Democrats couldn't field a good candidate in 2016 and they're on track to have another underwhelming, out of touch candidate in 2020.
You are very stupid. Media outlets are incredibly biased, especially towards the left. It pays far better to pander to a specific group of people with news, so long as the group is large enough. Reporting on actual news is way more boring and mundane than making every single report and broadcast seem like it's breaking some new bombshell. That's why every MSM network runs constant "breaking news" reports and makes the most asinine stuff seem like the most pressing problem in the country (think two scoops too many or Maddow's segment on Trump's tax return).
Here's a fun experiment if you're interested in seeing the bias. Just watch any CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, or ABC News channel for any extended period of time. Try to concentrate on how each and every political news story requires a long, drawn-out speculation and six talking heads all making unfounded claims and speculations.
Yeah Oliver has never been very good at comedy. He is a pretty shitty host. Colbert and Stewart were always better.
They are early onset balding and out of shape too. I wonder if we could get them all to move to Russia.
>Basic, tried-and-true Talk-show format
They literally all do this. Fact-Fact-Joke has been a thing since the dawn of the format. John Oliver and Trevor Noah do it, Colbert and Conan do it, even non-comedy talkshows like Sean Hannity do it, only his quips aren't necessarily designed to be funny, but they definitely are designed to incite an emotional response of some kind. It's basic engagement. Talkshow 101. Otherwise, you're left with some guy reading facts to you for half an hour straight, and that's not good television.
HBO President: Kary Antholis (Not Jewish)
Warner Media Owner: John Stankey (Not Jewish)
AT&T Owner: Randall L. Stephenson (Not Jewish)
I recall a few examples of the certain media working with Hillary. You have ignored the blatant and documented long term and consistent pattern of work that Fox News is doing with the Republican party.
When Donna Brazille was found out, she was fired. When Hannity and Tuck do it, they are given a free pass.
You want us to play asymmetrical warfare but that's not going to happen. Luckily no one trusts the mainstream media anymore. Not even on the left. It's not like Hillary was the progressive choice. She represents the establishment. You can't exactly call that a "left wing" bias. Again, only if you are so far right that you view establishment centrists as far left.
>because Obama didn't have that
No he really didn't. People like him. Moreso when he first ran and a lot of people ended up just ok with him. He didn't have a cult of personality however. Hillary wasn't a great candidate but it's incredibly rich hearing this kind of blind hypocrisy coming from Trump supporters. Of course I don't expect Trump supporters to not be deluded.
Let's not forget the biggest socialist of all, George W. Bush, who gave Wall Street bankers a huge socialist welfare hand out, and gave Fucktoys of taxpayers money to the likes of Lockheed Martin and Halliburton.
The TARP program, presided over by Dubya, is, by a vast margin, the most generous socialist program ever seen in the US.
He's a knock-off of John Stewart who just says "motherfucker" a lot to make up for his lack of comic talent.
Damn, you Antifa faggots must be pretty angry that you put yourselves in a position where you can’t just run away. Spreading bullshit on Yea Forums isn’t going to make any of it go away you know!
>Make argument based on false premise
>Get corrected on false premise
Trolling. Same as it ever was.
he's not funny
its thinly disguised propaganda at this point
i might as well live in china
Nope. The media doesn't have a raging love boner for Bernie. They are working to downplay and work against him since 2015 and still today.
You have a tainted understanding. As I stated, corporate media has an establishment right wing economic bias. They are run by large corporate interests that love crony capitalism.
The reason you think anti-Trump is bias is because you fail to see how he's not simply just another politician. He's a would be dictator and I would very much expect regular people to understand the dangers of downplaying such a figure. Folks like Maddow and others in the mainstream don't handle it well. Instead of calling him out for the legitimate criticism, they seize on any and everything. Even when it's petty and that further convinces folks like yourself that any and all criticism of the great leader is just petty bias.
However we objectively have a person who has literally, documented-ly called for political violence, called the press the enemy of the people, talked about ignoring term limits, ignores checks and balances, profits off of the presidency violating the emoluments clause, encourages obstruction of justice, ignoring subpoenas, destroying evidence, lying to authorities, ignoring checks and balances, practices nepotism, commits human rights violations, and thinks he's above the law to name a few.
You Trump supporters have gone clear off the deep end and it's no more obvious than on a forum like this in which I am 1-click away from PTG-President Trump General where I can see exactly the kind of people that support Trump. The kind that aren't being obtuse about their authoritarianism and fascism.
I have to give you credit though, you've managed to sell fascism as just another regular political identity in mainstream politics. When people call you out for it you cry bias and unfairness. So you get to be fascists but obfuscate when called out for it. And you manipulate such confusing in the general public.
hit the treadmill fatty
Yeah yeah I understand that you people are hypocrites who don’t abide by their own rules. That’s okay, because you people will end up eating literal dirt and have no one to blame but yourselves.
I'm not Antifa. If your movement has to resort to calling everyone that agrees with you antifa, you're already losing. It's like when you claim left wingers call everyone racist. It's desperate and weak.
It's a good thing there is a growing anti-thesis to authoritarianism on Yea Forums because this place was dominated by ironic-ironic fascists in 2016 and that seemed to convince a lot of sad fucks. You couldn't have a monopoly on the internet forever.
imagine if you spent all the time typing that shit out at the gym
>Corporate media has a right wing bias.
Is that why the NYT hired Sarah Jeong and just recently defended the Antifa mob that beat that Asian journalist to the point of giving him a brain hemorrhage?
>socialism is when govt do stuff
There’s something insidious about a foreigner having a talk show about american politics. I see enough of that criticism on the internet. I don’t even care if he’s an american citizen, the accent says otherwise.
What 2 minutes? Imagine if you got off of here and hit the gym and looked for a job.
You might feel better about yourself and world around you instead of scapegoating your problems to the liberty of western civilization and trying to dismantle it for eastern authoritarianism.
You might even...have sex!
Hillary was one of the most prominent members of the DNC, you don't get to pretend like she wasn't and brush off how much she was in bed with the media just because you liked Bernie more and want to maintain the narrative that only Republicans are dishonest. Besides, the whole argument is whether or not the media is biased towards Democrats/against Republicans, not whether it is progressive or establishment Democrats they are helping.
You can say nobody on the left trusts the media, but you all still criticize Trump for attacking the media, you call people on the right paranoid and delusional when we say we don't trust journalists and it's almost entirely leftists who still subscribe to big papers like the New York Times and the Washington Post. Obama definitely had a cult of personality and unlike Trump he faced absolutely no internal criticism from any Democrat politicians or voters during his presidency. The entire left contracted an 8-year long case of amnesia when Obama was droning brown children in the Middle East and giving insurance companies huge subsidies to prop up Obamacare and locking other brown children in cages at the border.
>he has been on air for 5 years now
Why does time keep going faster?