ITT: characters who are literally you
ITT: characters who are literally you
literally me
This is me now that im divorced, but i have full custody of my kids
how the fuck did you manage to do that? Courts always side with the mother.
Except the money, power, charisma and tested IQ
>both of them
>ITT: characters who are literally you
fuck off Henry and go make more BvS threads
thats a big suit
in his current state
FUCK I had forgotten about this. These people are literally zombies
I even have the hand tattoo
Adrian Monk. I'm too dead inside to open google and take a pic, if you don't know him it's okay.
me and my male partner adopted. Btw I got the same fucking truck. 1995 F150.
Gay, wait were you the top or bottom?
Did you really just assume his partner was the female?
I drove the truck.
If they attempt suicide the dad will get them. That's how my grandfather ended got custody of my Dad, good thing too cuz that ol bird is kinda mean.
lol get a load of this faggot
>not hank moody
Marry me
For you.
I have a use for you
Who /al/ck/ here?
How did you get that picture of me?
Be...very...careful now...MHMMMM
>Th-That technique...
I know you're meme'ing but I actually am kind of like Gaara from that series.
>Spoiled, sheltered rich kid who grew up somewhat without incident until middle school aged
>Family is extremely relevant politically , hold lots of power
>developed extreme emotional problems due to insomnia and prescription drug abuse
>Hardcore loner only around people when I need to be, out of disdain for other people mostly.
>diagnosed with conduct disorder (the teenage version of being a psychopath that tends to go away with age) when I was 15.
>hang out with druggies, delinquents, and gang bangers in hs. Mainly just to get drugs or get laid
>Sadist, narcissist, genuine scum of the earth type.
>Also insane , have intermittent psychotic episodes due to drug abuse and stress.
>Commit some pretty hard felonies
actually, like I'm pretty lucky I never got charged for anything more than an MIP
>Only reason why I'm not dead or in prison right now is because a few people loved me despite all of my serious flaws
Eventually I grew out of it with age after I sobered up and applied myself in uni. Now I'm actually a pretty well liked and semi important figure in my community despite causing people a lot of grief. Most people are genuinely shocked to know about how bad I used to be.
You're gay? Congrats
nah, i fucked the effy equivalent in my school but i was still a bitch with no cook to guide me in the right direction
Never seen Skins desu , what is this bitch like?
sexy as fuck, annoying, mentally ill, sexy as fuck, the cause of murder
>Sticking your dick in crazy pussy
Never a good idea m8
Tell me more...
This is what I imagine the average /k/ommando is like honestly
based an edgy but true pilled
should've read the whole thread first
this is me but I dont have a job either
What is this off?
this is me but i have a gf. wish i had no gf for full effect. being alone is just better.
>reading on an imageboard
Have tricked hundreds of women into sleeping with me.
No idea how to actually socialize.
Imposter syndrome.
Literally have unintentionally done the DENNIS system.
Every time I watched IASIP I laughed "Dennis is such a sociopath ha ha ha" and didn't realize what I was.
oh go kill yourself then. if your kids are already brainwashed by your faggotry they can die starving on the street. any loss for degeneracy is a moral win.
Sure, guess I'm Fogell, except for the still-getting-lucky-enough-to-have-sex part
MAZAKA! H-hayai!
haha epic man, you're so different and edgy
Did you die?