HoH: Christie
Veto: Sam
Noms: Ovi, Bimbo
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: David
Nightmare Power: Ovi, removes noms and forces HoH to nominate new people at night, lasts 6 weeks
Previously on /bb/:
HoH: Christie
Veto: Sam
Noms: Ovi, Bimbo
Camp Director: Jackson
Banished: David
Nightmare Power: Ovi, removes noms and forces HoH to nominate new people at night, lasts 6 weeks
Previously on /bb/:
Other urls found in this thread:
nick keeps blathering on about sports and tommy and sam do not care
whats it mean if i occasionally do it both ways?
enriched white bread is disgusting
based nick
that's what happens when your entire life revolves around watching sports at Aplebees while consuming free beers.
I hate when people won’t shut up about sports. literally the gayest pastime to be into.
too obvious
>new fish not eating for 2 days
funeral #2 incoming
production probably put fucked up water in the tank
>Talks incessantly about sports
>Pedo/Yellow Fever
>Only has "online friends"
Sad to say, but Nick may be Yea Forums
don't forget
I wasn’t kidding.
>my favorite muscular black man ran really fast today!!!
>my city is better than your city because they catch a ball better!!!
christie is a disgusting eating. i would push to evict her for it while pretending its for some other reason.
>oh and also those guys from my city aren’t even from my city, rich jews bought them!!
20 bings til showtime
nick gives me hope i can get on big brother
your response would have been more interesting if you didnt do an obvious double down
i had to switch cams. listening to her gulp milk and eat pb&j was giving me nausea
eh, doesnt seem like worth watching. gonna skip it
im starting to like sissy more and more
>no Poutine Papi
>no Prince of Kelowna
>no The Marine
>no Evil Mastermind
this season fucking sucks
i miss bbcan7
you like sports, your opinion is worth less than real people.
i just wanna see ovi's reaction to being put on the block and the veto comp
oh baby a triple you must watch bbcancelled
and the terrible acting from christie pretending she wasnt expecting the veto to be used
this is the correct way to cut your sandwich
do you not watch bb comps?
>cutting a sandwich
literally who lol
how are all the /bb/ drunks this season ?
Hope you're all still alive
>putting your ketchup in the fridge
No. You’re suppose to cut it straight down the middle.
i dont start drinking until after the eps
how'd you get around my filter?
this is the way every restaurant cuts it because it's objectively the best
fuck i forgot they were calling him michie
mickey mouse DONALD DUCK
wrong, restaurants cut it my way because it's better
I don't drink monday through thursday
the Patrician cut
this dumb nigga
Ovi is the most tragic character in all of television
imagine needing the 'bb20 winner' description before your name when we are only 3 eps into bb21
My low IQ Peruvian housekeeper my mom hired after our Guatemalan one was deported (reported her for being a cunt) threw out my pair of rachel’s Dirty socks. I’m so fucking tilted right now holy shot
i want to climb down jackson's hole
Universe on her side
this veto comp looks like it could look pretty cool on tv
kat is bizarro janelle
it makes me laugh
liar. i asked rachel for her dirty socks and she blocked me
i swear they spend all day looking for the one moment kemi talked so they can put it on the eps
>this kemi show edit
isabella is like a not terrible panda
wow i sure am glad we got shitty girl trash talk segment
seriously; she's featured so heavily on the show when she's a total non-factor on the feeds
are they gonna show jackson plowing bimbo
massive autism
michie acted like none of this stuff would make air but here we are
christie is jelly of bimbo
wew in the shower... nice
based jackson admitting on national tv that he sleeps with his mom
anal so mature!
>kat slut edit
oh no :(
really sounds like christie is jealous of all the showmances
based Jackson about to get a bathroom bo-bo
>jacksons never slept alone
soooo who does he sleep with? his fucking mom?
my power went out and i just got to the episode. anything good?
I thought they were trying to show the girls as jealous bitches, maybe that's just my perspective of it though
didn't the veto happen after feeds went up?
they showed jackson and kat hooking up and told us that they fucked in the shower
...I'm sorry, what did he say?
they showed them landing on kemi backdoor because of her bond with bella, who wouldn't come up to their meeting 'because of kemi'
that was a wild reaction to picking veto players
kemi getting a segment with bella being catty
jackson showmance segment with bimbo
christie being mad at bimbo staying up with jackson instead of preparing for veto
>bimbo fetish
>mommy fetish
jackson is fucking based
okay, sam is awful in the DR
i missed the veto music ahaha
sam is ok on feeds but i hope he gets evicted cuz i hate his drs
>hoh STILL plays in POV
yikes, the absolute state of BBUS
oh shit
>big brother 20 winner
>cliff picked jack
Kaycee looking good... she is glowing
>that tattoo
wow could a shittier bb tattoo have been created?
thats actually a pretty cool tattoo
what would KC's game advice be?
No its not lol
>she actually showed the terrible tattoo
thjis is a great tv comp tbqhwy lads
This is a disgusting amount of waste lol
jokes on you tattoos all look dumb
>oh my look at this comp
>oh I'm on the block I need to win
>I'm not doing well at this comp
based diaries we're learning a lot of insight
>I have to do better next time
great insight
Bbcancelled fan?
kc talking more in this ep than she did in the entirety of bb20
its been the same for at least 7 years now
imagine failing and having kc watch you
Just win brah.
it's so slippery lol reference to previous season
>ugggh it's so hard let's try again
oh my god that's points here's a pun
i hate when people gesticulate like kaycee does
epic posts bro! have a gold XD
dude it landed on him and he blows it
if he just choose to slide on his back and make no attempt to catch the strawberry he wouldve scored some points kek
>0 points
man this pales to comparison to bb20 comp
this kinda sucks
sounds like you think big brother is epic posts bro and the episodes should have a gold XD
the editing is bothering me
bimbo got fucked on that first meatball toss
it bounced before it even got to her kek
it looks like they launched the meatballs at the dudes alot faster
nicole got sauce in her vag
who /tossed salad/ here
takes a true creative to think you need to slide on your back down the table to catch the strawberry
she'll be havin a little meatball in 9 months
lmfao cucked by 1 point
are you watching a stream on the moon
wouldnt sam have known before the reveal that he won tho. or is he shit at math
each ball is probably worth a different amount
haha wonder how they tallied that up
>one point more than jack
grodner rigging it
if your first instinct isnt something involving knees or baseball tier slide then you might be a fat closet homosexual
this comp reminded me that I want to toss Jess's salad haha
Why were the harder catches worth the less? who the fuck designs these comps. it was literally in reverse order of difficulty.
if you're a poorfag on a stream that is 5 minutes behind then you are an out in the open homosexual
because its like the nba where the fans are too retarded to enjoy it unless its high scoring
im watching on tv. it doesnt take any semblance of money to buy a tv and antenna
are you enjoying the episode aggro?
faggro doesnt watch the eps
lol didn't answer
he thinks aggro is everyone that isn't him
didnt ask. this is your last (you) btw
i literally got up and shouted YASSS when she said that
>Kemmi's booty shorts
bella just laid into jack on the feeds lol
>yo bella is friggin awesome
i saw them talking in a room but i have it muted what were they talking about
an edit to make it seem like Bella masterminded Kemi staying.
>throws his game for asian pussy
based nick talking to christie out in the open
I don’t watch that
this either
she was telling him she lost trust in him because she wasnt told about the ovi situtation.
so they not gonna show christie hating bella and nick huh
powerful moms drink activated almond milk
man what a fucking narrative the show has created
saying nick/bella were responsible for christie's flip and not grodner
sweetie, she only hates men
Oh no I hope her ph balance is okay
very cute mole
bella is the new haleigh
whale hasnt appeared on the ep at all
kinda problematic that show ignores such a big character
What is the point of changing the narrative for the showfags? Why can't they just have the houseguests say that they want Ovi out cus he stinks?
"the ovi situation" what? isn't everyone on board for flushing poovi? what is she referring to.
they villain edited the shit out of that hoh convo
they not gonna show kemi talking with aquaman because its too confusing lol
you're obviously a waifufag. how interesting
What the fuck was that grunge music in the background.
>i want to do what the house wants
>the house wants kemi to go
>i don't want kemi to go because it's not good on my game
it doesn't show at all why she flipped which is a pretty glaring hole
>its really too soon to backdoor someone
she better get a retard edit after the poovi decision
new music kinda fuckin sucks. it doesn't fit this situation at all.
she was talking about the replacement nom at veto. they didnt tell her they were putting up ovi. she thought it was going to be kemi. so after that happened, she was like wtf i thought we were in an 8 person alliance blah blah blah.
nicole's DR persona is all over the place
Vanessa MkII
crying cunt is crying
holy kamole
I mean, shes the same on the feeds
so they gonna pretend christie was surprised by sam using the veto?
geez, what a neurotic bitch
this is so hard to watch. it sucks
then dont watch retard
it seems like all they had to do was second guess her. i don't think she ever does it herself and it really fucked with her head.
has she said 'the jack show' once in this ep or is grod trying to hide her influence
*gets valuable info just by walking into the room*
watch the n-bombs
oh interesting, they might, that would suck
she did once
you can't say that word in my new neighborhood
a boring episode that cements jack as the show villain
oops thought meant lesbo
why didnt they show the part where she said it would look racist to evict kemi after david got banished
>valuable info
>everybody in the house besider her and jess know that kemi is backdoor targer
>walks into every room and never gets any info
i'm sorry sweetie but jessica has no idea what anyone in the house is doing
she knows when someone is cooking
>mental breakdown week 1
Has she discussed any strategy yet?
she is too powerful...
it is valuable though. it's possible to hide an entire large alliance even past jury (L6).
christie revealed she's working with jack but getting cold feet. if nicole knows any other connections, she could piece together the whole thing.
this is why having a female in your alliance is retarded
somebody stuff her mouth with something, anything
sam. no. not you too...
I thought Sam knew about the BD Kemi plan...the fuck is this edit.
Lmao Ovi that's what you fucking get for running up to HOH all the time
roger that
anyone want to play I spy
>its too early to backdoor someone
WE /js/ NOW
Derrick 2.0
This bitch is fucking insane.
This edit is trash. Nothing that happened makes any fucking sense with the context theyre presenting
Can we get edits of Devin watching over Jackson?
he's been down for scripted drs since ep 1 so its not too much of a surprise
proof that waifufags make worthless posts
thats what happens when the true reason for anything changing is grodball
Praying he gets HoH tomorrow. he knows about the girls alliance and that Kemi/ the girls are gunning for him right?
BB21's Mooch?
only fatter
>left and right twix
are we all retarded or what?
man what a boring episode
i expected more shit about the alliance going crazy over christie
its literally jack is the villian
>it's "everybody lies in DR" the season
if he gets HoH, he said he is putting up kemi and nick. but that might have changed after the bella convo in the SR 30 mins ago
they forgot to show the part where christie and sam made a plan to pretend she was shocked by sam using the veto
Am I missing something? Why is this bitch so upset about putting Kemi up and why is you talking about the alliance to everyone? This sequence of events don't make any sense.
Sam is so nasally in his DR's
>clapping when the veto is used
it's shit street for the street shitter
wtf is this music
>christie why.....
>i want this to be fair
>must be a guy and a girl
What's the point of being in an alliance when you don't want to even listen to their input?
What the fuck is this music too?
I hear contestants talk about “campaigning” all the time but I feel like they barely even try after the veto ceremony
>hey jack give us a DR where you pretend you didnt agree with christie when she said she would put poovi up instead
Punished Ovi
they replaced the old music
>another twist
I don’t even know what that means
alright men time to drink
Yeah, could've done better imo.
But it's 1st week what do you do?
Any guesses for tomorrow, guys?
one too many unwashed hand touches
ovi has been non-stop campaigning on the feeds. it's really sad because everyone is lying to his face and they all know it
>he mad
this wasn't worth 3 paragraphs
I have no idea, why didn't they just hire some desperate soundcloud jagoff to make some new music for almost no pay. This sounds shit sounds like lost backtracks to a 70s porno.
probably some retarded twist that gives evicted hgs too much power and scares the hoh's from wanting to do anything interesting until the twist ends
>eviction is tomorrow
god this week felt like it was taking forever
don't be mansplainin' to christie
she dun nee no man
I’m 3 deep already, better catch up famalam
based AHHHHHH poster
not bad. HGs usually butcher vegetables
ok gonna go to my local sports bar where i have fucked none of the bartenders because im not nearly as cool as nick
that episode was literal trash
less than 24 hours until David returns to the house
poor ovi
>david you're back to return to the house.... but not as a houseguest
I liked it :)
I just remembered rockwall is on rhap tonight
yeah thats a pass from me
they keep getting worse and worse
I wish it was wednesday night instead
nice. i think i'll tune in then
>nicole turned them down to appear
why does he keep saying send it
Lmao, these chicks jealous that Jackson wants to bang Kat on her way out the door
only double digit iqs rehearse like this
what about it?
that bella aquaman convo was pretty good
bella pretty much told him to play better and actually give her info
also admitted kemi and her have a final 2
The poo will rise again.
ovi is going to cry when he's evicted
jack and jackson wanted to tell him today so he had time to process it. but holly anal and bimbo convinced them to wait for wednesday. waiting till wednesday is only going to make it worse
tommy said jackson keeps talking about how he was depressed. christie said jackson takes 5 xanax a day
melissa said not to be mean to rockwall guys
>takes a shit on the floor as he is walking out of the house
the slow mo after dabs was neat
Yesterday he was bragging about how mentally strong he was because the DR would give him his prescriptions
please be nice to the person who wanted to sacrifice herself for bayleigh
go dilate melissa
bella still wants the jackson/aquaman/bella alliance to be real
bella is shifting the target from kemi to jessica
super qute
can't wait for Nicole self-eviction to save Kemi
you’re still cool in my book user
shouldn't melissa be watching feeds
oh wait...
a guy with a cowboy hat is sitting a couple chairs away from me
me as the fish
new thread
cia on the couch
not watching specifically because she's on