why are there so few INTJ characters in movies,are we too complex for movies
Why are there so few INTJ characters in movies,are we too complex for movies
mbti circlejerk threads should be a rangebannable offense
Based retards
>last year I got intj type
>this year got estp
So I went from a depressed loser to extraverted normie in a year, and I have to admit: I'm much happier with my life right now.
Jungian mysticism. worse than astrology.
>nihilistic, intelligent, plotting
>in real life they just sit around as NEETs arguing their favorite Linux distro while secretly using Windows to play New Vegas
Nobody but facebook women buy into this shit.
>le epic sings for zoomers
Because INTP are the master race and also using myers Briggs for self identification is a gypsy trick of only mild amusement and you're a faggot.
I like how its fashionable to hate the myers briggs test now
Bet you faggots hate in n out cause its "totally overrated"
Is New vegas and Age of Empires truly INTJ games?
this. also any real INTJ, if youre to believe the description, would be skeptical of MB
Give me a quick rundown on INTP please
self indulgent nonsense
You type like a faggot
Know why that is?
You're a faggot
Autismo to the max NEET who can't start or finish anything unless 100% efficient perfection
Also sometimes big think, but mostly big pride and self delusion. Going outside bad.
Do they have a wicked sense of humor too?
>tfw no one on Yea Forums ever shares my nerd horoscope class
I always get ISTP. I had a girlfriend who was really into it and I think broke up with me because we didn't have the "right" ones lel
No. Just autismo.
Do girls really break up with guys over that?
Autistic ones who fall for this horoscope tier shit do, yes. It's a shame because she was pretty hot too.
God I want a pretty girl that's into astrology so badly
I got lucky and acquired a new friend group that I actually like hanging around with, are funny, smart and really pushed me into wanting to go out more.
I now actually like going out for drinks, talking to new people and clubbing. Used to pretend I didn't need it/when I went I just stood there with my drink without really having fun at all.
Meant for
INTJ with INFP gf
Only those shitty myers briggs type tests with shitty tumblr bios. If you read Jung's writings on cognitive functions you can get a much better view on it, it's actually pretty accurate and you can learn a thing or two about yourself. Myers and Briggs just made it easier to understand and labeled the different combinations.
Unless you're a memer who thinks that just because we can't understand our own brains as well as we can physics, everything that comes out of the field is automatically worthless.
>unironically being an S
I am so sorry.
Jung believed in guardian angels.
The idea you can categorize all of humanity with four false dichotomies is entirely idiotic and even disproven by MBTI itself. As no one tests 100% into their type and what type they test into is entirely determined by their emotional state.
>was an intj in college when someone introduced me to this shit
>miserable, self hating misanthrope
>turned my life around, much happier now
>became an ENFP along the way
As an actual justicefag, this feels right
>take test twice
>get different results based on my emotional state at that time
>no one tests 100% into their type and what type they test into
I said read, not test. And it's categories that encompass two ranges where most people lean into one more than the other in their way of being, it's just generalized. Most people can identify whether they're more introverted or extroverted (as a general idea rather than part of those specific categories) for example, without those categories losing validity because of the minority that don't. When I learned what those terms meant I understood myself and others better. Nobody is a pure example of any of those categories, but they're helpful.
It doesn’t matter what’s written on a subject if it all falls apart in application.
>take the tests
>INFP every time
Add Deus Ex to that list and it'll be complete
Movies with INTP?
No psychologist uses MBTI as a valid personality measure. Everyone uses the Big Five. Jung is a Freud-tier footnote in the history of psychology.
The man who sleeps
Sheldon from big bang theory.
A Brief History of Time. Imitation Game. Sherlock Holmes stuff. Other stuff I cant remember.
Women being into astrology is a good reason to bar them the right to vote. Fuck even the ones who call themselves Christian believe this shit how does that work?
I hate INTJ scum so badly.
Being INFJ is suffering.
>Why yes, I am an INFJ. How could you tell?"
I never bothered knowing any of these thus shit is gay as hell
>what type they test into is entirely determined by their emotional state.
not everyone is ruled by emotion, lady.
but we are. we just usually the bad guys
sounds like you were just an insenscere fag and never were and INTJ at all
i though INTJs and INFJs had an alliance
why do you hate us bro?
Batman is intj
INFP is top-tier