Why is everyone so fucking obsessed about how Blockbuster closed down
Why is everyone so fucking obsessed about how Blockbuster closed down
Imagine if Netflix closed down.
because they invented renting movies
netflix wouldnt have been made without them
nostalgia. even if they were still around, i wouldnt rent movies from them. not bc i dislike them or anything, i just dont rent movies.
>what the fuck is nostalgia, i'm a fucking idiot who doesn't get it?!?!
Yeah, it's weird, something that was huge part of the culture and that a majority of people used, often weekly, I just don't get it man.
you aren't missing much.
here is what happened
>go to blockbuster
>rent movies
>forget to return for months
>charged hundreds
>tfw you still have a video store down the road
because they've never heard of Family Video
Real life, and all of the mainstream internet is basically member-berries on steroids
how bout all the time searching for the right movie based on covers and then snacks and a video game
it was an institution of american life until netflix. it was shit but it was ubiquitous.
No they fucking didn't. We had dozens of rental places in my town alone before Blockbuster was a company. Even Betamax and Laserdisc rental.
I do too. More of trade-in place, but they'll rent out anything they have for sale for $1 a night. If you keep it so many days, they just charge your credit card for whatever the sticker price was.
The only persons obsessed with Blockbuster are millennial manchilden who worship consumerism and view life through rose colored nostalgia glasses while longing for their childhood gone by.
i dont get it
I just did. It didn't change a thing. Movies just came from somewhere else online.
holy old we got an old fag here
Miss renting scratched up dvds with cumstains over them
people still lazily browse netflix like they would at blockbuster. it's really annoying actually
If you're old enough to have a blockbuster membership card, you're old enough to drink. 99.9% of Blockbusters don't exist anymore, while they were popular in the 90s.
miss scratching up rented dvds and cumming on them
Actually, it technically still has one store in operation in like...Washington...I think.
Because Blockbuster is a novelty representation of how the entertainment world was before everything was on the internet you zoomer piece of shit retard.
The world was a better place before mass internet, we fucked up and now we can't put the genie back in the bottle.
Blockbuster is just symbolic of it really.
>t. boomer
I was alive and conscious of life from the start of VHS rentals, through DVD rentals and onward till rental places died. One thing I can say for sure is Blockbuster sucked balls. They were the worst rental corporation with terrible policies, poor selection and shitty customer service to boot. Only retards that grew up in the suburbs whose family's did their shopping at strip malls look back on Shitbuster fondly. That is why all the por-Blockbuster threads are childish nostalgia threads. They are posted and bumped by persons looking back on their childhood. Don't be fooled. Blockbuster was horrible. Good riddance to the garbage corporation that was too stupid to see the age of digital rentals on their doorstep.
there are still video and video game rental place in my area too.
Family Video is still going strong, they don't seem to give a fuck what year it is. with absolutely no intention of competing with Netflix like Blockbuster should have done.
West Coast Video...now THAT was a rental place. I remember renting a new James Bond movie from there every week, then grabbing snacks from the next door 7/11.
I feel terrible loss when I see this video.
why was blockbuster so fucking comfy? even the smells there were good
Nah. They were pretty bad. Memorable though. Cheese, grease, and popcorn.
How do you watch movies then? Just buy them?
>Blockbuster was the worst rental corporation with terrible policies, poor selection and shitty customer service to boot.
Also the interiors were filthy and gross. It smelled like body odor and ass in them. Its like they never ventilated the air or something. Whenever I rented from them towards the end it was so bad I felt like taking a shower afterwards.
Worked at 3 Blockbusters one in high school and two in college AMA
Sure why not
sun coming through those untinted windows, fading the shit out of all the vhs boxes
If you're a zoomer you won't understand. The video store wasn't just a place to rent videos, it's a place you'd go to hang out. I preferred local places over Blockbuster, but I still have good memories of the place.
Imagine getting all your friends together, driving down to the video store, and looking at all the movies saying to each other "Have you seen this" "this is good" "i want to see this" "remember this movie?"
Spend an hour doing this every time. You could see what new releases were popular, you could laugh at the shitty movies that were all rented out, and read the boxes of rare cult films.
Ultimately you will disagree with your friends and rent nothing, or rent something terrible that no one had heard of.
Yes I'm nostalgic.
I can still remember the Blockbuster smell.
millennials will not get how absolutely retarded blockbuster nostalgia is until they hear zoomers talking about how much they miss redbox
>tfw no place where I can shit in boxes and throw them in the return slot for fun any more
I used to pull those blockbuster VHS containers out of the dumpsters out back and then take nasty stools in them. Imagining the loser opening them without paying attention was so fucking funny
Based...but bluepilled.
>The video store wasn't just a place to rent videos, it's a place you'd go to hang out.
bullshit. nobody hung out at blockbuster. some customers may have loitered but no one hung out.
>it's a place you'd go to hang out
That never happened, lil zoom. The hangout spots for you and your two or three friends with nothing to do on friday and saturday nights was the Circle K back then, not a video store.
Nobody fucking bought the overpriced snacks at Blockbuster, same with impulse candy at any place that isn't a grocer or drug store. My family and I went there weekly and never once did anyone actually buy candy. I always picked it up but was told to put it back and we'd walk next door to CVS and buy candy for normal prices.
Shopping by covers sucked ass because unlike Netflix you had to pay for the rental anyway so you were stuck watching or playing some horseshit until the rental period was up. At least with streamshit you can give up on a film midway through and find something better.
>The video store wasn't just a place to rent videos, it's a place you'd go to hang out
It was not you lying sack of shit. You entered, got your shit, and left. Movie rental was an annoying inconvenience tolerated only because there were no other options.
>imagine being poor and stupid as fuck
I wish
We do this from the comfort of our living rooms now. We don't have to drive to a shitty store, handle filthy items and lament what isn't available because its "checked out". Why do you tards look back on these time consuming consumer activities as something special? I can only imagine you do because you are losers without friends coming over to watch movies these days so you look back fondly on when you did have friends and mistakenly confuse going shopping with them at a corporate store as something special which it wasn't. Rest assured if you and your friends had the option back then to meet in someone's living room, pick a movie off the internet to watch and press play like we do today you would have chosen to do so rather then go through the hassle of Blockbuster.
Every Blockbuster turned into a Feed and Seed
Ay haha Hacienda Heights?
I buy all my kinos
The selection was dog shit. The most mainstream movies and straight to dvd movies.
Actual millennial here, it’s utterly retarded and completely baffling.
Why was it so comfy?
>Every other part of the civilized world lets people drink at 18
>America decides that being an adult is not enough and sets an arbitrary limit that no one even abides by
I hate this country. My sister got refused a cup of wine the other day at a restaraunt because she left her ID in her other wallet. She's 29
>everyone is just happy to be around
>friendly smiles and greetings
>even the people who don't want to be filmed attempt to humor the kids
>employees are all friendly and accommodating
>minorities are few and far between
>the ones who show up are nicely behaved
>store is clean even though it's in shithole tourist area Orlando
>literally never once feared being killed despite it being 2:30 am
Not when it was VHS.
>mass internet
You know damn well it wasn't mass internet but mass something else that made it so there's no such thing as 1987 at 0230 7-11 experiences anymore.
People were more grounded, down to earth? I dunno...probably not, but it sure seemed that way. Free speech used to have bipartisan support, political extremism wasn't rampant, people just seemed more easygoing and happy. My theory is that Vietnam cracked the country, and 9/11 shattered it.
kys zoomer
neck you're self
this video is kino if you want a fun trip just keep watching the recommended videos that are 80s and 90's high school senior videos very comfy
maybe she should take the complement. i'm younger than your sister and haven't been carded in years.
I rented pic related multiple times. Eventually someone did, and never returned them.
>the people who ruined the internet lamenting the time before it
Also what you’re actually seeing in that video is people who are high as fuck putting on their best faces for the camera, except for that one guy who’s too tired to give a shit.
If anything, they should raise the age limit with how people can't stop drinking and driving.
Going there on Friday nights as a kid was the best part of the week. Would rent a video game and a horror movie. God I wish I had a time machine.
You're so stupid you could be a legislator
False. You just had lower standards and watched trash back then. Blockbuster by far was always the generic mainstream video store to rent from. They didn't even have a room behind a curtain with extra special movies like privately owned VHS rental places had.
lol I still have mine too. It's not in my wallet anymore, but I like to hold it before I watch a movie sometimes..
You guys remember when blockbuster almost beat netflix to the punch for a streaming service? But then it was enron who promised them a video CDN and streaming client and it was basically all bullshit, so blockbuster got destroyed after netflix established a userbase? hahah... America.
Renting movies was only fun if you had a local. My mother would take me to my local rental store every weekend. I could take out a game or movie for £5 a weekend and it was great for when I was a child. Stuff is easier now, which is better.
Opinion discarded
>Blockbuster by far was always the generic mainstream video store to rent from.
Based. I also rented from Home Video Express-and they had NES, SNES, and Genesis games too.
Luck is always a factor in success.
Snacks were so goddamn expensive there it was never worth it to buy them.
>Companies making streaming services for their own films and shows
>not making enough money
How long till netflix goes away too?
man it must be fucking awesome to be neurotipycal and not ugly
Physically going out on a Friday night to find the anime and ps2 game to have during the weekend was a cherished moment for me. Would buy some candy and a bowl of popcorn too. This thread is bringing back feels for me....I need to drink now.
No actually people are nostalgic for the past friends or not, no matter the decade
not soon enough
Comment of the month^^^
Cocaine makes most anyone neurotypical.
blockbuster was fucking huge and such a big thing for so many families and then all of a sudden it was just gone.
usually companies that big try to adapt and stay in business but they just sat on their asses and just fucking shut down.
I’m sorry you never had an empire.
What kind of retard would buy food at blockbuster when you could walk the 100 feet to another store and get the same shit for 500% less.
I can't watch. It hurts bad, bros. I want it all back.
I know, but I feel like normal people don't have to try.
>being nostalgic for going shopping
No one is nostalgic for this besides retards. Anyone can do this at any time. That is what is being discussed here, being nostalgic for going shopping. Its retarded.
You cannot be serious.
People are nostalgic for being children, not the places they were children.
I got a question, bongbro (and not them): Why don't you guys talk about how you own Canada more often? There's more you're not mentioning, and I just want to congratulate you on still having an enormous Empire, without giving it away because it's too much for most.
I never had it. My parents had the choice to either put me in as the oldest or youngest in my grade (summer birthday) and they chose youngest. Then you skip a grade and you hit puberty two years after everyone else and your life is over. Thanks mom and dad.
You don’t have to try with cocaine.
I think I begged my mom once to get those chocolate-covered cookie dough bites and they were so nasty
Is this before they poisoned the water? The average person in this video is like 7/10 compared to today.
Timing and vision were a little more critical in the case of blockbuster's downfall, I'd say.
Not relevant to blockbuster, but it is nostalgic. Anyone remember playing this as a kid?
nobody wants to grow up and go to work
Only because it was a "different time"
You can be nostalgic for any period that's since changed, you don't have to be a child. But yeah, there are a lot of people who were children at the time in here talking about blockbuster
What would life be like if blockbuster on demand won the VOD space?
they long to be molested by their uncle again
oldfag here... I worked for Blockbuster.
I remember telling my store manager that digital media would replace us and they laughed. They started Blockbuster Online out of desperation once Netflix took hold, but Netflix was still DVDs By Mail only. Netflix knew they couldn't beat Blockbuster and wanted to sell to them for a couple million. Blockbuster turned them down believing they could beat them outright. They couldn't, their ineptitude ruined them and they were far too late to the punch... far too late to even understand steaming all together. Sad times.
Based family video porn room
Except kids. lol I never believed old folks when they told me, "one day you'll miss these days." I wish I'd listened.
>Is this before they poisoned the water?
They fucked over the drinking water back in the 1960s and people did march and fight police over it, but the police beat them back. I'm not anti-police, just stating facts.
My ex gf is a psycho, she says if I stop paying for Netflix for her she'll tell my parents I'm addicted to speed. If Netflix shuts down I'm free and easy
>tfw have 4 but have never entered any except the porn one
>"that'll be $15.95, sir"
>being a retarded shitter
That really is nothing compared to when Blockbuster had the opportunity to buy Netflix and turned it down.
No, seriously the average american is ugly as sin compared to these people. There is something in the water/food that is making people hideous. I didn't see one incel looking person in that entire video.
Ever go to Erols? The original vhs rental spot
Jesus Christ dude what is your problem?
>you are now remembering the Pokemon Snap kiosk
>family video porn room
pardon me?
Rest in peace Captain Video
all these people are dead now
If only you had some way out of this predicament like telling your parents you aren’t.
That school is probably full of mexicans nowadays kek
Are you telling me they have a porn room?
Dude, race-mixing was still pretty taboo back in the 80s, and 90s. TV is the most successful brainwashing device ever created.
Why whenever the % of white people in a country goes down, the nation turns to shit? Fucking weird.
Yes, great game.
Everyone played GoldenEye. First huge 4 player game. Remember picking out the weapons and stage where you would fight it was fun as fuck
Maybe in certain places but most of the country didn't care. My mom was a Mexican immigrant and my dad was from New York, they married in 88 and nobody gave a shit
then he'd be lying to them
notice how he didn't say he doesn't smoke speed
But it's true. That's why it works
The point stands. People are nostalgic for what they were. Not where they were.
Hahaah he doesn't know. Most ma and pa video stores had porno sections. No they weren't policed heavily. They usually had them just off the horror movie section, typically they used beads or something to obscure the doorway.
Yep, time for me to boot up the GameCube. Adios, lads.
Now that you say it, look how the students at that HS look like now jej
No one cares when white men race mix. Honestly, no one cares. We have entire continents of white men racemixing.
It was 2am on a Saturday. All the shiny happy people were coming from or going to clubs. They’re all moderately wealthy and high on cocaine. Also SD video helps a lot with attractiveness.
Yeah, race mixing just isn't natural. Hopefully nuclear holocaust comes soon to pay for the sins of the left.
>Stacy's wannabe-stacy friend, Healy
I was pretty fucking good at that, the dual wield handguns was my favourite or just one shotting cunts in the skull with golden gun
>Maybe in certain places but most of the country didn't care.
>My mom was a Mexican immigrant and my dad was from New York, they married in 88 and nobody gave a shit
Thank you for proving my point. Your folks met at practically the beginning of the 1990s and trust me, they were a-typical.
>tfw no more good Saturdays where you and your big sis would go to the laundromat, toss in clothes, then go to the rental store/tanning salon that was above it
>tfw no more looking at all the horror cases but not being able to rent them because I’m not old enough
>tfw no more spending half the time deciding whether to rent Perfect Dark or Goldeneye
>tfw no more old pervy dude at the checkout who probably had CCTV cameras into the tanning bed rooms
I would honestly subscribe to a service that tried to replicate the seedy conditions of an old rental store instead of this bland sterile crap that Netflix and Hulu go for
Nah, it just wasn’t a big deal outside of Alabama.
good. fuck netflix there is nothing on there. Then Blockbuster would reopen and actually keep a decent movie archive for me to rent
everyone looks so bloated...
Sometimes, I get my fix of nostalgia by going to those capsule machines where you put in a quarter and get out some toy. I got the little green aliens.
mine sells CBD
>Nah, it just wasn’t a big deal outside of Alabama.
You are full of shit. I live in a liberal state and I know you're wrong.
huh, my sister rented that once and I made a copy thinking it was the funniest thing ever. I should have my vhs copy somewhere.
Yet underdeveloped.
>tfw you will never rent LaserDisc at Premiere Video again
>jello makes a lousy doorstop
>always keep a turd in your wallet so nobody steals it
>donkeys should wear underwear
miss those. ya don't see those around too often anymore.
Nah, you’re just poor white trash.
Why do non-whites like you even come to this website?
Or you could stop doing speed you weak bitch fuck
>it's really annoying actually
huh? Why? Are you sneaking in other people's homes and watching what they do? creepy.
Why are white people obsessed with other cultures? Why do you come here?
We aren't, why are you obsessed with our countries? Access to white handouts isn't a human right pedro.
Can confirm it's just nostalgia for its own sake. Nobody here is mentioning how a scratched game disc or DVD could fucking ruin your evening. Sometimes it was the only copy the store owned, and they would never fucking replace shit even if you told the clerks it was busted. Don't get me started on late fees or bullshit 24 hour rentals of new movies for like $4.99. Sure, I have some "comfy" memories too, but as a store they were just the worst. They deserved what they got by resting on their laurels so long as pretty much the only game in town save some more independent and local brands (assuming they weren't run out of business a decade or two before blockbuster closed finally).
just convince your parents speed is good for you. Tell them you have adhd or narcolepsy or some shit.
Or just tell them you like speed and they should try it.
>sees a blockbuster car
shit niggah you old as fuck.
>literally never once feared being killed despite it being 2:30 am
The 70s and 80s were they heyday of serial killers. There were no "good old days". Every era had its shit, time just has a way of filtering it out, and the shit of now is just more apparent, because it's in our face, and we don't know how it's going to turn out.
I used to work at one. Only for about four months, but still.
if you tried to recreate that smell what would you use? Sort of a plasticky smell for one
user, that's not GoldenEye.
Peanut butter and popcorn.
in the town where I live there's actually still one DVD rental up and active, I think it's even doing pretty well. the guy who owns it is always the only one there besides maybe one teenager who runs the register on weekends.
it's been open for over 30 years now and it was always known for being the best video rental, now it's the only one left and it's only because it's just such a nice place.
they've got a section for pretty much everything you can think of, from blaxploitation and splatters to japanese gore films.
before I stopped smoking weed, me and my friends would regularly go there, talk to the guy and rent like 5 movies that he recommended to us. shit was comfy
I remember Blockbuster Music stores.
>tfw treat second hand shops like rental places except I pay 4 bucjs and get a Blu-ray to keep forever
Same with VHS tapes except they're like 80 cents at thrift stores.
The experience is still there, it just changed locations honestly.
Here's some recent acquisitions.
>All those licensed movie games
>Row upon row of cars and sports
>Only 3 copies of Max Payne and only fucking one of Kingdom Hearts
Even back then normies had shit taste
They're zoomers. They'll understand in maybe another 5-10 years, when they start to have things they grew accustomed to go away.
Kek we would switch the porn videos with the kids movies.
Whiter than you.
tyler durden over here
>muh nostalgia MEMBER??
>when the closes Blockbuster near me shut down they threw a shit load of the movies in the dumpster
>I know cause crackheads had a bag full of them and asked if I wanted to buy some.
This is a Japanese website.
That's odd. They usually have an everything must go sale. Mine did, I bought The Dark Knight there
I think they were even selling the signs and stuff. If I had my own money back then I might have bought a piece of Blockbuster signage
Hollywood Video was better and didn't jump on the DVD bandwagon as quick as cuckbuster did. Also fuck their late fees...
Boomer cope they sold their country down the shitter for cheap labor shitskins, which in turn ruined malls etc
Like Freedom?
They did, but I guess the stuff they didn't sell they just threw away.
>Max Payne
It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye...
Bend, Oregon
>Not playing Front Mission 4 or Gundam: Encounters in Space
you're the normie.
i remember one in vegas four or fice years ago, havent checked to see if it's still there
>tfw you stole Time Cop and then BB went out of business
That sounds like some alt-right newsletter
/m/an detected
but neither of those things affect my torrents.
This. Claiming Blockbuster invented video rental is like saying Walmart invented retail.
In fact, like Walmart, Blockbuster drove most of the other outfits (many of them local companies, not big national chains) out of business, so I'm not really sad in the least to see them specifically go. Video rental stores in general, now those I am sad to see gone.
We had a place like that (technically a local chain with only a couple of locations) which was here long before Blockbuster came, and outlasted Blockbuster here by over a decade, but finally succumbed a few years back. It managed to out-compete the national chain locally by building a new a store with a bigger footprint and hence a larger selection (and also by not pulling the censorship crap that Blockbuster was infamous for).
It's the normie "the cake is a lie" type of reference. Blockbuster wasn't THAT big a deal in the 90s. It's just pointed to as if it encompasses the entire decade because they're too lazy to remember other examples of stuff and default to it.
Most video stores closed down in the 2008-ish
Zoomers didn't get to grow up with the experience so they wouldn't get it even if you explained it to them
Because it was a major part of peoples lives for a long time. you got your pizza, soda or beer and watched a good movie with your family or friends.
Blockbuster was by far the biggest out of all the Video rental stores, and on a national level. Most things (fast food, grocery stores, etc.) were regional, so everyone had their own video rental places, but blockbuster was everywhere. That's why it's remembered so fondly, everyone can remember a blockbuster over something like Video Paradise, or Family Video.
west coast video was fuckin real
hollywood star video
but man, i remember blowing through all of Star Fox 64 in that n64 demo kiosk in one standing. That was great
>prettiest girl on pom squad is with her little sister while I'm with little brother
>she doesn't just wave she walks right up to me and knows my name from shop class
>we end up dating
Thank you, Blockbuster. Set my life on a great trajectory.
my Family Video had a porn section
I'd be super fucking happy.
>Rented Mortal Kombat 2 for SNES as a kid
>Go back a week later to return it
>Place had closed down
>ywn be a kid renting Terminator 2 and getting a pepperoni pizza again
>ywn let your uncle film you playing roman gladiators oiled up with crisco again
why fucking live lads
My local Family Video evidently went tits up over the last year or so (I'm in the Dallas area), but I'm hoping the one in my hometown is still kicking. I would imagine the ones in small towns still do ok.
why does the Midwest look so depressing?
I literally never set foot in my local Blockbuster. It only opened in the late '90s, was half the size of the local Video World, had next to no parking, and was gone within ten years. The only time I actually ever went to Blockbuster was when I was off at college and it was the closest place to the dorms. I wasn't impressed with the selection then, and that location was considerably larger than the one at home (though still smaller than our Video World).
I still have my Video World card, though the store has been gone for five years or so.
Pretty much everyone that wasn't Blockbuster did. Meanwhile, BB didn't even consistently carry NC-17 films or the unrated versions of R films.
ok mr. reddit you're right, it's no problem that white people are getting their countries stolen out from under them. i'll think happy thoughts. happyyyyy!
When Netflix by post folded they wrote a letter and said keep it. I got...
-Robin Hood (the crap one)
-Dr Who (City of Death)
I mean Blockbuster, although Netflix were a competitor at this time.
This makes me realize a lot of millennials look like children in high school compared to these people...
>early netflix was annoying as fuck
>pick a movie
>wait DAYS for it
>it sucks
>return it
Following serial killers is a lot more fun than listening to the media talk about how white people are to blame when a white person kills somebody or how guns are to blame if a nonwhite kills somebody.
nah it was comfy, where i lived it only took 1 business day to return to the distribution center and it was easy to rip the DVD's. i had hundreds of ripped movies from netflix
>because they invented renting movies
Fucking retard. Blockbuster was the McDonalds of video rentals stores which had been around for years. Also, like McDonalds, Blockbuster was also homogenized corporate trash!!!FACT!!!
>he thinks millennials are high schoolers
Oh look, a facebook boomer.
Naw I just remember how everyone looked like a manchild or womanchild for the most part back then
No clue how zoomers look now
In the late 80s and early 90s my dad owned 4 or 5 local video stores until he got out of it and ended up selling one to my grandparents which they ran for about 6 years. Ask me anything.
The Midwest IS depressing
I always liked Jumbo Video better. They had free popcorn.
>The Midwest IS depressing
Just about to post this!!!FACT!!!
Jolt was pretty much locked down to gas stations and gone by the time Blockbuster came around
>t. actual boomer who liked Jolt before it became Monster / Red Bull
>I always liked Jumbo Video better. They had free popcorn.
Here in Hamilton, Ontario we had three Jumbo Video's around the city back in the early 90's and they all had Horror sections decorated like castles and all sorts of other cool shit.
I really miss going to the video store!!!FACT!!!
I remember back when the late 00s-early 10s stuff like icarly, hannah montana, johnny test, cn real, bieber, etc. used to be widely considered the "downfall into shit era" and was ranted on a lot (see top).
But now in 2019, zoomers took over the internet and post childhood nostalgia for that once-hated late 00s-early 10s era, rehabilitating its reputation (see bottom).
>Why is everyone so fucking obsessed about how Blockbuster closed down
They are?
If you're old enough, you probably have fond memories because you were a kid and usually only went on the weekend. Therefore, it represented having fun on the weekend.
What you wouldn't miss is the fee if you didn't rewind your VHS, getting a scratch DVD, or them being all out of new releases.
I'm nostalgic for that stuff but not for its quality. Only thing I actually liked from that list was Minecraft and Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
>N Sync
>Backstreet Boys
>Britney Spears
>not complete garbage
>talk to the guy and rent like 5 movies that he recommended to us. shit was comfy
they recommended only trash at the one in my neighborhood, I'm pretty sure they just took a random movie from the shelf as the month's recomendation
This guy said it better than I did. It was a fun place to go with your friends and browse through movies together.
Zoomers just don't understand
We used to spend an hour or more looking around and deciding on movies. We didn't usually go there for something specific.
Anything’s better than the modern cal arts landscape lol, aside from Cartoon Network getting into live action tv that era was perfect.
What were the good cartoons from that era? I remember Flapjack and Chowder being good, but not much else. I only watched CN though, not other channels.
>The last movie ever rented from a blockbuster was this is the end. In high school I would go hang out at blockbuster every day.
Seth Rogen did. Proof it happened.
Local rental video of my zone got turned into a pharmacy. They sold movies without their cases just to get rid of them. Got like 50 tapes for 5$. Managed to nab most Scooby Doo movies and some action flicks. Best deal I got out of it was a couple of the original SW trilogy. IV and V.
These videos usually just arouse a sense of longing in me but tonight they make me feel like my heart is gonna stop.
What the fuck happened. If you could freeze time in the united states, the late 80's would be a good place to do it.
I wouldn't know, I had completely stopped watching CN by that point. Hell, I had pretty much dropped Adult Swim by then.
Thank g*d we live in a more sensible time
People have no culture so they latch onto a shitty video rental store that closed down because they think it's cute and anachronistic
watching it on youtube now, its basically vine before vine
The same guys made a follow up video in 2014. It goes about as well as you would expect.
Damn the difference here is enormous. Make me want to cry honestly.
Cheers to that guy for going back and making another video.
What kind of drop-dead retard would pay 2x the regular price for a box of candy?
t. coastal faggots
>Nausicaa, Matrix & Full Metal Jacket
My man.
there was some good stuff going on in the year 2000. I thought things were going to get better than 1998 and 97. We diverged into a different timeline. I swear to god, people today are robots.
One of these days I lowkey want to do a pilgrimage to that last remaining Blockbuster out in Oregon or whatever and smell that haunting Blockbuster smell one last time.
>tfw 8 years since mine closed down along with my favorite hot dog joint
Boomers just reminiscing about their youth and consumerism
They look pretty normal
I walked into my local one and it was literally 90% cuck shit and the rest were JAV's, I shit you not. They even had The Itallian Stallion.
>nfs underground 2
such kino game boys, where do the years (and the childish innocence) go
Because no one cares about Canada
You mean they wont make random characters black anymore and shitty fanfic? Oh no please stop the horror.