Tarantino's next movie about Israel

Industry user possibly just leaked info on Tarantino's next movie.
>married Khazar milkers late last year. True. I looked it up. That's her.
>fell in love with Israel film culture and Zionism, prob on honeymoon after 6 million hours of footsy
>wife introduced him to IDF Mossadfags. She probably is IDF like all the rest. Gal Gadot.
>Weinstein may have helped him out before MeToo.
>Tarantino making a hooknosed James Bond but more realistic "like Reservoir Dogs" on Nolan scale
>Star Trek still happening too

Legit? Who knows. But I'm fed up with the Quentinfags on this board. Blacks are kewl and now Jews are kewl. Makes sense.

Old thread

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How come Jewish women have such a power over goyim?

okay but what about the star trek film

What phenotype is this?

Attached: 77120943-new-york-ny-usa-april-26-2017-quentin-tarantino-attends-25th-anniversary-retrospective-scre (874x1300, 160K)

>Q user is true!

>I'm fed up with the Quentinfags on this board

The only Tarantino threads I ever even see on Yea Forums are anons complaining about him, so I don't understand

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How can we end the grip the jews have on the eternal anglosphere?

>marries in israeli
>hurr durr my fantasy about an imaginary israeli film he's making is supported by this fact
yeah holds up under scrutiny

Common bridge troll

No one on this site is an actual "insider" of any industry. The people who say they are are all larping from their parents basements.

He already did a Jewish revenge movie and you were so retarded you didn't notice.


>saying phenotype to sound smarter
Kill yourself.

Complaining about Tarantino is evidence that the average poster on this board is fucking retarded and autistic. Tarantino is a legend. He has 160 of IQ and his kinos prove that. user is just too fucking autistic and retarded to ever understand.

Remember, this is a board who is unable to appreciate Shame or even understand what it's about. Plebs.


That jewess is flatter than day-old warm Pepsi.

Kinographus Rex

Dude out of zodiac but with longer hair

they got him bros

>Weinstein may have helped him out before MeToo.
No fucking shit

Israel and jews are two different things...

White American

Attached: Niggerslol.jpg (403x529, 208K)

>believing """insider""" """information""" posted on Yea Forums
he cited his jewish wife and the positive poll quote he gave for Big Bad Wolves(an Israeli film), he really went digging for jewish connections to back up his made up Mossad spy thriller, it's way too obvious to not be bullshit.

ok, but how is the foot game?

Tarantino, is that you?!

Jeeeeezus how transparently thirsty is he for an Oscar? Too bad that academy just let in a bunch of non jews for the sake of "diversity" and none of them will bite for that kind of bait anymore lol

I've spotted the projecting loser. If you actually left your house you would realize how cathartic it can be to just say what you want at times.

user, you're using the wrong word.

Looks Italian, maybe some Irish. Upper lip can show some Jewish traces.

That thread was pretty convincing though famalam. They definitely knew some things.

WWII, big difference from a Mossad modern dark ops thing. I could honestly see Tarantino converting to Judaism. Usually gentiles have to. Without Weinstein he probably needs to firm up connections with The Tribe Inc.

Black Cube?

How's her foot game?

But it's also feasible b/c he's ready to expand beyond stories about Americans and America, and his wife will start appearing in his films now. Look at her. That's his end of the bargain. His kids will be half Jewish, half pork.

just like the rest of her

is it time to gas gas gas

>phenotype is a big word
For you

The habsburg