Here’s your 2019 movie gun bro

here’s your 2019 movie gun bro

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Jesus, this isn't a gore thread user!

3-Gun is becoming the crossfit of shooting


here's your 2016 movie gun bro

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/pol/ here never goes away, and mods don't do shit. Why should we be turned away when they are not?

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What an ugly monstrosity. I hate to think this thing even exists.

That MP7 and pirate gun are so fucking sexy.

Vector is so damn ugly god



don't forget guns for the baddies

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>we need something for the vaguely european disposable henchman
>sir the truckload has already been delivered

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the non-sport version obviously


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what if i HK slap your shit?

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That is a cut down M79 40mm grenade launcher. Always wanted to try it, all I have shot is rifle mounted M203. Though I'm glad I wasn't assigned a rifle with a 203, we nearly never used them overseas, and the added weight on top of everything else on your rifle is a bitch.

Pic related, if you look real close you can see the grenade in flight on the right.

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I hate those grids. Looks like a gun I used to make with building blocks

Do you have a suggestion for jackets or vest?

Nice Fallout 4 mod of that though.


>That is a cut down M79 40mm grenade launcher
I know, user. I apologize for not calling it by name.
>all I have shot is rifle mounted M203.
My friend fired an MK19 when he was doing some deployment workup or something and he liked it a lot. Maybe you'll still get the chance to.

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Only time a fired a well functioning MK19 was at OSUT, afterwards they were a pain in the ass when in came to maintenance overseas, we essentially abandoned them and worked with M2s and M240s. A lot more reliable.

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>we need a helicopter for the spec ops team

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>muh /pol/

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You assholes are delusional and don't respect borders, the same ones that you obsess about every single fucking day.

"do as I say, not as I do". That's /pol/. You assholes are pathetic thinking everyone here likes /pol/. We don't.

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I'm growing my mustache back out and buying a big fleece jacket next winter

>We don't.
Speak for yourself.


t. Noguns

>we essentially abandoned them and worked with M2s and M240s. A lot more reliable.
Based. Are the red tips tracers or..?

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>t. can't even use basic memes right

>not everyone of us

Go to /k/, you shitheads take every thread into off-topic grounds, and a lot of /k/omrads are resentful because of it. We can never talk about the topic at hand because you fags can't respect the board you are on. It is impossible to have objective discussion on weapons because a lot of you are stuck in the /pol/ mindset no matter what other board you browse.

Same thing here on Yea Forums. Where a lot of us want to discuss movies and television, you jack-asses turn into some shit about race/ethnicity/religion.

Calling me a faggot really isn't an insult anymore, I'm conditioned to it.

Yes, on M2s usually every 5th round. We actually learned to start using our 1st magazine in our rifles full of tracers, so we everyone else could see the target we identified.

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At least I own guns

Here's your MCU gun bro.

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Thanks for the info, user. I want to get a Acog for my AR I got but I want to get decent with the irons first and eventually get a dot or nice glass.

thats honestly a lame ass looking gun

What rifle model is that, I must know

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>Though I'm glad I wasn't assigned a rifle with a 203

but it looks so cool though

Billy had the most kino sniper rifle.

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Who said I don't? Guns are awesome.
IDGAF about pol actually, but it seems obvious who took it into that direction, not too hard to follow that little trail of posts.

SA58 manufactured by DSA

back to leftypol faggot.

Damn i guess Generation Kill was accurate about the reliability of the Mk 19s.

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Did he use the sawn off M79 as a launcher with pic related or that buckshot 40mm round?

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Probably neither, those things are a gimmick

ACOG was one of the best investments I ever made (got issued a M68, which I hated).


While M203s are sexy, doing 16+ hours with them can be a bitch. ounces turn into pounds very easily. Carrying a M240 on dismounted patrols (with at least 400 rounds) is worse.
Sand is god-awful when it comes to the MK19, you clean it, it will get clogged up in less than an hour.

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sponsored by Magpul

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