How'd they know Sunny was gonna be there?

How'd they know Sunny was gonna be there?

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Because he was a made man

Because Carlo set him up by beating up his sister

It's Sonny you dipshit

That seems far fetched.

Tomato Tomatoe

It's not
Carlo knew that Sonny wold come beat him up if he laid his hands on Connie again
Carlo hated Sonny
Carlo knew that Barzini would pay him for handing him over
They also knew whch road was the fastest from Corleone compound to Connie and Carlo's home

>they show sonny getting blasted in the trailer
is there a worse movie trailer for a good movie?

It's an adaptation of a best selling book, spoilers were not a concern

I feel like everyone knows what happens just thru cutural osmosis. Like star wars

Wouldn't they figure that out and kill Carlo anyway though? He can't keep getting away with beating her. Someone else would know like Michael

Barzini didn't really give a shit if Carlo would die from revenge or not.

Zoomer and just watched the first part yesterday. Does it get better?

Carlo would though

The game is very good

Carlo was a dumbass who didn't think that Michael would connect the dots, kinda like He never had the makings of a varsity athlete

Don't insult me ever again

You're weak, you're outta control and you became an embarassment to yourself and everybody else

Well it was pretty safe to assume the Corleone family would be finished at that point. Not a single person expected Michael to be as formidable as he ended up being.

read the book stupid

your hair was in the toilet. disgusting!

Part one and two ar on par, but God dammit, stay away from part three. I just watched it for the first time from pure boredom and curiosity and while being unoffensive 6/10 if you ignore the abysmal performance of Sofia Copola, comparing it to the previous films makes it sink and stink

I've said my peace, Chrissy!

I did in late elementary school. Not even kidding. I liked the game on ps2

i TOKED to barzini

>I did in late elementary school
a true detraction from your intellect. read it again with a grown-up mind, studycunt

All i remember is the cum running down the girl Sonny is bangings leg and talking to my teacher about the toilet scene

I recently read the book and it really had a lot of nifty shit in it. Like Luca Brassi's background. Jesus fucking Christ, that guy was insane.