Why do zoomers hate this movie?

Why do zoomers hate this movie?

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Zoomers have never heard of that movie

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keep zooming

I'm 26 and I don't know what movie that is

die zoomer

Zoomer here. Whats the movie called?

Chill out gramps you’ll put your back out again

27 so not sure if boomer or zoomer but board culture implies boomer. And I can't tell what movie this is exactly. Is it that gay Zach Braff indie bullshit movie? If so no one should see it, including me

I'm a boomer and I hate that movie.

What movie

they zoom zoom instead of boom boom

because portman is 65 years old now and they didn't grow up watching scrubs

>Reverse search the image to find the name of the pic.
>Google thinks Natalie Portman is Andre the giant.
lol what the fuck?

Back when Portman was fuckeable

I'm pretty sure everyone hated this back when it came out.

Nah, I'd still stick it in her shlag.

what the fuck

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Still is

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Apparently it's called Garden State?

That's not Leon.

Yeah it's Garden State.

Can someone post the "BASTE GRINJ ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM" vocaroo?

But he didn't post a screenshot from Leon

>um, a female character that's interesting, charismatic, intelligent and charming? That's a misogynist trope, incel

is that nipple

I'm 35 and I have no idea what movie that is

Why do brap-posters love this movie?

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They can't appreciate pretentious self-pitying 30-something manchild twee indie rock soundtrack dramedy kino

What is it?

Zachary Braff's award winning 2004 work "Garden State"

its shit desu
my ex gf loved it tho

I love this movie.

>starred in
Legit genius. This movie is the finest indie movie to date.

>watch garden state blind
>man this is pretty ahead of its time for 1999

So braff watched Prozac nation and was all like “I can do better than that shit!”

garden state (2004)

Idk why my results are diffent than yours.

Also hitler is in there for some reason.

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Huh, who would have guessed Mexican Google is dumber than American Google

imagine watching a movie with zach braff

sounds comfy. you could snuggle with him.

I think everyone hates Garden State

Was Natalie the first manic pixie dream girl?

Of course women hate MPDG, they hate everything that's better than them or that shows an alternative to some fat slob who spends all day on instagram and drinking wine

i enjoy when i watched on 2005. i was a 21 retard back them, ignorance is bliss.

now i cant stand scrubs, this annoying jew, the shins has juat those two songs thay play in the movie and the story is nit dramatic.

>prime autistic natalie portman wanna be my girl

i feel bad for the other guy, solid acting here, but his career never go anywere and he is the husbund of gylenhaal sister who looks like shit.

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i rewatchd it last year after a decade and I could see why i thought it was douchey then but i still kind of liked it this time around. its not bad even if its tryhardy.