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Other urls found in this thread:

We did it reddit

All it took was a rerelease. So scummy.


Avatar had one as well you shithead

fake and gay

Wasn't Avatar in theaters for literally a year?

So falls the house of cameron

Watching every Marvel movie 54 times finally paid off

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It's fake

Say that to my face and not online see what happens

No shit. Cape shit faggots are absolute scum dogs.

>All it took was 20something movies, 10 years of build-up and all the money Disney could invest to promote this piece of crap
>Just to beat one movie featuring furries

It seems the Avengers and all the other worthless Marvel heroes always were salvageable. It only needed the money from one of the biggest entertainment companies in the world.

Avatar has always been utter shit.

cope harder avafag

Stay mad, Marvelcucks.

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>implying avachads fall for weak bait
when will marvlets learn?

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Avatar had several

ignoring that this is fake, what if james re released Avatar in china?

fake image. Many such cases

Cry more, butthurt hater.

I keep checking how Endgame is doing literally a dozens of times a day. Anyone else actually losing sleep over this?

>Avatar had one as well you shithead
Yeah because people actually wanted to see it, not because they anything to prove since they were already number one by miles

>ITT: Butthurt haters being butthurt about The #1 Movie of All Time that changed the cinema forever
Cry more.

4 billion easy


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>caring for a children's movie and space pocahontas
>thinking that money is yours

No. They have pills for capeshit and autism

>mfw my capefag friend didn't even know about the re-release
topkek capeshits.

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>inb4 caperedditor denial

Based redditors spotter

>after a century of comics consisting characters that were based on ancient deities from ancient stories that spanned over a millennia ago
>after generation after generation of vidya, retcon, fan service, and all other kinds of marketing
>after billions upon billions of dollars spent on over 22 movies over the past decade
>after all the effort humanity put in leading up to this finale
>imagine... just imagine... it doesn't do it
>just imagine, that standalone film FROM said decade ago that began that cinematic challenge remains at the top
>imagine it doesn't break that 3 billion and become the top grossed movie in human history
>imagine re-releasing your capeshit film with even MORE footage and STILL losing
>imagine, after ALL that, you STILL don't come out on top
>imagine lying with clickbait threads just get (You)'s
now that would be embarrassing

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Due to demand. It didn't need to be re-released with 30 seconds of extra footage.

how can i drop my chili sauce in that qt's bowl if you catch my drill

It doesnt matter, Disney is gonna release Avatar the year before 2 comes out

This thread is full of fake news in this thread. The truth is Endgame's rerelease opening weekend only pulled in a little under 8 million worldwide. It's over; Endgame officially won't beat Avatar. It would need to pull in another 22 million to win, and it's now crystal clear that such a feat is impossible. Keep crying, MCUcks.


I don't think people realize yet that Cameron has NEVER publicly denounced Trump. If more people realize this then I feel we can get Endgame to beat Avatar.

Personally I watched it 5 times over the weekend. Me and my friends plan on going into beast mode this upcoming weekend, aiming for 10 times. Fuck Cameron, fuck Avatar and fuck Trump.

We finally did it

>Capeshit drones have to resort to fantasy

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What the? I just had my asthma shots and now I learn that Cameron is basically a Drumpf drone? Amazing.. how did that man keep his career? We can't let him escape bros. I'm telling all my friends! Fuck avatar!!!!!!!!

People who watch Marvel movies, or CAPENIGGERS as I like to call them, are not important.
In fact, they are as important as NIGGERS, which is very, very little!

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>imagine touting your movie as the most technologically advanced marvel in the past 50 years
>imagine people going to see it based purely on that suggestion
>imagine considering those people as fans of your movie

Try harder

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Took long enough

No noNO you're LYING

Haha nice shop avatard

Haha avengetards btfo

it's the 2nd highest grossing film, that's still good to me :)

As opposed to Avatar using 3D and a long-ass run?

People actually wanted to see Avengers too or else it would've stopped making money.

but all those 20 movies made a fuck ton of money too
what's your point

We did it bros! Our favorite corporation made more money!

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>>after a century of comics consisting characters that were based on ancient deities from ancient stories that spanned over a millennia ago

Were you the turbo retard a few weeks ago who tried to say capeshit was the same to Americans as Greek Mythology was to the Greeks because they both followed vaguely the same ideas of wish fulfillment and ideals? Man, I really wish you would stop coming back to Yea Forums, it is extremely unfortunate to be witnessing your posts.

no, but clearly you must've gotten a reaction
this was the bases for mr glass's character in Unbreakable btw
but if you don't know who thor is mythologically, or Odin and Bor, then what a sad fate

Yep, you're him. You type exactly the same, and have the same brand of ESL stink about you. Goddamn it, I hate that you're still here.

>Yep, you're him.
k schizo, take your looney pills

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This amount of cope HOLY. FUCK.

That guy's actually pretty handsome and doesn't look like a nerd or soiboy at all.

The fact that you replied so quickly after my random ass post that was nearly TWO HOURS after yours, in a nearly dead thread, tells me that you made this thread yourself and you've been monitoring it. It was the same thing last time; you stayed in the thread for the whole day replying to people as they called you an idiot. Why are you hiding this? You're anonymous; as long as you correct your typing mannerisms and learn some more English you can escape this "persona" you've created just fine.

it was also only a 10m increase, wonder if endgame will even be 15m away by the end of this


Yeah, I figured you didn't want to continue that conversation. Oh well; at least I gave your thread some bumps.

Hey schizo, mind linking this thread you keep going on about? Curious to see how much you must have been btfo to start having a trigger episode out of the blue weeks after

Avatar is releasing again ahead of Avatar 2 where it'll BTFO capeshit forever. Cap this redditors

>they didn't see the rerelease?
>Make the call, Mick

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you won't get a single penny of that, keep shilling your garbage all you want for completely free.

What an odd angle. Is that going to be your out? Why defend your anonymous self so hard? We have no names, here.

Incels btfo

Avatar is still at $3.2 billion inflation adjusted for 2019 dollars. Endgame never had a chance.

I don't see any crossthread or 4pleb links, just more shitposting

I really just felt like calling you out. It's shitposting, sure, but this is Yea Forums. There's no higher calling to quality here, especially in a thread as terrible as this. I was simultaneously surprised and disappointed that I could actually recognize your autism weeks after I'd initially witnessed it. This is especially terrible for me because I regularly post here from time to time, and I know I'm going to run into your stupid ass again, even if I won't always know it's you. Man, what a goofy day for my Yea Forums life.


Avatar's came out long after the blu-ray was out, Avengers is cheating a bit by re releasing before the home release

Well, pardon us... Mr Gucci Loafers.

>doesn't even post a link
Wonder if this thread or scenario even happened or exists, schizos tend to have fake memories and whatnot


That's a meme Yea Forumschads use when they send a sucker on a wild goose chase to disprove their bait.

who the fuck cares about how much money they people make? pffff...

>Why no I've never seen avatar or a marvel movie

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avatar's sequel is gonna dab on that capeshit numale onions sjw shareblue shill jewish communist garbage

That's how the average Marvel fans look like, idiot. They are all Chad, Stacy, or old, happy Chad-Stacy couple with their little Chad and little Stacy.

Has he seriously seen the movie 150 times? Jesus seeing it twice was enough for me.

Infinity War is so much better then End Game too.

He has autism and sees it multiple times a day.

Sneedposters are so predictable in their replies

What a waste of time. I love how he tweets trying to get attention of the cast.
Just screams he is a an attention seeker, hoping like hell one of them re tweets him.

Social Media was a mistake. Its driven people insane.