Did Opie ever have any redeeming moments...

Did Opie ever have any redeeming moments? Seems like he's just an asshole who wasn't funny and would always find a way to interrupt the best parts.

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He was good at bullying dummies, and riding out awkward moments with angry guests or whatever. Ant hates conflict and can’t deal.

Opuses biggest accomplishment is not having Convicted pedo Kurt Love at his compound and not having a mooch faggot brother like Joe Cumia. Also Opie never fucked Sue Lightning

No. 2 years ago I couldn't listen to old shows because of opie. Now I can't because of brother ant.
He's just dispicaple

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He didn't fuck trannies.


Unironically Don Geronimo is 10x funnier than Opie desu

he looks like Mr Anderson aka Ken Kennedy aka JUST

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Literally who

mantits and nana in the morning


He always came off as a tool because he had a 24/7 thought in his head that told him that demeaning others was humorous, when in reality it takes skills he doesn't possess. There's a reason why they're terms like Gregshells and NOpie.

Opie being mean to people was some of the funniest stuff O&A did and even if he wasn't funny most of the time he still put effort in, Norton & Nana Cumia would just talk about tranny cock and movies from the 70s all day if Opie didn't steer the ship

During peak O and A, this was true.....but it ceased being a thing when he had kids. He couldn’t even enjoy Uncle Paul.

>He couldn’t even enjoy Uncle Paul.
He always was a little tattle tale
heh heh heh

He made Tucker Max cry and look like a retard.

The best was the one time uncle Paul broke character and explicitly said “then you fuck them”. It was beautifully absurd

he steered the ship

>Opie never fucked Sue Lightning

That's cause he's a faggot. That moron became a multi-millionaire and stayed with the woman he got when he was a poorfag. What fucking retard lmao

Kek imagine making fun of Opies appearance when his coworkers were ghoul Cumia and worm Norton

thankfully uncle norton only likes ADULT molestation victims

so um
you guys on the sub or the forum?

About as well as the captain of the Titanic. What a useless sack of shit he is, radio since 18 fuck off morning zoo jock. It's amazing he had the balls to do Jocktober when he was a hole himself for his entire career.

Him or Anthony are just the luckiest fucks to ever graze radio. How they ever had an audience I will never comprehend

Settle down Greg

All roads lead to molestation

Ya what a retard

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Childhood is idolizing Opie and Anthony

Adulthood is realizing Ron and Fez makes more sense.

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well, at least a few in a select long island neighborhood do

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He was overly jealous that ant got along with the comedians so well. It ate him because he wanted the attention.

Ants wife was fine

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Ron is a bigger faggot than Fez. Fucking liberal beret wearing dickhead.

Friendship ended with Opie.

Now Gavin is my best friend.

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his thoughts were more like "I better say say something otherwise they'll fire me and just make it the Anthony and Jimmy show"

Hey guys did you know that Opie worked for the mob? He never liked to mention it though.

Ron and Fez really were the Best. Thing. Going. TODAY!
They’ll never be another show as good as it was.

He has enough money to fuck a new 10/10 every single night. That is if he weren't an autistic wierdo who annoys women with his cringey, tryhard babyboy antics. Anthony is the ugliest fucker on the planet and his house is a revolving door of prime pussy.

Who is that Corsican pimp with Dr. Zaius ?

post show opie was by far the least bad one

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>not liking mean opie
>not appreciating him keeping the pace brisk
>thinking people are less funny while on gregshells
pleb: filtered

Does Opie still do a podcast?

t. Gregg Hughes

there's no sub anymore
the only time in my life I used reddit was when the sub existed

he was the one that asked Anthony to do an impression of Andrew Dice Clay as Ronald Reagan giving the Challenger accident speech, which is possibly the hardest I've ever laughed at anything in my entire life


imagine being contrarian to the point where you actually defend opie on an internet forum

no, he stopped
probably couldn't handle the mocking anymore
also he's lazy


the only thing I can say about opie is that he is probably a awesome customer if you're a waiter at a restaurant and gives great tips

as a waiter I can tell

other than that...


telling ant to do something funny is what steveC should have been doing though

I fuckin wish

Geez, what's his endgame now? TV? Jackass show?

Opie managed to make an enemy of Rich Vos, who is a genuine bro. Opie is a piece of shit

He does, Luis J Gomez was on the latest ep.

>Rich Vos
Who will be preforming at Punchline Atlanta on July 11th during the 11:00PM set

mush mouth jew with a whole 15 minutes of standup material.

There is, opienanthonyxyz I think it is.

I like how he always referred to his girlfriend and then wife as his chick. He sounds like he's still in high school. She probably gets plenty of side dick.

He steered the ship

his endgame is spending the money he has left and dying

such a good girl


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But Ron is a barely functioning retard


who /watp/ here

she was brother joe's ex girlfriend

Gavin thinks being conservative is punk rock


when fucked up generic white boys are in charge, it is.

Anthony bangs young girls and traps. He is incredibly based.

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no itsh not me sheriously you guys

Realistically it's prob one of his 8 retard mouth breathing brothers.

Why did Joe Rogan ignore Opie?

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Not like Gregorio, such a bad boy

No, it really isn't

>post pic of ant with gun
>Doesn’t realize he’s a /nogun/ felon

Nana only has his weird alt Twitter now

lol you were totally there bro

>Recently stumbled upon Patrice O'Niel.
>Get into all the Anthony and Opie show stuff featuring Patrice.
>Some of the funniest stuff ever.
>Decide to look up where they all are now.
>Patrice died a horrific death where a stroke slowly removed all his bodily functions, until he could only communicate with his eyes before finally dying.
>Anthony and Opie faded away, continued to get fired all over the place.

Jesus christ.

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>until he could only communicate with his eyes before finally dying.
lol bet "surviving" didnt seem so bad then

Great shotgun btw. Kino for home defense.

>mentions Retarded Brothers
>Doesn’t realize Joe Cumia is more Retarded on a good day then the Hughes brothers are on their worst

I have daydreams about helping patrice lose the weight and beat his diabetes

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The O&A cast is most cursed
>Steve dead
>Patrice dead
>Otto dead
>Geraldo dead
>Tippy Tom dead
>Lady Di brain dead
>Danny in mental institution
>Ant felon lives in obscurity
>Opie Jobless punchline
>Vos a nobody
>Bobby Kelly Fat to the point of death a nobody
>Jim Norton Living off bones of o&a a nobody
>Sam Roberts got horrifically ugly a punchline
>Louie a social pariah

Did I miss anyone?

Opie’s greatest strength was his ability to force the issue with guests and vapid whores that they brought in. While Ant and Jim fawned over them, Opie would make sure that they were taken to task for being holes.

His highlights include the Amy Sutherland interview, calling out Patrice’s girlfriend for stealing from his fans, slave girl, etc

he gets btfo every single day now by a random fag named carl, he's a pathetic failure and he was never good


I'm glad your subreddit got shut down

Another highlight is how he continuously prodded along the conflict between Jim Jeffries and that redhead girl. If it was up to Ant and Jim, that would’ve stayed playful, but Opie kept the train rolling, eventually leading to a hilarious argument

The people on those Subreddits are insane and stalkers. I liked poking fun at the OnA world but those people honestly need help.

>There's a reason why they're terms like Gregshells and NOpie
Made up by Redditors who unironically believed the show was better off without him. The reason why we have Jim and Sam now, which is pretty much the worst show on the radio.

>Ant felon
you do know during his trial, the police accidentally 'lost' all the security camera footage that they seized from his home? He has cameras everywhere and very likely, the 'assault' would have been on one of those disks. The prosecutor in his case was caught burying evidence in another domestic violence case that could have exonerated the man.


Or a school shooting

Danny ended up in a mental institution? Jesus christ.

Cumia is a good occasional guest on the PKA podcast.

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Say what you will about Opie, but he is happily married with children, while Ant and Jim are going to die alone.

bill burr

brother joe has done a number on himself recently

based Joe

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>He was good at bullying dummies

I remember Jenny Hutt was on the show one day telling a story of an old man that molested her in the woods as a kid. When she finished the story the room was silent and Opie lets out a sigh and goes "Even your molestation story is boring". One of the hardest laughs I've ever had with O&A. He can be funny on occasion.

If you say so fbi, but that's never happened before.

reminder that patrice liked and got along with opie and there's nothing you can do about it

Hey I don’t know about any of that I just know he plead guilty. It tarnished his reputation even further.
Ya he’s out now I think but he had his second mental breakdown a few months ago and his dad has to put him back inside the institution.
Burrs respected idk if he escaped the curse when you look at his wife though
Ya but BroJoe has always been a cringe worthy dipshit, he’s just manage to degenerate further.

>patrice is a dead cuck who got worked by a money grubbing whore

never forget

>somehow Bobo outlasted all of them

Based Bobes.

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Big A is alive too somehow

This was actuallty really funny of Opie


THAT'S the woman that took all his money? holy fucking shit

steve committed suicide pretty sure.

it's a great show but he sucks Cumia's dick too much, also saying Dave Landau is funny is a fucking crime

Just let it go, man.

Imagine being so butthurt about the Howard Stern leak that you had to make this thread.

This. On cumtown Nick was talking about how people come up to Rich Vos and ask him about radio stuff from 15 years ago. Just let O & A die.

Rich should be thankful, it’s the only reason anyone gives a shit about him. He’s a no talent hack and a meme

>Rich Vos gets asked questions about a major part of his career
Cumtown is just pissed that they look like church ladies compared to the actual ugly edginess of O&A

HELL yea my guy, that was my shit

what a lying spoiled fratfaggot that guy was, he lies almost as much as Joey Diaz


imaging being part of the "Proud Boys", imagine being part of an organization that was started by a guy who fucked his ass with a dildo on livestream to prove he's okay with the gays

And kissed milo but he’s totally not a tatted druggie degenerate but a tough guy leader


lmao you guys get so butthurt about that

Bobo also died this year

i wish

youre loying thats not true thats a loy

>That's the thing about Erock... he LOOKS fat, but he's NOT fat!

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Who was the best intern and why was it intern David?

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I remember I had a friend who thought all the Tucker Max stories were real and he thought he was a great writer.

God the latest episode was garbage, what the fuck was Karl thinking?

> He still got pyramid brick dust under his fingernails

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>He still got the blood of virgin christian's on his lips
theres only so much a man can get away with.....

Kosher Sports was kino

>tfw chip is opie

Opie wasn't as bad during the WNEW days

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bonnie ruined vos

Rich is such a beta. Sad!

>diet snapple

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Opie said that about 70lbs ago

That looks like Edgar Mellencamp.


He'd have a decent line every once in a while, but caused more unfunny and cringe moments far more often. Opie was a net-loss for the show.


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>it's a Rich drags his unfunny ''''''''''''comic'''''''''''' wife to the show and everyone in the room has to pretend she is ''''''''''''one of the guys'''''''''''' episode
Voss doing standup in Starbucks was kino tho

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>tfw rogan only started up his podcast because Ant started doing his own from his basement

Audibly gasped at this. Is this shopped? I haven't seen a pic of Erik in years. He looks fhucking terrible.

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The Opster gonna show Rogan what a true broadcaster sounds like


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Colin's netflix specials are pretty okay

anything funny he did was being a dick which anyone could do like when he pissed on that guy's book or hanging up on callers

>imblying he ever looked good

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I have no idea, the last few episodes have all been kind of fucked. I think that bitch he kept trying to get to call in messed up his brain

Paris is a qt. She also gives good top.

Nothing will ever compare to golden age O&A, but cumtown makes way more sense in the current age of course.

Fuck I remember that. Its here at 2:18


Just finished Ant's book. He confirms Steve killed himself about one year after Opie had him fired. He doesn't insinuate Opie, but he does say that the day they found out he showed no emotion or care whatsoever.

It's great as an audiobook. I've listened to it a few times.

>what's a Friday night for E-Rock like?
Well, uuuh, I've got a dog and uuhhhh I gotta go food shopping, and uhhhh...yeah.

Is E-Rock one of us?

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every time