Best of the Worst: Black Spine Edition #3

Get in here fellow alcoholics

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Other urls found in this thread:

>They didn't censor the full frontal before the knife got in there.
I don't think they know what kind of people they might be dealing with.

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stop shilling this reddit garbage

>that black girl with the big melons

t. Mike Matei

The jenga game was unironically the most engrossing thing I’ve watched in years

Why does Jack look so weird in this episode? Is he alright? He seems ill.

How can you still watch them after Mike said this about you.

>will never have a cute rule 63 Rich Evans gf
It's not fair

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why did they make femrich shorter than femjay?

I hope you shit up the H3H3 threads too kike

It's just a deer's butthole.

>tfw no Evil Dead gf

I'm disappointed they decided to skip the Weird New Jersey tape. It's about various haunted places around New Jersey, and it's right in Mike's wheelhouse.


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That's just Wisconsin, don't come up here unless you can throw 'em back. We drink on a different level, you don't even know.

I’ll back them on patreon if they release the unedited footage of it

Was Mike raped by a priest as a kid? Why the constant hate against Christians?


Mike's stack sounded more interesting.

i was unironically in suspense


>Mike will never prone bone me
Why live

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Joke's on you, I'm German.
I challenge you to a Stiefelsaufen.

Is Jay lifting now?

imagine this mess trying to subvert your favorite tv shows

Our boy Mike has lost weight but has gained grey hair.

>aidsmoby rehired
call me crazy but i'm starting to think that jack may not be a full-time employee of RLM and merely appears when they need him to.


His arms are definitely bigger

That picture is r*ddit incarnate.

Junka was fun

I'm not sure if it's tumblr noses or just a sign of their crippling alcoholism

Fuck I wanted them to watch that house clearing tape

I wanted Mike to learn how to build his own haunted house

I want more tricky people

I actually thought he looked the fattest he has in a while in this. If you go back to like 2015 he looks considerably better, he just hides his fat with his beard now.

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You posted this in another thread. If you’re trying to make this a pasta, it’s the lamest pasta imaginable

I'm not an alcoholic, I drink irregularly.

He definitely stopped going or goes minimally now.

So is Jay finally out of the closet? He did like California Big Hunks.

you're like gossiping girls. utter faggotry, please kill yourself or get cancer and die slowly.


I am a girl, so.....

He's right you know. That film was crap.

>California Big Hunks comes on
>jay instantly gets jiggy with it
he knows what the people want

London? are we still doing london?

fucking hell that was in Jay's pile too, I was hoping they would get to that because it sounded interesting from what James talked about.

Ladies’ Right to Survive, there's a clip of it at 17:59


I want R63 Mike to sit on my face!

that'd make a great movie, like they go back in time to stop Freddie Mercury from getting AIDS and shit

He's looking kind of chunky these days. Maybe his AIDS got cured?

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Mike > Rich > Jay > Bald > Beard

he sure seems funnier

the intention of the film was crap, but it did effectively portray a crazy lady deluding herself

_ _____ ____ ____ ____

hes reaching peak dad bod

He's fat and thus looks shorter

Jay is a pretentious hipster. Rich is a pretentious contrarian. Beard is not funny.

>someone drew this
>someone is going to one day jerk off to it

>implying someone hasn't masturbated already from the 5 replies in this thread alone

It's not like it's new. I'm sure countless people already have

who has a link to the uncut dinosaur video. lets go

What about Canadians, Len Kabasinski and Max Landis?

I can't believe I watched 14 minutes of people playing jenga

Did California Big Hunks save RLM from the brink? That shit was hillarious

Human Hunks

More serious disclaimers "told to you by a man in a yellow dinosaur costume"

I reckon we'll get a Wisconsin Big Hunks video any month now

Rich said he hated it then pick it as his favorite, and also disappeared halfway through to jerk off in the bathroom

To be fair, it was pretty exciting and tense at times.

Not gonna lie, the girl in makeup getting photographed looked pretty attractive

I can't believe they were so squeamish about gutting a deer, they live in Wisconsin for fuck's sake, a state where kids can get out of school for opening day of hunting season.

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rlm has the best pedo jokes
I remember this
and when mike said that natalie portmans best role was being a sexy 12 year old

Stop shilling reddit media you faggots. Mods are worthless

>the girl's outfit in the tricky people video

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>Mods are worthless
mods actually deleted the previous three rlm threads with this recent video

Are you a tricky person, user?

No, too dumb for that

>tumblr nose

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Now wait a minute, Mike NOoo!!!

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The unedited nose looks more real

Based aidsmoby outing jay.

>"Smokin' hot latina"


>more real
t. face blind autistic

fucking hell is rich dying?

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We're all dying.

Why did Jack do a jewish voice when he was pretending to be the sleazy producer of california bug hunks?

Because stereotypes are funny

Because everybody instinctively knows Mormons control the media

His lookin more like the original hills have eyes guy

These boys are soft film faggot

I hate when artists overuse the red nose gimmick. It makes everyone look sickly.

He straight up admitted to not making it to old age in this vid so probably

I'd rather watch
they can't catch a break anywhere... or anywhen

Michael Berryman, lol

Jay is a secret fatty. He's put a lot on in the last two years.

wtf i love aidsmoby now

He was putting on weight toward the end of the gaming youtube thing. I think he was on a healthy kick one year, then just quit and hid it for awhile. Probably just being a dad.

It's still bizarre, I'm not a hunter and even I've helped peel the skin off a deer carcass at least once in my life. I could see them having the reaction they did if they were coast-dwelling pansies, but they live in the midwest, they should be acclimated to this shit by this point in their lives.
I guarantee all four of them have hit a deer with their vehicle at least once, there's literally no way you can live in WI and avoid them forever.

it's pretty based that they actually tried hard at the Janga thing. Most of these youtube channels would just jokingly do it and make quips

that cowboy strip song is, i need the whole thing

Who gives a shit, you fucking faggot?

WTF Rich freaks them all out when he's like "I won't" be alive and you'll all be old. 21:00 in.

he's bulking

Everyone? don't get triggered porker.

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RLM is the only content out there where it seems like they're actually having fun and not just doing it purely for the cash.

lol that mac n me clip who would guess drinking beer all day and watching movies would make you fat user

because they all have fucking jobs that are not pumping out click bait for shekels. every youtuber with a real job isnt insufferable.

Midwesterners don't like to move around much. And eat too much cheese. It's pretty pointless to fight. Their ancestors did the same but they were going around killing people and hunting to shed the weight. Modern society caught up to them.

You mean not having to pretend to love every piece of content from a specific company won't make you jump off a bridge?

Maker of Tricky People is 100% a tricky person.

>Midwesterners don't like to move around much
To be fair that's mostly because the environment is trying to murder you for the majority of the year, compelling you to sit inside except for the precious few months when it gets too hot and you sit inside with the AC blasting.
Also don't talk shit about cheese curds you worthless filthy casual, I bet your weak-ass little body couldn't even handle one. Your stomach is a coward.

Califronia hunks

>awkwardly sigh and talk about the synth music to avoid the giant gorilla in the room
>Rich calls them narcissists for not being fat
>Aids moby gets really gay as the most SJW and liberal leaning member. Acts like it's cool and they are his fun stripper friends and not making him hard.

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I live in the south. I could handle anything. I just know cheese is largely for fat people.

I’m a Canadian and can sympathize with you midwesterners, fortunately we aren’t in modern times yet so we aren’t totally fat . Also I share your love for cheese curds

If you don't like cheese curds then you're just in the whey, step aside casual.

>forgetting all the times Mike and Jay memed Weinstein and (((white guys in Hollywood)))

Everyone knows, but nobody wants to draw heat from the ADL

Despite living only a couple hours south of you canucks, I've never had an opportunity to try your national dish of curds and gravy over fries. It honestly looks fucking delicious.

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I like the idea of RLM crew going back in time to make shitty videos. Rich making Rem Lazar and Mike making Chairobics had me in stitches.

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>They come in, they look around, they no buy. Why nobody buy?

‘Poutine’ is fantastic and I eat it weekly. Life is short user, make it at home if you have too, it’s the best

Jesus Christ that tricky people video was so uncomfortable. How many 11 year olds were blackmailed with nudes? There is literally 0% chance whoever made this didn't at least jerk off to that scene. Fucking hell.

>tfw I'm Canadian and lactose intolerant

Kill me

It may have been an awareness video, but the acting was legit.

I just may next time I'm in Green Bay, I prefer getting my curds down there and it's not much more work to add them and some gravy to a plate of fries. I can't conceive of it not being delicious.
The cut scene was really weird, like something that wasn't meant to be filmed. Those kids looked frightened, and not just acting the part. Also dressing up the girls to look like little whores was not necessary in any way but the director still had them do it. What the fuck were they thinking.

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heat is OBJECTIVELY more hostile than the cold. if i lived in a cold area i'd be outside frolicking in nature all the time. instead i live in florida and if you go outside for more than 20 minutes you get skin cancer

>There is literally 0% chance whoever made this didn't at least jerk off to that scene.

>"i can't tell if it's gay or not!"
>video zooms in on a guys ass

They were jerking to it.

There's literally no other explanation.

>the cast of modern family

My memory is getting worse. It takes me a good few seconds to remember what I've had for lunch earlier the same day. Plan on using psychedelics to get myself off the booze within the next week visiting Holland. My life is ruined and I'm barely in my mid 20s. Alcoholism is hilarious, but it's hilarious in the way 9/11 is where the laughter is built on the back of massive suffering.

The Jenga was by far better than the rest of the episode.

this is one of their best videos
im so happy that after 1mil subs and 6 years later
their content hasn't turned into total fucking garbage

>heat is OBJECTIVELY more hostile than the cold.
As a lifelong yooper I must disagree, though I don't think either temperature extreme is more/less hostile than the other, just in different ways.
The heat will attempt to cook you to death. The cold will attempt to sap away all your body heat until you die. Neither is really that nice.

I wonder if anyone's ever sent them actual snuff tapes? That's be an interesting BOTW episode.

He's gaining weight. So is Jay.

why these stupid variations of how they are going to discover wich movie theyre going to watch?

nobody cares. nobody cares even about best of the worst, really. RLM post patreon is the definition of "lazy niggers".

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probably but did you see how many they have
like at least 500

>why these stupid variations of how they are going to discover wich movie theyre going to watch?
The same reason people play drinking games, variety and alleviating monotony.
True, statistically at least one of those blank tapes must contain someone's homemade porn and/or murder.


they unironically all look the worst they ever have in this video (besides Jay but he's gaining weight.)

>Men going into their late 30's after uploading videos for the pasty 8 years
>Shocked that they are aging rapidly at the age men start to age rapidly

Good to see Rich being realistic.

>Rich Evans has a fiance

What's your excuse?

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Look at her. There's my excuse.

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It's their most popular content and the hardest to edit. Putting together a Half in the Bag, especially now they seem to have dropped skits, would be a relative cakewalk.

I like that pillow too user, good eye.

It's really creepy how close the little girls with lipstick and revealing clothes looked to the pedo child modelling pictures people used to post on Yea Forums. Almost as if one of the producers did a lot of "research".

But it literally does.
For one it has fucking nostrils

I have literal autism is that enough of an excuse for you

everytime I see an artist whining about tumblr nose they can't draw for shit

so they should go with the drinking games, the female ghostbusters review was the last time half in the bag was interesting.

the movie reviews are the most solid content they have. will imagine that it is hard for them to edit the show because they are dumb.

>so they should go with the drinking games
I feel like english might not be your first language, that or you suffered some head trauma in your past.

Are you implying tumblr nose is good?

reddit ecelebs are not Yea Forums
take it to Yea Forums

Nice slip, go back to your bing bing wahoos.

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This is Yea Forums related. Maybe familiarize yourself with the rules or better yet fuck off to Yea Forumseddit as that's where you seem to belong

not enough to pretend that rlm content isnt worst and that they simply do not care anymore.

Aha Sonic goes fast!!1! Yea Forums is a porn board summer boi

Okay retard.

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You okay, retard?

brilliant game of no u itt

Not gonna lie, I expected a lot more Tricky People discussion out of Yea Forums.

The same tired shitposters of these threads aren't creative enough to say much, if they were they wouldn't be shitposters.

Jay is from Chicago

Will he be okay?

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I never knew that.

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It was a really nice to ouch to edit it using the tense/suspensful music give you plenty of false alarms

Because it’s not true. Rich and Mike are from Chicago, Jay isn’t.

He's already rotting

Oh, I'd always just assumed they were all native Wisconsinites and never bothered to look further.

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I got it mixed up who grew up where, but Mike and Rich grew up together and met in High School and they met Jay later in their early 20s.

He picked her up at the local McDonalds. Some of us have at least a modicum of standards of body fat.

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>He picked her up at the local McDonalds
"There she was, face-first in the dumpster, her pale gut resting on the edge of the bin and I thought to myself: She's the one"

They were actually high school sweethearts, for some reason it took them twenty years to get engaged and they're still not married because they're inbred midwestern crack babies.

>permanently engaged
Why do people do this again? Shit or get off the pot, Jesus.

Specifically Holland? Or the Netherlands?

this is wrong, fuck you

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That was a very cute and funny episode for sure.

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"So here's what we want you're daughter to do..."

ikr, and these are the same guys that cackled at exploding varmints and sat through Surviving Edged Weapons.
I think it wasn’t mainly Mike having a bitch fit about it, so maybe he’s going soft, or drank too much and it was making him queasy.

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gb2 ethiopia

>you will never talk about ghosts with Milly
>you will never watch italian exploitation movies with Jaime
>you will never make Richele laugh as you cuddle in bed
why live, bros

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stop it user my dick is raw, in pain, and has several abrasions caused by friction. and you've just made it hard again. if it falls off I'm suing both you and Yea Forums.

Do it faggot, I want off this ride.

Do you guys think Mike is still with Jessi? Could I have a chance with him?

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>Rich calls them narcissists for not being fat
He calls them narcissists for being from California.

Where did it go so wrong for Mike's physical appearance?

Proportions are all wrong. Rich should be taller than Jay. And Mike is not fatter than Rich.

AND that day is today *unzips dick*

Which episode did they pretend the camera was haunted and it flew around attacking them? I think it was a Halloween episode.

I don’t know is was a “hiding in plain sight” kind of deal, or if the director had a bone to pick with some Nickelodeon staff.
The fat fuck in the video does actually remind me of Dan “The Cunny Man” Schneider, to the point where I wonder if it’s a plausibly legally deniable parody.

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When you hit your mid 30s you really don't give much of a shit about looking good.

crazy to see green bay mentioned here

Nothing else looks real tho, it's a fucking cartoon, the whole point is to be an aesthetic representation. Tumblr nose is cancer

mike was actually so handsome. if only he had put even the slightest amount of effort into maintaining his health he wouldn't already look 50 years old. all of that beer will do you in.

Hey cheesehead, I'm only two hours north up in da poorwoods. Also east DePere is the comfiest.
I mean at some point the cameraman had to be thinking "what are we doing?" Unless the whole crew were diddlers.

>tfw live in fargo
>tfw winters go below -50F
>tfw summers go above 100F
>tfw it's almost 1:00AM and it's still nearly 80F

You might as well live in a volcano or underwater, what the fuck are you doing in such an inhospitable wasteland?

He looks less fat than he used to honestly.
Jack looks fatter than before

It's easier to warm up than it is to cool down. I prefer winters to summers because of that.

I always feel I can always bundle up a bit more if I'm cold, but when you're hot you can only get so naked before you run out of viable cooling options not involving a swim.

Unironically the people. North Dakota Nice is real and I haven't experienced it anywhere else in the world. Living here is also very cheap. I'm living in a good sized 1br apartment with a fireplace for $395/month. The only downsides I can think of here is the weather. It makes no sense. Oh, crime is going up now too. Used to be maybe 1 murder a year. Fargo has always kind of been the place to go for Chicago gangsters who needed to lay low. Which was fine back in the day because those guineas understood that they were trying to lay low, so they wouldn't break the law or cause much trouble. Now we have street gangsters coming up here to lay low. They are fucking stupid and almost always get arrested because instead of laying low like they're supposed to do, they set up shop and start doing the shit that forced them to skip town in the first place. Drugs, prostitution, assaults go up then soon the news reports on an arrest of some Chicago dindus who were running drugs, hookers and assaulting folks and things calm down for a bit again.

Nigguh we are all descended from savanna spear-chuckers, humans are built to cope better with hot than with cold.

Okay, but that doesn't make extreme heat comfortable or change my opinion of it in any way.

>Read through the thread
>Lots of midwestern blub talk
>Watched the episode while eating summer sausage and cheese and crackers and an apple for supper
>Have eaten poutine before
>About Mike levels of fat but balder than Rich
Mmmmm, that's the stuff. Having both traveled the country and lived abroad for some years I can easily tell you that being a doughy midwesterner is really fucking nice. There are places in the world with better scenery, weather, food, but nowhere so goddamn easy going and friendly. I genuinely love living here, even though I'm in small town Illinios now rather than my preferred Iowa. But then again you really have to appreciate that. It's like being a hobbit, I know some people who absolutely hate it and want to live on the coasts or in a city but fuck that noise. I can catch a train into Chicago every once in a while when I want and call that good enough.

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Couldn't agree more, midwest is best west.

Jay needs to lose weight and exercise harder.

After mike saying I LOVE GHOSTS all I've wanted was a drawing of him carrying a confused looking phantasma over his shoulder.

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it was kinda racy for a PSA video. Seems like something tricky people might watch more than kids.

Canadians and Len are based. Max Lands is the worst.

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>Rich calls them narcissists for not being fat
Rich called the cop stripper a narcissist because he was literally fantasizing about himself.

user you're not a tricky person
are you user?

That's what happens when you have a baby to take care of

>mfw Rich and Aidsmoby talked about the left out parts of their videos over the years
>when the videos turned out to actually be something sick and wrong

They might have 'accidentally' watched gore or snuff videos over the years. I Hope they release a compilation video that they joked about.

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He's a jew most likely

>tfw actually had fun watching my simu-friends play jenga
Good episode. Was hoping to see Mike's "Unlock your psychic powers" tape though

>Aidsmoby & Jay get fat
>Mike getting slimmer
>Rich simply continues

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unless you're a gay boi like jay

>Mike & Jay genuinely having fun together

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Who has uncensored footage?

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Cunnykino should be destroyed. They did the right thing.

It's on Youtube but I can't tell if it's the uncut version or not. It does seem to have a subplot about the Asian girl.

What's disgusting is when restaurants try to substitute grated cheese. The fuck? GRATED CHEESE. That shit melts into cheddar soup real quick. Even McDonalds doesn't stoop that low.

The tricky people universe seems kino.

Three Billboards was easily the worst movie I saw that year. It was garbage. I felt bad for Rockwell.

The hell? Then it's not poutine, is it? I was to understand it was curds only, not fucking bagged cheddar.

>spending the most amount of time on gay porn

i saw it linked on here years ago. fuck if i can find it again if its still up.

He's completely right, the movie is s failed Coen brothers ripoff.

That little asian was soooo


Funniest part of the episode.

I don't think it's common knowledge that skinning a deer begins by cutting out the anus,

Scummy movie producer + gay porn is hilarious.

I think that tape was mad by tricky people

Jack is really good at the jewy hollywood producer voice!

It is to people who live in rural areas user.

My hot take on "California" Big Hunks: I think they were looking too hard expecting the hunks to all appear like Californian-type characters. It's a case of taking for granted how sexual proclivity and degeneracy has spread nationwide now. Back when the tape was filmed, the idea of creepy ass exotic dancers was probably confined to the most scummy parts of LA and SanFran and the like. Therefore the dancers themselves are "Californians", acting out their fantasy ideals, which happen to take place in other locales/countries.
In other words, back then, if you told someone it was a dancing video filmed in California, they'd probably know what you really meant.

>cackled at exploding varmints
I don't think you understood the exact tone of the reaction they were having to that video.

It's more than gaining weight, which he has, something looks wrong with him. I think he has something wrong with him. Is that why he quit PreRec?

The Slav genes kicked in

Doesn't even look like them at all, just looks like some random chicks, which is probably why huey had them wear shirts of their interests to differentiate them
Terrible work

Eh, the Mike one is fine. But yeah, the jay and rich ones are fucking shit.

That was the best part of the whole episode though

so like 10% of the population?

They all are. It's a very easy voice to do as long as you went through puberty and have a penis.

Closer to 20% actually, not that it makes any difference. I mean how else did you think a deer turns into steaks, magic?

>implying there's a difference

I remember this back from when I was on an Everything is Terrible binge.

Based faggot hunk connoisseur

>Back when the tape was filmed, the idea of creepy ass exotic dancers was probably confined to the most scummy parts of LA and SanFran and the like.
How do we go back?

I just never expected butthole first.

Yep. The jenga part was friend simulator kino. Very tense too despite being 10 minutes of playing a children's game. Well done.

>1 br for 395$
>lived in a studio in LA for 1350$ with no fucking air conditioning right next to the freeway
I am so glad I am out of that shit hole christ

It was great, you could really see them starting to get into it and having genuine childlike fun.

Why did they shill for TFA?

because in bold stupidity Mike said JJ should direct Star Wars

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Post the one where mike teases rich user

I really really really want to watch Resist-A-Ball.

Can you imagine?
>really tight fit qt little blond spinner with great knees
>in that grimy basement with the shitty rug and cardboard brick wall filming a VHS video
You know she'd be down for ANYTHING.

It makes perfect sense, that's how you clean a fish too. Too many sons not learning how to fish and hunt from their dads these days.

Why would they? Are you living in a 3rd world country? Killing when you don't have to is just sadistic and narcissistic. Every hunter I've ever seen gives me sociopathic vibes.

just go to the supermarket idiot.

Probably not gore or snuff. Most likely home made porn though. Maybe weird home videos.

It is really a shame that they treat these curiosities like useless garbage instead of archiving every single minute and putting them up for download.

>and putting them up for download
I assume even for shit like the black spine tapes copyright issues could and would arise.

I was really worried that Naturist Lifestyle tape was gonna have kids.

the medium makes it, really. I couldn't care less about needles, but watching a close-up of injection always makes my skin crawl. Hell, even a close-up of someone eating is disgusting on the 'big screen'.


Woah, was that really necessary? How come Jay's personality changed so much since that body swap episode?

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After the actual Moby made an ass of himself over Hershlag, all the aids was passed onto him.

>It's on Youtube but I can't tell if it's the uncut version or not.

uncut version has a song with the asian girl where she says she can no longer be a child while images of her as a baby flashes on the screen.


Every time I’ve searched for one of the tapes the full version is on YouTube

Jesus Christ

Is Jay gay??

none of them are from Wisconsin, and just being born in Wisconsin doesn't make you a hunter

AidsMoby is from Wisconsin

Damn the mid west seems like Canada. Very cool


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He says he grew up in a farm so he must have some experience with killing animals

Yo that’s false advertising. Unless I was taken care of the establishment would find out real quick my hands are bisexual so anyone can catch these fists.

He has a child with his gf. I'll let you figure that out.

and he was the only one who wasn't phased by it, maybe beard guy wasn't either

they are actors, he plays a gay man, but the characters have nothing to do with their personal lives

She looks like a less sexualized version of desmond is amazing.

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Figure out that you have mental issues? Because that's easy.

Aktuiky Young Michael Berryman was born and grew up in rural Saskatchewan on a farm. He had only his super girl tape for company.
>I go deep on jack lore

Imagine being so desperate for attention that you make up fanfic personal details of the life of a minor internet personality and spam it in every RLM thread

>they are actors
You haven't seen Space Cop. Those guys can't act to save their lives.

They were just acting like they weren't good at acting.

>smile and optimism: gone

>the website is still up, registered in 1996, last updated in 2009

the acting was ok, the writing was the issue with Space Cop

what the fuck, is this real? the parts of her looking devastated in BOTW were bad enough

Lowcaps retard

Theres a reason we call him AIDS Moby

not a refutation

Attached: haha.jpg (376x471, 31K)

>we are all descended from savanna spear-chuckers
Please stop with the retarded out of Africa theory, it's been disproven decades ago.

>Out of Africa theory only proposed in early 2000s
>"disproven decades ago"

Things don't become untrue because you don't like it.

He doesn't have AIDS because he's not a fag.

without doxing myself i'll say i've spent a lot of time in de pere and have to agree

>they say that before the asshole
>the other option was it being for women
let's ignore the episode and keep shitposting though

He was disgusted by the paedo Barney ripoff but loved big hunks.

>Jay pretending to not know if the tape is intended for gay men
Oh Jay...

strike stoklasa lmao

Attached: donut_steal.webm (720x720, 441K)

In recent months/year I have started to warm up on Jack, he's not so bad. I wonder if I will start to feel the same way about Josh...

according to the podcast they did with macaulay culkin rich from Chicago

Jack's at his best when he's drunk.

Why is he pretending he finds donut disgusting when we all know he's a fat fuck who will eat anything?

>Why do RLM do funny things in their comedy videos?

Why is Jay such a fucking annoying hipster

Me too actually

I've only been into their stuff for a couple months now and I still find anyone other than Mike/Jay either boring or completely insufferable