>central plot about getting girls impaired in order to fornicate with them
Superbad couldn’t be made today
Central plot about getting girls impaired in order to fornicate with them
but the movie ends with them realizing that was a stupid plan in the first place after the alcohol fucks up their attempts
I don't believe your thesis. I suspect it would have a lower budget and with smaller names attached, but being honest, none of the names attached to it were very big to begin with. Seth Rogen wasn't even the golden boy he became until this movie made it big. Cera was a one-pony and that's been proven to still be the case. Nobody else was a real known. That one SNL guy, maybe. Gary Cole. What's-her-name hispanic cop lady.
Fucking drunk bitches is the best thing on earth though. Sober women are insufferable. Drunk women are fun.
best teen comedy ever
Not when they get drunk to where they puke user. They really hit the nail on the head with that one.
The movie doesn't really make them out to be the good guys and they end up pussying out in the end anyway.
Yeah you gotta modulate that shit and stop them from getting too slammed but if you can keep them from puke drunk it's pretty cool.
it was a movie for teenagers
I'm an adult
Not super drunk. My wife gets violent and mean
Since when does everything portrayed in movies and tv have to be misconstrued as being advocated by said tv show/movie?
No one is saying the characters in Superbad are role models, or that this is how people should act.
I read an article about how problematic The Office was because of it's early episodes about racial diversity and sexual harassment in the workplace. No one is saying Michael Scott was in the right when he was being racist or being misogynistic. In fact, it was only funny BECAUSE he was so inappropriate and out of line. The relatable character is not meant to be Michael Scott.
Suddenly now we can't portray ANYTHING in movies or film without explicitly stating that it's just a portrayal of a character? I guess if the creator isn't blatantly standing in front of the camera saying "Racism is wrong." with a straight face, it's problematic.
Actually, it could. Because (1) it's made by Jews in order to destroy whites, and (2) it's "funny" because it's kids, and (3) women nowadays want to be drunks and drug addicts.
I'll never forget reading the plot to this on back of its DVD case while filling up at a travel center and thinking "oh man, wonder who produced this" and scrolling my eyes through all those thin tall words at the bottom of the back and seeing perfect shit like "Produced by Alan Greenberg and Seth Katz," "Written by Michael Finkelstein" and all that other shit. Never seen it either, but those that I know of who have are all strung out on heroin or have produced 3+ bastard kids by now, whereas before the Jew music, media, and movies got to them, they were A+ students.
There is your problem
This. They're clearly portrayed as dopey losers who fail spectacularly in every aspect. Emma Stone's character is clearly insulted and bemused by Hill's pathetic attempts. Then when the girl throws herself at Michael Cera, he has a change of heart and doesn't go through with it.
>Since when does everything portrayed in movies and tv have to be misconstrued as being advocated by said tv show/movie?
Have you heard of poe's law?
fucking kek
It's a part of the whole trigger thing, even if you are portraying it as bad just showing it at all could trigger someone because people can't be arsed to grow thick skin.
It's a fucking comedy show though. I don't know what retard would watch the Office and not realize that it's about normal people in a work-place dealing with a socially incompetent boss.
Why wouldn't it be made? Getting women drunk or high to have sex with them has been happening since the beginning of time and will go on forever
It is unironically a fucked up thing to do. How would you feel if you were at a party and some dumb HIV infected faggot got you black out drunk and fucked you in the ass? Doesn’t even bother to wear a condom, thinks his faggot truvada pill is enough.
Poor comparison. Gay is always wrong and bad. Fucking ladies is always good and based.
Drunk or not if you let a queer fuck your ass you're a faggot
But the pozed guy thinks what he is doing is based too.
>Doesn’t matter if drunk, if you fuck a sober guy you consented
Only one of them is trying to do this. They weren't portrayed as unironic heroes though. The one who is trying to, in the end learns a lesson that what he was doing was wrong, and gets the girl for it. The one who was trying not to, because the girl intentionally got drunk for the expressed purpose OF sleeping with him but he still said no even though he wanted to, learns a lesson about the complicated nature of consent and the fact that it can't be autistically boiled down to the quantatative rules you learn in American sex-ed, and winds up connecting with the girl after the fact in a more healthy way. If anything it's more of a REAL woke treatus on consent than anything that was trying to be, simply because it wasn't trying to be, it was trying to portray a dialed-up version of realistic teenage sexual angst to contrast usual teenage movies.
I never said that retard. Go back and re-read my post
That’s why queers should be thrown in jail and not allowed in public
You’re conflating Superbad with Pineapple Express. Superbad couldn’t be made today bc concept creep has led to the central plot being akin to a rapist conspiracy according to California values
there jewish so it's ok
California literally has an affirmative consent law now. The woke Hollyweirdos consider Seth and Evan in this flick to be attempted rapists
Then the weirdest boy of all gets it in...
By far the coolest after tonight
Again, I reject the thesis. I think this movie could be made today. You are conflating "being a hit" with "being made."
Did you know "they" "make" "movies" where people "rape" women?
The protagonists? Bullshit. Name some
High Plains Drifter
Is it really rape if she likes it?
Blade Runner
It could be made today..it just wouldn't be.
This movie is the reason Jonah and Seth turned into ultra cuck. They are overcompensating.
People are just retarded, the very fact that incredibly basic shit like your post has to even be explained already means your audience is completely delusional.