I really liked old South Park and Family Guy when Seth was in their writing team...

I really liked old South Park and Family Guy when Seth was in their writing team. Now I have Jewfix and I wonder if this is any good. Which seasons are peak, which are shot anons? Also adult comedy cartoons thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


stop watching after you finish season 2

I kinda hoped it peaks after 1st season, because 2 first episodes were meh... Sad, maybe I will give a try to that adult cartoon about Park and animals- Brikleberry or something

>Listening to the first anonymous opinion you hear just because it's posted on Yea Forums

I trust regular basement dweller from this site more than agregate rating on normie site
But also hoped for more ppl to contribute to my question

first season is pretty good if you can suffer through the first 3-4 episodes

why don't you just stop watching cartoons like a child

Maybe it's just nostalgia, but 10-15years ago those adult shows like Simpsons or SP were more about social satire. Now it's all just redit tier post-irony, like Rick&morty

That one drug episode in Season 1 was good but this show is overall pretty reddit

just watch the episodes with the pink cat, she's the only kino character

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You can't pick and choose episodes. The show has amazing continuity and actually has to be watched more than once to pick up on everything. Season 4 is the best, btw.

Watch until end of season 3. It's not really just a comedy so you've gotta follow the story. Season 4 felt a bit like a comeback for a once cancelled show. Season 5 was mostly garbage with too much time focused on the side characters and less of the right chemistry mix. They also had a real preachy rather than tragic vibe. Only one keeping in the early show spirit is Times Arrow (4:11) and and Free Churro (5:6).

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This shits garbage for sheltered teens to watch and say “man I so relate I’ve been depressed all my life!”

Bojack Horseman is by far my favorite adult cartoon show. It's phenomenal. Don't listen to the first reply.

There have been 5 seasons so far and I'd rank them:


Season 1 is the only season that is just okay/good. The rest are kino.

The entirety of the show is pretty good, there are varying degrees of just HOW good, but they all have some good episodes in there.

The weakest season is probably the first one.
If you end up getting attached to the characters you will keep watching. If you don't feel that way after a whole seasons gone by you can probably just stop because you're probably not gonna start to enjoy it suddenly

Don’t listen all the stupid contrarians in this thread user, Bojack Horseman is great when you get in to it.

Seasons 2 & 3 are peak, but Season 1 & 4 are also worth watching.

5 is meh.

Bojack Horseman is great but the brainlets on Yea Forums will bitch about anything.

Wrong, watch till end of season 3 thats when it peaks and everything comes full circle. Season 4 is worth it for times arrow.

Current simpsons and SP is still miles better than rick and morty. Let that sink in

What was so amazing about season 4?

this thread lol
nobody gives out gold on Yea Forums idiots

The Old Sugarman Place/Time's Arrow alone were masterpieces. The rest of the season is very consistently top tier quality. I knew they couldn't just keep getting better in season 5, but I had no idea how drastic the drop in quality was going to be.

This show is just cringy "nothing matters bro lool I'm so depressed and nihilistic" shit

Watch Animals on HBO. Thats good adult animation.

This is pretty good advise. It is character-driven comedy first and foremost. Most of the zaniness, irony, or cultural commentary is forgettable but the parts about the characters makes it worthwhile. If you don't care about them after the first two seasons you should drop the show.

Bojack gets called out for his fake nihilism pretty often, and it's shown just to be an excuse so he can run away from his problems without feeling guilty about them

>hating 5 this much
It really wasn't THAT bad, my guy.

do you have tourettes user?
not EVERYTHING is kino you know.
but i know exactly what you mean she is best girl.

I just watch the show for best boy.

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>people saying positive things about Bocuck Horseman on Yea Forums
It truly is mid summer.

Oh so it's a 1:1 representation of life. Cool.

I don't hate it. Season 5 was just SO fucking good. I'm actually rewatching it because of this thread. I wish they would put out a soundtrack from the show. Best I can do is a Spotify playlist that doesn't even use the right versions of the songs half the time.

>Season 5 was just SO fucking good
*season 4

Aside from the fact that half the characters are just randomly animals and slapstick humor, Bojack is painfully true to life. I honestly feel like they had to put in the absurd elements because otherwise it would be too dark.

Diane didn't need a whole episode and didn't need to be the last shot of the season. Fuck that stupid cunt


>"nothing matters bro lool I'm so depressed and nihilistic"
Nothing like this is what happens on the show you clearly never watched, though.

why is she so ungrateful?

This show is suppose to be "funny"? There is not a single moment of comedy here.

Because Diane is like Bojack. She can't be happy about anything. For her its because she is too critical. My peanutbutter is like this shinning light everyone wants to be like or be with in the show. But everyone just ends up recoiling from him like all his ex wives.

She's dumb.


I don't understand the hate Diane gets here. That scene was great, and she did nothing wrong (or at least worse than PB).
It's a dramatic scene, but they still threw in half a dozen jokes that you apparently missed.

What wacky adventures will my boy Todd get into next?

Honestly this is actually accurate as fuck to how a lot of females will act when given gifts or surprises or shown a grand gesture. This scene got me because I can recall very similar shit happening with one of my ex's where I had bought her something but she didn't really care or it was too much or she wanted that, but she wanted to "earn" it herself. If anything, this scene and arc showed me that someone on their writing team has gone through this same exact shit in one of their relationships.

Diane gets a lot of shit but she is just as flawed as the rest of the characters. No ones perfect and this show always shows that about pretty much every character that matters.

Because all she ever does is complain. She was set. She was married to a rich, happy, loving guy who gave her everything she wanted. And all she could do was try and tear him down all the time so he would be as miserable as her.

Seriously, how do you watch that and come away with, "she's dumb"? Have you literally never been in a serious relationship before and got fucked over?

Sorry i guess i just don't feel sorry for someone who makes a dumb choice.


Let’s not get bogged down in exposition: BoJack Horseperson is a fifty-something ex-sitcom actor, wealthy, witty, cynical, horny, in good shape except for the gut, insecure, narcissistic, and a depressive of the cool, externalizing variety. That’s right, folks—alcohol, drugs, and h-h-h-heartbreakin’!

My question is simple. This is a Netflix original series, and so by definition MK-ULTRA programming designed to calcify the pineal gland of the viewer, but BoJack seems a little naughty to star in chordate Veggie Tales. So, how and why does the deep state want to justify this guy as a sympathetic protagonist?

Someone is going to tell me that “actually, the show is, like, really sad. It doesn’t justify his behavior at all.” Dead wrong, but here’s your shot at the mic:

>BoJack’s roots as a showbiz comedy genre ensure that it’s full of jabs at the expense of the industry. But it goes so much deeper than that. So much of the “BoJack” DNA is tied up in BoJack’s origin story as a ’90s network sitcom star because the show itself is actively working against the concept that sitcoms represent the way stories should work; that there are easy answers for any of its characters. And that’s what makes it feel so fundamentally true, at its core. No hugs or laugh track can smooth over this stuff. The only real solution is to keep on asking the questions. (IndieWire)

>but they still threw in half a dozen jokes that you apparently missed
Jokes are generally funny.

When a work of art is praised for “asking the questions,” nine times out of ten that’s because its answers are shit. The critical mistake here is to think that content can overcome structure. However harshly BoJack’s plot rejects sitcom answers, it still follows the sitcom formula: 1-2 topical issues per episode, hamster wheel character development, punchline before scene cut with a hand-holding jingle. Even the most reprehensible characters become sympathetic in the light of this childlike predictability, It’s Always Sunny is a whole lot nastier than BoJack but The Gang Still Gets Gif Captioned. No matter how many times BoJack “gut-punches [the viewer] in the feels,” the lingering emotional aftertaste is catharsis, comfort. Put the pieces together: “There are no easy answers…but that’s okay.” [2]

Which is just what an innovator in a Quarter Life Crisis wants to hear. BoJack turns the banal into “sad” but “beautiful,” per the mawkish “life is just a series of precious, painful moments, man” slogan of those hurtling towards a painful moment. It appeals to the same audience as Frances Ha or Jeff Rosenstock—if you don’t know, good—people with student loans, internet hangovers, fizzled romances, dead-end jobs and “I’m trying to reset my tolerance,” people who want to believe that their debt is going to be worth it in the end.

I don’t fault the L train for finding solace in a middlebrow show about talking animals, but it’s no more possible to pluck Hope from Pandora’s Box than it is to open your skull to comfort alone. BoJack pretends at a quarter-life panacea while in fact selling a specific brand of suffering as aspirational—the duty that Girls abandoned when Lena Dunham was outed as a Russian bot—it has to validate the pursuit of social currency.

How is ending a relationship that isn't working a dumb choice? Yeah it sucks, and it really sucks to see the other person move on if you've never been through that before, but there's nothing dumb about getting out of something that isn't working anymore.

so you never watched it. got it.

>short hair Diane

based and thank you

The first 2 seasons are alright then it gets shit. Rick & Morty is actually better.

You would have missed all of the jokes if you've never watched the show and just saw that clip out of context. It's not Family Guy; there's a lot more thought put into the writing and you can't just jump in wherever for a quick laugh.

>le meme horse man

go back

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Didn't he get a legitimate job or something. What the hell did he do in season 5 again? Oh yeah that whole thing with his quixotal (sp?) girlfriend or whatever
Todd antics are some of the only super hit or miss humor in the show.

This is the first actual Bojack thread I've seen on Yea Forums in a long time

It's a depr

Based stroke user.

I liked Tuca and Bertie more.

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Why do people get so confused/butthurt when Yea Forums actually discusses what the OP is about.

How is it?

He became the Boss of sales and marketing at that company and quits after the sexbot he builds harasses everyone

>and she did nothing wrong
> (or at least worse than PB).
>thinking PB did something glaringly wrong here.
LOL Diane-cuck

Does it actually get good? I kind of hate myself for not making it through the first episode since I love Bojack but didn't like it's first episode the first time, but this does not feel like Bojack at all. It doesn't even feel like Broad City. It just feels... not good.

I like Bojack, Rick and Morty and South Park

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Recently started watching Home Movies and Mike Tyson Mysteries. Both are great.

What is this? Is it porn? I need to know, please tell me more

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I know thee would never be a decent in-universe reason for them to ever cross paths and it will never happen but I actually think Rick and Bojack hijinks/drama would be pretty comical.

I never got the R&M/Bojack comparison. The two shows are nothing alike.

Dammit Todd
I kind of hate him, but I do appreciate that he's spent time away from Bojack

Pretty sure BoJack would just be like " A crossover oh just fucking kill me why don't you!" Rick would Burp say "ok" and shoot Bojack in the head. There happy?

If you like Home Movies you'll probably like Bojack. They both have a similar absurd yet realistic understated kind of humor that just kind of seems to overflow at times.

They are comedy cartoons, therefore compared. That's literally all it takes for people to make comparisons

Why did he do it?

Both have a depressed protagonist with an inflated ego. But so do most show these day right?

They are different, but I've never understood the whole war of having to like one or the other. Rick & Morty does some clever stuff and can be funny at times, while it never gets as deep or intricate (character stuff wise) as Bojack and I like Bojack more overall, I can appreciate both shows for different reasons. But I don't want to say too much about R&M because it will trigger the fuck out of someone here.

A lot more wacky in the animation, but I liked seeing the characters struggle with change, deal with them in unhealthy ways, then do it better. Speckle was best boy through and through and even Tuca wasn't so bad as I had thought from the trailer. Jokes can be bizarre, but usually add to the comedy when not relying on swearing. I'd say it even deal with serious moments well when they came along.
I'd say it does. If anything there's fanservice if that's more your thing.

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I agree and think Bojack is on a whole different level than R&M. I honestly don't really care about fan bases (or typically know about them until I post something I watched and liked and all of a sudden I'm from reddit).
It's practically like comparing Back to the Future to Leaving Las Vegas.

>Rick would just be a dick while (season 4-5 Bojack at least) would probably just get annoyed and find an excuse to not be around him anymore.

Rick is an arrogant asshat in a sense that he is 'correct' about everything and that he always has the smartest most well thoughtout ideas (according to him), and Bojack is an asshat but not in such an arrogant way, more like 'it's the Bojack show' kind of way, and everything happening in his immediate area has to be about him.
Basically I don't think Bojack would ever pretend that he would necessary score well on a difficult test, he would just say it's stupid and only worth taking if it would put him in a spotlight somehow, while Rick would just laugh and either claim he'd get a perfect score or not even take it because it's "beneath" him.

In all honestly they would probably just end up trying to out drink each other and both pass out. The real hijinks would be Todd and Morty

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Kek, would watch either of these scenarios. Fucking fund it.

i jsut went through the whole thing, ignore this person

if you like it, watch it

Well one things for certain, both shows have incredibly poor artstyles.

>who gave her everything she wanted
Except he didn't, he gave her all he thought she wanted and was consistently wrong about it. She does act not very tolerant of his childish side but that's what happens in long term relationships. They just weren't happy living with eachother in the end.

Nah. Diane is a cunt. And she was made that way on purpose for Bojack.

I watched 2 seasons I think and then dropped.
Most of the comedy is stale and there's too much drama I'm supposed to take seriously. I can't take anthropomorphic cartoon animals seriously, sorry.

One of the most Yea Forums cartoons out there if you define the Yea Forums user base as NEETs with no filter and social problems.

Patrician fucking opinion.
The prom night episode and it’s fallout were gutting, even when he genuinely tries to do the right thing, the wrong thing gets forced on him, then he has to take the blame. Very dark indeed.

>one of the most Yea Forums cartoons out there
I've been saying this for years and Yea Forums keeps calling it reddit for some reason (probably too many zoomers here).

Jesus, those comments. Western civilization is just over, look at all the white knights in there. There's not a single t level over 500 in that comment section.

Thanks for your service.

Because this is Yea Forums - Pedos, Sneed, and /pol/shit

Yea Forums is vehemently contrarian in it's opinions, so I'd understand people hating a show as good as Bojack, but it's also not popular at all, so I really don't understand the hate.