You don't win friends with _____
You don't win friends with _____
Other urls found in this thread:
You don't win friends with Gucci Loafers!
You don't win friends with Gucci Loafers!
You don't win friends with Gucci Loafers!
gummy bears
You don't win friends with Sneed
contrarian opinion: sneed is ok when used in moderation, but when spammed is just as obnoxious as any other reddit meme
The only reason Simpson’s threads are even lively are because of our fellow sneed friends
What does Marge have in her ass?
Well if it isn't mr salad fork
I agree, 7 to 8 max
You seem lost, sir, let me give you a quick rundown.
>1. Reddit and Facebook have no idea what a Sneed is.
>2. Simpsons threads are Reddit, not sneedposting. Sneedposting is based, redpilled, high-test, and non-pozzed.
>3. Not a single sneedposter has ever been under the age of 18. Ever. No exceptions, it simply doesn't work that way.
>4. The moeposter is a bot being run by the Yea Forums mods. This is how it can accurately post in EVERY Simpsons thread. Mods know they can't outright ban or wordfilter sneed as it would make Yea Forums a worse place for little gain. All Janny can do is occasionally ban them.
>5. Sneedposting is the chemotherapy that is saving Yea Forums. Jannies, niggers, trannies, tumblrinas, redditors and city-slickers of all varieties need to learn that Yea Forums is simply not their safe-space. Sneed is one of the best ways to teach them.
>6. Sneedposting was one of the reasons why 4channel became a thing, and was discussed (with screencapped examples) in a Skype call between the moderators and Hiro. There is one Yea Forums and /g/ mod that fucking HATES it in particular, but most don't think it's that big of a problem. Hiro doesn't run the moe-bot, the aforementioned Yea Forums and /g/ mod does.
>7. Sneedposting is not better or worse than baneposting. It hasn't "surpassed" it, and it isn't "below" it. They are equals, brothers, wife and husband to each other. Yes, it is slightly more repetitive than baneposting, but because it has more OC and is a dedicated effort, the two memes are on par with each other.
>8. Most Sneedposters actually love the early Simpsons seasons.
>10. Sneed.
You literally CANNOT dispute any of the points I just made.
Sneed is not a meme, is a weapon agaisnt cringe simpsons threads and it needs to be as obnoxious as possible, if not, is not doing its job
Shut the fuck up.
Seriously though, what kind of hardware store has gummy bears in barrel?
can you give me a rundown on the "have sex" meme? Actually I should probably ask someone else
It's just a front for a Fuck and Suck store
Open the feed down
Chuck's Fuck & Suck (Subsequently Sneed's)
Formerly alive
well la-di-da mr gucci loafers
. Reddit and Facebook have no idea what a Sneed is.
Nobody tell him
Presently Chuck's.
I didn't know reddit was so based and sneedpilled
>calling farmer1 chuck
Absolutely disgusting.
Go back.
exception to the rule
this is the most beautiful troll I have ever seen
>548 upboats
What defines a city slicker?
It needs to be 7-8 max.
Clearly not sneedposting doesn't even mention comfy threads.
At best a reference to the episode.
Sneed the feed up
this meme will never die
Ban Simpsons threads. Enough is enough.
Chuck the fuck up!
i thought chuck was the old guy inside the store
Promote Sneedsons threads. Enough is enough.
that's sneed, we dont know chuck's true identity
This whole thread is cringe (formerly sneed(formerly Chuck's))
Imagine paying for a Yea Forums pass and having to follow the rules just so you don’t get banned LMAO
Based thread. Good to see my fellow Sneedbros absolutely dabbing on jannies & trannies.
and that time the reddit tv moderators changed the site theme to pic related?
I don't get it.
Shut the fuck and suck up, cityslicker
Imagine not paying for a Yea Forums pass to sneedpost more efficiently. I can't imagine people filling in a captcha every time they post just "sneed"
>knows this much about the day to day of reddit
There's just no way for you to win is there
I really really really like that sneed. Can I save him?
brilliant response
The Simpsons' writers should use this character more
Everyone knows this is a reddit meme, they aren't really secretive about coming here to do nothing but shitpost. It's also why this is painfully unfunny.
formerly funny and reddit just adopted the meme after it was already popular on 4channel formerly Yea Forums
They merely adopted the sneed. I was formerly born in it. Formerly molded by it.
...erectile dysfunction
im posting sneed and touching a girls boob and nipple. sneed.
Are you me? Based fellow sneedchad
Did thi sneed to be said? All sneedposters are getting fucked and sucked while posting.
okay real lore question: is it true that THIS is the same chuck?
You niggas cant even get your meme right its fuck and suck not suck and fuck
This is from one season earlier than Sneed's Feed & Seed. Which means that the joke has been around for much longer.
my seed
No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!! No vives de ensalada!!
came hrer to post this
Based and Chuckpilled