They started filming today

They started filming today
Will it be kino?

Attached: billandtodd.jpg (750x628, 97K)

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All we are is dust in the wind dude


No. It's a terribly unlucky day to start filming a movie.

i just hope CGI Rufus doesn't look too fake


It will be most excellent
T. Landis

Still disappointed the real Alex Winter couldn't make it so they had to use that muppet.

Are they going to explain how Alex Winter aged 60 years?

Finally, shaved Keanu is back.

Attached: keanu-reeves-alex-winter-film-bill-ted-04.jpg (1222x817, 213K)

this is pretty predictable
> Bill & Ted are burdened with wives, jobs
> They've forgotten what it means to be "Excellent"
> But by a strange chance they meet with Rufus' successor Shaniqua
> via a time traveling phone booth they learn that you CAN be an adult and still be EXCELLENT
You'll love the scene where they kick the baby Drumpf!

where are they going bros?

More strange things to become afoot at the circle K

I'm pretty sure the storyline has already been revealed that they're divorced and pretty much still losers, just 30 years older than in the first movies

Man, they should look like grungdy rocker burn-outs.

Probably not. I mean, it's not a franchise that people were exactly begging for to come back but it's cool that Keanu really wants to do it.

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What do you think they're saying in there?

Attached: keanu-reeves-alex-winter-film-bill-ted-06.jpg (1222x817, 255K)

It'll be great. All these reboots of old film franchises have been great so far

> Keanu doesn't a-

I think that's the point

That particular Circle K was at Southern/Hardy in Tempe AZ. I drive past it often. Anyone know where 3 is shooting?

I really hope they shoot in San Dimas a bit. They didn't really do it in any scenes back then, right?

>divorced from the babes
>Rufus is gone
>lil’ Bill and lil’ Ted probably hate them

It ain’t looking so hot for Bill and Ted, fellas. Is Death at least still their drummer?

>I thought it would be bigger in here

Young rob is in this?

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He played acoustic bass, you absolute brainlet


Does Keanu pay his rent and sends him groceries to help him get by?

>pyf when you found out death was played by the stutterer from Shawshank Redemption

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>Woah, it really WAS Chuck's Fuck and Suck!

Oh, that why Keanu grew the beard. He looks a bit Ozzy Osbourne

probably san dimas

its a 20 minute drive from hollywood

surf ninjas is so based

They shot most of the first one in the suburbs of Phoenix.

Bill was always the cutest

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Dear god I hope so. I have a soft spot for the first two films.

Keanu looks half Native American in this pic

It started filming yesterday in New Orleans.

yeah what could go wrong when you make a sequel after decades

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he kind of is. Look up his dad.

my friend is trying to bring crop tops back on dudes. Luckily he has model tier face and body.

Im just happy for Alex

What the fuck happened to Keanu's voice? I watched the Matrix then John Wick and there's no way that's a natural progression.

Of course not.
Its a nostalgia cash grab sequel. Its 101% guaranteed to be ass.

Bill looks terrible with that fake tan, he should lose it and embrace his fairness.

Whatever, we will all still watch it.

this actually looks far better than I anticipated

You probably know this but alex is a real auteur. Look up the indies he directed after bill and ted. Keanu had the better career but alex has the brains.


But together...they're EXCELLENT.

It's not a reboot, it's a sequel. It also has the same writer and director. This will be the Fury Road of 80s/90s rocker comedies.

Jeff Daniels is such a retarded tool nowadays.

>Bill, strange things are afoot at the Circle KKK
What the fuck Raimi?

Oh God. Keanu looks old now.

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name (3) three reboots that are good

Keanu has been feeding on him for the past 30 years.

he smokes like 1 pack a day

well he is

Why do I even bother coming here if all I do is fill out captchas and see posts that make me sad

Does this not take place after they're old and retired?

Isn't this the guy from Magma? The disaster movie with former pink ranger Amy Jo Jo... I can't remember the last name.

Maybe. I have no clue what you're talking about. He's John Connor's foster dad Todd in T2. He's not playing Rufus in this, but he could have if they'd thought of him.

This. Isn't. A. Reboot.

>Jesus Christ Alex that stinks

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Keanu might be the only person I've ever seen who looks older WITHOUT a beard.

This is a sequel, not a reboot, but to answer your question with something that isn't quite a reboot either, the planet of the apes prequel trilogy.

How the hell did they cast John Wick???

So the chinese are just like us after all.

that's neo

My bad, you're right. Holy shit.

Keanu is truly a hopeless actor and he's been doing it for 30 years

Funnily enough the only times I thought he was actually acting instead of just playing Keanu were in the Bill and Ted movies

To the circle K

If Alex Winter is in charge, yes. This won't be some 2016 Ghostbusters shit, mark my words.


One random guy ain't gonna bring back a whole style

This, 2bh

Use Yea Forums X

It cannot possibly be this made-for-tv.

>DUDE! I forgot my liver meds!

Sacagawea and Ghandi are in it.

>we'll just go back to before you forgot them, and remind yourself not to forget them, dude!

It has to start somewhere.

How did this ugly jew ever get a single role

>I'm pretty sure the storyline has already been revealed that they're divorced and pretty much still losers, just 30 years older than in the first movies

Thats a shock.

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Everything about this movie was soulless.

>implying Keanu needs to make a cash grab

It's a personal thing for him and most likely it'll help Alex, kek

>written by the original writers
>passion project for everyone involved
>directed by the guy that did galaxy quest
yep, it's kino

That's everyone after 50. Beard makes you look more virile.

>they're divorced and pretty much still losers, just 30 years older
so it's going for realism?

what the fuck is that creature on the left?

i can't say for sure what the future will bring us with this movie. i just hope that we finally get a good movie to watch because it has been a very very very long time.

Hoping for the John Wick crossover.

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Important question, who plays Rufus???

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Didn't realize the dude on the left was Turkish

Well, he got old. I still don't want to believe it...Oh Neo, my Neo.


>Gentlemen, you're on your own.

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>film critics reviewing her character

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I don't mind the actors and characters being older, but that feeling of the soul completely sucked out of the movie. Rarely a sequel after decades works.

Alex is doing fine though. He's not a star but he's been directing television, documentaries, and short films steadily.

Sounds like they are doing it for the right reason: to tell a story.

It's really that simple on how to make great movies. They have a clear plan that isn't a reboot and will be fun.

That's the difference between soul and souless.

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you'd be suprised. when i wear a yellow jacket suddenly a bunch of koreans and chinese start wearing them too. when i wore white shirts with blue jeans, a bunch of guys at my university copied.

10 years ago i thought alex would be the one who aged too badly so this could never happen again.. he looks fine here. Keanu isnt bad either but he should keep the beard.

i agree but fury road was a reboot

The hair without the beard is not a good look. It would probably seem better in a ponytail.

Can you ask him to wait until cut season is over.