Why doesn't she love Star Wars?

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It's just a gig. It's not her life

Because her character doesn't fucking do anything. In the first movie she wasn't really a character, she was just a vehicle to drive us from one iconic star warsy thing to the next like a virtual Star Wars museum tour.
And in the second she just kinda moped about, I honestly can't remember a scene she was in besides the shitty fight and I can remember how or why she go there in the first place.

Only scenes from TLJ I remember with her in in are, Skype sex scene, kicking Lukes ass and spitting on him as she walks away and her lifting those enormous boulders at the end of the movie to show how POWERFUL she is.

It’s literally not that deep. In Star Wars, she shares the screen and story with Finn, Poe, and the OT cast. In Ophelia, she’s the sole lead.

Even she realises that Rey is badly written. Seriously, Daisy did nothing wrong. I have nothing but respect for her.

Shhhh don't say anything against the Yea Forums agenda

Jesus Christ, do you have any idea how badly I would fuck her? I would have sex hoping to get her pregnant.

You don't say, Kylo is the fucking lead who cares about Rey

she sucked dick for fame, like all actresses

>a terrible actress who should have pursued a failing career as a model did nothing wrong

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Endometriosis doesn't prevent pregnancies 100% if that's the shitty joke you're going for. I have friends who have this illness.

>do I fit in yet?

She isn't a terrible actress: you just can't separate your own paranoia about Jews and SJW's and "feminism" from someone's acting. You'd have to be mentally retarded to suggest she can't act. And even if she was shit, she still did nothing wrong. You can't save a character like Rey with a script like this, no matter how good you are. Also, her physical training alone commands respect.

She commands my dick, also.

>implying her acting was ok

It's more than OK. She's a good actress. Remember: actors do what directors want them to do. If someone is a shit writer, they'll generally also be a shit director, because they are equally clueless at either discipline.

I repeat: Daisy did nothing wrong and she commands my dick. All dicks rise for the princess of the galaxy.

Where you think you at, colored boy? People ain’t too friendly with you kind around here boy, you best be on your way

No (You) for you. Lurk moar.

Does a prostitute love her pimp?

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most Star Wars actors go out of their way to distance themselves from Star Wars. Especially if they weren't into Star Wars in the first place.

it will be interesting what she says about nuwars after ep9. she's not going to be in anything else. she'll be free.

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It's a series that hasn't had a good movie since 1983, why would anyone love it?