What movie, gang?

What movie, gang?

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Other urls found in this thread:



Breaking the Quiet

Even on Yea Forums, no discussion could be had about pic related :(

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>implying we love people

What sorcery is this?

Triumph Des Willens

If you're over 18 and you're still doing the "show movies to people" thing you need to stop. No excuses accepted, don't think you can jiggery pokery your way out of this, just stop.

Some guys laugh at the funny interesting bits and comment on the action haha

*jigger pokes your path*
what now

There have been some good threads. Sorry you missed them homo.

Of course there have. It's a Kubrick movie. Kubrick summons the gentlemen.


It's a Spielberg movie user.

Kubrick secretly wrote it. It's true, look it up.

Do adults really do this though? I understand watching a movie neither of you have seen or a friend wanting to watch a movie you have seen/ enjoy. But forcing a minimum 90 minute film on someone is weird (UNLESS ITS YOUR DUMB GF THEN ITS OKAY TO CULTURE HER)

I'm well aware, it's not a secret. Doesn't change the fact Spielberg directed it.

>talking to girl I liked
>she told me her favorite movies, I watched them
>I told her my favorite movie
>"oh ok"

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I do it every day. I talk to people on the street and try and invite them inside. It rarely works

Friends usually do it, yeah. Probably why you've never tried it.

Southland Tales

really really bad movie

Everyone knows the writer is who really makes a movie what it is.

>Put on one of my fav movies for the wife to watch.
>Best part about to come on
>Look over and she’s sleeping

This isn't actually your favorite movie, is it? This is her favorite movie, right?

Akira, they just couldn't get into it though they all admitted the visuals were cool

that means youre a shitty salesman

No, common parlance is that a Kubrick movie is one he directed. I don't know why you're trying to force this user.

No, this is my favorite movie. Have you seen it?
Her favorites were Perks of Being a Wallflower, some Netflix thing called What Happened To Monday or something like that, and Pride and Prejudice iirc. They were okay I guess. I didn't appreciate the excessive violence in the Netflix one though.

the visuals are all that piece of shit had going for it

I work full time. Missing threads is a way of life
You’re doing better than most here like and but I have a man to man question. Why not watch these suggested movies together?

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I would but the girl rejected me some days later when I asked her out.

You’re friends are gay and pussy. If I suggested watching a movie my friend had no interest in they would say no Im good and we’d do something else. They wouldn’t say yes to placate me then play on their phones .

Kubrick wrote every movie he directed.

Same with Evangelion.
>im14 an this is deep Bs

Don't share it always comes back to hurt you.

>If I suggested watching a movie my friend had no interest in they would say no Im good
> They wouldn’t say yes to placate me then play on their phones .
What? They only watch movies together if they are interested, what made you think otherwise? Sometimes you can be interested in seeing something but then it turns out to be shit user.

I refused to show my ex gf Drive for this reason, but made her watch it by herself.

>They wouldn’t say yes to placate me then play on their phones
My friend used to do this. I don't have a friend anymore.

Smartphones are the worst thing in the world.

Slap, rewind and repeat until she has enjoyed said media. Sometimes woman need to be forced culture

My girlfriend said "It was ok" after finishing Sopranos, my second watch.

Smartphones are great but I don't know why people are so addicted to them. When I have a movie to watch I have no problem turning it off and setting it down.

People these days have very little interest in things, probably because they are afraid of being called nerds. Although ironically they DO care a lot about Marvel, to the point where they'd fit the "autist" label.
Idk, people are really hard to understand these days, I thought I had them figured out until everything got flipped and now normies are nerds but only when it comes to Marvel, and have an attention span of zero for everything else.

You're still not understanding, let me spell it out for you.
>used by many people in ordinary conversation
Kubrick is famous as a director and that is what "Kubrick movie" is referring to in common parlance. He also only wrote the screen adaptations of novels or worked alongside other screenwriters. The man didn't become famous due to his writing, so it's really strange that you're trying to force this so hard.

So if the movies shit, instead of roasting it together (or your friend for enjoying garbage) your solution is to pull out your phone ? And I’m the one who hasn’t experienced friendship, sure Aha

I think it's more strange that you keep using the phrase "force this" when what we're having is simply called a discussion. I think you need some practice talking to people, not everything is high school debate class.

90% of all his films were almost direct adaptations of books though so...

You don’t need to associate with cowards like that anyhow.

Honestly, you people should know better than to show a friend something you're passionate about.
9 out of 10 times it will end in disappointment unless you know that said friend is just as passionate about the same things.

women only care about socializing, they dont have any real interests

I wouldn't go so far as to call them nerds about Marvel. They watch every movie but they don't seem to comprehend or keep track of what happened very well. At best they still rely on the actual nerds to lay everything out for them so they can go "Oh so that's what that was about." I was the only one in my theater that laughed when Cap said "Hail Hydra."

Expecting someone to like something as much as you did is pretty stupid in 95% of cases.

I haven't watched a movie with other people in many years. I end up just talking to myself.

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Correct but we still want to meet people who do because people usually get along better with those that share the same tastes.

One time my friends and I planned a movie marathon where everyone picked their favorite movie and we watched them all back to back. I picked Clueless and they refused to watch it so I picked Total Recall instead.

People are too mesmerized by the glow to see that they're just fancy cow tags.

Most movies I show my girlfriend. She did like Cold War though

What's a cow tag?

None, I learned long time ago that it's pointless to show other people the things you like.

I don't know why, but people rarely enjoy things that other people show them. At best, they just give fake reactions and tell that it was cool/funny/alright. When you think about it, I think I've never truly enjoyed anything other person has showed to me. Showing others things is pointless, unless you somehow manage to find an actual soulmate. With people, you have to discover the things together and experience them first time together. That's the way to get some mutual appreciation for something.

Are you okay user? Or is this by choice?

1st half was a 8/10 or 9/10
2nd half was around a 5/10
The second half was really disappointing, it really ruined it for me, it's annoying as well since I have an AI degree

when does the first half end?

don't worry. contemporaries just don't care about being polite. I love movies like blade runner but take breaks from watching all the time

For me it's when David runs away into the wood and is captured and the AI fair thing happens.

I know it's a meme but...

>long day at work, literally mixing cement for 10 hours in summer heat
>get home, wash, stick Master and Commander on and just lay on bed watching
>gf texts "can I ask you something?"
>"can I have a hug and kiss? If I may?"
>she rings me
>I tell her to come up (she's already at the house)
>she enters the room, give her a quick hug kiss hello, say I'm just watching a film and I'm knackered from work
>she starts blabbing some shit, spread my arm and offer her to watch with me
>she lays on my chest
>starts asking dumb questions (dining scene)
>explain the premise of the film and what's occurred so far
>she pulls out her phone
>glance down to see if she's looking up the Galapagos islands or what a weevil is
>some social media NPC shit
>start thinking about Yea Forums

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why did you expect someone to pay attention to a movie they didn't choose to watch?

>implying you know how to read

>"can I have a hug and kiss? If I may?"
This is the strangest way for someone to ask this. Did she really use this exact phrasing?

I hate it when I watch reaction videos and the faggots speak over important parts

When I was at school a girl I was madly in love with said her favourite movie was Elvira: Mistress of the Dark. I went on KaZaA as soon as I got home and it took a week to download it, I watched it intently. I didn't even jack off in spite of everything.

>watching reaction videos

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I wish there were more people who had genuine interest like that. The movie Cherish I posted above has a scene that's quite like that except with music.
Was Elvira good?

>your solution is to pull out your phone ?
Where are you getting this idea user? Imagining things again?


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I think it's more strange that you interpret the phrase "force this" as a debate rather than a discussion. Not everything is a personal attack, relax user.

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what does that have to do with my post? you chose to watch the movie.

Wow. You picked an odd bird. I also notice she barely waited three minutes before typing her second message, she sure is impatient.

>sharing your private life with Yea Forums

appreciate it

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Elvira was pretty funny in places and of course Elvira had her huge rack wobbling around throughout. It was okay, but an odd choice. Guess it was to be expected from a big tiddy goth girl to like a movie about one.

I have added Cherish to my backlog, fren.

How the fuck else do you not pay attention to a movie if not your phone? I suppose staring directly at the floor is also not paying attention but no one does that

Excellent. I'm gonna check out the Elvira movie, I know who she is but I've never seen anything with her before.Yeah it does sound like an odd choice.

Are you dating an anime user?

>npc response
Right on queue.

I think your gf (male) is brain damaged

She came into my house when I was at work and cleaned my room. It wasn't even dirty or unkempt. She didn't understand why this pissed me off. She had no hobbies or interests outside me. She looked like Cher in Mermaids so I was all over it like a fucking horn dog but since then I've only paid attention to women with legit hobbies and interests (consumerism, makeup and fashion don't count).
99% of the interesting women I meet are straight up lesbians. I find it quite interesting.

Fair. The manga is much better but the anime is still one of my favorite for all that it's lacking. This should never be brought to film because there isn't a decent director out there right now that could handle it, the possible exception being villeneuve but we will see how dune performs .

>showed my short-attention-span gf 'About Time'
>we both cried like bitches
>she was paying full attention the whole way through
I am proud of her

It was made quite clear to her that I was watching this movie and she can either stfu and watch it with me or simply go away. She chose to watch it with me. It was the lesser of two weevils.

Taika Waititi is making it, I'm at least intrigued because he acknowledged that there's a ton of the manga that the movie didn't adapt and said that he'd like to adapt that stuff too.

unironically pleb (You, not your gf)

>She came into my house when I was at work and cleaned my room. It wasn't even dirty or unkempt. She didn't understand why this pissed me off
Why would you be pissed off at that ?

>all these thirsty betas who think girls can actually appreciate kino

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Almost every movie I ever watched with my ex would always be ruined by her trying to get the dick. If she wanted to fuck she shouldn't have suggested we watch fucking Watchmen. Dumb fucking strumpet.

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There will be blood and Lowlife

In the line of fire staring Clint Eastwood

>If she wanted to fuck she shouldn't have suggested we watch fucking Watchmen.
...But there's a scene in Watchmen that is literally the perfect time to fuck.

My gf loved Cold War more than me, prolly cause of the good looking actors and the music.

Take your porn and go fuck yourself with. Which you already probably do.

ITT: things that did not happen.

seriously. if you are hanging out with a woman alone at your place there is a good chance she wants to fuck. not watch your fucking movie.

I love the part when The Comedian rapes that stupid bitch

when rorschach finds the kids panties in the furnace?

What is worse, people not reacting to your favorite movie or people beating you up after they see how shit your movie taste is?

so why did you care that she was on her phone?

>gf liked a film about an old man seducing an underage teenager and running off to Paris with her
Shocking. There's a good chance your gfs were either abused as kids or will cheat on you (or both)

The other guys

Perfect Blue and probably every arthouse ever

made you google it

you're telling me you've never slapped a girl's hand away so you can focus on kinography?

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That is a bad, bad film.

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I can't fathom why anyone would try showing Perfect Blue to someone else.

>adaptations of books
no, you couldn't get your head around the subliminals, that is quite different

Tried to watch movies together, but it's hard because we don't have the same attention span.
I can sit and enjoy a movie for it's entirety without the need to say much.

But no matter the movie, it's always talking in between about trivial things, or moving around, or getting a drink, checking a notification, etc.
It's still enjoyable, but if I really want to watch something I'll just watch it by myself.

They laughed at the cast's clothing

"Almost" direct you illiterate dipshit

Into the Spider Verse
The King of Comedy

they get no respect

What kind of normie could possibly dislike ITSV? It's a very accessible film.

>show gf Akira
>she fucking loves it
>we talk about the flick now and then and plan to rewatch some time
Its good to be with someone this based

This movie is dumb as fuck. It's the secret kings ultimate fantasy.
>yea i'm a pathetic shell of a man, but deep down i run it all. you'll see one day.
>evil laugh in his mind, because he's to pathetic to even let it out

Yeah i saw he was involved, cant say im too excited but ill keep an open mind and see it. This will be a good chance to make a decent trilogy imo since there is so much material they left out like akira's rising and the other kids turning into freaks with powers too. tetsuo blowing though thots and forcing them to ingest brain blasting drugs, would be insane to see it given the proper treatment.

Based user's gf, keep her around.

>The King of Comedy
I never got the appeal

Watching reaction videos is npc as fuck, and inexcusably retarded

>can't do anything or look at anything that isnt on a screen
Read a fucking book for once brainlet
Or here's an idea, leave the room and do something else

>hey check out this really funny youtube video I found
>it's only 2 minutes
>feels like forever while you watch it with your friend waiting for him to laugh
>he doesn't

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There is literally no excuse for this. I’ve seen a lot of horrifying newfaggot on Yea Forums, and I thought summer was eternal now, but now I realize summer is somehow even worse than the rest of the time. Go back.


When this came out, I was a little kid.
At the time I really liked it, but now it just doesnt hold up. The ending is stupid.

You're a shit friend if you don't know their tastes well enough to show them something they'll like

I don't remember it well, wasn't some water city and the bow ended on the bottom of the sea or some shit like that?

Do you enjoy Taxi Driver? Their both some of my favourite movies and are companion pieces to each other

Says the reaction video watching goof. Gtfo Yea Forums you normie newfaggot

gf into asiatic culture and into anime, also I like horror movies; perfect pick right? Not when it's directed by Satoshi Kon

Taxi Driver so-so, I think it's quite overrated. Then again I'm a big storypleb, so in that regard Taxi Driver didn't really do it for me, but the acting and atmosphere were good, and scenes themselves generally somewhat intredasting so that made up for it. It didn't totally bore me, but it did drag somewhat and felt unfocused. Like it was going nowhere, but at a good pace at least.

King of Comedy I found to have a somewhat more centered plot, but it's just insipid, not fun, not really enjoyable, not really creepy either. Felt pointless. For starters I guess it's just not very enjoyable to watch some cringelord loser for 90 minutes if you're not even going anywhere interesting with that.

my 0.02$


oy m8

I don't bother. Smart phones have ruined everything.

>watching movie with friends
>obnoxiously pull out book and start reading
>or straight up leave cuz fuck your friends

Are you honestly autistic or are you just incapable of following a conversation. Reading is a solitary hobby and I go out with friends all the time. But we are talking paying attention during a movie you retard.

Showing my friends MDE and having them actually enjoy it is one of my crowning achievements

Why are retards like this? Is there some form of pride behind not wanting to show something your passionate about to bros incase your feelings get hurt? What if you find that one bro that appreciates it as much as you do and its a fucking awesome friendship? You guys are a bunch of closetted faggots who miss out on bonding opportunities with friends over some retarded form of "maturity". Boring ass insecure faggots i swear.

A 2 hour movie is kind of a long thing to keep showing to people until you find one who likes it. You get worn out.

I loved the premise, the concept and the setting. But all anyone does is shit on its obvious flaws for a cheap ego boost.

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What are its obvious flaws? I feel like most people couldn't explain why it's bad without the critics telling them why it's bad.

It was a massive financial loss and there are some point where the acting/scene/action dip in quality.

different user but it's annoying when people move my shit around
over 90% of the time it's there for a reason

fingerbang her while she’s sleeping

because it is terrible


>looking at my phone is the only other thing I can do besides watching movies
If youre sitting in a room with friends and you don't like what they're watching, and no one will talk to you instead of watching it, there's nothing obnoxious about reading a book. How is that any worse than looking at your phone
Fucking zoomer trash

Based and horsepilled.

Kubrick summons the kind of faggots that call themselves "gentlemen" unironically


In the fierce debates associated with the philosophy of posthumanism – from Donna Haraway’s 1980s cyborg utopianism (1985/1991) to the technophobic pessimism of Ernest Braun (2010) – Steven Spielberg’s A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) represents an unusual and unsettling intervention. A.I’s complex and layered engagement with the issues of decentred selfhood and otherness is lent a peculiar emotional salience by the film’s predetermined foregrounding of a theme widely recognised as endemic to Spielberg’s oeuvre yet seemingly remote from the discourses of the epoch in which we live – the visionary innocence and vulnerability of childhood (Gordon, 2008). The persistence of this theme as the driving narrative impulse in the film has earned the reproach of many reviewers and commentators, who discern in it the reactionary assertion of an exhausted and anachronistic domestic piety calculated to deter enthusiasm for the film’s otherwise provocative exploration of possible posthuman futures – a dimension strongly associated with its original auteur, Stanley Kubrick (Burnetts, 2009; Jaques, 2015, 209-237).


*leans back in chair and points*

Get him.

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I'd like to suggest an exception. Ashens opening and then eating super old canned food and almost throwing up is funny.

Fight Club

World Peace wine party. No one gets me anons

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Not fucking her on the spot wtf user


>loving a movie
Fucking incels
How much do you look like pic related

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>watch network with anti-semite friends
>movie says Arabs own media
>they all make fun of me and call me reddit

which cut di you show them? I like the one that made it to TV personally this one is ok though

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I've literally never heard of somebody getting upset at the idea of watching a movie with a friend

She's just worn out from the NBA team that was in your house 4 hours before you got home.

Lawrence of Arabia.



Fantastic Mr. Fox. Most Wes Anderson stuff honestly.

I made 3 girls watch Drive and I really just do it for myself every time.

>anti-semite friends
Sounds like you need new friends.

Too many

i showed it to my friend he fell asleep 20min in. i was fucking pissed


>go back! go back!
>bro turn of this kike shit
>what? are you gonna seethe?
>have sex!
>bro you're totally going in my crigne compilation!
I couldnt comprehend how fucking annoying this would be in real life

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Most of them.

My GF doesn't seem to like any movie that isn't some grimy as fuck nihilistic horror movie, I try to meet her half way and watch some 80's slashers or whatever and she just complains that they are silly.


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This has happened several times but only a few made me legit mad. Like, who would rather fuck over watching "The Game". Come on...

That and Isle of Dogs share an odd trait to which I am not sure how to react.
They both begin innocently where we see animals following their nature and being unable to have a home without relying in some form to humans whom in the loudest case seems to have a distaste for them, but the animals turn out to be more "human" than it might have seemed, indeed they are capable of rational thought, then at a bit over halfway into the movie, we find out that animal and humans actually do understand each other and that's no surprise.................

I would like to watch "First man" with a friend, but he says he does not understand what could be interesting about the story of the first man on the Moon.

I am not sure how to best respond to him.

I would literally just walk away from someone like that. Easiest choice I've ever made in my life.

Tell him the space program is interesting as fuck.

Who carries around a book? Pretentious look at me cunts that’s who. Put a Ebook on your phone and join us in current year old man, or watch the movie and crack jokes...
>no one will talk to you ;_;
Fuck you really don’t have bros huh?

>wearing Mr.Memecor t-shirt
Based and faggotpilled

In Bruges, I showed to like 8 friends and only 2 of them even watched the whole thing. Hurt a little.

I knew about the John Cena radio prank calls like 3 years before the memes and I showed it to my Mom who didnt even crack a smile the whole time and asked me to turn it off. That hurt much more. that video was hilarious.

Eat shit

There's too much action and some parts feel rushed, like the fishman leaving the island some 45 seconds after they found it. If they'd cut some of the action they could have had a 5-10 minute bit where they build a settlement on the island and showing how the fishman just never feels at home. Instead, he leaves after what seems like literally 10 minutes in-universe.
The bit where he just drops a flare into the completely exposed oilpipe of the tanker and wins the day also felt phoned in

Costner apparently did want to make it less about action and more of a character focussed movie. It could have been great.

Dude's pretty rich, I could imagine him funding a new one that tries to get it right.

kill your mom

Eat my dick.

Grosse Pointe Blank

I'm not just in /3dag/

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This happened to my friend the other week. We were.chilling in his basement and he said he knew what we could eat h and put on police academy, implying we wouldn't know what it was. Needless to say after not laughing at the silly impressions guy we shut it off after 20 minutes. God I hate 80s/early 90s comedies

Poor guy was probably planning that moment for weeks.

It's a nearly perfect movie. Kind of hard to watch though in the first half because you feel so fucking bad for David.

I showed my mum this film. She didn't like it and asked that I turn it off. I was sad but, in retrospect, it isn't really a chick flick.

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i have a feeling this will be that movie for me one day

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My mother likes Four Brothers, is this anything like that?

>they all make fun of me and call me reddit
Your friends sound pretty based.

If someone said “have sex” irl I’d laugh my ass off.

Because non-females can take an interest in things they themselves aren't interested in, especially if it's something someone they care about is interested in.

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I'd say "Okay" and take my pants off and the rest, as they say, is history.

Shout out “this thread has been pruned or deleted” and walk away.

Lmao I need to watch this shit now. Sounds hilarious

"Submitted! this window will close in 3 seconds!" Then walk 360 degrees and walk away

Robin Tunney a cute

>telling someone “sage” irl
>requesting them to wait longer or completely the captcha before replying to your conversation
>telling someone “reported” when you don’t agree with their comments

I had a coworker who told me he got on Yea Forums Yea Forums and his brother gets on /fit/. During training he purposely told someone that we were supposed to be back from lunch 30 minutes later than we actually were. And when the guy walked away he smirked and said “trolling I-R-L”. Not even joking.

>You tell them they can skip the captcha by giving you twenty dollars
>walk around with a binder full of random ass pictures that you hold up instead of jsut reacting
>coming into random strangers conversations to "based" and then never speakinn to either of them again

The Dark Knight Rises

>>walk around with a binder full of random ass pictures that you hold up instead of jsut reacting

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What if those are the only friends you have?

Better to have no friends than to have idiot friends.

Watched it with some friends online and one of them kept repeating how it wasn't scary throughout the whole movie and kept farting into his microphone.

I have to disagree.
If I had no one to talk to I'd probably feel so lonely as to have a panic attack every other day or just straight up shoot myself, as much as I dislike my friends.

Is she actually your mom? Be honest, that's middle aged woman texting if I've ever seen it

if only the world were this civilized

Session 9

>Lesser of two weevils

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You will never know this feel

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watchmen. they fell asleep :/

I’ll never recommend or show any of the movies/shows I enjoyed. No one cares about your tastes, they just care about themselves. I’m sure you guys do the same when other people try to show you something.

And I'm talking like, people who had been known like similar movies:
>No response to the philosophical scenes
Okay, fine I guess, not everyone's thing
>No response to the dystopian future scenes
I mean there's not exactly a gigantic plethora of movies to compare it to in the "dystopian" genre at the time, so I don't know what the fuck would actually catch your attention instead
>No response to the flashy action scenes

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I will either vocally express my disinterest, choosing not to watch it; vocally accept and give it a chance, but begrudgingly; or legitimately try to see what's interesting about it.
What I fucking won't, and will never do (and I make this clear) is "check out X" on my own time. 95% of the time I won't even remember whatever you suggested (even if I really liked the sound of it), and in the 5% of the time I remember what someone suggested to me, it will be one of the things I don't care that much about. I will also admit that I am guilty as fuck of suggesting shit to other people to check out on their own time and expecting them to actually do it, and I am working on getting out of this habit.

I was devastated when I watched this movie and found out that people hated it afterwards. I knew it would be impossible for anyone to watch it honestly.

Also, has anyone ever noticed that Christian Bale looks like Steven Seagal on that specific poster for some reason?

I need to stop that too. I know they're going to fastforward it or only half pay attention to it when they're doing something elseeven if they do watch it, so what's the point?

Life of brian. Nobody laughed, had to.quit

>shin gozilla
>everyone is asleep after the first boardroom meeting
>like literally asleep

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You just gotta realize that people will do things on their own terms. I recommended Parks and Rec to a friend and he didn’t watch it on the grounds of having an irrational aversion to Amy Poehler. Years later he watched the whole thing on Netflix, all while playing FFXIV on his second monitor, mind you.

Comedy movies seem to date the most in terms of what people find funny.

I still don't get how one can sleep through a movie.
Like, okay, you're in bed alone with the lights off watching some comfy-ass feel-good classic for the 9th time in your life and you're out like a light by the fifth scene - That makes total sense, but how the fuck do you fall asleep watching a drama/suspense/action movie with company present in the room? Or even in a fucking theater, like people often do, it seems?
I find it legitimately obnoxious. "I was just tired" is no fucking excuse, you don't drop into a fucking R.E.M state when you're hanging out chatting with people or watching popular normie shit 2019.

I don't get it either, I was running on like 4 hours of sleep when I saw Endgame and still stayed up through the whole thing, it's not easy to fall asleep during a loud movie.

>when you show people a movie you love, but YOU don't oay attentuon or react to any of the important scenes

Attached: c-唾-1-wojak-is-real-http-imgur-com-gallery-kk5wp-12666639.png (500x382, 57K)

Problem child 2

The name of the movie, every time, is “My Dinner with Andre”

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Blade Runner 2049
get some friends who go outside

When I heard of this movie I thought Andre was Andre the Giant and was very disappointed when it was some dude I've never heard of.

Everyone I've shown that has laughed. The real pleb filter is the Zuckerberg sketch.

Does anybody have any movie recommends that have close to the same feeling as High Fidelity? I mean rose tinted glasses shit. In 2014 I got recommendations for Wizards and High Fidelity from here and probably more but I was underage at the time and don't have any of it saved.



I went and saw Godzilla KOAM last Sunday and two men were asleep snoring. They weren’t together one was with his wife and the other with his adult son both were probably in their 40’s or 50’s. . I don’t know how you sleep in a theatre, it’s so loud.

Oh I also that one time I showed my brother airplane he didn't laugh a single time



*waves Oscar in your face*

I tried showing this to my roommate once
Soul crushing

>best animation
How precious

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How many Oscars does your favorite movie have? What's that? ZERO? HAHAHAHA

I remember in high school one of my friends used to always do this. He'd turn and face me everytime a joke was made, and he'd repeat the punchlines. I used to fake laugh so he wouldn't feel bad. God those were painful times, I'm glad I don't have any friends now

What? Really? Are you providing a running explanation to everyone in earshot why it's such great film? I find that helps.


>"bro you gotta check out this hilarious video"
>it's some normieshit from 9 years ago"
>6 minutes long
>friend keeps looking back to me to see if i'm laughing
>force a couple chuckles so he doesn't feel bad as I uncomfortably wait for the video to end

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i'll watch with you user ~

>give oscar and be praised
>don't give oscar and be called racist

tough choice


Happens with all Snyder movies.
I seriously believe some sort of media conditioning went on regarding Snyder after Man of Steel.
>oh he's too childish
Yet praise Tarantino for being even more juvenile
>oh it's not my style
Snyder has created a recognizeable aesthetic for his movies, no one appreciates it, yet love these highly overproduced movies with zero visual flair.
Not fair bros.

There are genuine problems with the editing of Snyder movies that are only ever fixed if WB allows him to release an "ultimate cut."

Same, but I still do it all the time.

It's all right. I can't see movies with many of the people in my social circle because when I do, there's often some combination of "hey, could you just explain what just happened?", "hey, is that X actor?", or someone making comments as the movie goes on.

Happened when I got a copy of Transformers: Age of Extinction. I never realized it was possible to make an action movie so tedious, but there it was. It didn't help that I was a bit tired when the movie started. Honestly, I had to stop after a while once I managed to get into a dangerous combination of bored/sleepy.

To be fair, Sucker Punch came before Snyder started doing superhero movies and that really sucked. It wanted to convey a message, but did so in the most boring and confused way possible. If you want to play the premise straight, then go for it. If you want to focus on the message, then focus on that. Instead, we get a boring film that has no idea what it's doing.

>Sucker Punch came before Snyder started doing superhero movies
Bro, Sucker Punch came after Watchmen.

I love this film user