What kinda music will they use in the fight...

What kinda music will they use in the fight? I'm expecting a generic forgettable score but I hope they'll do a mix of 33 Kong's theme and 54's Godzilla theme

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The fight's gonna be like 2 minutes anyways so obviously a generic score

Something like this

Bump for interest

Do generic shit? I dont even renember this theme, I don't renember any theme from BvS. Hans Zimmer is a hack.


Yeah, along with quotes from Kong such as
>I bet your parents taught you that you mean something, that you're here for a reason. My parents taught me a different lesson, dying in the gutter for no reason at all... They taught me the world only makes sense if you force it to

I hope they use the original theme from 1962 m.youtube.com/watch?v=jq5WSQy1ocQ

Attached: images (3).jpg (678x452, 34K)

So they're the same size now?

If the movie uses this theme during the fight, even for a little bit, I will shit my pants

Yeah, they explained this in Skull Island

And this for the final battle youtube.com/watch?v=PJJPiiTIeQw

Godzilla is gonna btfo this pussy.
Gojira plus Mothra no can defend

No, they should use a mix of these two themes for the final fight for the maximum of kino


Kong is more well known than Godzilla and is an underdog so he'll have better plot armor

Dear god the 33 Kong theme is so fucking kino, and to think it was the first original soundtrack ever made for a film

>Kong is more well known than Godzilla
Who doesn't know both?

People know both names pretty well but Kong is known for his story, for being a classic film that revolutionized the medium and the story is fairy-tale levels of iconic and well known, Godzilla on the other hand is just known as a big walking lizard that punches buildings and no normie even knows the damn story of the original Godzilla, everyone knows the T-Rex fight in King Kong but no normie knows of, for example, the Oxygen Destroyer

People know fuck all about King Kong. Godzilla actually managed to stay relevant in modern pop culture. Zoomers only know King Kong as the big gorilla guy.

Don't know why, but I suspect they will fight for a few minutes and then a bigger monster will come and they will have to cooperate...


they had a great remix of the classic godzilla theme in kotm so im hopeful theyll do king king a solid with his theme

Not quite. While they did show that Kong is fucking massive now, he was still pretty small compared to Based Goji.

But 50 Years have passed since Skull Island.